r - . ' ji ee 0 t.suEinno i BOATDlHIjDEIL COW BAY For sale, 35 x 92 trolling boat, now build.ing P. 0. Box bli, Vrnce Rupert R. E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR 623 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Office Phone Blue 85 Residence Phone Red 589 FOR BEST LEATHER AND WORKMANSHIP LOUIS SCHIBIG SHOEMAKER & REPAIRER 33.1 2nd Ave., tyjnce, Rupert, B.C KIY BOAT SHOP, Speed and .pleasure boats, , any size, built to order., Phone Red Hi I'.UlBox 749 . 'Dontisfc ' ; - -DR. J. R. GOSSE, SMITH BLOCK .120. j Hburtflarfi, tfITfleirings by ' Appointment. FOR QUALITY FOOTWEAR McARTHUR'S Sltofc' STORE THIRD AVENUE Repairs While You Wait 32 TAXI AND CIGAR STORE Courteous Treatment D. GURVICH, PftOP. ' Shamrock 'Rooms , ) i 1 . j ... 1, 2 and 3-Roomed Flats to Rent 156 TAXI Eighth Street and Second Avenue The Elite Beauty Parlor Mrs. Sutherland 207 Second St. Expert marceltag, finger and water waving Phone 409 For Appointment Smith & Mallett Limited i SANITARY AND IIEAflNd We- carry tt rompTcteHfneof Pipes, Valve .and Fittings FOR MODERN BATHROOM FIXTURES SEE OUR SHOWROOM Phone 174, P. O. Box 274 259 Third Ave., Prince Rupert ISAM &m?w i' -nsr vctcxr re-A.viL- 3) Prince -4-. Hi- .'f 9-tii) k t 09 tfljjl TOW DOES nature summon her vast and colorful resources , 1 and bewitch the eye and mind of man; 1 JlilUII C ,u ' 1 ) 1 1 mu in j i ! ti i. - Fair shows to the jv .) glory of the soil, machinery the More than fun that can be ball arnes, you'll can Dodger The merchants good time work. Supply your Valentin Dairy Dealers in High-Grade MILK CREAM BUTTER ICE CREAM Phone 657 Prince Rupert LET PRtfrCE RUPERT FLOURISH Support the ELECTRIC BAKERY Phone 6G7 P. 0. Box 416 upert's 'Annual Exhibition- . Week is the annual event in Prince petople of the city and the surrounding districts , the the product of the hand and patience of man ami, triumph of man over the elements. that, you who attend Fair Week will have all the assembled and much of it free. You'll sec races, ride with the children, you'll try to hit the AfrN you'll have a big day every day you come in. of the city will co-operate in this They wish to make you comfortable and to wants, 6 that you Will return. ATLAS BOILER WORKS J. HARRIS, PRESIDENT BOILERS of all descriptions built and repaired to cover requirements of B. C. Boiler Acta. Complete Heating Installations Sole Agents For LACO AUTOMATIC OIL BURNER Electric Welding Phone flreen 400. P. 0. Box 491 Prince Rupert, B. C. 17th I4'."I1-IIHIIMHI Rupert that 1 constructive D. McLEOD Pioneer Shoemaker BOOTSt SHOES, RUBBERS Expert Shoe Repairing Special atention to out-of-town Orders The Fiorsiieim Shoe "For the Man Who Cares-218 Sixth St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Attention, Loggertf, Sportsmen Surveyors and Others If you want to keep dry In wet weathoi "PIONEER BRAND DRY.iAk' WATERPROOF CLOTHING" will keep you dry longer than any other similar garment. Stock carried in Prince Rupert rtt Jones & Son Tent & Awning Co., Ltd. Manufacturers of genuine Yukon KidiTdown Sleeping Robes and Canvas Goods of all descriptions. or Bhorie 51 ' 5 ' .l.ifrjfou Bx Um "THE PLACE ,,0MK' Central CAjjMp lotel L. Martin, Manager European or American Plan Free Bus Meets All Trains and BosU PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. The Old Reliable! WM. GOLDBLOOM The Fur Specialist Inspect Our Showrooms. OpjxMtfte Cfipitol Theatre II. LETOURNEAU "SHEET' MBTAL iWORKS Plumbing and'Htiatlng SIXTH AVE. & FULTON ST Phone 513 P. O. Box 188 TUB I!BtilMlJAi)K TO EAT WilST,EAffipil Third Ave.. Princc.Runert, B.C 1 TRY bTOFFLriS Tommy's Taxi PHONE 671 Day and Nlnht Service Opposite Library Dybhavn & Hanson Fire Insurance and Steamship Agents Notaries Public Fair Special MHNTION THIS ADVERTISE MDNT AND RECEIVE 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT Steve King Gentlemen's Oulfilter Third Avenue. Prince Rupert SPECIAL SUIT BARGAINS Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. WlidLESLE' '.()' IIICAVY JlAltDWARE WIRE HOPES MANILA ROPES ROOFINCj OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS C. N. D. Dock Phone 018