THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, August jo j,t, PAGE FOUR The Daily News riUNCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Evry Afternoon. Except Sdnday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue v . II. F. PULLL'N Managing-Editor City delivery, by ma For lesser period, paid in advance, per momn . . Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone , DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations it .98 .86 '.-V. ft or canrier: yearly period, paid In advanto $5.00 ...... .50 Thursday, August 29, 1920 INTERESTING ADDRESS Evidently Sir Henry Thornton plans to have a hotel in Prince Rupert if he can get the appropriations through OCEANFALLS WAS BEATEN Score of Nine to Two in Favor of Prince Rupert in Inter-City if,' Baseball WEATHER UNFAVORABLE Loblick on the Mound Held Paper , Town Down to Six Scattered Hits In the opening game of the i Exhibition Week series between H Ocean Falls and. Prince Rupert, fyeaterday afternoon, the' home team romued away from the ana ne aouDtiess nas good reason to tmnK nc win De aDielin the seven innings the game to do so. Also, he has other important ptens for Prince ' went. He held the paper town but no one got finder it and he was safe. Moran and Harold utruck out and Loblick drove a hard one past short-stop and Lambie and Farquhar scored, the big pitcher taking, second on the throw in. Haveland drew a pass and Wcndle made his third hit of hp came, .both, runners scoring. Mitchell ended-the inning by a rtrike-out. . '., The Box Score Ocean Falls . 4 0 ,0. 0 0 0 2 0--2 Prince Rupert 3 1 1 0 0 1 x 9 0. F. . "Attn H TOA E Kennedy, If. ..4 0 Horrobin. cf, . 4 '0 boys from down south by a nine I Woods, rf, not favorable to good baseball, a steady drixsle keeping up during the entire 'game. Loblick was on the mound for the locals, and whiffed 11 men Appteuy, p, Jolliffe, . W H 3eid. 3b 3 Marshall, lb. . S Totals P. R. Moran, 2b. . Harold, 3b. Loblick, p. . 1 Haveland, rf. nupeiuniutii, u tumcu uui, nave uiu cuctt ui iJiacuig u v 1 wenrile, ss. ... . the por,t really on the map as one of the important ports ; fnd- but, 'r two infield errors w MitchtU lb. of the Pacific; ' ! IJt8 hi8Tredit McKeown c- to People who heard the addresses. were much impressed " Apreby did the pitchJng for JjJJ- cf:f . tf?f1-i tVin mnnowW nnrl hiioirtowolllra trial ruitjuimi, ll. mntinnf in wnmri n i t.i i l. - Willi buc 311H.C1 iijr aim uuaiiiwunv iimuiivi m iiimn . iccan rails, ill 111 auuuu)fii 'ic Totals statements were made. Evidently a serious attempt is to, was picked for 12 hits in six in 9. to two score. The weather was Arcand, c. ...& Campbell, Zu. . .1. .29 2 AB R .,4 1 'A : S 4 4 3 4 3 39 1 0 0 o "I 0 1 0 11 0 C 18 4 H POA 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 2 0 2 0 4 3 0 0 S 10 1 0 12 20 7 be made to carry out to a large extent the original policy ning struck out fourteen bat- summary. uase nit, of the railway builders . It is coming about in connection i ?y! T"!. Zlw'Jnlt of reach of App(eby, Mitchell; sacrifice, An- -...11. it- J...Z1 i.' e 5 n. ti -r- iin,:i put their hits just out wilii me ueveiuuineiiL ui cuuuiieiLe un ine x aunii;. inu.u ... i t m f i ' . 1 .. 1 '1 , i . , ineirj opponents ; it I 7 I Mil III I t-M I . Ill I I I I I "t- vv ri ( III, flit IIII IIIIHI llll 11 111 r given ijf probable developments which haye been already well planned and are likely to burst forth into fruition .in the very near future. LOCAL REPRESENTATION Many Prince Rupert people have been dissatisfied at nn tuiviTHi in". pleby; base on 'balls, off Loblick casions. P" Appieoy-1? strucK out uy Beiny Wendle led the Rupert Loblick 11, Applaby 14; left 01. teamiat the bat, getting three basea, Ocean Falla 8. Prince Run- hits tfut of four times up and one n o;wiia piicn, Ai)pieuy; pas-of them went for a double. Bill ed ball An.and; Appleby bun-Mitchell, Lambie and Farquhar t,d a foul on third strike in fifth; each hit safely twice. time of game, one hour, 45 min- Arcand, catching for the visit- ''tea; umpires, Menzit-a and Rob- the fact that the presence of F. G. Dawson on the board rs, was the only man to get to fnson. of directors has had little effect in heloing the develop-IIfw,ck- hlttin fe tw,ce In wrTrrmn a tmnntm ment of Prince Rupert. Now it is seen that the . policies jStf. fiV.r counters K T IfflAAi BEAT m 1 " 11 1 which Prince have been to have Rupert peop'e asking car-1 hoth , th. Mh T,ff Bt,.luv ried out have been well considered and nlans laid to have out. Reid popped one to Loblick, DART QlillP thorn carried out. Evidently these plans have been laid for the second out. Marshall then1 1 Ui! "jlMi well iniadvance and along the line of a settled policy which "nt an easy one to Harold, but has tojtake time to develop. While Sir Henry is the man!th Vw nd Mar"hal1 Last Year'8 Native Soccer Cham who makes the announcements and has the finaTsav in re-1 T" . Tt "IT'S . J"., p'Wp .U!sd it Night; gard important Dohcies. it mustnot be forgotten that shalXwent t0 8econd Ap.And hlt; me rmusn Lommoia repregpnTativp on mere ail inhume wun aqvice as ojians jor inis coasi. . SHIPPING PLANS MOST IMPORTANT Recipe for GRAHAM CRACKER CAKE 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cint teaspoon baking 1 cupEagUBrandMilk, rwdtr. , 1 teaspoon fait. 1 cup finely rolled Lcaspoon Vunilla. graham cracker. hicupchoftpednutincdtl1' Melt butter, odd to condenaed milk, then add well-beaten egg yolk. Rollgrnham crackers until fine and add with baklnc powder and SiJt to first mm.ure,- ,Mix wtU- Add van';' nJ nut meats. . Lastly, fold in HUTly-beati n ig v., : te. Turn into ' well-greased baking dinh. Bake in moderate oven (35y F. about 25 minuti i or until w. Jlaet. Serve with whipped cream,CarainelSuiK .. , . oamy Sauo?. jj IN Eagle Brand In place of cream Tj l. COFFEE and tugar impi ncct coffee! jl EAGLE BRAHU, SWEETENED CONDENSED Tl ffi BORDUN CO. LIMITED, I iocner AriJ Bld., Vwicourer, Dept. A. Send me tea "New Matio in the Kitciien" Recipe Book HAM ADDRESS.., and filled the bases. ; home, McKeown struck out lend the inning. They score.1 one in the second Lambie and Farorhir singled to MS 1921) Playoff Friday Night Klt.imnflt ' mn t Vi n nnvfho-n roHcd one t Harold, rtriUnh r.nlnmM. i,m, fmn wie anocner oao tgrow nut championship for I he year 1928 by b11 got the ball and thought w;n,r Port Sim, 7 tn n v-- bn was out He toaaed the terday afternoon '.'Thfs match was The nlans f Ar the devIoftment of Oriental commerce in' ball back into- the infield and be- replay from' larft when. Vlinj it Vlti COV J year, VIII nnvu, , . j y. connection vith this port were undoubtedlv the most im- f orf r" wa" rfcov'd twp mej owing to iitch ment weather, the portant of the announcements made bv Sir Henry yestmv "aa L"0" e p4818- .A.rt tam were unable to meet. The !lay. -While the JioteLis something that on the ? surface twheB &? two 'Tu.T1'1, "Tf Hll tn Beems jnore tangible and doubtless is important, the (level-! plRupert tartad r.Bht out tStZ onment of trade at this oort promises vastly greater pos- in ttik first when Mmtmi, leadff for i92o. sibi'ities. Sir Henry did not mention the Slfl'all hlttel" Of nronAit to left field. Harold and i la8t night's game the Kiti-the provision Of a Small Steamer to plv OUt of this port. blk Jbotl! i8truck out- bt maat team wm far superior to thai somethinir that has been asked for in thP nast. but hP riid yand Ief one to left for from Port Simpson. The" out- ,. . . . a snigie. wehuie knocked on out , UrrtHni? nlaver for th v(nner; i., j i l- f - " monrinn thn hi(T(roi locno rhqf nf thn rlm-alnnmimf nf nnaon . . . .. . . WfniJK Jiinier lur nir winner T ...v,..www .v ' .uuC,ul.4tubui , rront of the plate and the wag Graham at witaide left, who traffic OUt Of Prince Rupert. While his announcement , catcher hit him with it in trying gave a fine exhibition of soccer, was not definite, because the plans were not suf f iciently , to throw him out, Moran scoring. y. r. willisWoft acted as advanced for a definite announcement, it seems ovirlent and Havelaud taking third, arid referee and A. ClaDoevton and that in the near future Prince Rupert will have the long- B,'lrtny on "econ,L Mltch Carl Brand were linesmen, looked for trans-Pacific service, which will make the city Z'" SL& many "tSSt. natives, CSif'S to match. Only Kitimaat and Port Simpson are entered thl year centte. Moran and Harold vrhlf. . nu, mfjn., --r Vvnivn rANI)INt.b fed fnd LobHck hit one thatl MPGUh rimi4i..n .k..u k.., v..! .atloH-al u..ap..t O.IVH.U imVC S)V, Ubl ... . failoi to. and Umbie scored. L.. ' " i v Havand hit a high fly to M- : fn liffefor the third out I1 2 ll w-tn a lint drive to eft. Kannelr. r. r."f nwmmm2'f7V fi-lder for the vldUsra, almost S' ., " m loa then he couldn'k flnd the ball Md ;,BfKI,a f Wendle took t&rd. He -teorAif E Jo8tdn vJi i wild pitch. Mitchell and llc-f Amirlin Kcown both went out and Iam.' W. ne hit to left. Farouhar struck PMhfiUnldn SUE ut. Smr York AV-TC fiO' fiO' .tm Jm'i I Appleby struck out five man 't Louis feg In a row then and Prince Rupert Cleveland t didn't score again until the sixth. Detroit 87 :T,-,mWe was safe when Campbell Washington H booted his groundt-r. Farquhar "hirngo '49 -I'w,. (.. into centre field ''""'or 43 OHoi'c Biead& Bcltei Bi'cad. Vlie quality is always the same 3U '67 58 OS OS 73 80 .078 .580 48 7i An 72 1.400 L. 1 Pet. .G8S .521 .407 .158 .402 .350 RenEBMWSMMBJSMl L i a jb s ' . . r v.. ' - - - - - - DIES' mi Wo have just received four hundred dresses for ladies in Crepe Backed Satins, (JeorKclles, Party Dresses and Velvets. These are all Fall models in the latest styles. To give out-of-town" visitors during this Exhibition Week an opportunity to get acquainted with our stock and prices, we are putting these on sale at very special prices. It is the opportunity of a lifetime to be able to purchase dresses at these prices. -. ; i.. i.. . . ' t ill" iila- illi.i! jMM LA RESSES 5.00 Ladies' Dresses $10.00 Ladies' Dresses Ladies' Dresses Riclimond's Louvre THIItl) AVENUE, IMtlNCK ltUl'UltT, II. C.