Thursday, August 29, 1929 Weet f August 28 Marconi R Perfected through 30 years 9 l r resea li.ll Marconi tliscowml the principle of lladio trnns-inission '.W years ago, and lodav Marconi receivers nYsigiicil by Murconi en- J Queers olTer you IIADK) ! reception tit its best SIX MARCONI MODELS to choose from Combination DeLaxe $890.00 Standard Combination 365.00 Battery Console 160.00 (Without Tk) Batteryless Console 268.00 BalteryIessTableModell75.00 Battery Table Model 89.50 (Without Txbtt) phone Taffo p--Box 234 "30 PUINCK RUPERT, H. C. RUPERT FORGE -Equipped to handle all kinds of smithing and forging. 1000-lb. power hammer. Phone 675 Marine RlackMiiithing n Specialty J. M. WALKER. PROP. LA PAR1SIENNE -IIK.UTY 1'AUI.OK- rty Ur M)ti Ijullm' Jl.ilnlrriwlin lYrmunrnt Waving phone 301 Mr Harlan GET "DOLLED" FOR THE FAIR Have your suits and flannels cleaned and pressed . Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Service Guaranteed Modern equipment. Special attention given to country orders. Phone 118 Wc Call and Deliver t 1M VISIT THE FURNITURE SHOW AT Barriers Home Furnishings "FURNITURE OF DISTINCTION" Third Avenue andFirst Street, P rince Rupert, B.C. Phone 12.1, P. O. Box 808 YOUR HOME SHOULD COME FIRST! Geo. D. Tite Limited Complete Home Furnishing Reds. Springs and MatlrMMt I4noleums, Carpt Squares Draperies, Winds, Fancy China and Crockery PHONE 20 THIRD AVENUE Hunt's Furniture Store Special Prices for Fnlr Week on Barrymore Ruga, Lino and Con-goleum Rugs, Odd Chalra, Dining Suite, Reds, SpriDtw and Mat-t refute. Our Chesterfield Suites nre Guaranteed $1.10 Value for 59a One mular OOc bottk of Dy Dream tvHum arid TOMr mleeflon o ay BOo Day PiTtm toilet article. Suggestion. Rouge. Fare Powder, Cold Cream. Vanlahlng Cream. Up-tlck, Almond Cream. Brllllntkie lMrland' Ire rrrani V hi the ffmt McCUf CHEON'S Second 'Ave. & Sixth St. Phone 79 R. W, CAMERON WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER Special attention given to outside orders THE DAlLV NEWS Visitors to The Fair Visitors to the Fair This is a good shopping place and a good shopping time. Wc urge all to look over the advertisements in this paper both on this page and others and call on as many of the merchants as possible. Prince Rupert merchants tpDmpctc favorably with business housesyanywhere on thq continent, yovj see what yovXjjet when yor lyij; Xrom them. Whyi buyja, pig. in a pokc.whcn yuVan get thejicst of service and goods, in the Prince Rupert stores. Give them a "trial. Ther will all bo glad tb'mcetyou. ' BACON FISHERIES For Fresh. Smoked and Salt Fish, Fresh Cooked Crabs and Shrimps. Stores, hotels and camps supplied. WRITE. WIRE OR PHONE P. O. Box 317, PTione 18 WE SPECIALIZE IN FILLETED FISH PRINCE RUPERT. R. C. STOCKS Oils and Mines See PHILIP ML RAY Representative SOLLOWAY, MILIJ3 & CO., Ltd. 2nd Ave. and 2nd St., Phone 171 SHOE SALE OF ODD LINES Family Shoe Store Ltd. THIRD AVENUE The Daily News Shopper Is at the disposal of our out-of-town readers. If you cannot get what you wish in your own district, just wrie to the Dally News Shipper. If it's in town, your 'requests' will be supplied by return. THIS "SERVICE IS FREE TO YOU J I j H. G. Helgerson Limited Real Estate ? Insurance Houses to Rent 216 Sixth Street PHONE 96 MRS. STEPHEN'S BEAUTY PARLOR Third street, near Urmrr Work Beauty culture In all IU branchea. EUctrolyMs, the only permanent cure for euperuuaun hair, warta and molea. Pcrsoanent Waving. Frederte Vita-Tonic method, conceded by authority to give the but rwulta obtainable. Price uune a aouth. TELEPHONE! BLUE 561 JOE BROWN'S Headquarters for Palm Ice Cream, Nellson'a Chocolates and 80 Taxi Next Capitol Theatre PAGE THREE RAIN or SHINE Ross & Moore Limited Dealers in: Mclaughlin - buick oldsmobile chevrolet goodyear tires raybestosllnings Reconditioned and Certified Used Cars Mechahical Department Second to None i y ' T im r. Reliable (Wrecking THIRD AVE. PHONE 52 SERVICE! AND SATISFACTION Suhnse'Grocery Co. Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vege-' tables and Produce Phones' 521 and 760 Corner Sixth Avenue and Fulton P.O. Box 120, Prince Rupert, B.C. WE CAN FIX IT ' STAR WELDING AND REPAIR WORKS H. . .If lies, Proprfetor OXYACLTYLENE WELDING A SPECIALTY Blacksmlthitig, Machine Work, etc. Automobile Springs Manufactured , . Modern ..Equipment PHONE 313 COW BAY Prince Rupert, P.O. Rox 761 Burns & Company Limited Manufacturers Famous ' Shamrock Hams Bacon, Lard and E. CD. Butter PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Tip Top Tailors Met the representative of the world' largeat One-Price Tallon rrlila.v ami Siilnrilaj, Aug. 30-31 Cos Fourth Street fhone 756 I