I'.. A n jiru b t 2Sf J,9$if THE DAILY NEWS pACbSWe EXHIBITION ', PRIZE LIST CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND fine Amateur Ant THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH iMOST PEOPLE READ HECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD, landscapes any size 1, Wiiu-c; 2, W. Ross Thorn- marines, any size 1, s Thomifoiif 2, Allan -port scene, any size 1, A .Rogers; 2, V. Ross . photos depicting indus-in Northern B.C. V. Tliumxoji. llowt-r study 1, W. Ross ii : 2. Tt. E. Eyolfson. architecture 1, Allan It. E. Eyolfson. nnimal picture 1, W. Ross .n; 2, Allan Vance, yiment, with Original Thomson. . t i n not leaf-than eight 1. Allan Vance; 2, W. ; iiomsnn. , Semi-Amateur . landscape, any site -1, (; - s Thomson; 2, Allan -' murines, nay slz&l, rimmson; ' is. ijypuiwf itiimul, or blrdVif.floweri 1. Miss K. M.'berry; i? Vance. -port Acene, any size 1, (Ii-.:. Priest; 2. Miss R. M. landscape enlargement 1, i 1,1 - . Priest; 2, Miss R. M. jihfitos depicting Indus' in Northern R.C. 1, V, M. Derry; 2, Rilly Hoh tirn not Ies than eight i. irs. inos. iriest; Z, : m. Uerrv, lommercial Professional ion hand colored plc-Mii. Fred A. Rogers. Pnfnllnfrti nrifl llrnwinira reservat,ons npe. or wascape. from i r water, Gesso frame' J hy Stiles; 2, AlicO ribc. original Dorothy Stiles. 111-- I , -tudy, from copyT-Alice;f t umbe. SCHOOL EXHIBITS Writing and Drawing1 JFor rffnt tv lhe iVeek or Month m each school nhowine. ' y xuiltit : I n Street School Grado I u i;itionj?Slwr GraW QUEEN CILVRLOJTEC ovn School-Grade three. PORT CLEMENTS STAGE Domestic Science " as or nightgown 1, Cer, A new 8-pasenger stage is now Morgan; 2, Adelia hurber. operating between Queen Char-Cooking lotte City and Port Clementt, over d'":i n tea blsctilts (plain) the new Graham Island scenic Morgan; 2, Adelia fhui. highway. ! Regular trips will be run every fc;lf dozen muffins (gra Wednesday to Port Clements, mak- whole wheat) 1, C. Mor- Ing connection with the S. S. Adelia Thurber. Pflnce Charles, returning the dzeq oatmeal cookiea. same day to Queen Charlotte -Evelyn Large. ' City. ake, boiling Icing Fare, one. way, W.OOi I. trge e points In pffcportre. Special I -f , awly (two kinds) l, Irps made any time for tiiree or n in ber; 2, Evelyn IrBe,We fres-' school lunch contain-1- the beaut fill Queen 'jod essentlals-l, Adelia Charlotte Islands. Phone, write, or THE CRAIG SCHOOL OF DANCING ' ItlVr IPAU MISS NAN CIlAft! Every Type of Dance Taught Character la Stop Ecwnlrlc T.,p Musical Comedy Ballroom Spanish rubcring nnd Stretching 1 -VhlldrelrTegTiifirs' Special classes for ma r-itlii s and young girls In ulturo. commencing Septem- f.iludi. 10, 21G dth Avenue W. PHONE C92 Coal? Coal? T'-c ndvnnta-e of low price ,( pot in jour winter supply, ,,,SN and r.ssilV-vi;U.IN(l Toi In any cpinntltlrs AIo " Hay. Grain and reed. Prince Rupert Feed CoJ I'HONES 58 AND 658 Stim mer Resorts r Where to spend an enjoyable holiday boat in, bathing, fishing, mountain climbing, etc. KITSUMGALLUM LAKE LODGE , Terrace, Il.C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum Lake . iuuu u-iuiix. uoaiinz ana dih Iriffi 'fieailtlfnl uvnarv- ttantt M,lniilei from Terrace. Staie leaves Terrace 9 a.m., Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, J2 return . Rates. $3 . 25 per day. Write for sp6cial weekly rates. R. E. DIX. PROPRIETOR Terrace, B.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Fine beach and meadows for hildrett's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout FiMng River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuslne. Parties can be met at Skidegate of Port Clements. Wireless fo ... SUMMER COTTAGE V AT BEAUTiFUIFRxVNCOIS LAKE nt 1 at A M a AddIv Mrs. Henkel Francois rrancois i.aKe Lake Lodge For fer wire. on II. G.MeKBNZlE The'l'remier Hotel St. (Jueen Charlotte City, B.C. St. S to 4. LAKELSE LODGE AND HOT i Am. SPRINGS the . M.. t!rt opened to guests, ine louge is sitifated oh the shore at uaKeise saniy A f)v fiahinir for rain- bow trout. The hot springs con-j tain Lithla whicn is line ior rlieiimatlsm. Cottages for rent. J, Bruce Johnston, Manager. BRINGING UP FOR SALE r'OR $iALE IrOn and wooden pul-eyafto two-pieces shafting. Appty Pally News, Pox xxjlf) LdQn RENT Double orTsingle .uv-ijr miciich. yT-, table, heater. Phone Rlue 712, 193 FbR SALE 3 nets adjustable iron hangers for shafting. Large size. $10 per set. AD ply Cox 00 Daily News Office .- . . (tf) FOR SALE Six' H.P. 2-cylinder 2-cycle Wilson marine engine In good condition. A bargain. Apply Box 212 Daily News Office, (tf) FOR SALE Fishing boat W. T 52 feet long; beam, 13 Vie feet. SR.h.p. Frisco Standard en vet; eight years old, in No. 1 condition. Phone Blue 159. tf FOR SALE McClary stove, new; ty-ass water coaj, also gas stove with pump and lank. Cheap. .I'hdWvvBlack 511 or call at 722 722 Strrvrtiue W.katOrT.m. (203) WANTED WOMAN WANTS House work. Plain cooking. Phone Red 66. WANTED Ilemtltchlg. Mrs. Chai. Edwards, at Wallace's. 179 WANTED High school boy wants board. Apply P.O. Box 709. 202 TT WANTED Women or girl for general housework. Phone Red 454 after Ji. P.m. 20 201 kineer Bay T .1 Ilj AA Lumber Co. Ltd. ANTED Cook ' for 1 boarding house by September 1. Tw meals daily. Apply Box 21i Dally News Office. LOST LtofiVlSrJf7ft ifhrblr. HOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $35 per moith. Phone Green 21C. tf MILADY BEAUTY SHOP first-class hair dressing, per manent waving and all kinds of j beauty culture. PHONE 655 TENDERS OfWd tenders marked "Ooatercte Side walks" wlU be rcava by the utvftf-SlgDSd up to S p.m Sejptsntber 3, 1999, fee construction of concrete walks the following streets In the Olty of Pnnee Rupert, B.C.: 1. Second Are. from 0th St. to 7th (north side) . i. Third Ave. from 7th St. to 8th (north side). . Third Are. from Lot 8. Block 34. McBrlde St (south aids) . Serentti St. from and Ave. to 3rd (east side). Instructions to bidders, puns and apt lflcations may be seen at tbe office of Olty BBfirmr. r. Olty Olty : I1M1, , Print Hup R.O & MJ tennet not neces- acosptec. E. p. .TOKfIR Ctty Clert. Dally News "Want Ads" bring quick results. FATHER l-rrtEboCTb wiuu 1 voo dom't well! How Ithccouo ib liS3 ( oo vob TOui.oe771 , a I . '''"' 7 sslBai BEHtREAMYMINJlrtE.- THlMK I'M TWECOLD A.UL. RlCHT- IgU "THfi. PR&CRPTlOM j j--- . I i-r Ol-W FhHbI BE sorb. TO Tt-vu-J -TrryiM" -to thi it ME -rvwrs ?3 i UEJFT roR-vcap J i SHOOLD' tjA-f O ou-r-Twk HU-XBaV HIHHCWfOO KKPITA MORMlMG? COMPLAIN. I M'- Ml ttftTEROAW-? f stOT-F tHAD MK . J?"" WiVSB COUGHAtJ. 6ECHfZT-DO K)ECK VJOOLD- "- ' " ( FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room ftt with bath. Furnished. Phorfe 547. housekeeping rooms . Phdbe 427, i99tii- FOR T!RVT Furnish.! miilP Kllmrnil Annrtmpnra PUn- I Rlue 345. (tf) FOR RENT Thrc roomed house partly furnished. Close In. Phone Red 023. 200 FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos" phonographs and sewing machine. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnished houses. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. - (tft m FOR RENT cieah, well furnished modern two and Ihreil roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phlne Red,444. 2 (tf) HIROIJIIACTK :"r PROGRESS The practice of chiropractic Is .umi, I., rrt -a too .f n,o "-.-""S.' . . U'.",VUM- ,iii...i t... anion, rnu recognition nas Deem sought and -gained by the people ! who have benefitted through chiropractic. It was not until 101G that legal recognition was first accorded. For your health's sake consult DR. W. C ASPlNALb 6 and 7 Exchahge Block Green 2lt-IViones Black 283 CHIROPRACTOR Gl RE.MABKABLE RESU In Neuritis, Lumbago, SciMica, Rheumatism, Stoftach TAuble, : IIcdaoke)lvhtBackac&es. Consultation Free It; E. BYOLFSON, 1) 623 Third Avenue Wet Office Telephone Blue 83 Ifcjtlence 7 Telephone RetJ 583 Irducationai! FOUMBY HOUSE SCHOOL FOB HOYS Ganges Harbor, B.Ci Sound Modern SducAtion ALL GRADES T& JUNIOR MATRIC Boys taken for holidays Moderate Fees Prospectus on Application THE STIRLING TEA ROOM Next to Prince Rupert Hotel' ( Lifhl lunches from noon ;i:0 P m, Reasonable ratss for, dinner' and supper to regular boarders,' ., Home cooking. Cakes and pies made to order. PHONE BLUE 129 Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and trucKS from YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate, B.C. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or e- ci;inKe any Kind or niri.iiure; or nousenoid goods, niujfpsl 'n - strumenjs, maehinefy,,e.e. Gen - mji. eefalts .l-i-ii. . i:.n. j . I feJrnf-t . ; dratinc nackine - - - - , . . . ship gUdfanteed .Illkt nhr.nA P.la,.tr - - - i " --."-. 12.) an; tr will enjl. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER federal KlOCk iSS SALVAGE AND TOWING ! "If H'h on or under itie water we do It. PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped tor blvtr and General Salvage WorV. Boats and Scowa of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Caftftes for hlro. parkins In Oa F.rtginc-, AGENTS FOP EASTHOPf. ENGINES Northern, 8. C. Dfttributori' r!ftrtMfri f'rorifllpr . , , , oa" ana wTavet, in any quan- - u"",cu on-irei- u. water. ''hone. Day or Night. S64 P. O. Box irM Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Paints,-Glafss and '' Art -Supplies P. O. BOX' 120: V n-invr 1 HUINh ii m u ... ' EVERtrniSKR TiiEiioirE Dining suites, walnut and oak; Chesterfield suites, guaranteed; bedroom suites; Simmons beds, springs and mattressea. Watch our dollar window this week-end. McKENZlE'S. FURNltUI.E , Phone 775 Veller of intention to ApflJ to Lease Land In Tb Stuune tmua nscording District of British Ontumbla. and situate about one half alto HatsVrly frotrT the mouth of the" Tulesquab River, whloh fhto Takw River abotlt sx nHHes up-'trrsm from the Alaska Boundary Line. Take notice that I. Jacaes B. EM per of Los Anales, oecupktioa. mlnrnc engineer, intend to apply for permlaalon to ptrrehaa) the Mlowlns; de-ertbed lands : Oilh-erve twins at a ptt planted one ha)( mile Baste rly from sm mouth of the . Tui-eUkh River, thence Bast SO oluna: thence North 30 chains; thence West 30 chains: thence South SO chain and containing 40 acres, more r leas. JAMBS B. STAPLBK Dated June 10th. 1M. ttth EXTENSION' or TlttE NOTICE Is hereby given that the time for the- receDtlou of tenders for Fisher man's Floats, Prlnoe P.O.. lg3A RUMrt, ls!ntMl MT nut. tUt iflaa exttndod to Wednesday, eoVbe'r n.Dat 1999. By order, : r- 8. K. O'BRIEN. Secretary. rprtfnnt of public Works, Ottawa, August 9, 1999 LiND ACT nn; drr,i Notice of Intention to Apply to Lfn.se Ijiii'i, in the Quee, tt urn vmutHitS i".na District, of Prince Hup ihjm Klahrun Pointy joriaiwn istonu .1 .T?.k" Take ".tlt natlc 1 Jha 5???. " 2!S ,-J . ' ;" i- . auiiu wiiik Jew i ilktu lauun. j-uivbiiwiv . j SlrirC m'T I k Ti uZnTnil. Draham wind; ' tpence west 10 enalns; tnence north J chalna to low water: thence east 10 chains: tberice south 6 chain to point nf mmAMit, it. .nrf and mnt.lillii. containlnc s S s Dai un ntiTuM; Mnrv Whit. AMnt iANT) ACT I Notice of Intention to Aplf to Lease linil ; La fid Rco-flinK IJtrkt of Prtoce Hub- erk and situate near the month of Ha- ie&VAltho? n&ruoiL IomJs nv.vtsr , few-win described urffls. I Oammeftcfe'R a a post olaxrWf r5ar Ittehet corner VM iTldiWr- ; wence iqiiowtnc mw wtwr souioerir la chates: tKence wester!? to point of ctn- ir m and eontalnlnx four acre. more or lens. ARTHDH HOBEHTSON. By Henry White. Aitent. Dated May 12th. 1929. ,'sKCr.N'A L.WI) KICOKDINU DISTRICT I I tXRE fttlfict tniit -the BrltMh Co- lumbla Pishing tc Packing Company. !Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C., occupation. i fishing and packing. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described ' foreshore, situate fronting on Lp ! 10, Range 5, Coat District: Commencing 'at a post planted at the southwest oof- iner of Lot JO. Range 5, Coatt District; ! thence -outh 5 chains: thence In a south- easterly aireciion 10 cnauia; winw in a south-easterly direction 25 chains, more ;or less, to high water mark at a point disunt 10 cnaina, more cr less, westerly from the southeast corner of Lot 10: thence nortb westerly, following hl-h water mark, to ti point of commence- ment, and containing 15 acres, more or leu. BRrnsfl Columbia nSHiN6 PACKINO CO.. LTD. J. H.Bushheil, Agent. Dated 20tR JWne. 1029. IJINU ACT Notice of Intention to Apply o luse Land Id. the Queen Charlotte Land District, ME lleoordlnz Diatrtet ox Prince Rup- ert. ind urnme at Amiaton point, Msrtn -as imnna. Tfte notice that Lansara Ficntng v r-scsW cornfmriy. LTrntted. of Massett. B. c occoaaricn occopattcn. canners. mraids to apply for a lease of the follow-. tn iescrlbed lands: Foreshore. , ,, ,' CtfmrnefeclKic at p6st planted at the extremity of land on Amlston Pplnt tberfbe westerly 30 chalna: tbence norm-erlr 8 chalna to low water; tAenee easterly 20 unalns; tfience southerly to point of compicncraifnt. and containing 90 setts, mere of less. : LANOAHA FISHINO Sc PACKINO I co.. trro. By Its Agent, John William Moore house. Dated June 7th. 1929. L.xn Act Notice of Infentlori to Apply to Leae ljind In the Qaeeh rlnotte Land DWnct. Land Reoordlnx District ot Prince Rup-; ert, and situate near the mouth of Mas sett Inlet, Oraham Island. i Take notice that Langara Fishing sj Packlna; Company. Limited, of Masfeit,! DC. occupation, salmon canners. Intends to apply for a lease of the fotlAw- -Ins described lands: Foreshore. I Commencing at a post planted nest! the southern end of Hidden Island; ; thence northerly 10 chains; thence easterly 5 chains: thence southerly 10 chains, following low water; thence westerly to point of cnx&encetnent, and containing S acres more or less. ! LAKOARA FISHINO ft PACKINO CO.. LTD rienr White, Agent. Try a Dally NevCs warit-ad. It will bring results'. skr.E.if.i iAsii iirtfoftnivo district TTAJt JfOflCE that th8 Brltl'h Colombia FleWlng & Tacking Company, 1W., of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation, THnlns Ufa Mcklna- Intend! t.i annlr IS. Rane 8. Coast DStrlef rvm.nHT.. at post planted tt a point on the MUULtUll'ttf hAlltlffin, Af T O dl'-nt -- -tain, from the.south- cm cmer trence N,ME. to the pro. auction southerly of the east boundary of Vol 2; thence norttierij to mean hlga vwmrr vmxr mirr inara; ,nfwA cnence a weererir ana south S??,.,0M mean mgn water mark. SinTn'0 Tth. caa' BRItlSIf COLDMHIa rrsTTtMn PACKINO CO..XTD. i.. . " 0-inn. Agent. I"' ' . t-tsa ACT N'otlee of Intention to Apply to Leniie Ijnd Tn the Queen CHartott tjmA nutria Land aeeonftnc District of Prince nup-rt, and situate near the mouth of Mas sett Inlet at Seven mu PnJnt Take notice that Langara Flahlng St iSffciKiS: ,f?f" ,c e.ri, r; dtaertSS lands" w. .k?' cot Bt hartdM&epelT225,(o easterlT 10 chains following low water. SL.'tS!3,h chal5i1J0 "S'01 ol 2S??2ent- nd ntarata- 8 acres. m t Tn rfenrr White. A-ent! Dated Mar 14th 1929 LANU ACT Vottre or Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. Land Recording- District of Prince Rnp- ert. and situate at an unnamed point on ' nethet of Zayes Island, north of hv eastern extremity ol the unnamed :ke on Zajes Island, Take notice that Eugene. H. Blmoeon md Author Robertson of Majsttt. B.C.. -xcupatlon. cannerimen. Intend to applv 'or a lease of the following described lands: Foreshore Oorrunenclnit at a pbst planted 300 feet south of hlxh water at the extremity oi me aooTe-oicnuonea unnamed point: thence ea-t 20 dtalm: Uienee north e chains to low water; thence westerly 21 cnams: inenc soutn to point of com mencernent, and containing So acres, r.-n Or less. EUGENE HUMPHKM SIMPSON, AUTHOR ROBERTON. Bt the Arent John William Uooreho'is. 7th- 1829 , 1 111 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dallf. EARLY DELIVEIlV Throughout the Cltf. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 651 S.DJohnsfonCo.Ud. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will ' receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston CoM 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert, B.C. By George McManus Ua. tn!1 rwttrtStrWe,, ff. CrtH trnU r'ihu tUnrij t s