We have for sale the House and Lot No. 225. 6th Ave. E., Lot 19, Block 6, Section 6. Has six rooms, two bed- rooms, bath and sewer. Lath and plaster. Best buy ia town for the money. $2790.00. Terms. H. G ag aa =e imurerxe ca: ES ait - Op Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering Co. Vessels of any size Docked 2+ pacts : = = ‘ = - Zz £= < . > . . ae > FOR SALE . ee > i. a 6 fice ceed erh Bouse & a * f - iot Engiis is $2.62 . ® ter aa 7 . an ‘ik Be $2 -< 22 : co . LY East, b «7s . ~ © 4 Grepliace. «+ $35 * . terms ee ee ee > < - + | _madeen. 2.250 or=e. | VANCOUVER FIGHTER ce tr SERIOUSLY INJURED M. M. Stephens j= sareaee LOANS . RENTALS - INSURANCE § OS" . gut- a t ” Om Sau r o be a Fred Stork’s Pron® Green SOF 1697 Ord Avenuc Dalgarno & Watis 6U LD: RS AND CONTRACTORS Hardware -ELONI AVENI Phone Black 114 FOR SALE Estimates Cheerfuliy S25ck AMD CONCRETE EUlL CMC G@ ver $1900.00 Pive-ro nn jae and heat view he — f 3 bloeks fr $2500. 00, Terms arrar ged McCaffery, Gibboas & Doyle, Lid. Insurance - Real Estate Prince Rupert, B. C. A@vertise in the Daily News : Buy Your Preserving | | Local News Notes 2 = . _. ; ™ > > . 5 Str Jost arrived. a car of Beare “SEE ws a ; a Beard. A.W. Rage Co, distribs- | . rs this week from the 8 EMPLOY MENT SENYICE ICE OF € sNADA A - — saile whee TABLE SUPPLY Moss Brupsall +0 Mi wa Tt Feavesc Sticmmerts wil ar —— = ae +I weed Toke we cammet <= .24 m™ pices befece arrival, we | | % guarscte t o8 ot the Strawberry s a m Very Lowest Crate eT aE reh Friday sig Price in Town P a a ee Rupert Table Suppy Co GR is tec ber oe PHONES 211, ‘pas > > * ~ A Mmerting WILL RAISE VESSEIS = ==: = SOPHIA AND ISLANDER “ie «C- *C TURNED SOLDIER ther » Maritim faces. a repr omer: Bring | Assembles at | ' 7 iin ; phere s be “ : f { ' demeas for Wert of Saivag- a a naan : INFORMATION AND SERVICE BRANCH ing Steamers .. 3% SOLDIERS CIVIL RE-ESTABLISAMENT | ae tale uh Wie ote et DEPARTMENT OF SOLDIE = = ‘ e ane oa J = - : ‘ 5 : served. Gray's estra Aising #1 Ladies 3 NEAREST OFFICES ‘. " . se ; & 4 ae & a.* site Douglas isle slamds by e Prince z ¢ - z eras was » : 234 7 aS jus any. a i im Jumes siness trig 2 2 a Mrs r : a . > ~~ i Sa75 ¢ {is 7 — : she bus . — - . iready wea : ‘ : z tb ; - = vs 2 > * : serves Mr. add Mrs. Reginall Be . . “e* ewint and family retorn+d work was being | 5... Sein — ? “e @ a< 'é = a oa - enjeyying the round tr : S aad z+ 2 gen - os > Fs > a »> . ned dy ° ent mRevessary rais- | depe ts can ebta : z , “Ss Sopem © a snc spe a5 as f 3 © imep Ses S4i-igreatiy reduced rate we — pany ¢ ne + e 2 Broce. Are = B fie work is bes *-| Phone 127 : ; oe ' . Sie +s ~~. Now showing at the ta 2 s el Mr Dews rand © . > v¥ rs ry —_ . — ont f pat erian ' ‘ : , - - ak Re = zat at & = Tickets i d i paired 2 The > To Raise islander wed by a straw ty - ‘ : { { = 2 are ad ‘ } . t - 2 . . , 4 io ‘Values in Child Shoes Spesth Wate oun om Specia! Values in ren’s Shoes | ; e = + tay © ea ¥ € Va ed ae ; . . Board of Trade a : $3 “ . - c edhe and those who wis : : Come and be fitted by Expert Shoemen S « al enginee em from Prince Rupe r ' a Wish , Particulars call at Gran i a 4 Thompson, formerty HF Ofes. Third Avenue. 1731 GEO, HILE E. R. TABRUM " er Rave! Provincia! Government Empl ry | The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 oe oe . : a . ; pent Bureau and Soldiers’ Civil . —" : oa — * | te-Establishment, temporary : a sUNCAUl gee 621 Second Avenue, Prin | MINERAL A‘ wi . oo tupert Returned soldiers, men/ ERTIFICA r i a nd women requiring employ-| 3 . = for Pisherme : sy oni . ca? a a nent of any kind should register|®«! ™ ; : I a pein ‘5. a a “ith the above. No fees charged. | « 2s Sines ; ee etna isd — Phone 553. P. O. drawer 1674. ‘“ oe “ row ae ad tre news the classified colump Page Tents. Pack sacks. Camp outfits. | Sgent J. F. Maguire, Smith Bioc«. ee eee eeeeeeeeeaaaee ° TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * ere ee Pe eeeeveeervrazaes sAl ine, slightly used asf ’ view al \ PF SALF ‘32 4 WW «73 . ik rnevw but a living Cann te TENDERS FOR POST HOLES : l f PRE WS sileal we to ene oamh asts for 5 Wes ; . - ei . 3 _ the men. A peculia: as : speci® n Les fishing the West Coast ; ’ etede : : season 16 said to De that. althouw i} Wo a S ore &SBANE vhasimg Agent Springs have never bef A Complete Jewelry Store... | HERE are a variety of reasons why this store ould get your patronage oF (,00ds always are the best that are ‘‘getable.”’ Prices always in your favor a3 much as condi- tions wil! let them If u have not been oming this way, make a Start; you'll not be sorry. ee John Bulger Jeweler |chards into s has mime the proeuring ef good food « Take ad van‘ . bu o wh : . @ ate easy for the salmon that they wil not take a tr ling spoon Fis goods are sei g at ver ¥ prices a jimg i Deginning om the banks OUyY ahead | SAVE i from {0 to 31 miles off the coast, ibut from the experience of the . Americans on the Swiftsure Banks Our HOSIERY SECTION offers specie wa. 25c, 50 ithis year there is little hope and 7O0e per pair | “ Lisle and Half Sik Hose | good eatch of Springs we | Halibut and ground fish are iwery searce on the West Coast Our KNITTED SECTION, for Ladies a c} Vests (this season. Ling cod and red from 25, 40c and SOc om Combinations, ‘ $1.08 | snapper are plentifol. and the we $1.25 : |market cannot absord half of the ifish offering mr CANVAS AND RUBBER FOOTWEAR | The returned men taking P within the react . Children’s, $1.00 |) fishing for the first time are $1 25 31.50. Ladies, $2.00 ; $2.50 : $3.00 pair, Digh Laces ne Rough Weather and Séarcity of 2 ; Fish Reported on Swiftsure ger section 95. auast ‘3, me te South. ‘ Vietoria i uly 24.—The Ashing season he We ast of Va sm iver island bees been a fai so ta Rough weal 2 OF prevalent and on the 1 w fine da Bardly any sh has Deen caug rhe prices paid for apring sa the Sean OUR : SALE Cr Ee Tes more plentiful, the advent of 1 a TT. these Wale ifertunate in a Dad s*a20n running up many have « Again! and | disgusted and quit. It ie said that if the fishing industry on the Wes } [Coast is to flourish there must a our ros ta. ! free trade in engimes, boats «a *9 ifishing gear. and also {ree access ito markets Third Avenue