PAGE EIGHT TIIE DAILY NEWS Thursday, August jj. Do not be tempted by the price oS cheap teas Only fine teas will give continued enjoyment 'Fresh from the gardens i I pu jl rjpiIE economies made possible through the production of more than a million Frlgldalrcn hare made Frljldalrc pricei o low that every model ii an outstanding value and represents a tremendous aav- ing to the buyer. Frigidalre operates from Individual electric plants or central station current. Let ui five you a Frigidalre demonstration. C. J. Alger, Special Rep., Vancouver, Victoria Bruce Robinson Electric (Il.IJ.) Ltd. FRrGIDAIRE ( Ohe QUIET automatic lleftiyecator ) opens witli Smoother, Creamier Sauces PRODUCED IN CANADA Even the best bottled milk cannot equal Carnation Milk in cooking results. Velvety smoothness, rich crearniness, fragile texture,, delicacy these are some of the qualities which Carnation Milk gives to foods. Try it! Write for Muj Blake Cook Book Canatiaa Mil Pmdaeti Ok. Xlnaui U4 Abbott Sim. Vmcotk, B.C. "from Contented Cows on thm labtl meant EVAPORATED MILK of h!gh$t quality O jn vnew a twist fand it's the besti polish too it if PSYCHOLOGIST UNCLE TOM'S VISITS RUPERT CABIN HERE Dr. W. G. Alexander, known as one of the greatest character analysts and psychologists and i also one of the moat popular entertainers on the public platform, ! is visiting the city and is plan- Dr. W. G. Alexander ning to commence next week a series of public lectures on popular subjects in the Moose Hall, i This is not Dr. Alexander's first visit to the city. He has been here before and is favorably known and doubtless there will be a large turnout to hear him. In a postponed softball game last night the Station beat the Round House 13 to 7.. The Round House started of fast by collecting four runs, but did not get any more until the sixth when they got two and, one in the ninth. The Station got runs in every inning but the third and sixth. This game puts the Station a the top of the league. Station Styles, Astoria, Hor- Famous Play Is Greatest Human Drama Ever Screened; Took Two Years to Make "Uncle Tom's Cabin," the picture which took two years to make and which tSost two million dollars, optns here tonight and plays for the rest of the week at the Capitol Theatre. Taking part in it are a score of .star principals and u cast of rnthundreds. It deals with the great human dramas of passion ihia story thai will live for ever. Ah epic in its sweep, hiighty in its magnitude, nothing lias yet been on the screen equal to it. Reading the story does not give the idea lik,e witnessing the real true sto y jis seen in all its dramatic thrill and intensity in this film. Th audience laughs with Topsy, cries with little Eva, hates Simon Legree, pities Uncle Tom, and shudders at the sfark realism of Eliza crossing the ice. It is a veritable scret n sensation. Extra Specials 15 FROM OUR Sale for School Opening ton, Mcintosh, Stalker, B. Skat- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY tebol lloitby, A. Skatteboj. . Round House Cameron, Tul-! OJsLl IochFgrman, Geddes, Petarso 16 ONLY, BOYS' SUITS left in Teng Bond! Strafhan, DeMatcV: , 8tock. Regular $15.50. Theiiltfyf f -fafe plate at1 Ac-1 To cjear $7 . 95 rpjlis Hill tonight at 6 p.m. be- Boys, scnpoL ROOTS-Sizes S 1 i tetmV? lto6. Reprice $3.95 VSCTO SCHOOL; BOOT-?an$.V tliii 11 to Sale price $2.05 game and you will surely not regret it. , BOY'S' LOtfG PANTS Regular ?3.00. Sale .Jsi-; : boys rubber boots www-- xmB i gale prlc-;. ; . ; ?2 . 95 ! GIRLS' RAINCOATS Sizes 14 to BUSH'S Grocerteria 1- CET THIS ! "LUten to that oar aptt-tlng and etiokinc! That 'a nothing, but poor gu and A. BeUve nrte. I new ' have that trouble with my er ! trll thni all and I'm oonrlneed there'a no om or oil can touch that rs-Bd in B. O. Thwe are over 600 men employed in rellrUnc petroleum product In B.C. and lor cold weather, wm weather, pick up and mileage per gallon, their preducta are superior to aU othtra." B.C.PRCDUCTS BUREAU Early Ad. Copy is appreciated aid I 18. Regular $7.50. i Sale...... $3-95 GIRLS' SCHOOL SHOES Spe cially reduced. Ranging from $3.96 TO $5.95 Special reduction off Children's Shoes and Rubber Boots and Rub- i bers for school opening. We slock ! rubber boots' in knee and three- 8 tins $1.00 t,uarter hngiht' SCHOOL CASES Up from ..G5c QUAKER CORN 7 tins ....$1.00 ,,Wa i.w , ah School NO. 5 PEAS 8 ting $1.00 Children Accompanying Their I .Mothers PLUM JAM 1-lb. tin 50c t I Numerous Other Bargains PURE ORANGE MARMALADE SALE CONTINUES TILL SEPT. 7 1-tu. UI1 4C GOLDEN CHURN BUTTER 3-lb. bricks $1.40 SWEET JUICY ORANGES ! ; 4 doz 75c i PULLET EXTRA EGGS ! 3 doz $1.40 i Grapes, Pears, Plums, Watermelon, Bananas, etc. CALL IN AND GET PRICES ON FLOUR AND SUGAR Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone CIS, 3rd Ave. & 7h St. Mussallem's MEAl MARKET Specials Phone 84 BEEF Prime Ribs 30c Loin Roasts 33e Beef GuttrfrffS ICc Minced Be 18c VEAL Loin Roast 40c Shoulder.Roast 30c yal Stew .., ....... 18c Loin Pork Chops .42c ALL KINDS OF COLD MEATS Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-123 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&81 P. 6. Box 575. TheM -Auditorium SKATING Afternoons 2 to 4 Evenings 8 to 10 Competent Instructors to Week-End Specials FIVE ROSES FLOUR 49-1 b. sack $2.75 MALKIN'S BEST COFFEE 1-lb. tin COc MALKIN'S BEST TEA-f. o , 1-lb. pkg GOe BROOKFIELD BUTTER 3-lb. brick 1.40 JAP RICE No. 1. 7 lbs. .iROc B. & K. PASTRY FLOUR- ; 10-1 b. sack j? 000 SEEDLESS RAISINS 1-lb. pkg ...50c CLASSIC CLEANSER 3 tins 25c HEINZ BAKED KIDNEY BEANS 2s. 2 tins ..88c NABOB FRESH LIMA BEANS 2s. Tin 26c DELMAIZ FANCY CORN 2 tins 15c AYLMER CRUSHED PIKEAP- PLES 2'2s. Tin 30c LLIBBVS RH'E OLIVES- v-vi. un , ,,, ..'(ouc IlIAKER SALT 2 tins 25c ICING SUGAR-2-lb. pkg. ...20c ORANGES Medium site. 5 doz. ,95c FIIBSH HALLOWI DATES 2 lbs. , 35c ROYAL CJIOWN -WAiniWJ I I'll IV I IhCIC j.S' nvAwnta AMONIA-. ' Per bottle 20c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Thone 208 FURNACE or,, TOVE WOO D THUR., FRI. AND SAT. TVO SHOWS 7 arid 1) p.m. iracle of the Screen With All Star Cast With All Star Cast OSWALD and SCENIC Admission, 25c and 75c; Saturday Matinee at 2:30, 15c and 50c i 'i 1 n i ini n i mi1 ii ' iift'iinni iiimi'uhiiMh i i i'h Mil Inside Sprucetand Hcriilock, Ctt tl and 16-Inch l.ut) 1ER IUljJjf LOAD BOX CUTTINGS, 0 PER LOAD HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage RAGGAGE COAL CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS . . t Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage iMmno fen 7 :';. ' iriione.68.', Cartige, Warehousing," and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. SHIPYARD OPEUATINtJ (J. T. P. 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Hnndle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Dr Alexander riirtM! M iir.NNrit iiiock DEOTIST Try a Daily News Want Ad