hnnday. August 29, 1920 r f THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND TV MvOi PfOM Ptl-"r IMTFUV 11CAKA3UN.1 IrfiAllAN 1,1 ''". Wranrrll. Junenti nnd Skagway t:i tie August , S, 0, 2, , 9, J1. 2fi SATURDAY Sm THIS WEEK - Three Days Only See Hand Bills for List of Articles Plea. Note : This is cash and carry . No charges. No telephone orders . No deliveries. Sale Starts Thursday Morning; at 8 o'Clock fines EM. T7fw. Pioneer Druceists THIRD AVE. & SIXTH ST. TELEP110NFS 8 200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing I'rom Prince Kupert ,. vMOl tilt. VII 11) Id A, wantun lias. Out dale, Alrrt liar. ftt.. Tui. ll:.; 3. in l III . mM'OI VU 11)1111 Iutfd;ilr. Alert IUj. Mr.. Friday midnight I at O.ICK AUM. ANYOX. HTEWAUT. oa Hlver, I'ort UIiiidmih, hun- d.iy :ni p in. I'll'T KI.MI'M AMI WALKS ISLAM). TnursOar. p.m. (.j !ul A 'line K. M SMITH Agent I'rlnce Kuprrt. JJ.C. Ilnxirli (liktlK Mild to Victoria and cent tie jinil baggage ilierked ifiniufd l ileitlnalluii. B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES To Viuhoiivt. VI ' d en'fle . August 3. 7. 10. 14, 17. II. ti. 3ft. UI(';SH MtltV riiKin I'llfls tr I t.r piwl Ylrlorla every Friday 10 p.m. genta for all Hteanulilp Line W I (ILKltl. AIIEN'r trlnre Itupert. H 4' riimi- 31 Canadian National Qk Largeft Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN' SERVICE ft. mi rniM'i: lit iTRT.or A.i';nr e-.n vir roiiM mtii;. and lul.-ri iculatr pnlntu, Morwlijk. Thttr&i), I (Un.&aiurriii), 7 p.m. 1st ANVIIX and NTIAVAUT. Mnnd$. ifttttj; ) ' rW.U .ot. , lt M VSNUTT IM.KT TOUTS. MdOfc .m ft ''i '1 I jt Mil Til M l.V.S ITIAHLOTTK !sE.tT tWtnlglilly ' tui xKHiU'AV. iln-d. p.m. V-r.M.T5irMr'V iTlTr ."rlfT tiftfy vt.m uiii.v t:.u:rr Kt'MtAY at -M rr imimi:(ii:okji: LIlMON- TON UINMI'I.U, all tulnUMMFritU:iirtu tilled Main. AllLM V AijohTtfcOIMIII-'rtlr-i ItvTwkt-l Office. 52S Third Ave. Prince itupcrl -i'hone 2fil -i. LUMBER Thoroughly seasoned Shiplap, S IS Dimension and KILN DRIED Sit ka Spruce and Cedar Finish, Coiling, and Italic. SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edgcferain Henilock Flooring 1 x 3" aniM" Sitka Spruce Ceiling 1 x 4" and G" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. li. C. Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 3fil ltctail Yard. Cow Hay. Telephone 12.1 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" fov "THE DAINTIEST HREAK FAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 1MUNCE KUI'IJUT, n c. Daily News Want Ails, bring quick Results i Inspector William Spiller, pro ANNOUNCEMENTS - Premier Crchestra's opening dance. The dance of the season. Moose Hall, September 20. A whoopt'e ! Catholic Basaar. October 2 ai.d :i. ift? NOTICE TO HIGH SCHOOL PUPIUS Pupils entering Grade IX. or THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIYB .;A1 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi I'hone 4, Itijj 4 Taxi, tf Ewart Lyne, teacher of pianoforte. 5 Summit Apartments, Phone. Black 345. (20S) Albert & McCaffery, Limited, pones 116 and 117. Two scows lump will arrive within a week. Order now. T. J. Shenton. inspector of I I mines, returned to the city on ! yesterday fternoon's train from !a trjpUo the interior on official Business,- Captain and Mrs. M. N. McKay of the Salvation Army at Kit-selas, are in the city for the fair and will return home before the end of the week. vincial police, returned to the It. C. Elliott, who has been re , on his return to Vancouver Major J, II. Johnson, inspector pf tlje Licjupr Control B4Srd, disembarked here from the Princess Charlotte yesterday afternoon, following a trip into the Stikine Uiver district on official duties. i William Preston, Terrace pros- !rctnr, who has been on a trip to iAlaa, arrived here from the ! north on the Princess Louise yes- tnrday afternoon en route back to the interior. Father Leray of Stewart, who ihas been conducting monthly Koman Catholift. Chyrch services at Terrace, arrived in the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train and will proceed to Stewart on the Prince George tonwrow afternoon. ' t There were G3 passengers on board the steamer Princess Char lotte, whih called in port yesterday afttrnoon-outhbOund from Skntrwqyf lb Vancouver. A large number on the HjfetAverr tannery worker re Sent tie. FiftJrtlnijerB disembarked hem ronnhe vessel. Dentist Dr. J. It. Gosse. Phtine 686. This afternoon's'1 train, due from tfie eaBt at 3:80, was reported this morning to be on time. SI'ECIAU SATURDAYS ONLY School childien's hair cutting, 35c. Mias Macfle. Phone Ited 339. il asset t inlet on the vessel Mary McDanes, Porter's Indian, was brought to the E. I'M. Kaynes, pbaVfjee in Vancouver. Backache ! Bladder Trouble I Sleepless Nights! Cause Braces the System If you sufftr from Uck-patos, wskfful nights, improper bladder nd bowel srtion resulting from kidney trouble, try "Fruits-lives". This wonderful medicine nude of inten- .lAI fmi IiiLjx ftnrl lh (ntf PROGRAM TODAY AND TOMORROW AT THE FAIR Thursday (Citizens Day) 2:00 p.m. Boys' Band parade to grounds. 2:80 p.m. Capt. George Ash an'd Three Naths. 3:00 p.m. Baseball: Ocean , 1 1 - ni ti l. AIKr MrPnffprv. T.lm!lp,1 i ana vs. rrince uujwri. nhonesi 116 and 117. Try an order . 4:30 P-m. Vaudeville in build- of cur lakeside Coal stove 8ize,!n?' hootless. Guaranteed satisfaction in the range. 0:00 p.m. Softball. 7:30 p.m.Boyi' Band parade to building. Mrs. Van Valkenberg of Mas-! 8:30 p.m. Vaudeville: Capt. sett is a passenger aboard the. George Ash', Miss Campbell and Prince Charles today bound for Three Naths. a trip to Vancouver, , . A J, IUU 2:00 p.m. Boys9 Band parade Latta printing establishment; w0Knu,m"- city on yesterday afternoon's h,P football: Kitimaat vs. Port street to the basement of the train from a trip to Burns bake BeBner Bjock ia now in progreBg oimpson and Smithera on official duties. Indian champion- 6:00 p.m. Baseball: Ocean Mrs; S P. McMordie and ions' Falls vs. Prince Rupert. on.I fr S f) .Tnhnatnn .mH ann ' 9:00 P.m. Grand ball lieving during the summer oniwho have ben spending a week, building. u.e iocbi siaii oi me uann oi!at tne Tien summer resort, re-Montreal, sailed vesterdav after. U. . J -. tu- .u.. in . , lui llCU LU VilC VIIJ LIIC IO- noon by the Princess Charlotte iand8 on tho prJnce Charles this morning. T. jiteb of Vancouver, father of Frank! Fitch, immigration officer here, is a passenger aboard the Prince Charles today return- in Mrs. William Hastie of Port Clements is a passenger aboard the Prince Charles today bound for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. John Mcllor of Stewart are visitors in the city for a few dava. havintr arrived ing south alter having made inefrom the north on the prince round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Charles this morning, Mrs. E. II. Crawford, wife of the well known Buckley Bay log i ging operator, is a passenger n city from the north aboard the board the Prince Charles today. i'rmcess Ohariowf .jesterciay ai- for Vancouver on a vaca- ternoon for. men pi onservatic-n. tion trip. She was in the charge of Miss Uuise Dease of Tflraph Creek.! C.N.R. steamer Prima Charles, ' f I i ,'t.U V ' .'J iiCapt. Neil McLean, returned to Mif. r. m. wermig. Mrs. em. rort at 7:56 ttis morning from 'ngeB and Mrs. 11. SKattebol re- Stewart. Anvox and Massett In turnei to the city yesterday r et and wilj ,at 4 thi iicraoon irom an ungimg iripj pfternoon for Vancouver. ' to aipe zi. rney leu tne euy, - , Tuesday morning and were accompanied on the trin by Bert Skattebol and Mike O'Brien. Sister Surerior an4 two other of the loeal Sisters of St. Joseph returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning after having made the round trin to Stew- pecter. disembarked here,, Anyox and Massett Inlet. ' he Princess Charlotte, yesterday j ftpmoon. fnllowinc a trin to : Mrs. Letchfo-rf and daughter Alaska to TAlpiA-nnh OmIc And nlwwhore ' of Trfkwa nrrlvnd in ih ritv ;n t$e north on official duties. , from the interior on yesterday nnd will proceed within the next afternoon's train und swill null' on day br so to his headquarters in the Princess Marie tomorrow night for a trip to Vancouver. There was another parade of the Boyft' Band to Acropolis Hill this 'fteiToon preparatory to the exhibitions by Capjt. George Ash nd the Tree Nr.ths, which pre-TdeH the start of the second "Fruit-a-tives" Attacks the "all wme between Ocean raus ana i rince Kupert. B. f. Kreirv. Pecifir Coast manager of Canadian National Steamships, who arrived in the oitv yesterday from Vancouver with the party of Sir Henry HUtU . . .... ..u. - " - medicinal ingredients restores normtl Tnontor. w .1. ll '! this afternoon their parents should please see the ctkb naturally . . . and quWily. Had ; by the Prince Charles on his re- .v..l .in.u.l . M,.h reliet vourseu. it oas ceipea idoumikbi l Btfhool any aft noon from Tues- V" -ura lM ' ,v" iday to Friday with regard to the ""ows. courses they intend to take. ... - - - J. O. WILLIAMSON, . r.., (200) Secretary. 1 lM'W?WRW!rX ODDFELLOWS, ATTENTION! All Oddfellows a"e requested to attend a special meeting of the lodge on Wednesday, August 2?, at 8 p.m.. to meet the Grand Master on hi i official visit to this lodge. Rebekahe at 9r30. (200) M. McARTHUR, N.G. Inlander Mess Board and room by week or month Cheerful Comfortable PHONE 137 LADIES Black Silk Hot e Sizes 8j to 10. Price 35q 3 Pairs for.. 1,00 Clvldrons' Ho e in black and tan. Sizes 4 to 910. Prices 25C t0 50C J. A. KIRKPATRICK A Man's Appearance Has more to do with hi- sweets today than it ever had. Anything that contributes to hit look of wcll-'iO-doness is justified yes, necessary! Is tdnr anything 'you know $f llt advertises success jndre Uian A NICK KINC? 4 Certainly nothing man wears is more invovidence. Lot us place ourfrjlig " stock t.rf.. vnn i a i. '' W t: , li Jewellers J HiTlte STORE WITH THE tUOC 1 Sixth Street Prince Rupcri, B.C. tBBWW WW I "i have to work in the store and Jo my own housework, too, tnd I lot nervoua and rmtlownand was in bed nearly all tummrr. Tht ItaM notoc would make mc nctvout. I wu told to uke LyJia E. IHnkham'i Vrge-table Compound and 1 have taken aeven bottles. It ha made me strong-etsnd put more color Into my face. I -am looking after my store and housework and my four children and I am getting along nicely now Mrs. j. KUm, R. R. No. j, Barton Sc. Eut, 1 iimiJiim, ( ) iiMrio, Canada. Here's Stomach-joy For You. Light, Flavory, Easily Digested HREDDED Iggjlllj m MALKIN'S BEST COFFEE Per lb 58c SSBWiiHiliSSBBaKSSSkSBWMiSSSSSiliMHMSSiMV PUItE LAUD Swift's or Gainer's. 3-lb. palls G3c BUTTEB New Zealand, best quality. 3 lbs. $1.38 PEACHES Halves, 2-Ib. tins. 2 tins 55c MATCHES Bine Bibbon. Per box 10c MATCHES Sesqul. Per pkg 18: 5IAYONNAISE-GoId med'al. 8 oz. 31c 3i oi 19c PURE ORANGE MARMALADE Nabob Brand. 4-lb. tin 53c GREENGAGE JAM King Beach. 4-lb. tin G0c OLD ENGLISH WAX Mb. tin 72e PASTRY FLOUR Wild Rose. 10-lb. aacks ...54c With all the bran of the whole wheat When fussy appetites are hard to please, these crisp, oven baked, flavory shreds of whole wheat give rest to the meal and energy for work or play. Delicious with whole milk andt fruits. M Ml W illill m I III 1 "'""""1-" J SPECIALS FOIl THURSDAY, FKIDAY AND SATURDAY MALKIN'S BEST TEA Per lb. 58c SLICED PINEAPPLE 2-lb. tins, each 10c NABOB TOMATOES 2s. 2 tins 25c canned FRUITS DRI-PAK PRUNES 12,2S, Del 1 Msnte fer tin SCc MINCED CLAMS Razor-back. Packed at Massett. Per tl'rt'i aOc SOCKftYS SALMON Is. Horseshoe -Brfasid. Tin 4Cc CRISCO 3s. Tin 83c ROYAL CROWN SOAP 5 bars for 23c CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Per lb Oc ORANGES Sweet and juicy. 4 doz 70c 31oncy-Saving Prices-Free Delivery-Quality Goods WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE PHONES 53 AND 50 Watt's Grocery Defer GYPR0C 7 Mrmu ,:r x ff amm i HMmwM wmi r i 1 iris At trivial expense Gyproc will convert space now wasted into one or more extra rooms. IBH s 7U : Wll 4Hs B&' Jta. w ; wr Fireproof WdllbOsird For Sale By Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Burns Lake Hardware - - - Burns Lake, B.C. The George Little Lumber Yard Smithers, Hazelton and Terrace, B.C. R. S. Sargent, Ltd. - - Hazelton, B.C. Do you read the classified advertisements? to A Ml iH v.'f , ui; . . '-t . ii -1 .,.! a 'ij 4,' ft ;-ti v i 'r i .. . j .. .1 i R us