FACE TWO All you have to do is try its Slavoisr once. Y IE! 'Fresh from the gardens' REPORTS ON SCHOOLS TO THE BOARD High School Comes In for Lengthy Conversations at Mectinj Last N'iglit IMPROVEMENT SHOWN No Entertainment at Chrklmas t Owing to Backward Con-i dIUon of StudeiUs Measles and other forms or 111-teM tended to make percentage ' tverages of attendance In city ichools during October lower than jsual, according to reports of ijtoachers presented at last night's board meeting. These reports showed a total enrollment in the schools of 1090 pupils, 537 being boys and 5S3 girls. The attendance figures for October were as follows: Boys Girls Ttls. I High School 91 120 211 Booth School 243 232 475 Borden Street 158 163 310 Seal Cove 33 30 63 West view 14 8 22 537 553 1090 Percentages. High School 92.3: BooUl Shool, 82.57; Borden Street, 91 ; Seal Cove. 82: Westvtev, 91.78. The' principals of the schools were present and elaborated on their reports. D. H. Ilartness. principal of Cine Sdward High School, refer red to the need of tvriewriter fables iiita library facilities In that BcnooLvSome leaks had develorjed in various parts of the building vnicn the principal recommended should have a thorough reconditioning The northeast corner of .the" ; tob lading was sinking, he stated. A water course from the -street was flooding part of the grounds and flowing against the school. Chemicals, drawing paper lind a nap of the British Empire fwere among the needs of the pchool. Results of October examinations have been poor bnt not worse than expected, Mr. Ilartness re-, ported. However, the attitude of the pupils toward the school had much improved and everything was .belnc done to raise the standards o the work. As the year advanced, it was hoped to Increase the general efficiency. A .students' council has been formed and also a girls' club The sum of $25 had been spent Tit on foorts. the I.O.D.E. Hall being used tor girls' badminton and the Exhibition, Hall for basketball. It had been decided to abandon a Christmas entertainment this year as it was felt the academic standing of the school could not spare the time. The oil burning system had been installed in the school and was functioning satisfactorily. Three boys in the High School had been demoted, Mr. Hartness announced. 1 The secretary was Instructed n order such High School supplies as were felt to be absolutely nec-! essary. Trustee Gilchrist stated I that Mr. Hartness was doing splendid work and should be backed up by the board. The laboratory supplies were, particularly necessary. Trustee Barrie felt. Regarding the water draining at the High School, the board felt that the city was responsible as it came off tlie street. The cltv engineer will be Interviewed .in the matter. Trustees Spencer and Gilchrist were delegated to look into certain irregularities of attendance at the High School upon which Mr. Hartness reported. Typewriter desks for the commercial classc: were being mad? by the manual training depart ment, it was reported, but the job was a slow one. Booth School Miss E. A. Mercer, principal of Booth Memorial School, reported that savings among pupils of that school for the month had amounted to $127.00. Examinations had been held and indicated satisfactory progress.' It had' been decided to hold rto.CftrtftnaR concert this year on account, oi .umess among the pupils; ' . r. Jv Miss Mercer repoctedi Jthat there were a number of tad leaks in her school, particularly In the I root or the auditorium, j The leaky condition of the school was discussed by the trus-! tees. It had been planned to make ,' necessary repairs during the past summer but it had been round , Impossible to do it all. The roof naq aisiniegrfliea ay certain points. 'Tfdstefe Qflchrfst stated, and therei wtfs 4he idinglr of part of it being blown, off altogether. considered Imperative, the board I decided that little could be done at this time- of year so no action jwas taken In the matter. The obtaining of a new flag for the ' school was also left over for a i while. 1 Miss Meroer reported the case of a girl whose health made it advisable that she attend school only "half a day. Action In the MM rit-s-iisA'l . I&r "best by mmmm REAL OLD SCOTCH WHISKY O. I. STILLED IN SCOTLAND This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British, Columbia. matter was JaXt to the discretion of Miss Mercer. llorden Street" Miss S. A. Mills, prMictpal of Borden Street School. 3uggtstl that a cover be placed over the girls' playground which was in 'a muddy condition. Satisfactory work was being carried on In most of the grades, srw-reported The board decided mat nothing could -be done about), th p!ay- grouna at tnis time ot vear. Miss Olive E. McArrhur report- i ed school savings of $11.80 at1 Seal Cove and Miss J. D. Moffatt 1 $10.65 at Westview. , Domestic Science Miss Jessie McLenaghan. direc-1 tor of home economics for the .-is-partment of education, reoortrd on recent inspections wliton she had made of the .domestic science department of the local schools. Excellent work was being carried on by Miss Rowe and Miss .Currie the report stated. The board authorized the secretary to purchase five double electric plates for the domestic science department and the sum of $10 "was granted for the purchase of certain books recommended by Miss McLenaghan In her report. There are three trying periods in a woman's life: when the girl natures to womanhood, when a woman gives birth to her first child, when a woman reaches middle age. At them times LydiaE. Pi&kham's Vegetable Compound helps to restore normal health and visor. THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Novemh, U.183 ELKS SCORED CLEAN SWEEP Defeated Canadian Legion In Billiard Fixture by Aggregate Score of 1250 to 874 : Winning the two remaining games last night, the Elks made a clean sweep .over the Canadian Legion In the JJilllard League fixture which was aiarted Tuesday night. The scores 'of last night's games were: A. Murray (Canadian Legion), W,.fjcptt, 207; F. Hjfcphens, 4;Art,Easson ran a high fereifc for the fixture of 56. "' The total score was: Canadian Legion. 874; Elks, 1250. The standing of teams to date: Q. Ttl. Av. Grotto 6 7091 1182 Elks 6 6717 1121 Canadian Legion 6 6309 1052 MIX WINNER BIG FIGHT I Knocked Out Knockout Martin in j Beginning of Second Round 1 KETCHIKAN. Nov. 14 3attlinp Mix, 188 pounds, knocked out Knockout Martin. 174, In Redman's Hall at the beginning of the second round of the main ; event. The Chronicle, telling of tne onei ngnt. said: The Dusky Panther took a lunge at Martin and Martin ducked, a delightful little bow, but he forgot to straighten up and for the rest of the round stayed in that enticing little pose, head hidden under his arms, arms hidden under his body and body on a pftlr of ieet that refused to track, and the Panther; Oh boy! How and where and when he hit that blacksmith, he hit him everywhere but on the sole of his .shon. If the ringpost had been loose he would have knocked Martin put the first round. MarjJn awakened once to take a lungo at Mix and in that instant Mix seemed to take notice of the blacksmith, if he had kept on swinging in the general direction of Mix he might have won 'the fieht. Knockout Martin ' was knocked out as he came out of his earner for the second round. Sport Chat Canadian Legion and Orotto will meet in the Billiard League tonight with line-ups as follows.; M. Andrews, Canadian Legion vs. Don Brown, Grotto. , A. Murray vs. W. Nelson. j Joe Soott vs. Geo. Waugh. Percy Tinker vs. J. Hillman. : R. Yowng vs. M. M. McLachlan.' Billy ("Pop") Humphries, Eng-: " sh featherweight, who, as a ban-am. boxed Jackie Johnston in: loroato a Mw years ago .and who fient several weeks tfi - Chaada -a-5t winter boxc Phil Rafferty; in one of the six-round prellmin-, ary bouts 'at Madison Smiare Oar-i j den. Nov. 15. The main bout that; I evening is between Tony Canzon-I ieri, New York Italian star, and! iJaclc Berg, the BMgllsh lightweight.. Advertise In he Dally News. Edward Llpsett, who has beep herb for the past week on business In connection with his local ln-teieete. will r,ail by the ; Prince OrOfge Sunday evening wt hls ret turn to Vancouver. Rig ill vs Colds e fMnf mA rtf lifMt dosing Just rub on V VapoRuu fleets 1 f7nfiiro-grjinrai 7j7.11 km S.D. Johnston Coltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., . Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying. an,d selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock ex changes. Closing prices from these exchanges- posted on our stock board twice daily.' Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D Johnston Coltd. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert I1.C. I I.I c 1 & A. THE method of ptetuging Botlinehkm Cigarettes emuys delivery of fresh supplies to til lebtcconists. The Buckingham sealed pouch packs ge preserves the fine Buckingham quality for the enjoyment of the smoker. Buckingham Cigarettes are packaged by "ARENCO" machines the wonder machines of the Tobacco Industry. The first machine t. "of this type ever put into commission anywhere in the world was installed by Tuckett Limited at Hamilton, where Buckinghams arc made. The Battery of "ARENCO" machines now packaging Buckingham Cigarettes is but one of the many interesting sights for visitors to the Tuckett Plant. jo ETTE 1 jtis Something specially nice When you make a savoury dish-hot-pot tashrcurry or meat patties- make it with Oxo. , The rich Beef-juice, of Oxo give charm and flavour-just that Tightness which appeals to the palate Oxo Gravies-delicious made in a minute I Improves all Meat Dishes Try a JJiiily News wnUd. YOUR TOBACCONIST RECEIVES EACH SHIPMENT OF FRESH, MILD, "THROAT-EASS" BUCKINGHAM CIGARETTES IN SEALED POUCH PACKAGES. iroaf easy Arenco Machines package Buckingham Cigarettes at the rate of 800,000 to 1,000.000 cigarettes per machine per day. These machines count the cigarettes, place them twenty at a time in heavy foil, seal the packages securely to fully protect the contents, enclose the pouch-filled packages in the outer Buckingham wrappers, and affix the Government Excise stamps. Next time you buy your Buckingham Cigarettes, examine closely the Buckingham scaled If Pouch, See how well the cigarettes art packages Vnd protected ruuring you fresh, mild, "Throat-Easy" cigarettes to the yery last puff. Now you know why we claim for Buckingham Cigarettes "No Coupons-All Quality". We spend every dollar in giving you quality first and always If you have never smoked Buckingham Cigarettes, try a packagi today 99 dUuMk PtwmRRis&coMMinD D20l WO COUPONS - TILL QUTILITV