T ADDRESS , I not a great quantity of china or cutlery, and everything must be prepared for the service of dinner this evening." And afterward you dance?" she asked wonderingly. And afterward I dance." he as sented. "Sometimes perhaps my footsteps are a little heavy, but they do their business all the same. I want you to know. Miss Brown, that while you are now, and will be until you can be released of your trust, surrounded by enemies, you have also friends. Listen. I will give you proof that I have told you the truth, that I was at Lombertson Square last night. Behind the screen " .He . leaned forward and whispered; Miss- Brown was back again amid the horrors. "YOu saw the paragraph In the paper this morning?" he went on. "That was all. There will be no more than that. It was I who helped to move him I and the fosr. which made it easy. There will be no outcry, no word of complaint to the police, but they know over there at Moscow that they have lost the best man who ever enlisted under their secret service, and they know well that Deesiter killed him. And over here a man unknown! Perhaps. But even your police, though dull, are not fools. Even your Home Department, though fettered by conventions, has learned how.to muz zle the press at times. The name or that man was known in every city of the world. In Barcelona, in Moscow, Rome and Parts, Bucharest and Shanghai, they wear mourning for him. There will be a black edee around their baoer. but his, name will never be mentioned, j Tnat is how these men slip out of the world." "It doesn't sound like real life," Miss Brown mused. jThere ft a great deal In life," Paul told her, "of which the mul titudes never dream. And now I must go. Please come here when yen can to eat. You are of our circle. You will be welcome. MLss Brown held out her hand, a little startled at feeling It raised to his lips. Afterward she went timidly with her purse In her' hand to the desk where Madame presided, but Madame shook her head. "Today you are my son's euest." she said. "I hope you have en-Joyed your luncheon? Whenever you care to come back we shall be glad to see you. At another time you" must meet my husband. Today he Is a little excited. He talks politics with Oeneral Dovo- 2J Products Provide, Work " lor Your n.c. ritoDUcrs huheau m. Tkv, . Board af Tr( rjaHnaaaaaMaaaMl r Tin: DAILY KETT3 par'- ntl.. PAGE FOCK and stow the new is i& EAGLE BRAND -ff frn it cut 3 'Hnsta r ia cwJL u&J ou ft u- fyoAAt IAfy,) vvuft pMJtt WJiM lOTOAW,,. COUPON TOD ATI .". 4 A... The Borden Co.. Limited. WVH -0-w. , Dept. A, I lome'r Arcade BLig., iOritinnlUtttr INSTALLED PI nd me Free your Bmbr Welfare Book and Bmbr Kmcord Book AN ACTUAL ANALYSIS OF WESTERN FUEL Moisture ' Gm 34.3 Carbon 49.4 Aih .7.6 Most furnacri burn only the fixed Blonr49.4. The Mep4jr "Sun- MtSurns Carbon, 49.4 and Gets All the Heat from Canadian Coal Thtfm-motn TENTI-DLAST' Rial An Eiclmlf t UtCUi Feature which aenrree Scon, amy and CleaaUaeae. 6uper-heeted hot air la prayed over tlx Coale Uniting aaaokt ead ToUhla gaere lata an Intenaely fcot flam. Thus then la DO wute of fuel I A McCLARY Sunshine Warm Air "Heating System is a lifetime Investment I . Costs only about half as much to install as Steam or Hot Water t This Moist, Re-circulating,. WARM. AIR System is also much., more Efficient and Healthful. It duplicates natural, out-of-door heat ing conditions in the home. The McClary Sunshine Furnace works overtime to keep down fuel bills. Burns the cheapest grades of fuel ... comple telyl Ideal for burning Canadian Coal. You get ALL the heat, and freedom from Soot and Coal dust as well. See the McClary "Sunshine" representative today. A famous (Product- of GENERAL STEEL WARES. UMtT,D 25 BTUNCniS ACBOSS CANADA MXlary at W.mmmWWWW Furnace Authorized Dealer Ratchford & Shenton ' Prince Kupcrt, IS C lilt Was? BROWN , of X.YO. Copyright 1927. by E. Phillips Oppenhelm. INSTALMENT XII. "To becln by repeating wliht I told you last night my family, my sister, mv father, my mother and myself are not content to do what so many of our exiled Russians hare done. They are living in luxury, many of them, on the Riviera, in Paris, even in New York, living on their titles, on their prestige, upon the charity and sympathy of the world. That aoes not suit us. we nave lost our country, and there is much blame to be attached to us for that. When we lost our country, we lost our names, we lost everything except our souls. Those we have, kept." 'You have hope?" she asked eagerly. "why not? When. In the world s history, did a regime, a scheme of government, founded upon mud,' ouut over a cesspool, endure? Given long enough time, that present country which calls itself j ijussia must eouapse 01 its own accord. It is our wish to hasten that tune so that it may come before we are too old to taste the ioVof feeling the soil of our home land once more beneath our feet. It Is for that we work, hour after Hour, and week after week, work ror our livings In the daylleht. work for our country In the hours of quiet." He finished his brandy and stood up. I have work now In the kit chen," he announced. "We have lltt-and that generally upsets him." Miss Brown took her leave, feeling somehow or other as though sne- nad left tne presence or roy-'alty, Instead oX having been bidden farewell by a lady with a cash register .from behind the desk ol a small Vitlne h6use: Unon 'the threshold, to her surprise, she met conventlonal waiter's garb and he held a bowler hat in his hand. ! n inena wno nas a spare ai- ternoon," he confided "he is a cousin really, who was In my regi ment during tne war nas come In to wash the dishes. I am free therefore. You will permit that I accompany you home?' ' "Wouldn't It do you more good to He down'.'" she suggested. "You look, so tired." "I would like," he confessed, t'o ride on the top of a bus with you." Bhe laughed softly. The enterprise appealed to her. "For an hour,' 'she agreed. "We will go to Hammersmith and back." They found an omnibus, climbed on to the top and seated themselves side by side. They were In no respect an unusual-looking couple. They seemed Indeed very much a part of the world which passes dally DacKward and ror- rather dingy mackintosh, a small fblack hat of some shiny material suitable for wet weather, and gloves which, she had intended to replace during an afternoon'3 shopping. Paul's overcoat had been, bought ready-made in Hol-born and he was by no means of stock size. His laced shoes nad PauL. A black .OTea-aeaWwwdtsWfflr purchased With an" idea of wear and his hat, with its thin imp-and streaky edges, betrayed the spirit of economy In which it naa been acquired. Nevertheless, Miss Brown's eyes shone blue with the spirit of enterprise, and Paul, as ne removed his hat for a moment, showed the fine shape of his head, the strength of his Jaw notwithstanding his rather high cheek bones, and the visionary light In his clear, strong eyes. For November there were fewer clouds about than usual and a breeze that was almost soft. "Well," he Inquired abruptly, as they started on their way, "you have seen how we live what do you think of us?" . (To Be Continued) There were sixty passengers going south aboard the steamer Princess Mary which was In port late yesterday afternoon bound ward from the travail of the city I from Skagway to Vancouver. Most to the sporadic rest of the sub- of them were Yukoners and Alas-urbs. Miss Brown was wearing her kans going outside tor the winter. Makes Wonderful Waffles PRODUCED IN CANADA hi: Mm You can't help getting bitter results with Carnation Milk. It Is doubly rich In cream. It If always pure, sweet and uniform In quality. Carnation It not only more deptndablt; It is more convenient and economical. Wtlt lot Mrj BUU Cook Book Caraaflaa Un fWorte t. llrnhU 1)4 Abbau StMM, VaaeMwa, B.C. from Contented Cows EVAPORATED JMlJC of M,ht ,m.lHr Si is much more COOKING ... ..nlensant when vour etovc looks as well as it cooks . . . when its brilliant black shine makes it sparkle like new . . . when "dressed up" with Zebra Liquid Stove Polish, the one quick, easy, clean way -..0 kep ;s'toyc8 lovely LIQUID STOVE POLISH RECKITTS (Oversea) LIMITED- MONTBKAL - TOaONTO - VA-NCOUVKE H .'. . 4 ... behmW9:W back when you put on excess weig But you are sure of being nourished yet keep your youthful figure It If Every Day you Eat a little Less Hea vy Food and . Drink a little More Bovril Builds Strength Without Fat The Seasons Big Smash in Radio RADIOLA 60 h-., .iff- ,srz ,:-l,M O 1929 MODEL RADIO AND IHCYCLE SHOP SIM ' We cbnsider' theso sots tn ho fhi" mnjr m:iru Inn eve offered at this remarkable price. A rune-tube Super-Hetercdyne Circuit employing seven 1Y 227 tubes, one 171 and one 280. Theed sets have no rqual as to distance, volume or tone. Only a limited number at this price. TOM BALLINGER 318 5th St This advertisement Is not published .or display W 1,1 . , ,Lfquor Control Board or by tlje Govornmcu' of '- lifyUsh Columbia.