Thursday, November 14, 1929 Appeal Made To Alaska Trollers Regard Census KETCHIKAN, Nov. 14: Eric K1 Troilci"; Ass6claUon, Urges the nfrc-..ity that all trollers be sure th'ir- they are enumerated In the United States census now being taknn In Alaska. Mr Johnson points out that H Is especially desirable at this time to l et an accurate count of fishermen as the Thomas basin project will be coming up in congress this December and, If a large number of fishermen can be shown by actual government count, It will assist materially In getting the necessary appropriation. Mr. Johnson further points out that It will help out a great deal In many Instances, If It can be shown Just how many men are obtaining their principal living from trolling. MIVKKU. ACT ftttlttn 2ft Notice to Co-Partners Mineral claim Star, Rand, Belle, Anxira HltiMtMl at Loekcport. Queen ti. ii i' Island. Owners RcM Morrison FA1.C. 87ft3 r n I-Mnlop and H. II. MeColl. I, ,ii i-onoerned. take notice that I. p,,,- Murrlson F.U.C. 871403 C. b-i,; ii im? aH the work and pld all dm' on the above Mineral Claim tor ynr ending Oct. 27th, 1939, irtth-, t ny work done or money paid by - tyern. R Dunlop and II. H. MeCotl. intend to apply within a period or 130 daw nftir first appearance of thl no-iic to the Mining Reoorder, to have ie :r,'frcts of mid co-owner vetted .niiv in myself. ROSS MORRISON, MA Per- J. t. Barge, Agent. LAND ACT Nollee flf Intention to Apply to Putrliane Land In The Stlktiw Land Iteeordlrul Division, Land ReeoHMiw District of 'M'-ruph creek, and sfruate In Uapl t-Kn. one half mHe north of the rh.innel of the Ttku Biter and hb-n: one mile In a North-easterly ti.rr t:on from the Junction of the T.iwiuah nnd Tku Rivers. Tuxe notice that Nell Forbes of Alice Arm BC, occupation Miner, Intend i., npply tor perm U ion to purchase the lull'. wine, described land: mmencing at a pot planted one rstr mile north e-f the Taku River ant about one mile In a North-east-em- direction from the Junction of the InKit and Tuteequah Riven; thence B nib 30 chain: thence eatt 30 . :.i thence North 30 otmlna: thenee W's' 30 chain and containing 40 ,i' res. more or lea. NEIL FORBES. Miner of Alice Arm, D C Dated eeptember 33rd. 1939. r . it ,t u nr. TENDKRS SEAIXD Tender, addremed to tike ti:.'lei Mailed at Ottawa and endoraed h envelope. "Tender for HoUAe-"' Wou Ooatt Hjrarographlc Serrk)e" i be received up to noon, November nn iu29 for the Conatructlon of a II uHb'nt of principal dttnenalon a t' i: iwt U...h overall 100 feet 0 lnehe. r.'iK-n on Main Deck 100 " 0 " Crrudth over planking SO " 0 Cr tuith extreme 31 " 0 " X ; nverplanktnc .80" J', pectflcation4. form of con-' and Mhedule of -wijei mT be sc: ma form of Under procured, on 6;!i)i Ation to the Department of Mar- " and Pttherle. Marine Brancb, O uwa. or to the AienU Of the Dc P'fment at VletoMa and Prince Ru-BC or tbe Chief InpecUr of r:-lirrle. Vanqpuver. B.C. E-ti tetvder nuit be bated etrtetir "? i the Departmental Specineattona : 'i must be accompanied by an ae-"';''M rheque on a ehartered Oanadlan " ic e;iial to ten per cent (10) of 'i whole amount of the tender, whlob "qie will b forfeited ehould the ni' cfjmful tenderer decline to enter Into n. ron tract prepared b tt Depart-n..,.' oi fall to complete the work ii'ifartoriijr. Cheque aubmltted by iiurccful teoderer will be returned. Tender without cheque will not be ""MHiaered. The Department etoe not bind It-'H to arefpt the lowest or anj tender. A, JOHNSTON. Deputy Mlnlitet. Department of Marine & ruherle. Oiuwa. October IS. 1939. WBummmmammamBomNmem FURS! Ooldbloom has Just returned from the East and has on display a wonderful selection of furs. Ooldbloom is a keen buyer and can offer his customers prices at least 35 Per. Cent Lessi Thrin Similar Go&tsCan Be Purchased Elsewhere! Ooldbloom, the Old Reliable, Jfter being in business for twenty years, has not yet had a dissatisfied customer. See Goldbloom First Third Avenue, Next Bank ( Montreal In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of British Columbia, and situate on the South Bank or the Skeeni River eppoelte Mile 38.78 of Canadian National Railway. Eaat of Prince Tai notice mat norvnern omun Columbia Power CompariyIlifllted, of Prlno JtoPSrL B. .occupation Power CorDbratfon lmTto-Wf1or per-i m Union to purchase the following d criberioi srnr i I comtaeneinzy-ai-a.1 pop pisntea tm ctelrU'dUUnrHHTp ! BouttUrlT u-rectlon from eenAeAitiiS. of qanadlan National RaUwayi. UU 38.78. 1 Eatt of Prince Rupert, on the South bank ol Ekecna RUer; thence South 10 chains: thence Wet 10 chain; thence North JO chiniaor tor Jess 4oKigh Water Mark; ihence EaiterlT alonj ji w.. 10 chain1 more or commencement, and urn mcit4 Ar to point ot containing It NoRTmchN Burns ii colqmbU i 1 POWER COMPANY. LIMITED. Per: Thorn a D. McLean, fgenc Dated September . 3Mt. IV79. 1 I Notice of Intention to Apply to imrrnane i-ana In the Atltn Land. Recording Dlatrtct.; and eituate at Weat Taku Arm of T1h Lake. . Take notice that I, Otto It Partridge, of Ben-my-Chree. Atlin, B.C., occupation, mine owner, intend to apply for a purchase of the following described land; . . .Commencing at a pot planted 40 rod aouth ot Ben-my-Chree 8tr. Landing, thence wet 40 chain; thence outh 40 chain: thence eaat 40 chain; thence north 40 chain and containing 180 acre, more or le. OTTO IL PARTRIDOE. Dated: September 9th. 1929. . LAM) ACT Nnllte of Intention to Apply to Lrane land lb Prince Rupert Land Recording DUtrlet of BrltUh Columbia, and situate on the South Bank of Skeeoa River oppoalte Mile 28.78 on Canadian National Railway, tat Ot Prince Ru- Take ' notice that Northern BrltUb Columbia Powet Company, Limited- of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Power rornnration Intend to appiy iot lease oi n iuiiyuii described Commencing at post planted about 120 chain distant and In. a Southerly direction from centre line of Canadian National Rallwaya. opposite mile 28.76 Eatt of Prtnc Rupert, on the south bank of the Bkeena River, thenct North 5 chain more or less to Low water Mark; thence westerly aioni L W.M. 5 chain; thence South , i .k.i.. mnr or less to li.W.M. thence' la.terly along H-W.M. to point t oommeiKcmect and conUlnlng two "ioW "wSSn COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED per- Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 21st, 1929. WANTED Tuition in bookkeeping artd .English, Evenings. Apply Box 235 Dally News Office. (270) MEN WANTED To take up plastering and brick laying, tile setting and cement finishing. These $9.00 to $12.00 a day trades offer unlimited opportunity. Canada building boom requires thousands of these tradesmen. Starting wages after a few weeks' training $5.00 to $7.00 per day. Earn while you learn. Mall this ad and your name and address for further Information. The United Building Trades Training School, 460 Hastings Street East, Vancouver, B.C. FOUND FOUND Silver Maltese cross brpoch.TwJth letters W. A. Apply Dally News Office. fr - QUEEN CHARLOTTE. PORT CLEMENTS STAGE Meets all boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City to convey meets southbound boats at Port Clements to receive passengers for (jueen cnariotte city. Fare $5.00, and in proportion to intermediate points. R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, B.C. TAKE Notice that L Roy W. Moor of 1208 Pacific Mutual BWg, Lo Angeles. . CUL. occupation. Mining En- cineer. intend to appiy Tor permiouon to purchaae the-- Jollevrtnf xiescrtbed land: LAND ACT Stiklne Land Ulntrlct; District of , Csislar chain: thence north 20 chain: thence east 20 chain: thence south 20 chain to point of commencement, aald parcel containing 40 acre more or less. Located Atigust 9th. 1929. Roy W. Moore Locator; Jamea B. Stspler, Asent. By: JAMES B. STAPLER, Agent. Date: August 9th, 1929. "N.IVKIAIU.G WATERS ACT" BRINGING UP FATHER YOOGWG lOMW WVVCT DOVOU MEAN) ON COMIMC IM OT Til"5 MOOR OV TVe MORNING' WW MOST Tnt NmuMDua OP MB 1 WELL.- HEARD WMVT "SOME OPrtINi' HAVE ll ra lull FfiUrt ServV. p..0rt briuiti nchu irv4 TROTECTIOX R. 8. C. Chapter 140. The Northern BrltUh Columbia Power Company. Limited. Of Prince Rupert, hereby give notice that It has, under Section 7 of the said Act deposited with the Minuter of Public Work t Ottawa, and In the ofnee -ot tbe DUtrlet Registrar - ot tbe Land Registry District of Prince Rupert, at Prince Rupert, a description ot the sit and ttte plans ot a power trans-mission line proposed to be constructed on towers over the Skeena Rlter at MUe 28.70 East ot Prince Rupert .on the Canadian National Railway, in front ot Lot No. 69SS. and Lot IS. Block 1. Range S, Coast District. British Columbia. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from tbe date of tbe first, publication ot thl notice The Northern Brtthh Columbia Power Company. Limited, will, under Section 7 of the ssld Act, apply to the Minister of Public Work at hi office In the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans, and for leave to construct the said power transmission line. DATED A.D. 1929. this 30th day of October, THE NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED. PATMORK & FULTON Solicitor tor the Applicant. Dally News "Want Ads" bring quick results. THE DAILY NEW3 PA08 FIVE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH, MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS JftJLL V0F HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland , Expert marcelling, finger nnd water waving. Face massage and scalp treatments. Phone 499 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. 0. BOX 120 PHONE 22 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Chesterfield Suites, $170 to $250, with solid walnut mouldings and pillow arms. Dining Room Suites from $125 to $225. Solid oak and walnut. 15 Book Stands and Tables, solid walnut. Splendid gifts. Simmons Beds with felt mattress and coll spring, $27.00 complete. Blankets, pillows, all lines of bedding. Barrymore Carpets, all sizes. Linoleum and linoleum rugs, all sizes. Floor lamps and bridge lamps from $11.00. Congoleum special, 6x9 rug, $8.40; 7x9 rng, $750. Terms arranged. Phone 775 USD ACT Nflttre of Intenttsn to Applj to Purchase Land WANTED WOMAN Wants work by the hour or by the day. Phone 2&9. (271J WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Chap, Edwards, at Wallace's. 179 FOR SALE TOR SALE Five roomed modern house with basement. Cheap for cash or terms. Apply 420 Eighth Avenue West or phone Oreen 518. (269) FOR SALE Gasoline boat, 38 feet long by 11 feet 4 inch beam. 36 h.p. Hull and engine newly overhauled. Sacrifice. Appry Pacific Salvage Company. (267) FOR SALE Oak dining suite, 8 pieces; china cabinet; 3-piece Chesterfield suite; sectional bookcase; oak chest of drawers; dressing table, bed complete and other articles. Phone Oreen 405. FOR SALE Seine boat "Canadian Girl," 45 feet by 12 foot beam. 20 hv- .Frisco Standard engine. Equipped for halibut fishing. Vessel used for only two seasons and In Al condition. Price $4500. Apply Ward Electric and Marine Supply Company, Cow Bay. tf FOR ItENT ROOMS TO RENT Third Avenue. House next Kalen Oarage. (266) FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. 'Furnished. Phone 547. tf. Sixth Avenue East. FOR RENT Furnished apart ments 2, 4, and 5 rooms. Apply! Mussaiiem grocery. (u) FOR RENT Hotjse. five rooms and bath. Opposite Canadian Laundry. NewlyJdecorated. Phone Oreen 430. i (267) A . FOR RENT Autbmohiles, pianos' . phohopxapjig aSak sewing mach fne. Walker Mufe Store. ed modern two and three room ed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. (tf) We Write WINDSTORM Insurance, riale Class, In Fact All Branches Of Insurance.' Get Our Rates Before Placing Your Business. M. M. STEPHENS & CO. LTD. Rentals Loans Real Estate FOR SALE Launch, cabin cruiser, 38x9 ft, 7-8 knots. Sleeps 4. Fully equipped galley, lockers, modern conveniences, electric llfthts. 15 HJ Semi-Diesel engine. First class condition. Suitable for patrol, hunting or pleasure. A real home on the water. Sound, seaworthy and reliable In every way. will sell ror $2,100 or trade for Improved city property. Terms If required. Ask us for demonstration. II. G. IIELGERSON, LTD. Phone 96 1 216 Sixth St. LAXW AC Not ire of 'Intention, td Apply ' to l.ene Land TAKE NOTICE That L James Martin ot Massett, B.C.. Intend to apply for a lease of the following described unas: Commencing at a post planted at high water mark nnd about two hundred and flttv feet S.E. of shore end ot New Massett. B.C. wharf; thence In a Westerly direction and parallel to the wharf to low water mark; thence North Westerly to the wharf; thence Northerly along the wharf to high water mark; thence along the shore at high water mark to the point of commencement, and containing two acres, more or less. Dated at Massett, B.C.. this 21st day of October, 1929, at 12:03 AJ.I. JAMES MARTIN. no one cut a cheap low- btow Would sta out thi) lXts HAiVE NTY OPINION Op WCH NlCMT OWLS AoVOU I NEVER KNEW O ANN ONE WHO MOONlr-iED'TO ANVThINC WHO CRCXTsEO "jTOP KJOqiMG WHIL.E INI TA.L.KINQ I MTV II" 1 n TT iT us- AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repair crating, packing and shlppin Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block THE . ELECTRIC BAKERY t "The Store That Quality Built!" . V EAT ELECTRIC BREAD The Best There Is) P.O. BOX" 416 PHONE 6C7 PRINCE RUPERT, B.Q. SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. t fiffrrn FOR RENT Five-room suite,, Summit Apts. Phone Blue 345. Fully Equipped for Diving and (tf ) i General Salvage Work. Hnnto unH Rrrmr nf oil fliwerrtn- uuu ihj u i uvuna w mi vaw- passenger to Port .dements, and j FOR REOT-Double or single for Charter housekeeping rooms. Phone j216&nQea fot hlre- FOR RENT Nicely furnished flat m uapp biock, Appiy westen-hayer Bros. (tf) FOR RENT Four roomed modem ihr,',Vm"tT .ft'OR RENT Clein. well furnish- of the Tulcequah River, thence vett 29 -iii.: I Bargains In Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Propeners i)?- Apply B; MacKay 530, Sand and Gravel. In any quantity, iiL! aeilvercd anywhere hy water. Phone, Day or Night 5&4 P. O. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC SUNSHINE AND ULTRA VIOLET RAT TREATMENTS R. E. EYOLFSON. D.C. ANALYTE ADJUSTMENT INDICATOR SERVICE 623 Third Avenue West Blue 85 Phones Red 589 ULTRA RED AND ULTRA VIOLET RAYS X.lght will relieve congestion and pain quicker and better and will do more to . combat infection, cither locally or generally, than anything known to medical science. In aH cases consult W. C. ASP1NALL D.C. 6 Exchange Bloc It Green 241 Phones Black 283 CHARLES P. BALAGNO TEACHER OF PIANO TERMS MODERATE PHONE GREEN 280 BOATBUILDERS KIY BOATBUILDERS. COW BAY Pleasure and Rowbeats For Sale' Y. Suehiro, Cow Bay Boatbuilder, P. O. Box 314 SPRINGS Made and repaired for any kind of Auto or Trutk. Prompt Service. Satisfaction guar antced. Star Welding and Repair Works P.O. Box 764 Prince Rupert. B.C. Daily News "classified adver-tisementa" bring quick results. The House of Limited Problems DA VIA la the house that stocks up its basement for the entire winter with OUR coal. IT IS CLEAN ,, &T BURNS ENTIRELY ImHEATS Ipfts GOOD coal And it costs no more than ordinary coal. Let us send you a trial ton over for your consider-Aoii, tTffalft want iuore of it. iLEERf& McCAFFERY, LTD. 'qoneffilfi r Rupert, B. C. LAXn ACT Notice ef Intetillna to Apply te Leate lni In Prince Rupert Land Recording District t BrltUh Ooturubta. and situ ate between lost water Jiarx on me North side and Low Water Mark on South side of Skeena River opposite MUe 28.78 f Canadian National Rail ways, East of Prince Rupert. Take notice that Northern British Columbia Power Company. Limited ot Prince Rupert, B.C., ocoopatlen Power Corporation Inter -Is te apply for a lease ot the following described land: LAND ACT Notice of Intention t Apply to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Rccordinc District of British Cteitrmbl. and situ ate on tbe North bank of Skeena River, near Mile 28.70 on Canadian National R&U.ys, east ot Prince Rupert, B.C. Take notice that Northern BrltUh Power Company, Limited of Prince Rupert, n.C, occupation Power Cor-poartton Intends to apply for a lease i of the following described lands: feet -distant, and In a southerly dl- Commencing at a post planted about rectlon from centre line of Canadian ! 80 ft. distant, and in a .southerly tll-Natlonal Rallwaya MUe 28.78 East ot i rectlon from centre line ot Canadian Prince Rupert thence South 0 deft. National Railway. MUe 28. 7 Eaat of 40 mln. Eat 114 chain more or lea Prince Rupert, on the north bank, of to LrW.M. on South bask Skeena ' Aeeaa River thence South 2 chain. River: thence Easterly along L W.M. I more or less, to Low Water Mark; S chains: thence North 9 dec. 40 mln. thence Easterly alone L.W.M. S West 114 ehalns, mors or leas to L.W. M. on North bank ot Skeena niven thence Westerly along L.W.M. 3 chains, more or less to point of commencement and containing 35 acres, more or lesa. NORTHERN BRITISH COLOMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 21st. 1029. CLEARING & GRADING Concrete Foundations Tunnels nnd shafts In difficult ground a specialty. NELS ROKKJAR, CENTRAL HOTEL eh4nt thence North 2 chains more or leas to High Water Mark: thence Westerly along H,W.M. S chains, more or less to point Of commencement and containing one acre, more or less. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LIMITED, Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 21st. 1929. II.J.ZUMKEIIR CHIMNEY SWEEP General Handy Man New Address at Red's Transfer PHONE 201 By George McManus J SLAMMED- S J DAPtUM' UTTt-a I " OH' (aEEWHO TV, V BROTHER JOb 9