fAGE KOUH The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA-. Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Edtor j- subscription Rates V.' any The Letter Box WHICH RIVER ROUTE? JMftor. Dally News: of finance owae it to the public to tell what evidence he has )hc '"7 cou,d ,make Ih.i"?M,tJ against the-gYernment'agent iSsVi WHICH END TO UELWVK? C0PETITI0j ENDS NEXT WEEK The suggmt'ons for improving conditions in northern and' contra! British Columbia have mostly been along one line. The buildicg f a highway and the formation of a new province. While some valuable suggestions have been made, the last word has Upt been said and there is still plenty of room tor others. (r- , The competition will end definitely on Saturday of next week, after which-the article will be judged. taiuuuii, us wus sre, s i wwtaau faet td to-be' a dlfrtfeiit Terfy fNB-the ionesihat -a in use- farther &p wjtU; South or north side is all the it, is iiibiiiu.uEi umi. me m neat uui nm auu iu ito Dim- g&me to me The main thine is. aire caDacitvteD-Vancouver to the extent of two and three- w a quarter milltopushels, increasing the overhead by about c. jj, ' MILLAR. $300,000 anhutllly, while they have under lease half the nroposed increase here which they are permitting to watt dismissal lie idle, notwithstanding that wheat cargoes should be shipped as clfcwply from Prince Rupert as from Vancou- Editer, Daily News: ver,.tnu8 saving tne annual overneaa oi !ibu,uuu. Tne it is not only those who mhiht mi'lion and a hfilf capital outlay would then be available be expected to be critics ef the for increasingrfacilities at country points. present provincial administration If we weremembers of that organization, we should who are Bayin todv xhMt feel compelled to ask the management for an explanation f!Lth H0"0" V Minister aa to the wiid;m of the oolicy of increasing the shipping iTi oinacitv whenthre re already a large unused capacity in miMiaR the local government g-what may bjAhc largest crop year for some time. lent for alleged participation in fwuiea. mere is a storm oi in- dilution in Prince Rupert about ; this, shabby action on the. part of ,the government and it ia stating a fact to say that many Conservatives as well as Liberals feel badly abeat it Better had been expected than this of such admin-tot raters. a Mr. Shelly and there to more surprise that he should have been a party to such a thing than there Is at the thisg itself. There was a feeling that itch men as the minister of finance, men who have been well known and respected in their J private spheres, would not stoop to such rotten things as this in their service to the public. As for the dismissal itself, it 'does not come altogether as a ! surprise to those who may have observed some of the things i along this line that have transpired in the province since the j Totmio administration took office. It brinns closer home, how- Record, Philadelphia, ever a rank and ruthless policy' . . . . of political patronage that is . bound to wreck the civil service 1,. - . THE DAILY NEWS Friday, May 17, 1923 that any single actof his during would never have had the oppor- that period can be construed to tunity to dismiss him, for he have been actuated by political would have beaten, them to that, favor or disfavor. To Liberal or He may derive some comfort from Conservative, to -Canadian or this statement, and it is voicing alien, to one and all alike atten- the feelings and sentiments of tive and courteous service has ninety-nine per cent of the people been (rendered by the dismissed of the city and district with 1 njflfsday's issue of your paper Government Agent -rind his staff, whom Mr. Watt has come into icarrfi a communication from C. That he should bedfiow dismissed, contact in his official capacity, in RiSwAnson. wherein he nokes at without even theAiurtesy of be- saying it, that he is regarded as City deliver, by mail or carrier, yearly rwrtodi paid In 'advanCgj&tf.OQ. thefd6a, that there are mudflats ins allowed to. make a decent de- probably the best government For Iesr period, pam in advance, per m9nini,v....ivv.r .ov that dry-off at low tide in the ience, is maewj a .poor rewaru ngeni rnnce jiuperi nan ever nau By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia", iSketria RiVer, opposite to Tyee. for his good servleahere and for and that he leaves his place with paid in advance for yearly period . .;,... ....... :5K00 , itfo well known that a boat his three yearf overseas, the more friends in this agency than Transient djaplay advertising, per inch,.rjej$ierion .-. . . . . .-..1,40 f , B& a't .Tjfe during high marks of which he .still bears. of the tide. This condition is isters of the crown. It is farj Bj mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- InreVont twice a dav. Then durine from an admirable state of af-! 9 1 rtfijWMfJi Columbia by charging the very foundations of ,Mfj l;tipwhlgh standard it has in ,re- ! v. cent years been permitted to at-jy'! , tain. ' Mr. Watt sieclfically denies tithe charge of political parttcipa1 i'tlon upon which his dismissal j has been based. Thoso who know L, Mr.. '.Watt apd his work will ag. ' F ree with' his repudiation of the' i' Charge. During his fivo years of! service here, his policies have , been clear cut and business like :'j and there are none who ean say ' ifo?rta" ' ' y - trtl Mr' i t :-.,!' ,; -i ... ithe Conservative government ean Transient advertising on front pagf, r wi;;.. .,..,. j;.Z-oJ . Ufl . . . j,ut t 'lo-ivf . tide there is a It Ti I bodes J 111 111 for .the future of hope to win. Local readeris, per insertion, per H;i;vJlt....5 'ttjud fiat that"jlHes off at least the civil service o&this province - NONPARTISAN 1 Classified advertising, per insertio' width of the if such actions" ar this are to be . j Legal notices, each insertion, peryayaf -Ifnerji-U.;'. ..V.- 1& Uni'df fat varinir with the ranore tolerated from ISteonsible min- Or four months for A POLITICAL CRIME nire and United States, paid in advance, per year 6.00 mnu. 4uar i. a fairs that faithful emolovees of Editor, Daily News: By mail to all other countries, per year 7,50 .great -deal of floating Ice, and the government, gven though' Public opinion that intangible DAILY EDITION DISMISSAL OF NOIIMAN WATT - Lometimee a solid sheet of ice! they should not be tarred with substance which makes and un- from one bank to the other for the same political stick as the makes government in this May 17, ,t moo 1929 . .f administration, should be. as a was shocked to its centre by the The suggestion of ferrying 'consequence, dismissed. Such ac-nws you published yesterday af-traffic across the river under thetions will certainly not give the'ternoon of the summary and un-above named circumstances ore-1 security to the service that it just dismissal of Norman Watt, The one subject of conversation around .the city TJJSJtXS'tJSTAS 7 .'"'v.T'S! yesterday seems to. have been the dismissal of t 'A s.i. i iv mv hv th nriri nt -honor. Norman Watt. Hl Rally y raa?'delpged AVlth re-f k ccgiuiy ttvSh government that lowers itself to able" before his name, but this', quests to take Up thematter ' ail'd Speak' out -Strongly thelce conditions. That will have participate in them, action belies his title. j against such action. Some of these requests cam' from to be done, if the tourist rush is The only reasenTthat can ibc' Mr. iWatt was dismissed be-1 supporter bf the government Which was responsible for. to be kept in good humor. seen on the rt!ff4fe to account eause of his alleged political ac-! the dismissal ' ' - ')' A" ft.- 'B.--HYCILFSON "for Mr. Watt's dteaisaal ia that tivitlea. Now whatever political Genenil regret is felt throughout the city that the1 min-!-' ' ! on4.; -tfe W. -secre- pinion. Mr Watt may rssess.: . . , 6 tary to the now leader of the few people know, if at all.; i any i u u i-v. i : a v - j -it,. op- ister of ftnance should 'have felt t necessUryHo take it highway is th-tiung IpJn att4 by strMng He doe. not express them. Mr.! drastic action such as that announced yesterday;! It is dif- - ' jhlm (Uwy uy imaine they are -vatt has been the local agent of ficultto believe that Mr. Watt committed any indiscretion Editor, Daily Newa: (striking at Mr. Pattullo. Such a the government de jure et de fac-j worthy of such action as dismissal from the service, espe- With interest I have read the motive is as empty as it is.un- to ai Victoria and, he would bej Ciaiiv When it is considered that he is a returned man and two Utters concerning the Ter-, worthy. a bold man who would say that. was hirllv shot un fri the war irac Highway, one from C. F. Mr. Watt will at least have Mr. Watt ever overstepped . . - a C, IU alLni. VT T iLl. it u V- llll. t LI. ...4s..t4 t... i-l nvor vhnnoreAbhax ."Tif'in iinvwivnv nffpndpr) -iri'n n.irtfcnri t deal with them. There could ficient and respected public ser- wnv hr i ; " : "' 1 be some kind of bridge built out v,t thit he 'la, Mr. Shelly and V IlUl Ce " A , - , t. .:n v,. JxAiJnX'.i.i.',iUii-iti.. rki:. t0 deP the While we agree with the minister that a government "", e""-imi 2 .yTTS. Tr Ji , . . , , . .... . .. ' Coultier. I .u that Mr. ifi f ft i ' ;t i must aay should be the victim of a miser- fering in matters political. Mr. should not take if also employee any part in politics, is can not very keen fm ab lltica, pniak: he Watt didn.ti that., true that many who were keen partisians under the Me- th -i. OP hB Wftuld not uv i w, .i.nort... (rnm m. u hP oriaHn rnui. -e-n t i i j i Urute-liOWSer atimmisxrations reiainea meir positions. "No ferry or no road." Mr. Swan- a clean character and a good esce in this most unjust and sum-Locally Mr. Watt has been a most careful public ser- son must be acquainted with name. Had he actually been the "ry dismissal of an honest and vailt. He Was a Close personal friend of Mr. Pattullo and these rock and mudflats, and I politi-al henrhman that he is ae- upright employee Of the govern-naturally WOUkl be favorable tp his return, but no one has m sure fte aM t an idea how cuserl of being, and not the ef- went, they must bear the onus of If on the other "hnl, 'thix is water on both sides. .the Conservative administration some high handed aeijon' on the wiu uc Ku.iu u m w w,C uiivci Kuvuiii- After Hl the one who hM ment took- overfthe government m m'Colonel McMullin to build the road has to decide, was'goveipmerit agent,, an appointee .of the Conservative where it has to go through. All administration. He was retained and later promoted to a v&. wajU . to, ,the . wad , a4 tkat in position of greater trust We are of . opinion that Mr. Watt pWtye . , t, yme. , V ferry 1 was onunllv wnrthv At At nnv mto rate, wo we thinW think tVio the miniator minister might 'Kht even be worth seeing and1 part of the Vancouver member of the Victoria government, which may not be unexpected in this northern part of the- province, which Vancouver is sucking dry, the local Conservative Association will duobtless place themselves on record in opposition to Mr.1 'Watts dismissal and retain oi thonsiB Four basic mlvnntngcs enable Fisher so remarkably to increase body value while holding down price, as to make Fisher Hotly, for tens of thousands of motor car buyers, the determining factor in motor car selection. This preference is the result of the greater Fisher I tody value which in enrs outside the Fisher Itody group is oh lain-ahlo only in cars costing several hundred dollars more. 1 First of these fundamental Fisher advantages, is tho enormous resources of the Fisher llody Corporation. Sonic idea of thocxtcnt of Fisher resources may be realized when oneconsiders that Fisher operates the world's largest manufacturing plant for automobile body hardware and fittings (Tcnistcdt); one of the largest plate glass manufacturing plants in the world; and harvests timber from its own 200,-000 acres of forest lands and converts that timber into lumber in its own mills. O Another reason for the un- precedented valna of llody .by Fisher is -Fisher's huge pro- til's l 4' MS him Hi livelihood. For Mr. Watt is a good government agent. This is one action which the local Conservatives-will find hrd to justify and which mol 0( them who have any decent y will condemn thumbs down. ARTICLES ON PE4CE RIVER I e) n COT Will C$I1S1 9' "INDEPENDENT" The Pence River is very much in the public eye today, in order to keep Prince Rupert foedpi' folly informed in regard to tbe situation there, we haVe'flf ranged for a scrieH of six articles by a mm who has just nuf&e a tour of the, district. The first of these will be pil-blisnWl on Saturday and the others at convenient Intervals. These articles will give an klea of the way in which the district hi developing and naturally will taj-l to a more ttetermined effort to secure direct railway connection for Frince Rupert, the logical outlet to the sea. 1; d'. Ms.!? v. II only tkose cars wiili tJyiiy fisher duction, icith all thnt mcrins therefore, does not bid for con-in reduced costs of fabrication tractnit always knows well in and assembly and huge saving udnmce what its mamifactur-by reason of great purchasing fcViiig program is going to be, and power. to co-ordinate its operations so As u "iovalill further ccon-production everyone known, quantity is one of the chief 'amiw "J"10 itnmmS high-factorsin miiiiiifarliiriiiiri . nn- ost quality. omy. FishcremplnyH more than 60,000 persons, who build annually in lit great factories, upwards of 1,2.)0,000 automobile bodies. Some idea of Fisher Itody purchasing power will ho gained when one notes that in the twelve months of 1920 Fisher required for the manufacture of Fisher bodies, moro lhan600,000,000poundsofsleel, 205,000,000 boa r d fee t o f 1 u m her, 26,000,000 square feet of plate glussand about 20,000,000 yards of upholstery cloth. Ql third basic reason for Fish er Itody va luo is'Fisli cr's certainty of marhet. . ' V 4 A fourth basic reason for Fisher llody value, is tho proxi m i ty of Fish cr llody manufacturing plants to the chassis plants of its customers. This eliminates much costly handling andhnldsdown transportation expense, and thus permits Fisher to put still greater value into its bodies. i i i This-cxplains why Fishcrisnblo to build value so superior us to make Itody by Fisher tho determining factor today in thousands of motor car sales. Compare Fisher llody cars, listed below, with other cars in That market consists pfj, the their respective price fields and companies manufacturing General Motors cars Fisher Body Girporat ion be-ingadivision of General Motors. Fisher, 2S' BODY body vay FISHER Kn.ynii.i t. Morons of tU.V.IIM. LIMITtm you seo that in Fisher llody cars alonodocs yourmoncypurchuso all thobody valuoyou havo n right to expect in',a motor car.