I M' .ut 99 members of the Pfince i: i:.. t: Club , eiipoyed a smoker ' 'I i.rtdgc psrty lawt night. The i.ti'air waa organized by George xin.iid. Pa"eigers Arriving here from ' south on the- Msnmer Cardena M'i- afternoon Included Mr. and Mr . Garnet Watt, .Mr. Matwenger ud Mr. Lorn. ' Tho county court case of Mc-1 vh. Hanflon, an ction under "v Woodsra lien Aet, hanjaten fdjuurned sne rile. Further, V 1-1 ' ih c ia to be called. Norman G. Pattlson, purser of . st(uMpr.Oardena. has return ;1 t his duUM aboard ihc hfp week afleF'havihg been ashore Vnncoufir for a week suffering i h an atHtt inJJu.en-?.'V I Local and Personal News In Brief Kodak Time is Here ! , p-Ve Jiaye, them In stock Brownie to the Cine Kodak for movies. Come in and see them. We develop and print pictures. Daily serrice. mes Em, yftc Pioneer Drttccists THIRD AVE. t, SIXTH ST JELEPHONrs K'.ono Well Mannered Service to Motorists We want to make friends and hold them. By courteous service we can win this. Let us take care of yougas, oil and.gr easing needs. Guaranteed- work. We make a specialty of. pumping tires"fnr ladies. Let us help you today. ... ... ' 1 ..j I ..! l IJUY DOMINION TIRES They Are Good Tires m . - , WLL o. t. FARM-- f V - - a II II . IK R. G. Johnston, manager of Inverness cannery, returned to the Skeenu slough on the Cardena this morning from a trip to Klemtu cannery. :to the Owen ake ihrurt InterMtK r?stdT m Mr. and Mns. Garnet WnU,yby, were recently marneu in vanrau-ver, arrived in the city on the Cadena this afternoon from the south and are the gueaW of Mr. Watt's brother and statar-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Watt, sml Avenue. ..Mr. Watt will make a trip to Anypxand Stewart oil Insurance biwinAs. Denllst'Dr. 680. - VU J. ii Cbssc, Phone " Ladies' aprons' for $1.19. 'Special' at Jabbur Bros.' for Friday and1 Saturday. ' 114 Tag Day for Salvation Army Stolf' Denial' Campaign, Saturday. . ' ' ; in R. E. Allen, district forester, ailed last night by the Prince Geofge for a trip to the Ocean Falls district on official duties. A new shipment of Nanaimo-Wellington Coal and Beacon Hard Coal has just arrived for Albert and MrCaffery Ltd. Phone your order now to llfi and 117. tf Slay 17 Norwegian Independence Day Banquet and social in Moose Hall at 8 p.m. Munic by Premier Orchestra. Admission $1.00. Mrs.' Smith, wild has been vis iting here for some time with her sister, Mrs. R. A. Creech, will Iekve by tomorrow morning's train on her return 'to Edmonton. William Britt, pioneer druggist of Juneau, and Mrs. Britt were passengers aboard the Princess Louis yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle on a vacation trip. Major C. H. North, superinten last Singapore pineapples 8 tins , 3c GRKKNGAGKS 2s. Per tin 15c See Us Tor Fresh ' Vegetablex and Fruit Teri.ce, asparagui arriving ewy train. Order sonie today. Bunch beeta ami new cabbage expected on Saturday. CAMPBELL'S SOUP Norman JttaaTiPurserpfti ja.f'Yhe inftriSf W homky a N R. stwmer Prince George, iAMK" Yi .11. 4nnmhr iZWht. I ' ....... A.V.o , fumed to his duties aboardTthe 'iip this week after having been ' i .'iv for three weeks at during whiok time he made a JrAo Seattle. L- F. Chapman, manager of the Kiine pole firm ofMcGlllla & 'i, is a business visitor In tho "y - Hi-.company -takes largo "Hit ...iirTi m oi of nolfts iHjiea from iivm ine ..v nan- F. A. Dietrich and W. K. of Vancouver and . -A. Qistleton ot acaiuw 'v been paying a visit 0J ineci cap. .minewiiitnjj. ttmd inf W B Dornberg, president of it.. P!l..- Pun Mining Co., who has been spending some time at ir..n in nersonal charge of operations I1UMIIU" at the mine , and , mi .ll I. a?rived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the Inter-ir nd sailed last night, on the n..- Prince r.anro George for for . Vancouver, vnnrouver. """Y": ac- Timi T...i,r r,o which I -Tomato. 2 Un X 25 CAMPBELL'S SOUAaspriatl. IYES I you can easily make the most, . delicious Cakes, Biscuits, Doughnuts, CooK.ies.etc. with MAGIC enc Jabours. BLUE RIBBON TEA-r-lb. . . .68c SCRIBBLERS (Inkl, 7 fjor Ut- Ter tin I I&C SEEDLESS RAISIN 4-lb. p. Each t .40 ROW&TREE'S LIME JUICE 7DRDIAL Sweetened llm uice. Ter bottle. ,...80c ELIX GINGER ALE ' Per doz , ,.$1.75 3s. Par Uin ..j...83c GRAHAMS 2 lbs. 45c . m . ..-.4 , . J M . M 4 . . nfbceea wmui kkiij f iajiuim" &ui.TAiNx t::.Tnr.; :ii interior. companUd by Mrs. wu. CAKES Fresh shipment. Each 25c Watts' Grocery Quality RightPrices Right PHONE 55 PHONE 56 MING MADE IN CANADA )WDER hn naM . Malt V tlan II f Oil C Tl I ...IJ ro7tr?fnr1t1iih-0(rkrrabla Sal CONTAINS NO ALUM E.W. GlLLtTT CO. LTD. TORONTO, CAM. T.V..L A . a J TF s..l-i Specials FOR THRIFTY BUYERS i QUAKER CORN FLAKE8 1'kg t Mternoon BYLAW CASES DISMISSED In view of the proposed revision of tho measure by the city council, Magistrate McClymont ! in city police court this morning dismissed a number of local citi-1 zci.s who were charged with breaches of the city parking by. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY jbw.jTM cwa Jindef. the Motor l i$iejiiti .Actf.were, aiso msmisseu TOILKT ROLLS 9lfor. ..CWe ?lojpi.aMcouni on cnnarens SLKIN'S BEST )!' FKF7 , -- SPECIAL.'&NOUNCESIENT lleatty Electric Washers. In-creased volume of business and more efficient production enables us to supply you with the B.T. Washer at a startling reduced price, on 'terms. -Listen to our salesman's proposition when he calls on yu within the next few days. PARKIN AND WARD Local Agents 118 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mooseheart . Ladies' bridge, whist and dariee May 28, at 8:30 prompt. Birthday Tea, United Church Hall, May 30, i - Fast Worker's June 17 ancflift. Fair Board. Moose Annual Picnic at DIgby June 30. Gingham Dance to be held at Port Clements some time In June. So be preparcd-buy a bowl K. of C. picnic, Sunday, July 14, DIgby Island. 4 a Tail Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Important radio meeting in City Hall on Friday at 8 p.m. Remember to bring some cash with you when you como down town Saturday. Salvation Army Tag. Day., .... 114 Rev. F. B. Oena, Japanese clergyman of the Anglican Church in Vancouver,- sailed by the Prince George last .night on his return south atfr having spent a few days in the city. J. A. Hinton, president of the Esperanza Mines Ltd., returned to the city on- the Prince George last evening after spending a few days at Alice Arm where he made an inspection of the property. ;., Jess Clifford, charged with trespassing on' property of the, canaaian National Hallways', was found guilty and let go with a warning by Magistrate Mc'Cly-raont in city police court yesterday afternoon. ' I John McHugh of the hatchery department of the Dominion Fisheries sailed last night b the : Prince George on his return to .Vancouver after having spent a !few days in the city and dis trict on official business. dent f the Duthie mine, arrived Tag Day Saturday for Salvation ' t i , u. .,., in the .vty on the Prince George Army. . 114 , 1 " . , ZJ ZTZ night night from from Stewart Stewart where where .. v"! ' 1 (- ...... .1 nt - t tt:m Jif'lL' XW ''.i'' f "LIT"! -YL - """" wiiiuuwaiiur spe- ki JjnlKer4' ' ' which were seized at the end of Mrs. K. K. fMrnle of Smite,rA Aohnatftfla, arrived in port at . . , WFi who has'Wi sending the past,J c)o1this,tafternoon from the jSJrttv " few days-it the lty; will return south ami .sailed about an hour nauanai Ireai .n.c ' . . ' to 'th inunor ton tomorrow mar- latnr nf Wulu TalnnH and Pnrt' nWrWta: lira: Bfrnie. ho Simpmm bflce she. will retnrn J" 0y$fc haa'HA -flrt-' ht of Kom 4 hit milnii A .-tl ., -TtH'it tH ttomaB (L.thUC heailjf tM ' jpaafM yWrf or , is at i2 midnight : . now. j-eJJhg, mucTi Better. IV; n" NOTICE ' j liuffc W&Ka(y,( pioneer lineman on Ui Yukon'. Telegraph line ! north 'of .,HzeltoA, arrived in the 'City on theaf Princess Louise yes- Church at mithers for the,. past three years or so.arrived in the city from the Interior on yesep- day afternoon s train and will sail tomorrow nig hi on the Prince John for a visit to the Queen Charlotte Islands on ecclesias- I'l'url Kington "Ura1!ch. important kan whew h has been visiting j11"1 .duti.es- iter he Pro business meeting Mlv 25 at, 6:30 with rlative and will, proceed cetea 10 tne uease LaKe aistrici hpnr to disfwjrihp price of fish on tomorrow morning's train to and fishing boundaries. Fisher- Hatelton men, please attend. where he will be stationed for th- summer. Spring Clearing, Sale SATURDAY 6My Coats for Ladies 4 ONLY, POIRET TWILL LADIES' C0ATS4-Regular value $311.50, fr 32.00 4 ONLY, LADIES' TWILL COATS-Regular $35 value, for 29.50 G ONLY, LADIES' TWEED COATS-Regular $35.00 value. 29.50 2 ONLY, LADIES TWEED COATS Regular $25 value. ...... v $19.50 To clear at, each, Jo si 'il URN BITS 13 oz- S1.90-26-6 oz- S3.50 ESTABLISHED 1770 1 ONLY, LADY'S TWEED COAT with real fox collar. Regular $50 value, for ,;.v''. 39.50 DRESSES FOR LADIES 12 ONLY, SILK AND GEORGETTE DRESSES Sizes from h years to 44 1; All one rice ii-iJAW JAnirlil) I if ats tor, ladies WW flfONLY, LADIES' SPRING HATS DEMERS' r. V 12.95 3.95 IV4ThIs advertj?ein,ent is, oof, published or displayed by the , ,., .Liquor Control Board or by the Govertswin mi " HHtlsH (VvliimMii Having sustained serious juries to' his back when fell oh him, 'loyee of the Vanarsdol sawmUlc st jarnerPrjPc Louis. ise f wis ard the which " pon yeawroay anernoon Percy Birt. an 'w'Z?1 fiuuuu i,riu oKagway 10 Vancouver were Hxtv-nix n.wiwpr nil .perated by W. Hagen, was 0f whom 'nut through to Van-rought to the city on yesterday couver except the following who ' fterriobn'8 train for admission to disembarked here: Mrs. Dorothy he Prince Rupert General Ho- Ryan. Fairbanks; Hugh McKay, ital. Hi; was removed from the Hazelton miner; Carlton Cash, uin to rhe hospital in the am- Seattle sad'snian. and Bert. B. llance. Green, Juneau salesman.