P.-.' WANTED Ml v. May 17, 1929 PAOB sisvicn ? i - , ; . iMan in the moon -- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR FOR LOST - - - SALE, RENT, & F0UN1 minister of finance will 1 1 if you don't watch out. THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL QF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. (Mople haVe, fame thrust I m.i nd others are elected , , in fraternal oijranlza- im . k inherit the earth and !is manage it for them. i u s after all men are not il from apes. If they are inist have descended quite i.vs apei' noses are not i mouifh to thrust into r.,ilf'(4 business. V! I'm wondering about Is 1 , 1 li.ill be able to Urt sav- Prince Rirpert needs Just :i little more money and h s talk, especially poli- ,lk. ..... - , Ten Years Ago In Prince Kupqrt ,' - ICtf' . May 17. 1919 i'"'Hf$W!' now beinjj" ''ttilfjplif; i Scotia for use in eon-1 "!' the ocean geing at the local dry dock. price on the local retail I'i'lay for butter te 06e ;i pound while new laid bringing 7)c per dozen. iy & Thompson are mov-1 machine shop business present location on First, t premises adjacent to -iirm-nt wharf which they I CM the j service Industry 4H Ball-Bearing Motors The; of a motor It the lfe of i-i !t ion. Hard brittle insula. t - ;:. mlty if oil soaked, send ex ' '' the repair (Hop or to the t ' Fairbanks-Morse motors I : ulntion that will not harden tr ; ; :k. ki-Mone ball bearing; : quire greasing only once '. rliminate oil soaked wind-1 spotted product, oil lop " .r and the cot of oil and Keirbanki-Morse motor 1- ' '' ral overload capacity and ."! T made in "fully enclosed," tri :t)tilated" type, which can T .frly in the foulett acid . . t "i and in extremely damp ' ; a t. " CANADIAN FairiaiUts 'Morse COMPArfYUVnUaa- S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. llcprcscntnttves for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections a in mnko prompt execu- 1 i f buying and selling (iI J( 1 on the Vancouver; CaU C'-iry t;nd Toronto stock ex- cs nosted on our K ' ird twlpi rlnllv. c,ili r'Jfi.orn out-of-town 'J f.v wire or letter, will inuiuH uiicii- 'in. S-D.JohnstonCo.Lld. 610 2nd AvenuePhone 130 r,l-e Rupert,. BJC TENDERS WANTED TENDERS Are invited for the' repairing of the concrete and wood foundation of the Port Simpson General Hospital.' Tenders will be received up' to and including May 25 by Dr. Large. Tort Simpson, H.C. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 119 , 1 CET THIS I ' "Don't let anyone tell yon B. C. lin't becoming j nidus tslai proTtnce. It is sad here are a few figure Uut,arUJ open your eyes. In 192C Wvrra were 14M separate 'Jajijgoturln ests-llahntSraHB B C, repre-MBUnfTC wkltad outlay of 33B mUlflfcidollars. Think of It I AH47,4da employ draw an annual payroll of IMMI.7M. And listen-Is 1938 the total value of product! manufactured In tola province waa 310 million dollar. That'a aome Uung to fee proud of." B.C.PRCDLCTS EllRCAU LINDSAY'S Cartage. and Storage ' jPhonie 6ji . Carttgef Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or - - - 1 O ! CoST, 5nTl fttaC rave I We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE 58 MILK MILK Fresh P&steurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIV'KRV Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. WIIATS THE USE "You were pxtremely late again this morning Ethel." "Well, what's the use of me early, now me and being up so the milkman 'avc broke it off?" Daily Mail. . BRINGING UP TST4J t-C ' ' Yur MttCKr UACG. YOU GRADING, Excavating, Concrete foundations. Nels Rokkjar, Room -9, C23 Third Avenue, Phone Red C25 or Black 700. tf FOR RENT F. W. HART'S Office. Email Bloek. 124 FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 647. tf. FOR RENT Furnished apartments and furnished shack. Apply Mussallem Grocery, tf FOR RENT Furnished modern four room flat, Clapp Block, Apply Westenhaver Bros. ,tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT furnished house : lueping rooms by the day, week,, or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT Two modern houses, newly decorated; one well fur-rrHhL Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. tf LOST I LOST Lady's yellow gold wrist Uktrh wuicu. Finrfor rinu?r iiWkp piease nhnno pnone Tiwl ilea 129. Reward. of CHiRoritAcnc fit' CHIROPRACTIC ELECTROTHERAPY " You ran make no mistake in adopting these scientific methods, as their use l now world wide in all cases of disease. : Our system of drugless therapy cioes net leave your recovery to chance, owing to the certainty ,f,.the methods adopted. . Consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL C and 7 Exchange Block a Green: 211 Phones Black: 281 Open Evenings of CHIROPRACTIC Gets results where other meth ods fail. Consult It. E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR fi23 Third Avenue OffL-e Telephone Blue 83 Residence Telephone Red 589 1 Established 1924 , "Canada's Leading Tire nOODYEAR SUPERTWIST Sold at Vancouver Prices and Guaranteed KAIEN GARAGE Phone 52 "Service Right Now" Advertise your wants In the Daily News classified columns. FATHER f 'XL OK I HLAK 3 I'VE GOT IINCIN' i POCKET- FOR SALE FURNITURE For sale. 1717 Graham Avenue. 111 FOR SALHr-We have several, choice homes for. sale, well .situated. Apply G. P. Tinker "Ltd. Phone 57. tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $35 per month. Phone Green 21C. tf Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars arid trucks from " YOUNO BROTHERS . SkiWate, n.C.'. Paints, Wallpaper, Etc ' - - SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass ' and Art Supplies . O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 "OOVER.NMENT LlQl'OK ACT" Notice of Application tor Consent to Trasafer of Beer Licence. 1 Notice la hereby given tnat. on tne eventh day of Juni next, the under, "fnd umku to appv to tne lmuot rntn, nnmm for eonaent to transfer Beer Licence Number 1368 and Ifetued In respect of premise being part 'of 'a building known a 7ourlst' Hotel situate Terrace. B.C. upon the lands de-1 scribed as Lots 1 and 2. Block 11. Dls- itict Lot 308. Klan 972. Prince Rupert ttttd "RegUtrttlo: on uwtnet. in tnefrov- Ince of Brltlan Coluxnola.jftom Crbahot .Coibaftliu and Autlo EuaUselo. Terrace, British CdSumit:' ttie . transit Dat4 at Terrace, '"d.fi. . 'tnia 3dth da'jV . Applicant and transferee, urn JOHN ALLEN MfJXtUOALL. ' Notice of JatentlcHi.Lo ;Apl7,v i to LruM land - I in- '. 4l.-In Land Reoordliiei .DistneX of Pinr rtusert. and situate south-west sll of wiles Island: fTCvw. Take notice that Tne Canadian. Fish. Inc OomDanr. Limited, of Vaaeeuver. B. C:. ooeUptfon. a Corpora riM Incorporated under the lawa'of the Province of Brlttah Columbia, intends to apply for lease or tne rollowm? -aewrlbea landtr Oommenclng at a post planted on an unnamed point on the south-west side Wales Island, opposite Proctor Is lands; thence northerly J chains; thence westerly 30 chains; thence southerly S chalna: thence easterly ,20 chains along the abort line to the point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISIUAO CO.. LTD. Per W. W. Trotter. Agent Dated April 20th, 1939. Letter Box Collections km. es. Uraham A Atlln Are. .. 9.00 7.31 1st Ae. Si 8th St 9.05 ISl Jth Ave. 8c Fulton S- ... 9.10 7.40 Sth Ave. 8c Thompson St. 9.1S 7. 1th Ave; St ehemrook . 30 llta Ar- Conrad 9.35 8th Ave. 8t Hays Cove Ave... 9.30 8.00 8th Ave. it Hay Oot plrcl 928 8.04 8th Ave. & Cottcn St 8.00 7.00 8th Ave. a Oreen 8t. (lUptl). 9.4Q 8.10 8th Ave. St McBrld St. 9.48 8.18 Prov. novt. building IM '80 Prov. Uirt. Wharf ......... 9.88 8.35 O..T.P. Wharf 10.00 8JC OTP 8taUon 10.04 - 11.28 2nd Ave. & 2nd 81. 10.10 8.40 trd Ave. & Fulton St 10.18 8.48 Ird Ave. St 8th St 10.30 8.80 C.N.R. TOINS For the East Mondaya, wednesdsy and Saturdays at 11:30 ajn. From the Kant Sundsys, Tuesday and Thursdaya at 3:3Q pJn. h-H53 if A LUCKV TUB BREAK- rut.0O)T TRAO& WITH IT HIM- TH lb - tspv STkaV A a 1 I THtX HEAL. ONIE BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS ilAKY.MACFIE Experienced operator, modern methods In all lines of beauty culture- and- hair dressing. Alake appointment by phoning ilea "39. SALVAGE AND TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for DIvtng and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrpi- tlons.for Charter. Jtrtw Boats apd Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engines. ( AGENTS FOR Van Blerck; Easthbpe, Hicks & Ballantyne Engines. Northern B. G. Distributors. Gobi idge Propellers ' Phone. Day or Night, 564 P. 0. Box 1561 FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining Suites. Chesterfield Suites. Beds, Springs- and Mat tresses, ttanves, Ljnoleum, Blinds. Curtain Rods. i , MACKENZIE FURNITURE to.e 775 ... (i. AUCTIONEER; 'A KlfsL-f. RUPERT... .ATyCTI ON AIAJIT. , We. buy, seJjl pr exchange any kind qn furniture br household goods, musical instruments, machinery, tt. Gen. eral Vepairs, crating, 'packing and shipping.- Workknansjilp guaranteed. Just phone Blacki 120 and We' will' citlf. GRORGK J.' DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block A. L. HENDERSON, Aufctioneer -aTTd aIrrSeTf. tair Tor all goods and furniture. Emad Block. 124 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday, May 17 High. .... i 8:51 a.m. 17.2 ft ,21:42 run. 18.5 ft Low ...... 2:48 a.m. 8.7 ft . . 1;Q7 p,m. CO ft Saturday, May .18 ., High ..... 9:5G a.m. 17.3 ft ,,.,,22:27 pum. 19.2 ft i Lo w . . .,,.... 3'5 a.rn. 7.4 ft lC.:0a. p.m. C.3 ft Sunday, May 19 High . .... 10:51 a.m. 17.7 ft 28:0(Tpjn. 20.0 St Low ...... 4:51 a.m. C.2 ft 16:01 p.m. 6.5 ft. Monday, May 20 High ..... 11:39 A.m. 18.1 ft 23143 p.m. 20.C ft. Low 5S58 a.m. 5.0 ft. 17:85 p.m. G.8 ft. mm kl TRY TO POT tT OVER ON MS, EH? THSY fi DOM'T ClT UP KARVtr OMOUCiH TCR TMA.T- r av 4) lW. lull f Mtr Sinir, lat. Cnt SriuiS mint nmm i -J DEMAND "Rupert Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Prince STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS lAr Vanniuier Sundays as. Prince Rupert . . .10 p.m. Tuesdays as. Catala 3:30 p.m. Thursdays s. Prince Oeorge 10 D.m. Fridays as. Princess Royal 10 p.m. PMdays as. Cardena ....13 mldnlgnl May 5 as. Princess Allfe ......p.m. May 18 as. Prlnp Louise p.m. May 36-Jt. Frlooaas Louise p i. From Vancouter Sunday as. Oatala 4 p.m. Wednesday aa. Pr. Oeorge 10 30 ajn. Priday- aa Princess Rnyal 4 .m Friday as. Cardena a.m. Saturday -aa. Prince Rupert 10:30 p.m. May .11 as. Princess Lou :se a.m. May 22-v Princess Louise . aim. I'or Naas lllver Sunday aa. Catala 8 p.m. From Naa Klvrr Tuesday as. Catala 11:30 a.m. For Stew atfi Premier. Jfnyia and.AIUf Sunday as. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday as . Pr George ...4 p.m. 'Saturday as. Prince RttpeH. . . 4 p.m. From Stewart, Premier, Anyox and Allte .' Atow- adndeMa. Prince RupciL 70 p.m. Prince George 70 p.m. Xir UureU-TCI'Tlottf. l-..anil ' KLiv 1 Print Charlea May ltfts. prince Charles . . .8 p.m From Queen charlotte Inland May M-u. Prince Charlea a.m. May IB as. Prince Charles m. ;la'yi0 as. Prince Chaflci .v..a.in,. r IfJMs. Princess Lotrlm a.m. May 23 ss. Princess Louise a.m. In.rir Alirika May &-aa. Princess Alice v..p.m. May tWii nrMcess -'boue-i.l l.p . m . May 36 -aa. Princess Louise .....p.m For Port Hlmpson and Wales Island-Fridays-ss. Cardena a.m From Port Kliupwin and Wale Island-Friday aa. Cardena pjn. EMBARRASSING .MOMENTS glSgg-. &tv IT Oft tWx. 1 I fiNt? 1 4fcM rTfjOM 7fEr TOWNS mi virus. Ltpr; ycvipEi 10 MOW MUCH T V, HTH ? Storage Go., Ltr1. Kupert B.C. MAIL SCHEDULE I or the East-Mondays, Wednesdaya, Saturdays, mall donee 10:30 am. From the Kast Sundays, Tuesday and Thursdays. MaU due 3:30 p.m. !' Van-ouer Via train Wednesday and Saturdays. Sunday S pjn. Tuesdays 3:30 p.m. Thursdays 9 p.m. Friday 11 p.m. C.P.R. May 3, 15 and 38 p.m. from Vancouver Sundays 4 p.m. Wednesdaya 10:30 a.m. Friday a.m. Saturdays 10:30 a.m. C.P.R. May 11 and 33 a.m. For Stewart. I'rtmlrr. Any ox and Alice , Arm fttindavs' I nm Wednesdays. 3 p. m. Saturdays 3 p.m. Stewart. Premier, Aayox and Alice Arm Sundays 7:30 p.m. Tue-tdaya 11 JO am Thursdays 7:30 p.m. ro Naa Utter Point tfUuuayt 7 PA V Brand" loin Naat Klver Points II 10 aA. i Queen Chanoti Ma; V4 4 and 18 ...7 p.m. r mm urrn Clurlottr May 3 16 and 30 a.m. To tlaska- Points- May u and 32 a.m. From Alaska Points-May 5. 16 and 98 p.m. To Port SlmpDon and Wales Island-Fridays a.m. From Port Simpson and Wales Inland Fridays p.m. A Daily News want-ad will bring results. Risff rrttkrta )mrtx aW." , Crm trttaa rflt watwi AS It- KAS AN 21 By George McManus ABOUT 5"t DOLLR? Tb JUbT ABOUT THE AME Ai THE OMR. YOU BROUCrtT IK) ' EFORS.- MA.TOE. A UTTUE CHEAPER-