Ik PAGE EIGHT This is the finest of all Orange Pekoe blends 9 T CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND mm Mil i ... i 'Fresh from the gardens' SHIPYARD OPERATING GT. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All hinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing From Prince Rumt lor VAXCOt VKK. VICTORIA, Hwannon 11a J. Rutedale. Alert IUJ. ftu. tut. Uay, 1.30 p.m. tor VASfOI VtlC VlfTOKIV Hutrdale. Alert Ha.. He.. Friday mMiMxht rr AI.IC i: AKM. VO. MTIVART. NMK RIVER. saada. K:t B ra. f Jl Will MMrMUi AMI H ALE I.SI.AMl. TttorMUl. u n. IS3 Xnd Avrnur It M SMITH Atrnt Mnrr IMprrt II C. Tl nMtlh ik-krtK autd to Victoria and eattlr .and bactr i hrtkfd through Ui destination. . . B. C. CQAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES'" SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT" Pinrir .' 1 ReU-hlkJii. U range!!. Juneau una SkRRv.ny May 1, 11, Z3 THUlt IVj. j umoi;ver. Victoria and r-rattle May .Y IS. 26 ril.MESf ISOV.1L Oteait lulls, flc. YanroiiTer and Victoria ecr rrlda : p.m . Aji'Btt lit all stranuihlp Ltnrs. IV t OltCIIAKII. UCRAL-(iSVr 3rtl Av.. J"rln(T Kuprrt. II. C. Phon- SI Canadian National Q7jc Largcfl Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Kalllng fnm PRIVCE lll'ITKT for VAMIM'I KK. VU T'IKK ' 1 TlX and latrrmcdlatc lnt. each Thuradajr and Stinday. !8:Wt p.m. lor AWfJX and SILU AltT. rarh WrdurMlaj aad Mturdjr. Am p.m. Tor VOIITII AMI pOUTII HI IMS rilAIUOTlK IM. Uo. ImImiMI rASSKNOEK TltAINK ITVE lrv Rrr IIAILY KXt trT M'MIAY at 11:S a m far I'HINCt: OMMIOK. KHMON-TOV, M INMPEtl, all jmihU butern CajMda. I nttrd KiaM. AOF.NCY ALL OCEAN STHMIIIP LINES City 'flclet Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 20H LOGGING AT HALF TIIE COST OF HORSES Rigger Production Economical Operation CATERPILLAR 1RACT0RS Make Bigger Profits Sole Distributors for B. O. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Branches: Kelowna, Fi.C; Nelson, B.C.; Prince George, B.C. iiCT" SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue Phone 765 ' MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. .( I SUCCESSFUL TEA AND SALE HELD YESTERDAY i Adair Carss Chapter Held Function Yesterday at Home of Mrs. S. V. Cox A vary successful tea and sale of home cooking was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. S. V. Cox, 633 Seventh A venae West, by Adair' Cars Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. W. A. MelJan, Mrs. Hill- Tout, Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill, Mrs. Bert West. Mrs. W. II ner in the raffle of a buffet set the lucky ticket being No. 15. W. W. Wright, it is understood, will succeed Robert Stuart who- is resigning as clerk in the local office of the provincial de-nurtment of public works. ogar NOW IS THE TIME TO STOCK UP f SUGAR 100s $.40 SUGAR h $8.86 SUGAR 20s $1.86 BULK SUGAR 15 lbs. ...$1.00 BROWN SUGAR 16 lbs. $1.00 .SODA BISCUITS Per box 65c SWEET BISCUITS 8 lbs. $1.00 WESTON'S SODAS Per tin 45c j8:BAufcTirU i ' 3 tins : '. : $1.00 GREBK PEAS 7 tiSM $1.00 HONEY Ontarie. 5-lb. tin 80c Fresh vegetables of all kinds arriving every boat at the lowest prices. FOR A SQUARE DEAL AND MONEY SAVING GO TO Mussallera Grocery Co. Limited 'H7-42S 5tb Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. 0. Box 675. Just Receivd! A shipment of TRAVELLERS' SAMPLES from Master Mechanics. Consisting of MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOYS' , LONG TROUSER8 At my reduced pricos. Call and see them. Mantreil Iaioirlers THIRD AVENUE The Firm That Brought Eastern Prices to the West SUITS! SUITS! ! MADE TO ORDER i Cutting, Workmanship nnd Style , All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED ANT We Deliver Ling PRESSED to Any Tart of thi City. trio Tailnr" Phone f.19 Dr Alexander FIIONT. 578 Rr.SNER BLOCK DENTIST I THE DAILY NEW3 Friday, May 17 ONE BIG SHOW AT CAPITOL TONIGHT AND SATURDAY Exceptionally Dig Program Necessitates One Show Only Commencing 7:30 p.m.; Patrons Invited to "Come Early" DAMAGE CLAIMS OF C. N. R. LOW Smeeton, Mrs. Vic Houston and A4 tBe Haifa rv luncheon yestec-Mrs. F. M. Crosby. fafi yt q. Dawson. ft- teUing An enjoyable musical program : ooal the ng.,... nCe system of the included vocal solos by Mrs. Canadian National Railways, re-Chrte Perry and Mrs. J. A. Ten, to a. retwn just received accompanied by Mrs. J. S. Black, viich showed wmething of the ef-and piano selections by Misses fj-w,nPV rf W svstem. due lane y Jenn and Edna McLean and Rosie to eaprft de" corpt of the em-Cox. Iavmi. Ttt amount naad oat in fruit last yapr was only $110,711 ill total sevenue of 95,168,903, or 2.1 par cent. This compared with 2.2 in 1927. These fifre were the lowest on record -as the contlaent. The Balthnere Ohio paid out 7. 64 2 28, Central wMeli was, the ilHaoii NOTICE To whom ft may concern: Week-End Specia Another Great Week-End Bill at Prince Rupert's Playhouse! AT 7:30 P. 51. "The CoUegiana," the Capitol's new serial, showing Chapter No: 2, with laugh aptenty for everyone. 7:50 P. 51. "House of Horror" with Louise Fazenda, Chester Conklin and Thelma Todd a tense ajnstery thriller with grotesque make-up in mixture of mystery and comedy. 9 P. 51. Harry C. Wttlis. versatile ven Mrs. C. F. Kemp was tile win-! eWmj, in carryjng fresh '"riloquJet, fn a new act. Harry is quite capable of putting on a whole show by himself, birt wHt be given about 16 minutes tonight and Saturday, along with "Jerry," who has become so popular. 9:20 P. M. Gharle X array in "Do Your Duty v" This ia a real Hve cseaedy !P-r cent, rennsyivanta o., wJth Comic CharHe as a New ana tfte lowest American line was Ynrk eon roanrfin.- aM the )augs a highly sntertaJning comedy, funnier even than "Me-Faddea's Flats." On Saturday afternoon there will be a special half hour's fun-jfest for the children by Harry IWiMis. This promasea to be one 'of tke biggest treats tiie kiddies Take notice that Jang Ming of Prince Rupert -have had for a and Henry. Hoy. proprietors of , long time and any wfM wish to the Canadian Cafe, have this day perform on the stage will be given dissolved partnership and Jung an opportunity. Xing will no longer be respon- Owing t the lengthy program afbie far smy debts contracted Saturday afternoon. "House of on account ff the said Canadian Horror" will not be shown. : fe after this date. (Siaedi JUNG MING. Prince &pgn, 3.C. May iaV JlR ' 114 BABY'S OWN S0AP WELL KNOWN NATIVE ACROBAT DIES, WS CIRCUS PERFORMED The family of Charles Barton Bathle. of Kincolith have just re ceived the sad news of his death Mr. Bathle who was widely known on this northern icoaat. left a few weeks ago for Los An "! for the benefit of his health, but shortly after arriving there, he passed away. Mr. Bathlt was well up in years and had i ravelled extensively m his youth hen lie was you infer, he wa one of the star performers with SJcDougalJ'a Circus, one of the li ursorn oi Barnum and Bailey With this circus he toured throuirh the United States and also Europe. Mr. Bm title returned h mc to the Naas River, however, after his roving life and settled down in 1880. Since that time hiti skill in acrobatic feats and I other entertaining tricks has been i the envy of the younger genera tions. Insjrtsnrtnr Imwaawm aSsf Titnrui D BLUE RIBBON TEA- C. M. P. returned to the city on ApJc-S SOHsVawbaada.n.ljrMterd,r fteraoo' trln from ri CLARK S so"7 getaie, SL 1 " trip to the toteriw on official Hsur pet, m.i....w ROWKTRKET8 COCOA-s. 2'tlns c! NABOB RED FfcOMS 2 -$,. I 8 tins 70c DITRKEY S SALAD DRESSING ; Bottle 50c MRS. POstTBB'S MAYON-NAISE Jar 30c AYLMEK BOMSLB8S CHICKEN Tin 0c GOLDEN CHWBK BUTTER i 3-lb. brick .....$1.40 QUAKER CHINA OATS I Pkg 0c SHAKER SALT- pkgs 25c BEEKIST HONEY 6-1 b. tin 85c DEL MONTB BARTLETT PEARS 2-1. 3 tins' 80c NABOB RED PnTMD CHERRIES 2s. 8 tins 80c AYLMEK CRUSHED 11NE-APPLKS tVs. 8 Una 80c ROYAL CITY APR4COTB ZV. 3 tins ...4. 80c NABOB SLICED PEACHES 2'2. 3 tins 86c EGOS Fresh extras. ?, doz i... ..$1.10 SWEET OItlANGER-6 dosV 6e RIPE BANANAS 8 lbs 60c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Fifth StreeL Pioprietor I Phone 20M duties. BUSH'S Grocerteria EXTRA FANCY YELLOW NEW TOWN APPLES lb 10c $3.00 BOX QUART SEALERS, FRASER VALLEY STRAWBERRY JAM for 65c MALKIN'S BEST RASPBERRY JAM 4-lb. tin 6ftc 8-LB. BRICKS BUTTER $1.36 LIBBY S APRJCOT8 2vi. Tin POST'S BRAN FLAKES 2 for UBBY'8 CORNED BEEF .80c Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER .25o X tins 45c B. C. GRANULATED' SUGAR 20 lbs $i,2f SWEET JUICY ORANGES 4 doz 75t. S 1J ; Friday and SaturtU. 1 Nights ONE BIG SHOW Commencing 7:jq VSWVWNVVVV T O N I G II T 7:30 "The Oallegians," Chapter 2. 7:50 "The House of Horror," First Feature Picture. 9:00 Vaudeville, HARRY C. WILLIS. 9:20-"J)O YOUR DUTY," Second Feature Picture Starring Charlie Murray. SPECIAL HALF-HOUR FUN-FEST Saturday Matinee for Children hy HARRY C. WILLIS Admission, 50c, 15c. Saturday Matinee, 2:30, e HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 HAS MOVED to 171 3rd Avenue Easi 0pp. S'an Parker's Garage Heated Storage SPECIALS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY WE HAVE RECEIVED A NICE ASSORTMENT OF Children's Coats No two alike. Sizes ranging from 4 to K yi-ars. Which we are offering at a special discount fr rn-day ami Saturday. Special prices ranging from $3.75 to $9.50 Ladies' Kimonas Regular $8.50. Special for Friday and Saturday v... 32.1 Hoover Aprons and Othtrs About G down. Special for Friday ami urday .,.wSttV SEE OUR WINDOW JAB0UR BROS. LTD, Phone 613 3rd Ave. and ' &H iiiiiiiaaMraSatf looking for a house? There are some listed in )aily News classified columns.