PAGE SIX Dt Mi' e's gone back to v&mmn me l .... Jen Crawford mam. .. TUCICETTS fU MMlGUERITE 0-2S Now foil -wrapped Hut still 10 cents OUTHOUHONIC VICTROLAS AND RECORDS Cigars "Well, I'm smoking cigars again," said' my old friend Bill the other-day. --"I always did keep a few at home and at the office but now I carry them' with Broken, dried out cigars made me mad but now Tucketts are putting up. Marguerites, individually foiKwrap- ped, in handy Pocket Packs, I can always depend on a factory-fresh, unbroken Yes," I aereed, "lots of men hare come to the conclusion that there's no smoke like a good cigar." OtihsjimXe Fox Trot Vocal Records My Mother's Eyes Waring' Fennsylranlans George Jest Weary River Fox Trot Rudy Valine and His , ( Connecticut Yankes Vocal Ccn Austin 21S4S 21854 Broadway Melody i 21857 "21852 RoJVaUi " " You Were Meant For Me Fox Trots IFoxTrot Vocal Waltz From the motion picture "Uroadicay Melody" Nat Shllkret and The Victor Orchestra Rudy Vallee and His Connecticut Yankees Carolina Moon Gene Austin The' Troubodrurs 21884 21869 21833 21847 A Precious Little Thing Galled Love FoxTrot GeorfteQl!nandlHs,Muslc 21MJ.V. Vocal Johnny Martin-Ed, Simile 21892 Organ Jesse Crawford 21933 All the latest Red Seal records by famous Victor artlits. Victor Talking ((. ig l M of Canada, Machine Co. II U'"1 jcfigp3 ffltf-J MONTREAL VE41 VICTOR IViK1A KVAO RADIO 1UUMIU VI U3. RECEIVERS DS SAWS The most economical saws to use Simonds Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Reml St. and Acorn Ave. VRcouvr. B.C. St John. N.B. the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Marentette, left on Wednesday for prince George. fromjljrince JRupert on Wednesday to 'openher summer home here. !- . ... i C. W. Homer, assessor, Is in the district on an official visit. E. J. Large, of Prince Rupert, formerly of Terrace, was here on Wednesday and Thursday. W. II. Cotton, assistant district engineer, Smlthers, was In this end of the district during the week in the ipterests of the public works department. THE DAItT NEWS i- TERRACE WOMEN !FARM REPORT BUSY SEASON CENTRAL B. C. ! Institute Appoints Representative District Agriculturist Tells to Fair Iloarii at Meeting i . renditions at Various This .Week Centres ,.m--.. . ... J . ,. .TERRACE, Way 17: The May of Th7fAHowinir is the offteiafTei meeting or the lerrace Vtomen-s mejVed in regard to farm-I Institute - was" held in the Ter- jni- 'conditions In central British ;race Theatre on Tuesday after- Columbia as prepared by H. S. noon with the newly appointed French, S. J. Phillips and C. I" president, Mrs. C. A. Giggey in Kelley, district agriculturists: the chair. j Bulkiey Valley A letter was read from the Spring ploughing darted early r-iill Wuir Hoard atatlmr the sums this year. In certain areas form- of the ladies' work at the fair" March, ints was neia up ny and asking that five associate 'ta during the early part of the directors be appointed from the month. Js now uie ?era of wheat and oats Institute to revise the lists and Smf ing act in cooperation with the ha en 6?ih ffi" . i ii j I farmers with bottom land are de- board. The sums allotted were. ather thjm take SHCy ZZ ? j T T.feincW of injury from hard ?40; children a department, $15; fn)sU rhen were some light boy and girls' clubs, $80. '..bowers and falls of snow during The following committee was ,h(, mnnih, but moisture does not named by the president, the first ,ppear plentiful nnd the district nomea 10 aci as vice-presiueni K reoufre a Koa supwy oi of the Fair Board, Mrs. Annie i moisture durinsr May and June, in Ross. Mrs. W. Robinson, Mrs. T. J. Kirkpatrfck, Mrs. A. McLeod and Mrs. Geo. Dover. order to produce average crops. Recent vnrm days ore showing ef' feet on timothy stubble which is Mn ' T .1 k'lrWnntrfrlf wn sru tllrninir oreprt raDldlV. TlW! bulk Iintel convener of a committee jof seed grain has been disposed to iindertake the arrangements : of lojiaHy at .fair .prices. No. t, for having a refreshment booth !eed oat ranginj? from $45 to $50 cn recreation grounds, May 24. j W ton and roistered seed oats The program program for the Institute !?rom 'u ? ' K """ meeting, in June was left in the hands of Mrs. II. Ilalliwcll, convener of the Child Welfare committee, when a number of papers on the methods of prevention of diseases may be looked for. BRIDGE AT TERRACE HONOR OF MRS. ARDAGH Mrs. George Little Entertains For Lady Just . Returned From South America " TERRACE. May 17. In honor of Mrs. S. V. Ardagh, who recently returned from a trip to Buenos Ayres, South America, Mr. and Mrs. George Little entertained at bridge on Wednesday evening, seven tables 'being engaged. High score' prizes were .won by Mrs. E. D. Judson nnd James II. Smith, and consolation were given Sirs. C. O. Duncan and E. D. Judson. Following Refreshments, musical selections were rendered by Mrs. E. W. Marenette, Mrs. G. II. Dyson, Mrs. W. II. Burnett and Dr. Ilrummitt. to generaxion nu graue. j seed wheat ranges from $55 to SCO per ton and local demand appears o b? rood. Good farm horses are scarce and a cftHord Is being imported from Alberta so local farmers will have a chance to pro-ture teams for spring work. Lakes District Crop marketing and climatic conditions are similar to the BuMey valey. Comiaernble attention is being given by farmers of the. district to the sheep in-:dnTy. Ooiniderwbl quantities of No, 1 Onfnet seed wheat has been cleaned and graded at the provincial government cleaning tilanL'Surn Lake, bv members of he Central British Columbia Seed Grower and 's being offered for -r1 nt $60 per ton f.o.b. Burns Terrace Fruil growers fn thV district 'suffered considerable lrs last year from apnle scab. They are row': orirsn'zing, through the Farnners Institute to control this .pest. 'In order to assist in this work; tbe tirovlnci! povernment has shipped in two barrel spray- NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. TERRACE Mrs. A. Ohnsorg and little daughter, Pauline, of Prince Rup ert are visiting at the home of Mrs. Fred Nash. Mrs. Sherwood returned oh Wednesday after spending the past ten days in Prince Rupert. Mothers' Day services - were conducted in both churches1 here VANDERUOOF Rev. S- C. Steer, the new Anglican rector hpre, will conduct his first services on Sunday. Lay readers have been conducting services for some months while there was no clergyman. Many matters were discussed at a general meetjn on Tuesday night of, the Y&nderhoof and Dis triet Board of Tde. ; The board iWiU ,be f epresentel at theconven tlon of the Associated Boards of Txra nf rn(ral P.rliUh Pnlnm. ! Owing to of the Scouts some Lia ,n PrJnce Ruprt next month. being out fire fighting the at- . tendance of the Boy Scouts at oiriiwf ATP their parade and service in the &VllJttUAiei Anglican Church on Sunday Rev! G.'Gillett, Indian Agent evening was small. I at Massett, arrived on the Prince (Charles last trip from business Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Elfert of with the Ipdlan Department. Mr. Prince Rupert arrived on Wed-iGIIIett returned, by motor car via nesday to spend a holiday in the' Port Clements, Terrace district. ,lr , The mi!oh Ma'unch Thomas Miss Madge Murphy, ' of "Van- CrosbyJ 'Caplaln'Oliver, with 'Rev. couver, wno speni several aays(and Mrs. ocott, leit last aion-at the beginning of the week at, day night for Vancouver to at- tend the conference there. C. D, Emmons M. E. of Portland, Ore.,' Is here again and has Mrs. Jas. I L Thompson arrived gone Into the Y gen Valley where thercare milesjoioii snaie showing, iir. Emmons be here for seven! weeks. - i The deth.ijOf Captain Dahl came as a great shock to the Islanders. .Captain, Ikhl had a host of friends on the Queen Char, lottes "and his loss is felt by many. , The selpe bjSat Beryl G., of hl-jackfng'fsnVe'fy in port. It has beep cpnvertedinto a troller, and has Just arnvea irqm vuncou Vr. f era. Arrangements are ftlso being made to conduct demonstration plot with root and cereal crow to determine the value of commercial fertilizer. Prince George The season is generally conceded to be about 4wo weeks earlier than last vear. The remain fnir ! ;.r.w-l'ftahKrttttdW,4r imrt oi tne monxn. wnen a cooiijj, the om a CgjirJ Whist wnve rnilUhKnin very" I Drive' and Dance. -i. ml i 1 r .4. , -I. .1,4 n:iYff Wi4.fl MMU rw at iiijgiib. f From' thd ruth of April the i weather became mild, with occa-j j sional dally hovr at first,-. which ed off towards the end of the tnonlh into mild dry weather. There were no general 'torms of any note or of long dur- to be allotted to each department ere were ploughing the latter week jat'on during .the mojitbjif. April land about he 17th of April and was about. CO per cent finished by the end of the month, with no arnin above ground. Alfalfa and clover growth had its beginning during the tart week old Al JohaHtpn bridge at Sn in Greek.' Wpt the forestry officials and upwnrds of 40 mi-n bu' day 1 and rtht from the time if was Prst reported op Sunday at noon unti.rjijfrt. smarted on .Wednesday. FrtUBately no" ferrous damage was done, although the llavis, mil?, 'how the pnroerty 'of Jame Csirrtftem! n.s 'weP as the latte4a-r home bufM'ng: would te deatro'-H. I . WH? "I"0 nearing the home of P-. Merkley and a TftWd ttretch of grw Hplr when got under "iol As it was. what "Was UTidauljtAdJy ' a serious fire hazard 1ms been cleared up, but at a very considerable expense to the government. PORT CLEMENTS SCOUTS: GIVE WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE RECENTLY 17:' PORT CLEMENTS, May very pleasant evening was Lidies first, Mrs. Size. Gentlemen's first, T. L. WiU Hams. Ladies' consolation, Mrs.: Croc-ker- , : Seeding began on the higher Miuaker. The winners Averei aB follows: Gentlemen's consolation, (Chas. The Scouts with to thank all thoe who so kindly donated article, ho that they had no The proceed, for the evening in April, but is not enough in evi- amounted to $24.10 making the dence a yet to ascertain the ex-' grand total of $203 towards the tent of winter killing. i Vancouver trln. Lack of heavy snowfall during be wintsr was evident in the m1l run-off of surface water. The water level of tin- Necbaro' C55""?- nd Fr;i :er rivi-rs i lower than it rjny "me fn local h'story. The 'ast two weeks of April , paved the way to a dy spring. grhinh- win Mow the Twiners to; eomnWe "eed'n"' opera 'on un-! ler Weal rmd'tion. The firt real growing we ther experienced same during the last three or four Hay) of the month but he nights till remain"i cool and frosty. TFRPCFFKF. WAS DANGEROUS Came Nejir Homes) of Two Settlers and Also Threatened TERRXCrt ' May 17.-Flre. Ir;urriiaDly carelessly ftarted by -tmMM wWle, fmhing under the fsnnurpn IN CANADA ' ' ' 1 "from Cont ; 12 M . mm l a. No Longer Need for Two Pairs of Glasses A pan- (,' Double-V i i. a lenx .,, , lens for di-t: and w'tlioui dirt-catciiiiir . .that mnki' ;ti focal lcini' I' B in Tlmv iri. ..r. . ail " "Jilts- rslinarjr kj. "I"1 U'PUl win ior lar ana near lAil 1H lien:. advantavi- ti-tr.. e ttel, John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS Advertise in W A Mm aW V MOSuJ Twm m f m w mm iuhu. m . -a f i i m Doubly rich in cream, Ciri tion Milk adds creamincu to any dish. "Homogenized" to break up the cream into finest particles, it makes the meat velvety custards, soups, uucti, puddings,' candies and ici creams. Yoall agreo it's derful. VTrte lorUtty Bluki Coil Bl CiruiM Milk tn4urtt Cm. IWm4 114 Atk (uM, UHO.-. S.L 1 iU Ubtl m..s. tVAPORATCD MILK of k,th,.t Mlr cant be wong WMkh tri I Kellogg's Corn Flakes must be ensper, more f!Ji delicious or 12,000,000 people would not L"i,.noVJo '..- i , i 11 .L n 1 Try lhm with cm"" ' daily prefer them to all other corn Makes. ,d milu or iptHf Kellogg originated corn flakes and nobody Mf "a!". . . ... . . . ' ..i iL.i lf.1l.- hol.U, rlurnU. Oo has ever been able jo.equai mat rweuogg M.d. br K.iiou i - wonaeriuavor. r CORN FLAKES -St CORN FLAKES