li ft t t 1 1 17, 1029 STOP NOI ON AIRPLANES laiion Does Away With Ob- Id inai ivinu of Travel ,t,.'! . IN, D.C., May 17: may converse with .I. .ne cabins insula-n-w sound proof wall , flie bureau of stan- 1 1 . lion consists, of a , filling sandwiched ;. hect of aluminum ' It adds little extra ;. plane and has enough to shut out ' 'inises. ! ln.ition set up by the i.vrines and propellers i t an intensity com- hat experienced by i! a railroad train, i an excellent heat I n of reducing the m, in aeroplanes is i serious handicap ! pment of air transf : I cauawd President v secretary of com-' the bureau of . litigation, t on Round proof lag lir.s by V. L. Chris ' SyoVr .of Mm Wr t rt made on ' the lir vestlgatlon undertaken last year. Two largo tri-motored planes have been equipped successfully with the sound Droof inntatinn and the Transcontinental Air (Transport, Inc., is planning to equip all of its new plane with the special wall. TO WORK ON TOTEM POLES T. 11. Campbell, C.N.H. Engineer, Coming West Again From Winnipeg WINNIPEG, May 17. "Totem Pole Campbell," as T. D. Campbell, the Canadian National Railway engineer in charge of the work of prmerving the valuable Indian reii of the Skeena River and the Pacific coast hoe come to ' known, hw gone out to begin his summer's work. During the past three years 14 otern pole? were restored in the 'vumge oi Kttwangii, to say noth-of totem figures nd head-sronei and ttie work or rejuvenating th hw b,n carried on at Prince Rupert fn Krtselas Canyon t other points .loot the Ca-iwdlsn National- Mwea. Eagles, ravens, beavsos and other figures iH pole In U can be seen from e tan ft tAmes through the abandoned vtUage at Kitaelas kOsnyon emd the tartm stoo in '.rtwimga long eBeafth to allow he tourVs to walk through the An village and see the totems at close hand. High on the hill in Prince Rupert, in the Canadian National Park, stand two magnificent poles the white wolf of the Naas peo ple and the grizzly und prepara tions are being made throughout the, .northern, .territory Jo restore " ' others. "If." 'Campbell's' wifrk consists of gaining the confidence of the Indians, of lifting fallen, poles, setting them in cement, giving them a strong backbone, curing them with linseed oil and repainting them in the original colore, under the supervision of the Indians, sometimes with: the ancient ENGINEER FOUND NOT GUILTY IN RAILWAY ACCIDENT PARRY SOUND. May 17. Ci . V. Alexander, Canadian Nationa' Railway engineer, was found no guilty of manslaughter and of causing greivous bodily harm by a jury under Mr. Justice Raney here yesterday. The charges arose out of the collision of two passenger train at Drocourt on March 20, when 17 or imje persons were killed. C.P.R. steamer Princess Royal, i Capt. Thomas Cliff, is due In port at 5 'or lock this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoint. . CHIC DESIGNS Yotm exquisite cnecmble will have , that touch of individuality when' : smartly matched with "ONYX" foot- wear. "ONYX" Shoes express tho s spirit of the season . . . newness, i . beauty . . . sprightlincss ... tho, , correct accompaniment for the per-i. ' feet ensemble. ' ... ' , . 'I BV inviu you to "O.SYXZ-, ,,0 , 1 The Family Shoe Store THE DAILY'NEWS frAGEFTVE j T. W. MACPIIERSON District representative of the Home Oil Distributors Ltd. REPRESENTATIVE FOR DISTRICT OF HOME OIL COMPANY SOON T. W. MacPherson of Vancouver Given Dinner to Mark His Promotion The steady increase in the volume of its buaineea in the northern part of British Columbia has led Home Oil Distrfbutore, Ltd., appo'nt a district reprwentn-ive tn look after its too d nee in 'ie field . Irince Rupert has been 'HH a Headenarters for this office and T. W.4UcPberon f 11 herd office staff haa been Vnl Ni the post.' . Mr. M Pherr,o'i fa young man with thorough training for h: :'"n. hnving received his training as an'engtimir In" Glai '.'iiw. During the war he eaw rvicr in the transport division ad 'ii;ftM owe to Vancouver, . u i i oughlan Steamships nn itovp ment merchant oi"itg he taff f te TofcfOii D strlbutors. Ltd.. in 192?: His popularity wfth ttie Head offic staff wa attested on -41 nrTinr'ion when over 40 mem-force tendered h'm a rrmpfTmntr- nnncrnwqati paTMrtnKk his,nPiB fo tSe northern: post. . . 'A s' i HUGE HANGAR FOR CROYDON WASHINGTON, D.C., May 17 :j Aeiopine travel across the i Knglish Channel between Loudon! and Paris has increased so rap-j idly that British aeroplane op-; eratou are, b.aildUMf oi of the worlii's laritaat aerouiaue hanir-i irs' at Crdycton' ifirport to house I i hJge arf lijrs in h single -The, iLondon consulate has ad-visjed Die department of com- uterce oi tae nruisn proqect in a 4 resort -en. viee between Lon-; don and iafis since it was es-l t&biished in 1924. j Prom 124 to 1929, cross-chan-l net aeroplane services have I flown 8,WOr116 miles a distance1 more than 196 times areund the world at the equator nd have carried 97,837 passengers and hauled 3,431 short tons of freight. Jiore man u per cent oi all mall between IiOndon auu Iraq, on the Cairo-Basra route of the Imperial Airwaysj i.s carried by air, the -secern! annual report of tfco ifnfstig. .company, shows. DijrUJga9 184JOO pounds of mail were '"carried between Lon-Vloh and Iraq, while passenger Ltraffle irtereased 34 m cent with :LjNN) iwssejigcrs aarried during the year. l.Vtisv ti I'IMl to a labb'rsnV- ing device, I lave far less trouble finding my cellar-studs now. I always find them in one certain place. Mlggs Go out Where' Is it? Jiggs In the vacuum cleaner. John BulL . "Dally New Ciasslfie 'advertising brings results. 1 U' ) IVmlnuti U Oominton Inlaia Unoltam No. J0U, mrmitabl in on. othit colouring No.mi. If you seek something new and distinctive in floors; something , , out of the beatipath . . , yet in perfect taste . . . choose Dominion Inlaid Linoleum. This modern floor puts character in your rooms. .-'!l I'-' Ki i INLAID E 8 liH . Wl t1- XJJXLi. l mm J SM J Itisrich, compelling . . .yet never obtrusive. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum is odourless; easy and quick to lay; easy to clean; comfortable. The. pattern cannot wear off. In many designs . . . at moderate prices. Olhcr Beautiful Dominion Floors Wider choice than ever is offered in Dominion Linoleum rugs and Dominion Printed Linoleum, long-wearing, beautiful, easy to clean . . . priced even lower than !?.;- you expect ,,. . either " ' makes an ideal At Home' Furnishing and' DepartmentalStores .floor, for any 'ti'tli .. The DOMOLVC HNISU Thil wandtrfal lacatcr AomIi io ppllf4 to all Domlokn Inlaid Linoleum ftddmc lovely toft hutra to n .Itodr bcaatKal Boor. St. in proof; wr.r ptoofl poli.h.. ltk acaica aa cfiart. lf! in Canada my tho motor' o f noofnouf Dominion boltltihip Linoleum The true purpose of a Budget t. v EVHRY year yeu spend a large proportlonof the-icajyou get. So much fyr clothing. So muth for shoe. So much for things to bat for heu furnishing booto-artl what not. Here is the way to get the most for your money. 4 i '. Keep a budget-.- Deride what you can affbrd to ijltlij for each item, and h6ld yourself within this amount. ' " Then -to get the most for your budget money read advertisements carefully. The advertisements you read tell you what is newest and betrt. They give you the latest idea and improvements. They help you to get more from each dollar you have apportioned in your budget and so live better and dress better with the same income. The true purpose of a budget is to enable ytw to -spend wisely and only iby careful readirf.dyrjtog sandrou hope to accomplish this result, iy'iV. St.'-MLi'i ''CW' tife.Mjti rSJs M-- JlcaU.advertisinirrcgiilarly. -' Itpoinis$UhcT 'i'.wny.tb better livinjr? yj; :-v Sec Page 7. There arc a lot of small ndvcrtiscmcntsthcrc that make good reading.