\ Legistativ® Livrery T A xX | THE DAILY NEWS [== 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE yy. RO R78. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C... SATUR ‘a 4a af: e Be Pid agp ye eee a DAY, JULY 26, 1949. PRIGH FIVE ower. Visitors Welcomed by the City Over Fifty Prominent Visitors NEW WHARF —_ RECIPROCITY ABOUT T0 BE Arrive this Morningand are 7 SIEWART REPEALED BY U.S. CONGRESS Shown Industries of the Port aes ~REPUBLICANS IN CONTROL Mining Town. (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegrapns.) New York, July 26 \ Washington despatch to the New York Mayor and President and Members of of the Board of Trade)... Prinie’, Government is! World says: “The immediate repeal of the Canadian Reciprocity } ; | 1 tenders for a new | . , : at the Dock to Extend Greetings ; On the Harbor ars ct Mewar She Ah a a i ee is fa Z to pieces and thers | oaes This Afternoon and Banquet tonight. \* notice on it warning people that “The first tariff revision has been definitely agreed to by the il Ss dangel . iR Republicans since regaining control of Congress and is a step to fe ew structure will not bet wo members of the Vancouver and Victoria Boards VISITORS WILL BE joy 4 > ad fee natin eal in the people against throwing off the high protective wall rived this morning on the G. T. P. boat Prin Ru ibout American products. welcomed by a representative group of local me oi ENTERTAINED TONIGHT ne fits ‘and : o ine tp nad] “If possible the repeal of the measure will be rushed through g Mayor McClyment, President McCaffery of the Board of eXtend a long distance to deep|before the summer session.” tre at \ rhe ary | ’ 7 ‘ | a large number of citizens. There was the usual brand Wil be Given ‘Dinner From Prince | “> ' Se el lhe Reciprocity Act was passed by the United States Congress mney iS building a road along the} ‘ ao ’ : ther, fine but slightly cloudy, and the harbor looked perfect Rupert Products at the if ea pte i - pie the year 19114. That was the time that Canada refused to do Central Hotel. to le mountain toward Sal-| \fter the boat tied up the local men went aboard and were ;so and turned out the Liberal Government on that issue, mon River which makes it pos ced to the visitors on the quarter deck of the steamer he jemte for the vd les * visiting party from Vat Dominion to make which all were driven around the city in automobiles eouver and Victoria are to be « ja big saving on their wharf and VANCOUVER BALL FOREST FIRES - he Visitors looked over the tertained this evening at a dinner! pit will also be fa more pertian | k and shipbuilding plant, stopped for four hours at Ocean alt the Central Hotel at whiel jen character than the old one saint fatto a ms a a's eal ha ewes] TEAM 1S HERE! DESTROY MUCH n mil at Seal Cove 4nd noted guring that time the party had a n various ways Citizens jand is unde ee that work | ral air of progress and! great pportunity to inspect the Prince Rupert have been invite . he pushed forward at once —_ . there were many ex large paper mill it hich tiie to dine with the visitors and it is oe oe Game Going on Tits mega TIMBER f ig heard probable that there will be a re : , noon at Athletic Grounds. appreciation were very much interested ies as to the future Fiore was the uses) shin con. ord attendance for events of this BASEBALL come scdindibalcinipan \ eit Mian Metter Oh Ata | kind National League—Brooklyn 5. ’ his aflernoon’s game of base-|Rain Checks Ravages in British Interested in Industries. td Uid-bantie eeuite damned” i il, Arrange ments are being ade|Philadelphia 0 ( nnat ;, ball is going forward before a Columbia But Considerabie spapermen were in the the sitors spol tachee 3 yy the Prince Rupert Boa Pittsburg @; N \ Boston |'arge attendance of local fans. Damage to South Brown of the Provines ped the S#ib danmnencels Trad whose guests the sit ge: 4 wo 1. St. I 2 é Wallace's team arrived on the of Line. and T. J. MeClay of The~ party will be banquet ;ene Arne ut ~Leagus Chicago 6.|Prmee Rupert today and are in —— , M. G. Baber of thej at the Central Hotel and will leave St. Louis 4; Boston 8, New York | fine shape for the game. Manson (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) . Eber Aaah CBT Tas widninhs for Anvon, colurving Vda ee ee “TY Chee. G.18 ladelphia 6, Washington 4;|the short stop who played fo | Spokane, July 26.—Desolutory rythifig and were). - Say wilt ona teacial thin Be elgerson, Ltd 7 letroit 11, Cleveland 5 Anyox last year.at the time of tire | strikes of fire fighters especially the local it ro ageing.» Foodies 4 ___ | fair, is with the-beys from the*im the Kaniksu forest is likely to is ector of the Va wit 2 plies, sueh as bats and gloves Loss of Life. la brother of © E. 5. Vanderwoort, Stettla Cigas BRI | AIN AND THE STATES were expected on the boat today, Olympia, July 26.—The exten- } Co.; F. W. Welsh, London Gro ;aA% aaléa & ee but apparently the Vaneouver/sive forest fires extend from Cedar cially in the fish ; : . - . ‘ south The local team feels tie|occur as a result of the walk out which thew has a j 4 . — STRIKF SETTLE MENTS IN oss of Clementson, especially {or ordered by the Industrial Workers Mr. Nelson : we = 3 - * iia jhis hitting. A quantity of sup-jof the World. iis city, forme : th rnal. He founag °°? ‘ A. ©. J, Weeks, Weeks as ; firm which was to supply them |Creek in Grays Harbor country to bonnes i Ee Ge Gee 8? CO Lightfoot “urney |NO CLOSED SHOP FOR SAILORS COAL EXPORT IN ‘!! D0! consider that it was re et Counts. ‘ ‘ i di Cx Smith, Smit CO " t scessary ‘he e- a é i . — D vid x Wr { 3 : Malki ENGLAND NTINUES FOLLOWING RETURN a follo ae pape, * bag nttng Br ay eth age Sng is sresident of avidson ¢ ight; . Maik are as Tollows: eC “avy Board and a the W. H. Malkin Co.; J. G. Glashir OF MINERS TO WORK Wallace’s—Manson, 3rd base;|life was expected. .. = Thomson & Sons Rk. B a Gigure, ist base; Jollife, s.s.: rhe fire east of Tolville is romiment in their (Special to The News via G. T. P. Tele hs eu ; ase; < >" Bo Bes . : and smons Francis, B. ¢ Leather Findings : : , _ Wvyard, c.; Larson, ‘p.; Block-|threatening the best stand of ess Ff amone Nos con ; an ren a! te OO ci : oe ( ; : ens of British ¢ (.0.; (i, Pettipiece, Geo. Cradd ‘ew York, July 26 Terms for the settlement of the sea berger, | f.; Dawson, c. f.; Bacon,}/white pine in Stevens County. est elie & J. Hanbury, J. Hanbury & ‘ strike which has tied up shipping from Portland, Maine. to \2nd base; Gourley, r.f.; Heard,| Everett, July 26.—Telephone siting the point f in. | Sons; G H: Cottrelf, G. H. Cottrell maiveston have been agreed upon by representatives of the United | spare. jreports tell of the burning of ting s of a : . i « » ‘ ar » 9 > . "@ the city the party Ltd.; D. Y. Gorrie, Harvey "& Gor-| States Shipping Beard, the International Seamen's Unik — Home team—Dravis, 2nd base; | Mae hies 120 miles northwe st af i rie; W. J. Twiss, Motual Life of],, ‘ Anderson, s.s.; Ratchford, e.f.;|)here. Whether the town is com- the boat where they he Amereal Steamship Association : x : this afternoon they |G@mada; W. G. MeKenzie, Wood es Day, p.; Manson, ist base; F.|pletely destroyed could not be as aaS SHernoon wae : 2m . > eclos@d shop was aived by the unio ‘ > lear taken around tl nes Vallance & Leggatt; G. T. Cunning The demand for the closéd shop was waiy bey the : rinetti, 3rd base; Hardy, r.f.; N.|certained. Ae t ¢ e ar - on . ‘ shen the ' , ham, Cunningham's Drug Stores eaders The demand forthe three day watch sysiem al sea was |Tinetti. 1. f - Cameron, c.: Astoria — itla and other points Vy KE. J. Gevle. Greer, Coyle & Co A.}submitted te a sub-committee for further discussion spare COUNC AS n the Thomas Crosby . interesting Trip. ~ "|, Fraser, Merchants’ Bank of London, July 26.—The order forbidding the export of fat diniiea ial re . . he_trip north the boat |Canada; G. Kellett, Kellett & 1lerid rn. south Wales ports has been withdrawn following (he se ~ HAYSPORT NO. | RESERVED DECISION i ve iompson, Cammell aird <¢ nt ot he big Oal nihhers slLrike - ICo nley Black, Black Bros.;|™°"4 of the big coal miners’ st IN THE SOPHIA CASE FISH SALES AT. ott Sie WESTHOLME THEATRE | ASHORE WITH jae ore me LOCAL EXCHANGE ‘°° 2:,cues%""oy"4 |] tment ets ernettmesten "| HOLE IN SIDE) omsen te }Macdonald, Kelly, Douglas & Co.; D c GrirrirH s GREAT STAR : (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Te t ougias iglas, MeKay nee London, July 26,—Attorney- For cone a anne ‘ oe : wt Long Manufac ot . » is Now High and Dry on Rose Spit) () 60) Parris of British Golum- cate Snerhatae a rma and Crew Safe. bia is returning to Canada im- Yesterday. er: Roy Brown The Province er é , 4 eg yl a: s a ; See the kid who ! iek-np the Cectes the Deep ©. Fisheries schoon- oe eee ae oo rivals yesterday and | CO Mrs. Dietrich; F. P. Wilson { Reel Christie Comedy, “Comal Chat age ‘2h neei Fox Comedy * ‘his ierty iixup” er Haysport No. 1 is ashore high soit . td Camocnsatio’ ide the James Garruth.|MeLennan, MecFeeley & Co.; | — = SS and dry on Rose Spit. The crew] po, 1 asking for an injunctios Ds Andrew Kelly, |Spencer, David Spencer “he . Two Shows, 7 and 9.15 "Admission, 30c. and 15c. are safe on shore over there and ae ; j ‘in : i : 1k ter pa y . Demoerat, 24,000; W hite|4J. MeClay The \ Ores. * © emanate ™ the fish were taken off by Capt. wed ceemiiaiias a fe iy ee Director, 13,000 | Baber yee Suny res : ere re a Gillen of the Mollie G. who is ex- the ram of ‘the Princess ‘Sophi: 6,000 Hilda 8,000; |Setretary Vancouve Boat . eee ee 2 pected in from the cannery this 000; Rosepoint, 9.Woo;| Trade; J. Clough, McLennan, Mi afternoon and will be able to give : 15,000; Bayview, 10,000; | Feely & Co.; J. R, Waghorn Mag tf. ’ ¥ f~* E all the details and the possibili- No, 2, 20,000; Mary M,j Ho a, Gwynn & ¢ C. A. @. & aq lost in Alaskan waters, the Privy Council reserved its decision. “» & a y M. ; . VS ties of getting the beat off. pher, 8,000; Gilford, 5,.000.| Weghorn, Gwynn & Cx Dr. J.1 4 big hole is stove im the eide LOCAL MAN BUILD espit, 12,000 Dbs. Clark, Clark & Lyford; H. J of the vessel where she hit an ISE he Was keen on the Ex-|Littler, Terminal Lronworks; J.J ) jis now full of water*and sand NEW COURT HOU 'd prices obtained ranged | MacCrae Ald Manufacture! | having been lifted high u he OCEAN ALLS i ) ay ‘ é p the Lo e W.C. Shelley (Ald. Shelley Bros ) AT F eleven cents. beach and right over the bar by (wi A GG evens, Manage! Roya ithe tick Passengers on the PR Rank; Bow Westminster; Nels iPrinee John yesterday reported} 4 Prince Rupert am has the M ES Nelson, New Westminster Brew that the waves were. bevahian contrac t for the cour louse at ~w~ © ; Brown, Soldiers Ocean Falls. D. H. Morrison put , ery CGo.; Capt. th vi PRE | r hei in the lowest tender and he will Blue Ribbon Fe mat re Civil \Re-establishment; Albert | The company is holding out Hedda Nova and J. Frank Glendon \ : * : ile: | : / se. This “ag rap Davidson, Grand Trank Pacitl | t Cit L t hopes that the boat can be floated commence the work at once { u Nicholson Grand} oO l y Oo s off Haysport Ne. 4 be a substantial job and is an in- Capt and the is be- ; t } i which Th c rrunk Pacific Coast 8.8. Co.: H ing manned to put out with sup- pee ation sf “ we. + 2 » hanging Woman’ G. Kagens, Druggists’ Sundris on plies this afternoon. Twenty oil ae e — $4.0. g “sina . } reas . . : "ng Story byO. Henry 9iCo.; J. Stevenson, Manufacturing | . - drums are being taken out to aii/"®8°" O4F TOF DUS Billy West are Che a “dk 8 Double ia tee CHOLAR” ‘©6088, One long laugh OM Start to finish Confectioner, Vietoria; John Ne n the flotation of the vessel, | STRIKE THREATENED arn a Ranga iT " August 6th, at 7 p.m. . i. 6 K. Realy at slton, re. ; ON ORDER OF |. W. Ww. au : son, W, |! turned home on this marninga’s ve ‘ . ne > —— ( : Nelson, B. C., July 26,.-—Rain Manson & Co.; J. Gosse, Goss: Mill ac : eity falling intermittently in seattered Miliard ¢ 0 . List to be published later eee sections of the interior is be- Watch for . Ladysmith ‘Coal. The best. Prince) lieved to have effectually checked Rupert Coal Company, Phone 16. several forest fires. train after a brief visit in this Sh J snd 30 cents * ft and 9 Carhartt's overalls and gloves. Agent, J. F. Maguire, Smith Block. gua