'" MtSUIqRIPTION HATES City delivery, BHCar Carrier, yearly period, paid For leaser perwazmia in adanceper.'mqnth By mail to all partfetirilitrn and Cental British Columbia, I The citv council, on . . n..9i i recommendation oi tnc:,ooara oi forks, decided last night to call for tenderer the 1929 iWrnm of concrete sidewalk construction,-Which con i sists of the south side of Third Avenue wesfrbf McBride paid in advancmyMy Period ...... 3.00 tv,a ennth sirte nf Second Avenue frnm" McB ride Transient dMir(, per incU insertion Mo T . d gt t TKiijf SAvfehue fromSeventh to' SaTre Eighth Streets, the northf Second Avemie W Classified advertising, per. insertion, per word .02 Sixth to Seventh Streets and the east side of Seventh Street Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line I5,fr0m Second to Third Avenue. Decision was not reached, Or four months for -.. l.oo ( however, until after a clash had occurred between Mayor Pv mail i r, all ntVioi nqrfa rif I?rtHali PnllimVtio flio tlriflall Tvm. ? I- . .. .... , 1 f-f",". ...... ...v. . M-Mmrifo inriA ui. i'ruanomme. pire and United States;: paid in advance, per year .......... G.00,Th aUer gpoko jn critici8m of By mail to all other countries, per year 7.50 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone ...86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Tuesday,. April 16,;l929 the recommendation on. the ground that it did not go far enough but should also include sewer construction in connection with which he charged incompetence and extravagance. Aid. Prudhomme did not sec 150,000 cents had been squan-j dered. : In answer to at question by Aid. Collart, AleL, Brown stated that the city engineer would also J make a tender. The; ecommenda-1 tion was then adopt!- j 1 he remainder Qf!ast year s how eontractors could compete ; concrete sidewalk program will with the city, wh'ch had complete completed by the city. In ex-equipment for building of concrete, paining this. Mayor McMordie sidewalks. With nroper manasre-1 ,,. i ,u. .nu,..nr) THE USUAL SYSTEM !ment the city should, be able to Tuoeday, April 10, 1923 fAGE FOUK THE DAILY iNEWS ENGLISH ARISTOCRACY VIEW INTRICACIES OF CITY, DEEP WAR DANCE City Council Decides to Call for -j The Daily News PRINCE KUrEIlT - URITISH COLUMBIA Sidewalks Tenders to Construct Published Every Afternoon, Excen Iwcnt Sunday, b by Prince Rupert . i . (:( uauy news, ijimj enue n. Buimtss Section, Bylaw Passed II. I' PULLEN - - Md'iTSg,nEdJrt'( i i ii i '.' in advancetfJujb The League of Nations Society in Canada has followed build these walks much cheaper, with the carrving on of the in the footsteps of most other organizations.' It spends than contractors, jie,.refexred to; Tj-h. money right and left for everything! except, newspaper '"SSS' LocaimplSTniative by- publicity. A cirailarrateg that they Jhave emgDUtf,y()UU and where sewer ditches, were be- 'aws Covering Jhtajyear' concrete j letters to organization and 12,000 .lelitqrs, tp irjailduals. Jng dug three feet deeper than sidewalk !$inj tjtorre put) 9000 posters have been printed and distributed and 28,000 necessary and then had to be fill- through their flnaf readings. . namnmeis nave Deen aiscriDuieu iree oi cost ana zu.uuu t-u uv i leaflets. This all had to be paid for, but the newspapers Make a Test are asked to do their part free of cost. There is no pay for: A,d- Macdonaid stated that he them ' . had made the suggestion that mi'; Lfi.'i i i. i 11. tenders be called for. He had mis seeiHBio- ue me usuui atiiiuue lowaru ine news- ,one w EVANGELIST SPEAKS TO FIRESIDE CLUB n tint. Iioransp h was in . .. . -w . . i i . . . ..v ..vv linniluT I h II Pfll ill i n it 1'nnnln nnnnra r is oaruppwr that rhnv sunnnrr oiwv trniv mnvp. u t. i...f """s ment and do it Without reward, While all Others Who are because statements had been made doing it are paid for their services. We expect that the that lhe wrk waa C08tin tht' city Had Interesting and largely Attended Meeting general secretary of the society under discussioiris paid, mtjcn I?.ore tnf? V0"!?,; .tn The principal future of the the sending of the letters is paid for, the printing-is all lSntrlcY a" S-ud 'V, ;aro"thwy1meetintrla8t paid for, but the part.tl1o.nev8papera,do isUtp.fopaid iireuffU ttJS if for. , ; . : 8tatements would be proven. If pirinir niMminibr Jlev. F W. Gradually the nevynora are clrialn i? (InVvn'nn'frlMSde- the teoders Were not miicK lower W '"l 1 " ct r ' - ji' VMi,iiitffvvfi uii VMC auu j , , . . . , , manda on their space.vThoy are demanding thabwheiuinv lnanihf Clt' , ft8' , - cjli. ject of Doing; Your Best." There V would know that it Was not far ; . ,..f ?4.,-i,ji : wa. an ,in,ta,i;iu. in,. thtf npu'snniuip wliinh ortvo5 thp nnhnpitir Thou urn ro i .-. . r t v ance,antl Mis Agnw Dawion, the r .v..,ft, - ' - r ' ?. . mai me qme nan come wnen Aia. nrcaident nccunied the chatr jLuontK iaj uv: mauc vnc Tt-un iui'cvCT.y iritrveiiiciiu'iu cue i'ruanomme s Biaiemenu snouia n i.u ,, n, . country, even the government departments are CQntihually ested out and he saw no other cu a voca, aoi0 r Vic u0UgJ asking them for free space fbi' dv'firtTs'ing which should wafI.th" tM'of doMit. ' to and a vocal due by ,mis be paid for. mr. -.. W ir.ni V L l"'Ui, lieuiah McKinley and. Catherine 1 the deficit last year on sewer con- Mtissallem. .:.' i Off A !-nttit struction and p'redieted that there KcfrtahiMnU ... DISARMAMENT wouidbeabfegerdrfidtthi,. d,fthr,; rdJHSSTaKTM JfST Lack of fair dealing leads to lack '6f faith. Today the Ditches were being dog too deep, demon, WJJlfs Hill and Ernest committee dealing with disarmaments is sitting to. try to he cha-Ked Pipe.wa beinsr laid Aliistohe. work out a concrete recommendation,, to! imaWto the !L$Lm?'l t? wa'. -r.-r. a fmm , . .i ' .. huuuik lu wictriii inc uruunu Leatrue oi xsations. ine dinicuitv is that the nations do ,..,. t a n i . n rf fwiof annVi rvf Vi nt nnrl f 1lQtr' Vtlno rrrt11 Aititrt' KA((?iiori u i. 'TV rf? ' . 1i noi irusi eacn oiner ana iney nave goou cause to De suspi- would cost more to ep sewers in cious. The changes of front of some of the nations have repair than it woiuhho build them, been soranid that it is not to be exDected their snpfrpstinns IIe thought that comparative will be taken offhand. Disarmament and the world court pric? 8hu,d obtained on W3Wer will have to be evolved not adopted. To adopt them is to put on a cloak which may be thrown off at any niomentJ What is necessary is a steady program of education for the ' whole world. It has already got a good start, WHAT WOULP BE THE BEST MEANS TO ADVANCE INTERESTS OF NORTHERN AND t;. THE EXODUS . Tho poMticians will be busy uu"5 during ,,,g the ine recess receM sowing B0WinK tn0 of the road rolleaLafai iMiliii..! Pomoal tuU field -.hi. with promues and policies. rtt -New. of the Wrd. '?t dmed' table to to j CENTRAL B. C? PRIZES ARE OFFERED D.iily Ni'ws invites uirCHtions as to the lient tnni t w ..hk mjr thf inter.--.tf of northern and cntral British Colum." bia. Am a in Munition of our interest in the aubjectj we offer three yvs.t ... f.,r hv best suffgeRtlons put forward in a brief fiewsp.v'i r ..rticli' rA to exceed 600 words. Plrt prito,1f; M-cond priv.c. a year's nubscription to The Daily New; and', third, nix i .n ths' subm'iption to the paper. A whooi tM or school girl is just as likely to win the prize for this as is a grownup. Write ii nd mail .addressed: Contest Editor, The Dally ttewa, Prince Rupert. BJffF1 k construction. Wanted to Know ! Aid. Brown wanted to know where sewer ditches were being dug too deep. It had been necessary, he stated, to take out dirt in order that a bed might b laid for-the rHp Perhaps that was where Aid Prudhomme had seen the refilling. Mayor IkMordie felt that Aid. Prudhomjne attitude w::s rvlly 'humorous. He had formerly been 'the grqat champion of contracts, i in the matter of digging sewers too deep, His yVorship did not i"think that AI(L Vrudhomrae really means to deceive the public but, unfortUuately, he 1's n..t state the futta" The mayor gavo j deUillC IfioMt ewcr pi;ic h;id been: laid 'ffc'rdf.r thut it might be a listlrrJob. He had thought that Aid. Prudhomme would favor calling for tenders for sidewalks. I The Hoard of Works had amved to deliver crushed rock and sand to the work at tho same coat as the city engineer now charged and to give contractors the use r rental. expect that. 'lf;Ald. ' Prudhomme, was. really slneffe in lito charges of extravagance he Vould be able. MARRIED BY PROXY Zeeger Deenik, a young Dutch- .tft-Jntluancw hla friends to give Wllh u tru,.k lurfn at Hut. .tenders, at jmtf the present cost, tonville. Ont.. who was married a He hoid Ut.hey would and few )lttyg aro to Migs Do2 of that his frfends will prosper and Kreeriekwonl, Holland, the groom the city , flouilsh hs result." at the time helng n Montreal and -Aid. PrudlwmmvF.defied the lhe Atlantic Ocean between them, mayor to say that he had veer The arrangmit8 were made by tried to help his Jriandsjor In- the co)oniation deiuirtment of tended to d Ihought the Canadian National RallwayB, thM sMch aavas most the proxy Mng nccea. unbecoming orf the part of the 'Mry tnat the brJ(ic mlM comp,y vmror.VAwn hera to do the bast with reKUlations. The young wo-he could for the city as a whole man IM for Canada Immed-and he was not opposed to cnl- iately after the t.eremony. ling for tenders. He contended,) . however, that the city engineer, waa ntompetent to carry on his Accounts for the two wecka en-dutlesi ding April 12 totaling ?C8,103 Mayor McMordie failed to see were passed for payment by the where 150,000 dollars or even city council last night Sir William Letts, during a rrfcewt tour of Sooth AfricajiW..s goeat of hunor at a war dance at City Deep, Johannesburg, lien Sir VjUam mq nterested in the exhibi- tion. jaSJBTnBRKnStniTjPVYW , . -ti'ijui iw .:ih . n 1 , rt if '! If'.ri.U. 'I'll' I C 0 0 a 0 " B " 0 " " Good roads everywhere, nowadays. No wonder more people are riding C.C.M. Bicycles. Why don't you, too, ride a C.C.M. and make a pleasure of the daily journey back and forth. Your health will benefit, and your pockctbook also. Any man trained to handle tools, machinery or metals can see that skilled Canadian workmanship goes into C.C.M. Bicycles. And clever engineering, too. Friction and wear reduced to almost ' nothing. COM The Triplex Crank Hanger, Hercules Coaster Brake, 20-ycar Nickel Plating, three coats of Enamel baked on over a coat of rustproof and Dunlop Tires are distinctive superiorities of C.C.M. Bicycles. Get your C.C.M. catalogue at the nearest C.C.M. Dealer's or write to Canada Cycle & Motor Co, Limited, Weston (Ontario), Montreal, Winnipeg or Van couver. icyc Cleveland -Columdi a Red Bird Perfect Massey also C.C.M. Joycycles for Children 7' f Whoopee! Lat si C.CM. BICYCLE Models AT RHVISKI) LIST I'RICISS Terms Arranged Cadet .$33.00. Model Sjx... ; .$12.00 Sport : . , R52.50 Crescent ...... :.'.'$35.0ii'" UtahAnr'd ...... .$50.00 Motor Hike Model $57.f0 (leneral Repair Shop TOM BALLIKGER 318 Fifth St. T sws mmKmmm ssBBMBwsBBMaassBsMsiiawBMiiiiiis 1 For C.C.M. Bicycles McRR0S-1