Tuesday, Aprjl 16,, IPSO . , ' tilE bMVt NEWS , PZZ fHUKa ijjffi, : i ' m; Local and BsonaL, Mews In Brief m Come in for Details of the $30 000 Prize Picture Contest Let us tell you how easily you can qualify for a major prize In this big Eastman Contest the greatest In the history of photography. Entry blanks and complete contest information are available at the Kodak counter now. Come to our store to fill any photographic need. We have a complete stock of cameras and dependable Kodak film. And our trustworthy Kodak finishing makes the most of every roll of film. Oraaes Mel. yfta Pioneer DrtttcisLs THIRD AVE. (, SIXTH ST TELEPHONES c?00 DEMAND Rupert Brand" A. "THE DAINTIEST BREAK EASTT'OOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. v. V . Prince Itupeii. H.i; - SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO OKDKR Cutting, Workmanship nnd Styl All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND 1'KESSED We Deliver to Any Fart of the City. Ling, the Tailor Phone G19 Dr Alexander rilONE tn ItK.SM.U Ill OCK DENTIST LOGGING AT HALF-THE COST OF HOUSES Hijjgcr Production Economical Operation CATERPILLAR TRACTORS Make Higgcr Profits Sole Distributors for H. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. 910 STATION STKEBT, VANCOUVKK, II.O. Ilrahchmt Kelowna, V. C.; Nelson. B.C.; Prince George, II. C. Pacific Milk In Cake "BUILD B. C." A lady living I ver wrltea: pOUGHS I Apply Apply o or Wel .wallow wallow km tViaralTO "I put half the number of eggs In my cakes and use Pacific Milk when following a cake recipe arid I get siiIi ihIkI results." It Is Statements ItVe t hundreds 01 womenrqiu hi -nv nefi" tKSt ten i thi demand ior i. ho great and growing, n North Vancou- . i PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, B.C. iJirott and chart imail pieces m je. a aaai VICed VapoRup 1 f Million J.r. V4 r.r . 4 a Taxi Phone 4,' Ulg A Taxi. If, Dentist Dr. J. K. Gosse. C8C. Ph. The byjaw setting he city mill rate for .1929 at, 45 mills wttfeufv-en its fnitiaj ridings at last night's meeting of the city council. Fred Lanza appeared before i the city council last night to take ;up certain matter In connection with water service. Mr. Lanza was requested to appear before the board of works. Union steamer Catala. Capt. E. i A. Dickson, returned to port at 11 o'clock this morning from An-yox, Stewart and other northern, points of call and will Sail tMe;-afternoon at 3:30 for the south. ; ! Aid. Dibb inquired at last Inight's council 'meeting tf the te- lft.ilnotfnei rit I' t T Jlil .'....,.. ! intendent of .utilities had been ! ered and adopted at last night's council meeting. Aid. Brdvn in- s- 1 - a HE WAS LIFELESS AND DESPONDENT qt ALlrBRAN m,adp him fvide-, ipwike and wll doctor prescribed it' Constipation ruins hopes, saps strength. Yet thousands of sufferers have found the way to relieve and prevent this disease. Read how this man rid his system of constipation. "Darin- the thru run before AiL-etAM eared me, I eiperienced more tmbirraultif moment, than I nr. to tell of. bring life-leai, 4uB. locgy mil deapondent, I could not k"T air Job. iij fricndi didn't want mr eonpaav and I u tired of belne aaked What m tb world U tha auatr whh your "After epeadliif much mooer for treet. want. I finally found a doctor who advtaed no to eat auhn three tiraea a dar. I did tMe-for three months and I didn't need to bo told that 1 looked better ... I felt bettnr-!and(acied better . . . I am atlU ln AUaaaK ever? moraine; and have no trouble now whateomr." (Name and addreu oun reqaieit. Guard against constipation by eating Kellogg'i all-bran, all-bran is guaranteed to prevent it to relieve it. Just eat two table-spoonf nls daily chronic cases, with every meal. Far better than habit-forming drugs and pills. all-bean is 100 effective. Doc- formally ac4rted. The mayor re- tett recommend it because it pro-t It,,ei ' n?.tui"l elimination. Serve It liil ibkt l..He m?a piiva tHfct a, letter www shortly a; with milk or cresm. Use it In cook go forward to Mr. Little accep ting his resignation. An offer of the Grand Trunk Pacific Development Co. to sell the city Parcel 19, consisting of MM acres, at a price of $25 per acre was not accepted by the council lat night, the finance I committee advising that the city ing muffins, bread, etc. Delicious recipes on the packaee. Grocers ii i. e . . . ... ... sen u. iiesuuranis. noteis, dinine-cars service it. Made by Kellogg in uonuon, vniano. 4 V ALL-BRAN was not rn a position to accept Whirtsand Cribbatre Drive and the offer." The land -in question Dance, aVIoose Hall, tonight, Ap- i in2 &TS&T2. mm m ARE SHRINE CLUB HAS turn on Thursday .this. week. , STILL BEITER TODAY ENJOYABLE DINNER- R. A. reech returned to the1 Ametka nlelvea Up'"" ' 'NCE LAST NIGHT city on the Cutalfc this morhihg ur ',, k' anA rna h.v. -! ; -i .'lxrti from a brief business trip to An-, as iiih A 12 ,U il.iMfmbfcrMlthejU'rince Rupert .ih;i:- Mrs. Norman Fraser of Alice Arm is a visitor In the city, having arrived 'from the horth on the Catala this morning; "Robert H. Merrick? arrived to day with a cargo of Nanaimo lief along: Hays Creek west of ril 16 at 8 o'clock prompt. Pi, of Vancouver Vancouver will win arrive arrive in n t McOlvmoivt Park- and ami under .iain. nr r.,n. r.A .i. cy n the Prince George tomi diaciission recently as a possible fen priees, Refreshments. Gentle- row rnIn frorn the south to exDrtnaion of the park. ' Staff Captain Jbiebh 1 divisional eomrturmier of the Sal- mittoi vutiew Arthjr'f or Alaska and Nor- tion thern llrftlbh Columbia tur t' trVe cfty'rjri teriroon' f rm men 75c. Ladies 60c. Acton. A ruMurt of tn ceTl-TXfeWa W -h tral Interfb and'wfl) sail Satur- pro)erty. day rnoi'nlifg aboard the Princess . , from , the ii nance conv 7GHlobk 20. sec- sola td'-Mb! Karnes for ijlopted by the Ight. The offer fl rtro o iro i rtot 4 V a I ( . . 1 . 1 . ' . . V 11 i T .. ! . . 1 1 ,L. rtiicf on nis return to nis neaci- 1 ""wis" BVWK suuiu uu ine quarters at Wrartgell. During 'fcnw t Catala today from nor-'Staff faptHlh Ailbn's visit there ther'rf pofrfli! Include: W. J. Craw- will., be (Hwotal activities at the ' rti. btewart to " ancouver; Mr, we.aHB. u 9 j va a waaaaata vc lull J 11 Thursday- int8rthe-fitfvfabllity of ' t.k rt a local e(tdel. .. apd Mrs. G..A. BrJdgeman. Anyox I . gi ' ,, ,to Vancouver, and ,MIs Paley, A bylaw provklimr for the pur- Anyox for Englewood. chase by the city of certain lots in connection with trunk eewer Jck Harris, wno nas been a I r.inslriirtinn wm finallv rax-nnniil. member or tne Stall 01 the lOCal .Uuiicfa of the Canadian Bank of A. Kirktrlck for permiaalon t6 l)rolule election 01 omcers ai subdivide, property bn Fifth A n '"y date. Will the Elks enu. E't and at the corner of PBior Baseball Team? Quite Jtttlow Street and Fifth Avenue Com UP nd talk it over. West respectively were complied w am -, with by the city council last c0" fatroi alter meeting, night on recommendation of the " Board of Works, Permission must be obtained of the council before ANNOUNCEMENTS any city property can be suUll- t a vided it waa stated by the cltf I solicitor. I - . I Gyro Hoedown, Auditorium, The city council last night re-1 April 19. ceived a request from J. A. Bl- anger that a hump ff rock in the ' Moose Whist Drive and Dance, street be removed from In front April Wj. of lot 15, block 25, section 5. ,Mr. , w i,y, , . . Belanger stated thatfthe rock Vre-,, 'lWe "ffpcW Singers Concert, ventel access cejt over iss to that property fPf" ayire, npru adjoining lota, the! ' , f matter was referredito the Board numerable instance of this kind injjyhe city and, irsonally, he rm-u sum ipiuo.iib. letter from theipanadUn So cial Hygiene CoumjU imiuiring read at last night's council meeting and referred to the finance committee with power to act. The letter referred to the reduction In the death rate that ,, was being brought iibbut'uYa result f the service: Thi Annual Bazaar In aid of Moose Annual Picnic at Digby June 30. a ' QrAT.E OP rif AIIGKS whether the city might be Inter- . estea in a pian ror tun public The following Is the scale health service in rural districts I n.-i,ri. tnr rt.u.na im oiiivii nnrae till il iju ujii la-1 notiCeS ) tion of $200,000 was being sought ith Kotlees 50c from the fwleral government, was Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Notices . Funernl Flowers 10c name. per Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. 4 1,'JlJ J rui " - - - CI Ij Alilll- . w I a i . a . ' m. -." and! 7c". .'. and Mrs. N. Fraspr, from Alice cl,ed njh T the purpose! Arm . , , of J- NoMe Toronto, I official organizer of the union inj W. J. Crawford, head of the the Dominion of Canada. Thomas well known Stewart transporta- B- president of the local,1 tlon company which bears his UP" the cha.r. couver. is tviKnehr aboard the lur- l P0 " " conomons. is a a passenger aboard the "7 "V""u,"'" quireo u some means couia noi t - . " !rni.r It. He will will mV make a rrln trip be devised of disposing of lota uver he will spend a , t . rt , erally in Eastern Canada and the i which were so purchased by the J" '' f " Stewart pack trains. States. He gave the local; city. Feasibly adjoining property t Whitehorse, Y. T. ioi Qn h,g he wJ tradesmen a good deal of Infor-j owner would pay taxes if they ; r" " ,e ' " 7"' V"""1 accompanied ' home by Mrs. Carw- "" much apprec! could use the lots for garden garden pur- pur the service of the bank. ,,,,,,. kv. tl nd urged that this unlbn, derson, William Bailey, George Holmes and Georgo Broderius. There were a number of floral tributes. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DEMViSKY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 637. nal convention which would '' lie held in September at Mlamf) Fla. Aid. S. D. Macdonald, ast pres ident of the Trades & Labor IS LAID TO REST Cbunc!l- ,w addressed the mte't-ing briefly, expressing apprecia Interment In Falrvlew Cemetery Thl Afternoon Following Service In Chapel Friends of the late John Clark, pioneer resident of this city, ; whose death occured last week, j gathered at the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers this afternoon to ' tion at Mr. Noble s visit. Mr. Noble will leave tomorrow morning for the east. II. HOTE ARRIVALS Royal Foray and F. Conrad, Prince pay their last tributes of respect ! Rupert; M. D. Sullivan. Jap In,lct to his memory. The service was conducted by Rev. W. F. Price of First Baptist Church who spoke words of sympathy and respect. Hymns were "Lead Kindly Light" , nnd "Nearer My God to Thee." After the service, Interment; was made in Falrvlew Cemetery. Pallbearers were Alexander Du- of Works with power to net. Aid. 'the Ridley Home will be held on thle. J. L. Mcintosh. A. L. Hen Brown stated that tW were IB-Thurwlay. May 2, aW. Him. i.iaV" Our Special $50 Engagement Ring We'd like to show you how good value this is. Fine white diamond set In 18 K. gold In, the newest patterns. We buy the diamonds by weight and we set them ourselves. We save you money this way. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS NjaWlg,? ;vwjj- eitfertainea weir wives, and lady friends at an en- Mrs. 'Annette Stone returned to Thp Therp won was a further fnh slight .uv. - Joyable dinner dance Tf last ,a9t"lgfni night in im- the Commodore T Cafe, about 25 the city on the CJtala this mor- rrovment ,no ,n Jn haIlbutVd7 u.iik... t.:.. a .1 u. 'e ning from a brief trlr busing lo,al Fish Exchange this morning inflf nuvAn n a t)i j a efl hpinc in nttpnrlnm-n m r - t :..uj i -- .l. ti When a tota of 120 700 pounds mier 0rche8tra. were sold. Six American vsm1s . . , . , ., i a:ici, uicrniucilL Ul LUC the city on thrCatala this mor- 14.'6c 87r lowOO pounJ. "' we'clH the TT ling from a. trip to Anyox on ec- wllu, elv r,,u. .. ond brief speecijef were made by cleslasilchl. duties. " Vo! SlTr- V , . ,'; A. E. Bazett-Jono and R. V. G. ",reu "u w io i.ic ana c i ni. tu . i ,.i.. i... for 23,700 pounds. Arrivals and salea: ii inc. i ucrt: icic ui.ai ntjiu.i uy J O. 'Steen and .Stanley Smith i.-ttu nr' n a ttr it a iiBt j, n. irnjuitnu a r- American ... , triiftpamst. The orchestra also p.nnm. mf,m j T, 1 acf,ic riZr:?8' s?ntributed 8ei-tio d-in North 24.000 riAimH. ,ht, Fisheries, 13.9c and 7c. t? "' G. H. Monro wafs in charge of arrapgementri'for the affair. The Wellington Lump Coal for" Albert ,fl,Dr , r it'oi"' : -hall was' suitably decorated for & Mcdaffery ltdvPho,ne 116 and t! l he occasion, it being the Shrine 117 tf,,.,;MU oaia Amun .,'..,'. .I' Club' annual pinner dance. .1 Father Chamagne, O. I. aiora:,Y0IINC PF0PI.P MEET rnyor f -n ' AT MISS L M'RAE'S having arrived from the amelter 'i UC, a"dc' , , town on the Catath.s morning, j AtXeriet i4.42c'5andTdS' The YounglpTe's Society of ... ... Canadian First United Church held its Miss H Stringer, who has been engaged in missionary work at ; 1, u"r.?"' 3 ?'T 000 .pu"ds' pounds and and at 'ular hnm. weekly meeting Xfi iLu last MrH.. night relief capacity, left by yesterday's train on her return to her home in Toronto. f!nunfw P.Atirf Jiw1ra J V W.ta Rose Spit, 8,000 pounds, Atlin Pc"8' president, occupied the Fisheries, 12c and 7c. chair and the feature of the eve- Inex H., 4,000 pounds, Canad- ning was a Paper by Miss E- P-Ian Fish & Cold Storaze ' Co.lGras8ie' beinjt the fourth of a I series on t'hinese the; ""V' , . uvrtr Mfi. n.uailin Honif it, tv,a ' j. i.. 4,uu nounas. uooth" w Fisheries, 12.4c and Cc. sionary f 8aI' vliUlllllliLll VI ! cuurqu- ELTSnft.0" Games were played anc and mm, iPairigerdiwmUrkinffare-ltriL. MS'.. ..VV11 UUtlU iT. 'There w was . large tian, vataia mis McDou- t Nyman, . ! WremtedxtttJ. Hutchings. B. C. son, Bishop G. A. Rix, H. E Goul- bourne, J. Msdon. Nick Kowal. Noble Spoke to Local Electrical Workers at Meeting Last Night formation of the Chinese Church since .1925, this church being a develppmnt of th former mis r- T feth afciin tk. fo?J? ,., ,. CaUla name, today going south to Van- , ltrtca trade particu- TMj r aW ""JS??!'",? f"Vn;icouver. to lrly and the building trades gen- M poses. The finance opihmittee will ' . ro into th mattur. 1 Attention Elks I Special meet- : Mng tonight at 8:80 prompt Busi-J avaM . . ' . I hn r,pndlnir th winter' in Van- represented at the intemalio- JlaMiyeAU or the Prince uupert ""'. " """"""i ire-p injiM fl ADV lluiluihir & Inveatmdnt Ci. and J. ot Candidates. Preparation for LA It JUI1N tLAl refresh- hostess and McRae. a attendance and the evening proved very enjoyable. It was derided to postpone next week's social meeting in order to cooperate with a rally of the Bap- There was a ' large attendance ,8t Church Fireside Club. Master of Ceremonies . . . reapontible to the Company for your comfort, pleasure and satisfaction ... the Cunard Purser. Always making you glad you sailed Cunard . . . seeing that you know the people you want to know. . . . making you ship-wise. A Cunard Purser, therefore a perfect Purser. Sail Cunard t Pock throviK TU Cunard Sleam Ship Cc, Limited, bin tlatlints SI. W., Vantouttr ( Ttl. Stymuur l64S-o). or ikv sleamshibatent. Weekly Sailings to Europe From May sro from Montreal (and Quebec) CUNARD Vv CANADIAN SERVICE - (JOS Cabin, Touritt Third Cabin snd Third Claas LINDSAY'S Cartage anil Storage Phone C3 Cart'ige, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel Wei Specialize In Piano ana Furniture .Maying. 11 S3 1 4 raj .'ft