THE DALY NEWS BRITISH COLUMBIA Sanday. by The News Third Avenue Published Every Af ublishing Co.. H. FP. PULLEN. Manacine Eprror. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or By Mail—Canada or Great [Critain. To United States and other coun . oe il, per month Tic TELEPHONE TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISIN Contract Rates om applic lah wails TORK’ SELL TOVE Gurneys commenced mak- ng stoves in 186. Still in same line of business i919. Hendreds in use in Prince Rupert. c - . e ince. 2 a}. DAILY EDITION. Visitors Welcome To Prince Rupert. tly welcomed and Victoria, but woefully ignorant of this por miles nearer the are esta blished ane ItiO8 also see the | b oe modern coke ovens ai 2 What they will fail to on the Eecstali River noi far irom the Hidden Creek mine + now being completed. ” Phere are the mines of and Usk and other points of Skeena, the wmmense ore bo + WHI boos fair possibilities of ; gold mines are not far distant and the lumber 1 paper possibils Stewart a Coming Mining Centre. rorivaied alt Alice Arm, best known as the terminu Railway and the shipping port of the Do fore as a2 miming centre tells of some of the of the mining properties. mines in the will be attracted to thi« ca Plopme nis w ihiie« With the shipme i isiness blocks. i and one or two are just hea residences achine shop has just for a great future ————EE EEE Ride in Comfort : Perth. 3 Modern 7 Passenger Cars at your Service Day or Night Third Avenue and ey so ‘ SALE aT a Fred Stork’s - Hardware =“FOOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 . - wind ‘ $s sual advertisements r hest x i msertion same day we eo id be im the Daily $ ‘ ¢ S 8 s office before {0 a.m ; ges in advertisements * i be om hand before ¢ se “4 - > fi m previous day * sz en SEALE TEND&Rs ¢ : . ot me Duge =meil< ersigerd. ond me aie sted Teater “ee shart « _stewart > be revvited Wit see ior inem- “Rage 20, 1918, toe Oe o.. | 28ru wharf at Serwart. Diet hy - é { wader Department. at t Engineer of Priace Rap st (fice. Vencoerer. 6 ++ few Yan the exploration ugver ‘> sappeed oF = ectordeace with mizy. S ; : oes teerece. i} : we mast be ace e a cee ind teeta = 6 the order of the Nimister Works, equal 1 wee m4n-% mm itis : ' . e- aise be acre is t t War Somts ' t ae op oa ose oe ; Biwe priests con Ge etaines + ivpertant 2B oe pursi > pap ee me for the sum of §1 ; — hier of the . - be reteraed if the G ernment|™= ¢botr cube Ss regular bed DESROCHERS WV orks : : : 1e1% e} : | ‘he MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF =PROVEMENTS Gas ™ Mystery, Mages Lake Prec eo!) Memerel Clams, situste in e smsi Mimcemg Levies : ons : . * some Niners 8 assuar le ne, is coming Were hocated =o te het mai i 4 mn lL. Wetsies, Fw .. Carter, F.5.C. Me . Se 9.557 +597 -« 4 +398 = the above lee ha take Gotice Cast ection, f «<*s eTumrcate of & HK GREEN ee eon Se IN PROBATE 4410 AiG HE SUPREME LUMBIA G the compa . THE MATIER OF THE ale3 kh OF THE rit : PSTATE wi LiAM CLARA, DECEASED TARE Netice thet m@ order Honour F_ McB Young, made the | trator tw the Estate of William Clark imased apd « parties having | Seermet We sale estate are hereby r % Tartine seme ruperiy veriied. to [ Messrs. Paumore and Pulton rt. 5B. Ce@ o@ before Ge sire sugost, AD. 1999, end all partns Uae estate are reguird [ ther Bot bi- dness THOMAS * 23rd Gay MchUSTIE = July. 1919 WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE ROYAL HOTEL TARE Ne TIC ~s thas W k ; F mgs. re Buliding $9) feet per second (25 * Water out of Clear Lake. Section One eee for S 14 and 15," Bleck & Lets lo oat 17, Bick 2 +5 : THEO. COLLART NOTARY REAL ESTATE PUBLIC WESTHOLME THEATRE £1. 00K _arweter lake, which ied orails }-four miles from 0 be @lverte ale ult upon the “Last Bi Tee ~cr ibe “* th Last Tr vlag miners iaitns Thus Ce Wat Posted on the 27th Gay f Jum 191% ret sna Ww the ih a . ; 2 f this notice and oboe Water Act « ie PRE I c 7 under St Prince Ropert. B.C ik ter “npiroiier of Water Rights PHONES 130 ang 423. | NOTICE IS HEREDY GIVEN c eRe, gaan @ ©. |imtention 10 seme. ofter the copiremen alee nepte fai FISH BOXES & SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR Consult Us. P. O. BOX 1622 CEDAR Buildings, Victoria, 6 « erty Gays after the Oret ie potice iB 6 lore be Speer : : : : : : Vbjecihoms te the appliranen : : : W. BR TONKIN, appticens : By Join . the Gres ub imetice ts July 12 1919 ent ee 1S THE MATTER of an app . eeue of & Iresh e the East Half (4) of ast Distrece | one ’ j put itatean | Title t Soteth from the dGair hereof 1911, and & Suemberes 6:6.) Tithe Gated the siath Ga) ii i. F MACLEOD land HKegietry Office iriace Rupert, B. Cc. June 13th, 1009." Ue torj Thursdays ... ind Pp. m 4 42 @ciec® scor, Wee- oe City and Lower Island points oirect cn be wes me offer ‘wasidered eniess we | April martered Band « é [ the temder War Leen Bonds . — - “ped as net cheques me ah eccepied payabe Minister of Pub sore tar Lows Pass Prec z ime Port bis Tite “lp G _——-, oct x eS Marian us 25th Gay . Jul 4 D. 198 COURT * BRITISH ADMINISTRA INTES = is 18tm Gay du *i%, | Wee eppeimted Adminis laws, (se 1 appears thet of October, 1617 rauirea $ei¢ tends were sold for Prince Cay ‘S) ieame time 1 shall effect Tomman, Whose bo s Seatile, 19%9 — ; Were. = say for a Mcence tw take rT 666 District Registrar of Tities. aise| TC Ea@na Wilson, sssecesed 66, Block 12, Section 2; Francis F. Tupper EDC assessed owner of Lot 3 end 4. Block 15, Section $: Jobe Lillerus, regisieres anc Buiwe hilzeult River, is mouth. ¢ from Ube stream 500 feet from the mouth Lake aud will be used for | bance " : Cusaece” or the growend A ou ab 8[>Plicelen purseamt 1914." be Gied @ the Giice of the Wailer od With the said Water Recorder or @ith Parie- Bilan sDprarapce of Peéereen, Agent cation of this cation for the | SKEREN4 eruicate of Tith far Lot 939, Range tpireten & fresh Certificate of | District Registrar of Tities stwe seen @2 88808008 48° MAIL SCHEDULE ween nnettecenes For the East. Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- rdays af 9:30 BO. mm From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- jays at 7 p. =. Seturdays 2 p. m. Sundays 10 p.m Tuesdays 5 p.m Thursdays .... ««<«s- 10 p.m.) From Vancouver Sundays .....-«+-«: 10 p. m Weinesdays 10:30 a.m Fridays pee : co a el Saturdays 10:30 a. For Anyox: ee 18 p.m \ edaesdays id p. m j Sat ays sbse 10 p.f From Anyox: Teeedage 22k ec hc Fos Pp. m. ‘hursdays p. ™. @| Sundays tine eceee p- ™ - —_— . ‘For Port Simpson and ae * ‘Sundays ceaeweadd ‘ 10 p. # From Pt. Simpson and aevendube. e|Tuesdays ......... cs oe + For Port Simpson and Naas River . points: @\Fridays ... i 10 a.m * From Port ‘Simpson anc Naas *. River Points: ®| saturdays ; ‘ — Queen Chariotie Isiands: For Massett, Port Clements anc Upper isiand poiats: Wednesdays .......... 10 a. m. 7rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: “or Skidegate. Queen Chariotte Fortnightiy. City ard Lower Island points— Fortnightiy. . aiiiiaslitiasin For Skagway and the Yukon. 28th, 9 a. m. | From Skagway and Yukon. April 22, and May 3rd. a. m. Point. if Por—Thursdays -.. From—Saturdays x | ed ey LAND REGISTRY ACT Sections 34 and 134 < Re Application Nes. 16,597-1 amd 16.596-i file 6697 SINGLLAR tet cerum parest el 8d premerses +. Luar = the City of Prince Rupert. more per Uculseriy Keown amd Geecribed a8 Lot sity an (64), Block twelve (12), Sectoe Tox and Lot Sisween (16), *23) . @acly eg ¢kirect therefrom -— “sed io Gefauht of a covest or cer must Be commenced before all persons So served With potce, lia . . sad those or ender them, ead ali ° ing any imterest m the by virtwe of Unis Act, shall be for erer estopped and deberred from setiimg ep «ny claum to of m respect of the land so sola for takes, sod the Registrar ~ shail fer the person eptitied un ’ yp tax sale as owner of the tana se sold for taxes.” male for @ Certificate evergse taxcs of Jum, aD MACLEOD asertsed 4%, Section 7; owner of Let sixteen (16), , Section & oe SKEENA LAND RECO RLING DISTRICT va! QUEEN CHARLOTTE SLANDS TAKE NOTICE tet Oliver Brown ‘ctor, 6 ite OB the West Uo a Cote bbe _ e - 1%, thence chains. thence weet 69 cheine SO cheies w polst of commen « OLIVER BROWS May $8. 19¢9 LAND HECORIING DIvisies DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William Tree 2 as Ge soul | BANICOPMO for Vancouver: ' i. “eee = © —— = ESTABLISHED OVER i°9 YEARS Save Regularly Put in the Bank can spare comforta! y, but save t that amount regularly—weekly fA or monthly. Small, regular savings -ft in the Bank eventually grow into large amounts. Savings y be opened with : what you Accounts ma the Bank of Montreal im arnounts of $1. and up~ rd. ST. G. LEE, Manager, - = 7 Capita! and Reeerve. . Total Assets, Nov. 30th, 1918, over $153.000.0» HOW tO. SAVE. The ome safe wey is * put something in it regularly These you will t k t= cheques against your “gest egg” - Mosey in your pecket is mor ! Open a savings accoant te road to hart UNION BANK OF CANA ADA ESTTRN CANAL WINNIPEG ' THE PION * HEAD OFFICE . PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, A. T. BRODERICK, . : trom Skidegate. Queen Chariotte Hewart, Maple Bay and Swamp “SA b ETY DEPOSIT BOXES They are recommended f lary of valuable business or B mas - TAKE NOTICE thet applcawen Bes Deut made to register Dora Suephens of Princx aepert, 6... & owner @ fee ender four Tax See Geeds from tbe Collector ie iyumg and De snig Bus Sectice Fiwe (5), Let we ecice Buck Twenty - name 29, Sectwe cight (6 May You are required t comtest the cla of the tan purchaser withie 35 Gays frum he Gate of the Service of this Gotice - | which may be eSected by publicatce & newspepeT,). end your sttestiue is aibed we sectce 34 of the “Land Regisiry micmd. Sty] co” with smendmen: . apety to the ct ae i, Gnd to the folle Ceruncate of ia ibe purpose of obtemmeng THURSOAY anc SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ‘or VANCOUVER, WICTORIA and SEATTLE WEDNESDAY enc SATURDAY & & PRINCE SOHN t > a Va > - TRAIN SERVICE Passenger W°éeceday wot Seturday * AGENCY AL. OCEAN STESTSHIP LINES For teformaticon apd reervs Cuy VYietet Ofce, G28 Third Avenue. AND WHEREAS ten bas bees AND Ss* wakkans om imvestigating the prior to the tet cay (the Gat op which the you were the registered cad assess