i - r The Royal Bank oF Canada Prince" Rupert Branch - F. E. Robertson, Manager -,iijBi i II" iihim UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing! From Prince Ilupert lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, fiHannon IUj. llutrdale. Alert May. fte.. Tur-U. 3:3) p m. lor VAM OIVKK. VICTORIA. IJutMlal. Alert llav. rU.. lrldi midnight lor ALICE ARM. ANVOX. HTKU'AKT. NWS IllNKK. .Sunday. X:0 p.m. lor PORT KIMFSON AMI WALKS lsl.M. Thurwlnr. p.m 111 tnd Airnur K M SMITH Agrnt lllitw Ruprrt. U.C. Tl rough tlrkrts told to Victoria and Sraltlt jnd baggage rherked through to dn( I nation. IcxaADian; PACinc torla nrry Friday 10 p.m. Agrnts Cor all Mraoithlp Unrt. w r nitriitim invi'iiir mivr Srd Av I'rlnrr Kunert. II C. sl Ranadian National QTie Largtfi Kailioay Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Dilllnc trmi rUIVCK ItllT.KT for VANt'O! Bit, VKTOIIIA. MMTLr- and Intmiinllatr lnti. wh Tliurwtay and hund4f, Iftaxt p.m. I vr .OX and STI.W.WtT. rarli MnlnrMlajr and hturdr. P-ni. ler KOKIH AND 60tTII qiEEN CIIMtl OTlK lL.MM. rurlui(lal). r.SUMlr:U TRAl.SS .mi: I'KIMX H1T1 KT totli MOVhVV, WKIINCKIIAV and MATUXItAY at II :M a.m. for ritlMK (ltltfli; l:il.MOSTON, MINSlrtO, all o!ntf battrtn Canada. I'nltm state. AOt!NCY ALL OCEAN HTr.AMMIIP LIVES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2G0 SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue Phone 765 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty; "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. PAGE EIGIIT THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, Aw i Imperial Motors Ltd. CALGARY and LETIIRRIDGE " . "AKE THE DISTIUUUTOKSIN.ALI5EKTA TOn .. . CHRYSLER CARS AND FEDERAL MOTOR TRUCKS At all times we have on hand a large stock of parts that can be shipped to all Dealers or Distributors for CHRYSLER Cars, FEDERAL Trucks, or to any Service (I a rase needing parts for the above two products, or for any Chrysler product. We would prefer to ship from Calgary. Our largest stock of parts Is maintained here. This will save Dealers, Distributors and Garage men considerable time if they have not the part on hand, or cannot locate it in ieir. particular community, rather than sending direct to the factory. Write to Sir. Thos. R rat by, Service Manager, or Mr. Ralph Eggen, Parts Manager. IMPERIAL MOTORS, LTD. " , CALGARY, ALHERTA i .13? 5 X : 1 " & r . tit yirw iAtiv T: -J' i t Accomplishment The Qld Man says: VI began work at fifteen Now I am retiring at sixty My pay averaged $1,500 Learned altogether $67,500 And I have $30,CQ0 saved IT COST ME $6 A WEEK." . Atk lot ar keoUtt, Tkt Utaturi ( Your Intent,' 1 CITYCOUNCIL OPPOSESTRAPS last night passed a resolution re cording itself H8 being opposed to the granting of any right to in-Btal fish traps in the waters of Northern B, C. Mayor McMordie appointed Aid. G. W. Hudderham. chairman of the fisherias committee, to appear before the Royal Commission of Judge J. N'. Ellis of Vancouver this week to voice the city's opposition to fish traps. The mayor will also appear before the Royal Commission. The resolution was passed unanimously by the council. j Aid. Brown, in moving adoption of the recommendation in the absence of Aid. Rudderham through I illness, stated that resolutions! from a number of organizations! in the city and in the district opposing fish traps had been received and the matter had been thoroughly discussed. It was felt that in the best interests of all the council should go on record as being opposed to traps. Aid. Macdonald, in seconding the resolutidh, suggested that the mayor should also attend the Commission. VANCOUVER SIDEWALKS SUBJECT OF LETTERS Aid. Prudhomme and Mayor McMordie Claim Varying Costs of Concrete Work in South Aldt: Prudhomme stated at last night's jtouncil meeting that he was in receipt of figures from the ity engineer of Vancouver stating that concrete sidewalks were laid there at from 15c to 15 l-2c per square foot, including fine grad ing. The mayor had questioned his statements along this line at a . previous meeting. Mayor McMordie stated that he, too, had. received a communication from the city engineer of Van couver which supported his con tentions. This letter, his worship said, would be read at the next meeting of the council. OFFER OF SCHOOL BOARD IS REJECTED Would Lop Off Extraordinary Estimate if Council Guaranteed Repairs and Extensions There was an echo at last night's council meeting of the criticisms lodged two weeks ago by the city fathers at the school j board for its failure to cooperate in the mater oi bringing about a reduction of estimates this year. A letter from the board stated that it was willing to drop the sum of $3,5Q0 from its extraordinary estimates if the city would guarantee any money that might be required for repairs and extensions during the year. I A report from City Treasuer D. J. Matheson stated that instead of a $2,500 surplus which the school board claimed for last year it had actually a large deficit on the basis of uncollected taxes amounting to $8,500. The proposal of the school board meant nothing but a cart blanche to spend what it wished, pklayor McMordie felt. He sugges ted that the letter be filed. Aid. Macdonald attempted to pour oil on troubled waters by expressing the opinion that the school board had endeavored as far as possible to meet the wishes of the council. On motiop of Aid, Brown, seconded, by. Udf Orme, the letter wa filredVi ,i Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER nULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE 58 Was Tortured Eczema For Years Mrs. George PhamMiT, 110 CreMon St., Halifax, N A., wtcs: "Alter heira tortured vrith wzcm .i. for y-n, anJ rvinir .mrvttiini ir..:.tMf. from HtW'ftira cMnyor McMordie and AM. Itud- and drug stores, a f r. .4 n-.-oinniended ilerliani to Appear Heroic me to lane Royal Commission On recommendation of its committee, the city council I dent my husband got me a bottle, and after I had !ak n it I noticed th cooling of my blool so be advised me to continue, and alter taking several bottles I ran truly say it is a wonderful medicine." Manufactured only by Tbs T. Mil-burn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Out. IMPROMPTU PROGRAM AT SALVATION ARMY Larje Attendance Last Night at Weekly Meeting of Young People's Legion After regular business had been disposed of, an impromptu program was given at the meeting last night of the Young People's Legion of the Salvation Army, President George Almon in the chair. Items on the program included a humorous talk by Adjut-ent WUllnfKerr. reading by Frank Pierce, vocal solo by Capt. E. Anderson, recitations by Mrs. Kerr, Ted Harmon and Evelyn Pierce, and vocal duets by Dolly and Annie Smith and Jack Mowatt and Ed. Kane. Accompaniment were played tin the autoharp by Capt Anderson. Playing of games and serving of refreshments brought the evening's proceedings to a close. There was a good attendance. On recoagtaendation of the finance committee, the city council last night reeommeatded that tax sale lot 21, llock 12, section 1, be allotted toftoe Northern B.C. Agricultural and Industrial Association. The 'lot will be raffled in connection with sale of Exhibition membership tickets. It is situated on Second Avenue near the Edge paint shop. WE ARE RECEIVING A LARGE SHIPMENT OF Ladies' Latest Style FOOTWEAR Price Will He Reasonable! It will be unnecessary for ;,j to pay fancy prices for your l'xt-wear any longer. Montreal Importers T1IIUI) AVENUE Public Notice Public notice is hereby given that I have been appointed a commissioner by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries of Canada to investigate anil report jjppn whether or Ytot it ts &c public interest that trap bWi far the capture of salmon should be authorized In the area In Britfsh Columbia that is adjacent to the northern boundary like between Canada and the United 8tates. A meeting of the commission will be held at Prince Rupert on Thursday, the. 18th day of April next, at the Moose Hall, commencing at 10 o'clock in the morning. All persons Interested and who wish to give evidence relating to the matter so referred to me are hereby notified of the. above sitting. Dated this 4 tb day of April, 1929. (Signed) J. N. ELLIS, (88) Commissioner, '"THE CRASH" IS SPLENDID FILM MIUpii Sills and Thclma Tixhl in Dramatic Railroad Picture Mil ton Sills upheld his reputation as one of tbe screen's out-si.inding dramatic actors in his ortrayal of a railroad wrecking crew Ihs in "The Crash" which opened last night at the Capitol, helrna Todd, as the show girl, iho pave a perfect performance. Mi.. Todd's arting fn fact fs dd-pervinK of more than special men-Son. T'n.nffected, a charming personality, and most attractive fea-'imth. she made a real "hit" with last night's Capitol audience, and her return to the local screen in the near future will be greatly welcomed. Between shows the Capitolianf iff ve special musical numbers or the stage, in their usual fiii' style. The big show will be repeated tonight. SPRING Specials Worth Your While to Stock Up for the Summer Season 13 BARS SOAP AND 1 PRESERVING KETTLE $1.60 FELS NAPTHA SOAP Pkg. 75c P.. & G. NAPTHA SOAP If .ID PEARL NAPTHA' SOAP 19 tars $1.00 KLONDIKE SOAP 3 bars 96c ROYAL CROWJ SOAP 1 bars 11.00 R, C. WASHING POWDER 3 Pkgs 65e PRINCE8S SOAP FLAKE8-t pkgs 66c RECKITTS BLUE 4 pkgs. SBc COMBINATION SOAP DEAL S pkgs. Lux, 2 pkgs. Rineo, 2 tins Gem Lye, 3 cakes P. O Soap, all for $1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited G17-123 5th Ave. E. Phones 18484 P. O. Box 575. V&Xfor 1JOU A- This book, sent free, shows new ways to serve more milk in the dally menu. Your family needs more milk. Scxvc it in their food, In soups, sauces, breads, desserts, candies. MAIL COUPON TUB DORDEN CO. LXMIltD. Ikmwr Arudt BulUini, VuMouvcr, Drpt. A. would like St. Chart Rtdp Book, tea. NAME . ADDRUS.. It Daily News wxnt "ml" will , brinjr results! I ON THE STAGE " 1 1 , i THE RUPERT ! I CAPITOLIANS ! Jack de Jauserand, con- 1 ! ductor, hi a Special j Musical Presentation. I I '- ; y. -i i jjil -. ja-sn-j.. ui 1 it. Speri.il l-KelCr OlawirJ "filNG OF SI'OK'rS" ' (MKDY I'ATHE NEWS Two Shows. 7 and 9 p.m. Admission, 50c and 15c SI o Canadian National Steamship Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AMI SHIPYA rrnir I..T.I' M.MM) Ton I lusting Dry !) r.Hertw iftisehinUl. Boilermnkcn. lilticknmiihM. I (aa&era. Pounders. Wodworktr, Pc. sM aCTMIC AND ACETYLENE WELDIMi, lr Waal is equipped to handle all kind of ,MAHINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 N KW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Mine Head Alberta Lump . . SI Mine Head Alberta Sootlcss Large Egg 1 Mine Head Sootless Egg 1 Pembina Pcerlcis Egg . . . ., J Also all other clashes of coal. DRY RIR0II, JACKPIIE AND CEDAR Single load !, s Double loud . .' $i Large sack Ron wood cuttings, large load Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Bapgaw Day Mi NtRbt Service Stx-ond A ANCHOR. Ihkf m lov. MUSHROOM. qui"! WEIGIIINO SCALES, I Ij til KANGAROO. botinM mat HARE. l tbwal ln""l ill mutn Rrmrmbff iW nu Mil wik TWf ivuillll , out Cp. r ft. Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Resa'K