FISHER Jfie Pioneer THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST - Local DO NOT GO TO SEA WITHOUT A .: First. Aid Kit .. Complete supply of first aid articles packed in a cedar chest $3.00 Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AStt IniCi SHIPYARD Operating G.T.I'. 20.000 Ton Kleating Drv Urt. Eniners,' SiachlnUts. Boilermakeni, lUackxmlthK. Paiteri. makers, Foundrnt, Woodworkers, fc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDIMi. Our plant Is equipped to handle alt kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 RED'S Transfer 1 1 1 1 , ; j Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measureri' are right. So it our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 204. Night Phone: Red 317. Fishermen MASTER MECHANIC Shirts and Pants Th'best made, and we can supply you at WlpiS cent loss! Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE AHwrtlnA vour wants in the Daily News classified columns MEN! tfrutotsts TCLPt10NES 8t200 1 I' ' t . and Personal News In Brief I MINING Stocks NoVmind af&rfpon closing prfeea on Vancouver sfcet ' ExeB8ge on our Wrt-Ilst'15afd daily. ll aZ'LSol : UTllATiWIIVBVOUONEY tivr ass - .ii. Mining Stocka on Vancouvef ' Stock Exchange. , We also hf facilities for acepiing VVJat orders on Winnipeg Stja Exchange. Repn-nlinfflMiller. Court k OpfLtd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue ' Prince Rupert. RC i ! suits! suits! ; MADE TO ORDER 1 Cutting. Workmanship and Style All Guaraniml SUITS STEAM CLEANED .AND in i PRUSSHD ver lo Any Part- of thi City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 69 I Try a Daily News want-ad. ! See "Abie's Irish Rose." 4 a Taxi. Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi tf ; Dentist Dr. J. It. Gosse. 'hone 68G. This afternoon's train, due from the east at 8:30, was rtjor- ted this mOfnRfg to be on time. liAsketbalL Exhibition Halt on Friday and Saturday, February 22 and 23. Three games, Anyox vs. Rupert AdriUn 50 and 25c. 43 i William Majr, brother Of J. If. Mneey f the FsflrHy Shoe Store, arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Prince George yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. James of Vancouver are accompanying Mr. and. Mrs, N. B. Walton of Win njpag who are makif tB-ound trfij. aattb on tre steamer Prince .George ibis week. Hester .McDonald, sunerinten- det of tlroPremier paawer : aboard thef SPrmcf Gerge yMr4ay afternoon re- taming north following a trip to Vaicww and other fointB in! the sonth. Frank IL Taylor, head of the Toptey-RtchfieU and .j Ovwn t Lake aLu mining companies, arrived in the city on the Priaeo George yes- tenia? afternoon from Vancouver, where he has been oa a business trip, and arooeetM to the inter- ior by trait.. He waa accompan- ied by 'Kra. Taylor. , (N0'UNc'BlilENt8.l 'I ' , . Vo S -AaWs Iriaft JtoaeT1 . Ms WW Dta aad Daao Femmf 2Z. " - See "Green -iklwr,M I.aD.E play, Capitol Theatre, February 26. Kayies Whist Drive and Dance February 28. .. .. . K. P. Anniversary Ball Urtrcfa ! Women of Mooseheart Legion. St. Patrick's Tea. Mnn h i 4. at the home of Mrs. Muisaiiem . " mm,fmir,'n mt wfftw ggSaCaTOBSHa GROCERY SPECIALS , .i:t BISCUITS -t Betf Arrow Boxes, a Jaticy pak 'contairiag not lets thiin31-2 A'onde ful value at, per box 84c MOTHER'S FLOUR in gimrham sacks. 4a. Per wk ... .2.3 QUAKER CORN Per ttn . . . . loe PRUNE8 N'w stock. Per lb. 10c NABOB ORANGE MARMALADE jg Pectin 50c EXCELLENCE DATES in pack- ages. Per pkg 11c BLACK FIGS Extra choice. 2rbs 26c SWANBDOWN FLOUR Per Atg 3c OLD ENGLISH FLOOR WAX Ptkf W. 75t IIADDIE FILLETS No aUa or three months while G. C. Wood-bone. 1 lb 2ftc ward, the consul, was on a hli ATLANTIC BONBI.ES6 COD plb Mc SUNKIST ORANGES Good sise. Sfloi 31.00 S1NOAPORP PINEAPPLE 2s. 2 tine 25c Watts Grocery Quality Right Prices Right PHONE 55 PHONE 56 ' SAs ' 'v-. , ; - .' ; SCALE OF CHARGES: 4 The following ia the scale scale ; of charges made for rea ding nottefS': Wrfh Notices 50c. Curds of Thanks, $2. Funeral Notices $1. Funora Flowers 10c name. Marriage and Engagement announce merits $2. I f , See "AtHe's Irish Rose." Evtreti Leek, who has been on a trip south, returned to the citT from Vancouver -on the Prince George yehttrday afternoon. J. M. Hoc kin sailed lhstirtgM r on the Trim . Ceorre to mult- the round trip to -Stewart and Anyox S on business. 1 f 1 M I ,Tf- V WM i!ltibols.:who has Win vlaJtimr in th. nit. uiiL 'ftf - WI ,ail bv th Prince fMw Iffcrjow morning'bn her return to- Vancouver. , McAfee and daughteri 1 -r Mr. C. M. McKinnon of Ter- The Moose Ldge. at ita meet- race, wiw has been on a tripW last night, deeided to have a south, arrived from Vancouver ikbte on March 6. when it will on the Prince George yesterday "j!. . .7' afternoon and proceeded to the interior by train. Mr. and Mrs. David Scott will sail tomorrow night on the Prin- cess Royal for a two weeks' day trip to Vancouver and points on tholalantl. . Mr. Soott is iden- IlWwRn the itaff of the Can-! adian Fish'afe Cold Storaire Co. . U v' " . ' wrth of Yancouver. veloping tle Porcber Island cold mine, arrived in the city on the Prine GhrV. . vart-rdav ftrv noon froaijthe south to pay a vigit w inln-ction to the prop- erty. Motorship Dorothea arrii-ed in port last night from Seattle with machinery and equipment for the new sawmill of the National Air- piane Lumber Co. at Porpoise Harbor. The material is being ddVc-hatJgd er Albert & McCaf- efy.B .y. Jack Perry, auditor for the Canadian Natrona 1 Express Co., and 0. E. Ford, auditor for the r., u t isi - r- vauawnaui rauiic iiuim v.ul arrived in the city on the Prince George yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, both being her. on official duties. The spring meeting of the Prime Rutiert Presbytery of the Tt.u.j ft ..t. r .i gar txain which W bringing Inter- JUJIway offiaos tdii morning reported ofe .seventy of wJt of jMper park avnNW -f(("nf'.. Lockort- bound for the Alberta Wheat PoJ.B PpinMI nUpe,rt elevator., T f Tbere , ttDderBtooi to he1 .L , w-.r con. Idem Me grain on the rails E- , ' j, J. Marshall. M ".K.,V Gua Elstrom jnd wt 0f Jasper for here. iX- j Henry Hawkins, a member of tne whnleal staff of the Ed- raont,n Journal, arrived in the city on mis afternoons train from the Alberta canital to tenH the funeral of his son, the Iat Parry Hawkins, which will take plate tomorrow afternoon, , Fred Weaver, who has been in ch irjre of the United States con-sni' t" hern far the past two or !y trip wuth. will snl t-inior row morning on the Prince George for Vancouver where he will resume his duties in the consulate at that point. C.N.R. steamer Prince John. Capt. Nil McLean, arrived in port at 3 o'clock this morning from Vancouver via the Queen Caarlottp Islands and will Hail in (m lock Saturday night on her return south over the same roots. Wal cargo of the vessel include h ihipment f Vancouver Island coal for the dry dock. She had a light passenger list. ee Able s Irish Hose. ,A. G. Slocomb of the Eeriest Branch staff will sail tomorrow morning by the Prince (.fcfcge for Vancouver and other points in the south on a holiday trip. T. T?- T-Pwia T rl' who U Hen. tifled with the Mohawk mine at .New liazelton and other interior . ' properties, i ! ' arrived 1 in the city from Vancouver on the Prince eorge yesterday afternoon re-George yesterday afternoon and rning north after a business proceeded by train to the inter- lor. Rev. William Deans of Ocean Falls arrived in the city on the Prince George yesterday after- noon to attend the spring meet- in 01 Prince Rupert Presbytery rf tn United. Church of Canada whjch, is" Wntf held here today ,igftomorio0?j ' George McAtWjnanager ,of the . .Big Say Lumte Cu, sailjed last oiaht on thelPrince Goorge to" Wo the round Stewart ' and Aammc and tomorrow morn- ing wH proceed on a trip'' to VaDeouvr, aeeoanwnled by Mrs. , 1 be discussed as to whether a man 'is k.. better off single .i or .- in the ... . t J 1 44. TL- : u ne .Uc sigument for the respective si les will be Fred Seadden and B. M. Simpaon. After degree work iast members of the lodge en- joyed a social hour. , , 1U .whuxo bwiuu boat Thomas Uposby of vjueen .Charlotte -n I-, mi. Citr arrived i j this ur. mor- i 'ter S? tewuit. On Mara were 6. Scott aad Capt William 0,lvr of " Charte c,ty aaa Rev. Dr. O. A. AVtlsofl of ... . vBMr, superwienneni oi waited- Clwrsh ntiaeions in Brit- iisn GOruraWa, who are here to attend the spring meeting of Fnnee Rupert Preebytery which opens this afternoon. , 1 : NO HALIBUT SALE r Thore waa no sale of halibut to fee loeai Fta Eaehaaue this asornrng. Only on boat the American Ioafc, waa ia aud her oateh of 800 pound waa held over uaiil tomorrow when it will be bid upon provided suffic ient other boAts arrive by that time. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert L C. Wright, 0. E. Ford and 8. Weaver. Vancouver; J. E. ft'LT . Royal Mike Bakr.tnd.' r. Ofntral H. IIanen$ity. Suffered From 'Indigestion ' Was Afraid To Eat Mrs. E. Prouk, 10548-Wth St EdmohUm, AlU, writes "I suffered from indi5tion tad a sfnvid to cat I suffered so after. A fn. nd t..ld me bow she used to suffer with the same thing and how w had relieved her. I look two bottles and I will never regret the day I did aa I sm happy to Hy I can now est anything and not be bothered witb indication sfter." . Manufactured only by The T. MU-burn Co, Ltd, Toronto, Ont C7T - . A. !& Meeker, who was called: . here . recently on account of the' death pf hfs mother, the late Mrs. J. A. Meeker, will sail by the i .Prince George tomorrow morning an his ieturn to Seattle. D..W, McLeman, well known Stewart hardware dealer, was a riasseager - aboard I i the t Prince rip to Vancouver. Herbert Charlton of Stewart. vho has been on a holiday trip .o his home in Voctoria, was a wssenger aboard the Prince -eorge yesterday afternoon re- :iing r.orth. COLD WEATHER AGAIN BEGINS ' ' . . . luhcn Keports 4U ISelow Zero but Northern 15. C. Is So Far Warm , , . , tJ lV CoWer weather 1 beginning In the Yakon and. according to the u". Cl? ,L ?ut "w,ua- . ?n lno,w,e.1. Tiis morning there was 40 below A Dawson and 38 below at Stew- mvef in the yuk)n At. ., ,fM-M,iI(ld n tn ,prn w,th an offSolal Follow. in t rh. , -iv-h t,v , government telegraphs: Haysport-Ught wind, cloudy,' 34 I , aimnaon Southerly wind. uuJr Vi . Terrace rCloudy, calm, 34. Roaswood Snowing, calm, 34. Aiyan8b--loudy calm, 36. Alieo Arm Bain, windy, 38. Anyox Raia, calm, 38. fMwsrtrrBaiav heavy south ,8?. tixlton Clo4y. windy. J2. SmiUiers Cloudy, calm, 25. Riirns . Lake Part cloudy, calm, 10- Vanderhoof , Part cloudy, ealro, 6. Atlin Snowing, north wind, Z. White Horse Cloudy, north! winy, 2. "ig Salmon Cleat, calm. 2fb. Stewart Wvtr Clear, north vind, 38b. Dawson Clear, north wind, Ob. Maye Clea, ealtn, 16b. Prince George Fine, mild. Quesnel Cloudy, calm, mild. VICTORIA PIONEER DIES VICTORIA. Fob. CI : RohOrt. Hamilton Jamc:op. oae cf-flw- toria's pioneer business men, died ytateroay, aged 84. See "Abie's Irish Rose.' SELVIG BRPS. MEAT-MARKET 3rd Avenue : Phone 7G5 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Speqfalty: "OLD COUNTltV SAUSAGES" Our make- Fresh cvtry day. Superior Quality. i'lV I UivnfUlv.- In a bevy of beautifuladvan. styles, fab-" ries. colors aill fagojnaJji '-trimmings. Small and arhaSQ0itr'B, felts and silklTJtCThetaee sleajrrnew turned up brims and every one as daring as can poslbly be. The price is specially attractive. Jabour Bros. Ltd. THIRD AVENUE PHONE 615. w)!ioug& Relieved by First Dose Lilt flaih BacUtr'i MIxtart penetrates and clean the throat 7 and cheat. Tbie immediate relief la due to the unique nature of "Boekler'a". If a wit diHerent from ordinary coagb arrupa. On doae atopa coughing and tbero are 40 dotes in a 7t-eent bottle! Every druggiet aeiia " Buck' ley'i" under a poaitive s;uar antee. Get tl botUe today. W. K. Baek'er, Umitec. am I4 Ma'eal St Tereate t or Mm Act likeafla$h iini fe sip provrt It it- and 40c. 'Sugar! 10 lbs. Bulk Sugar G8c 4.1b. Pkg. Prunes 45c 7-1 b. Saek B. K. Roiled Oats 55c Monk and Class Custard Powder, Is . . .'. 40c Malkin's Best Asparagus Tips. Is. Per tin 20c Cfeamettes, 2 pkgs 22c I'els Naptha Soap, per carton 80c Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs 35c Yy a jar of Heinx Sandwich Kel- ish or Mayonnaise, per jar 35c SEE OUR DISPLAY OF GREEN VEGETABLES Fresh each boat, Bush's Gro:erteria PHONES 211 AND 212 H. S. Wal ace Co. W. February Clearance JJAilGAINS IN ALL ' DEPARTMENTS itif Avif;l44'Fulton St. PHONft 9 The New SPRIG HATS ARE HERE