Thursday,. Febriyjjj, , lpi$ fSk i'AtLH Hews .... i i'"iir, Man in the Moon Why ia it that when a woman (ells the doctor she has that tired feeling he always asks to look at her mgue. "., In VancouverVhe other day tlrl nut on her coming oixi IrOvrnV Jiec father-forbTd'fier eornTnjrout, any farther. , i " , We all feci HOfry for t Lindr. Ha hiKh uying nays-are about tnded. He is to be married... . "Samurj A correspondent writes tnnw whv we do not nornetlm jiuuii-an a joKe. in me iuan in me Moon column. Jake -uirsit we should also have to establish a train market .where readers could rnnc alortaia. a cription oi the ue and in plain oi ouisaing tod wharves proponed to be VTXXUTW Prince Rupert. jdASfS'SII'.iUaES For rent. F. W. Hart repienisn meir siock. use nm punr-cation oi tn notice rune OH Distributors, Limited, will under Sec-. ,., , Won 7 ol e taut Act apply to ..lie I like to read a story t later of public wort at his otnte m th cu of Ottawa lor or tee auid luiKe I.ikp nnv any otiipr QUier tilfilce oioice, approval -te M plans for leave to c.u.-ruct u. But what I like the bent of all W ''' aforaId . .. DATKD at Vancouver. BiitUli lu p.a11v fiinnv inkt is a reany lunny jone. blu- the 18th dty of Jltnuary 1M8 IIOM OIL DliKJBUTOK. Someone wanted to know what b,,"! D' By IU woud have happened Abie's ROnifcTfjcw tiouoLAb & hmym." Irish hadrft rosej 'Vh5n rAflft-Rhliert htft Both lnj( else to talk about there is x I 1L. mnpninir of vpfih'ft and now the city council is 4iIaaiunK la.reffiUEC eyn UJV in: of discussion. - " TENfJKKS WANTF.II b-,, teUM N)J. u) Main flewer m. 1 will be received ud to noon " reorury-ia, ior auppiying I. l.tOO LlueI reefl2" double tblcii .ji lff aoublc thick Vltrllled Ttle "ft ,l5 ""KL d t VlWMIed Tile; B only. 10x8" toaS" Junetiuia Junetiuia iVmhi. double thick thick vitrified Vitrified TU; rue; 0 q oahr. only. 15x6" 15x8" Junction Junction double double thick thick I 1 VUrjfied Ilywed Tile; Tile; 260 3S0 only, only. 8x8" 8X8" Junction JuncUont I dotfble thiek Vitrified Tile. I t? only laxlO" Reducera. double ti"ck viirt" Tfte; only. 10x8" Be- duetri double thick Vitrified Tile: Hi FOR RENT Vntt fiPOT ViivrilMuA kaepinferoomsy the day, week,- i,r mnnlh I'hrtnrt Rr1 f.fT7 f .7... . ., . .. 7 UK AUtomouiieB, pianos phono&raphrfiind saving niiich ! inps- Wker Mufc Store,. KOU JiKNT--Mo'dern house, near I'reabytcrian, church. Apply 216 Fourth AvehQe K", it 54! r-Yin Kfaw'r rA6rn(ii ! lloaftes 5 and 0 rooms, conven-j ient locution, nfeisonabfe rent. ! Cail C15 or 180. , 4C, FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms i xinKle or double.. I'hone 4Z7. . ' 4? , r ..v.iWnCE . --5nc W HEftfcBt diVEN that.. fpplieatWr. 'will be made to the Lexla- ifiive AerrDiri tne frovjnc oi oru- tie CorpbraJlon or the City oi Prince an Act empowerlbn the Cltv to aeli, tree ".nS5?rfS?1iI S'? ! rnv w in wmpany int oi anu -, cluelve clualve rleht. rleht. Dower, power, licence licence and and nrlvl prlvl- IMte ie t t carry carry on on In in tne me City uuy 01 01 Prince rrince , Rupert nupert the me bualnes ouaineae 01 of a a light, iignt. heat neat and I power company, and for auch Durposee to InaUl. extend, operate, repair and maintain In the .aid City atreeta. lane, 1 Md other public place polea, condulta. 1 power r r e- - j ty T to to enter enter Into into an an apeement apeement with with the the Company Compaoy for for aupplylng aupplylng to to the the City City and and Ua eJtlrejuJ'eltctrlc light, heat and power Upon, jdch,irm and condition a the OJty mSj deem fit. and further empow- erlne the hereafter purchase or Company' electric llaht heat and power yatem upon uch term a may be agreed upon, and to villdate a bylaw (If aented to by the elector, to whom it i enter Into an aireement ireement with the Com- pany aulhorlelns the City to enter into the same and to validate the tald agree - ment and to erant and confirm to the FOR SALE VTtf SAT.tfTlnlvfranl Atorlfn. Engine, 45 it.?., complete with nwliipJimi crr f'r-n leullv new. Apply Vt. Large, Port impson, B.Q 47 . , -;-. r. l Iff - I. run &ALb we oner ior saie; together" or seperately three de slrible ive rftomed houses locate on Fifth Avenue West, to be purchased on favorable terms. Apply to McCaffery & Gibbons, Ltd. 43 FOR salK- One liriu shaft 18 feet long and 1 inches thick. One 20 Inch Hanger; Four 11 Inch hangers. Two lurge Iron Pulleys, speed 15 to 12 inch, Vt inch belt. Two line shafts 8 feet ioiig, J'-.- inch thick. Three Iron Pulleys, three seeda ii inch to 8 irtth. ,.,Two Woodefl Pulleys. Apply Daily tfews. tf MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Beds, Springs, Mattresses,, pirn Ing Room Suite, Bedroom Sulfcfcsv Linoleum and . Linoleum Runt , .... . opening a used iurniiure Uetiart- m.nt 7 . .,J.,-It, A. MACKENZIE Phone 775 - - SAf.VAnE AMI TOWINfJ Mir 1,. 8 on or under the waler we tlo H, ! bbivrti Dtmt-iiT oiivii'd p. i "u' .iunnui, ot IUmU CUJIl'AIM I.IMIll-.IJ Fully Equipped for Diving and r! u.i... tr.t, 1 I Boats and SCOWS of all de&rpi- for Charter! .1. row Boats and Canoes for hire. ' wnwmr 'is.'i&m"irra of aIj kinds. we. win That's the worst of city coun- Sewerpe.. tewfeSllnow toke your old furnIlflre , cils. They are always depriving thick vitrified Tile; 24 only. 12x6" June-1 partment aa a oin: concern, and to i trade for new as we are now l omcoouy 01 some pleasure. cimirf, uppo5e ft. tne Ai-r. doctors y,aA nau notn- nrtil.. ln to do e'fet)t W treat slk 1 thl Wirf.'aLi If aJIZ, fiat, r. lent s, tne . 1 bUMnMt OI noetor- would fntO (he dfs- nix Inir winiiu V n ft E? "! , Card. It ifl the peplc With Im- 1 ipm.iiions cin itinne triat tnai IT rrrrvrld OTIUe the tne husl- UUr- nrs mid they are not all all women women cither. ..; HelL frir a - m oriit 1. PHK where the sffPeti re Crowfled ffrd the pedestrian will not get 6ut cf r thp the war way, 1 1 We 8xfl" Ketfncert double thick Vllrl- I aurface and underground wire cable ! j?5s Tile. nd all other eiulpment and appllancea t 4. 2S0 only. 6" Ion Bend double ft the tfnmlaalon, distribution and llck Vitrified Tile; 200 only. 8" hcrtlaleof electrl power for light, heat and I Bend, M double ,,.u. .ki.b thick Vitrified ,,n.i,ii.'n,, Tile. nower nntniwi. purpose, ana nnT -mmwrrlnir empowering the thai tPrKje r.O.B. P lnce Rupert and , jJVarlNt date of delivryto be utd. Much of the enMn?lln i) 'Xl&Jfwfi9' ""' Piinite rim Rune Rupert Is heefrfnnbW? . Ihr. bad weather they get else where - i Denouncing the sinful a r habit confined largely to those . who stett! or ehat or liei . ' ' i. : i WulkinK fWOilld be all right if,;occupatn. manufacturers, intend to ,u.Mnvr""ttw "YC v'npplv for a leise of the following; tie-it were not for .motorists. They rtbrd land: Inuke hell for the ISwlTh seekers. MFfl'&ZZJl1. '- ' ' ' rlv 38 ilecrM" i 0 minute east BOO feet. more or lttu. to low water mark; theuce Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert February 21. 1019 (onstablec Duff, -Bailey and , Met.Iinchy. giving evidence be- furc Magistrate Cars this mr-rung in the cas of two Chinamen, who were charged witH hiving opium in trririlon, testified that the. UrlSjilaU locked the door against them while they .were attempting to make entry to 'their pretfrl.1 ci.Hi. .nil ' pound I if Vrtlf ItUfiert ana the Price ;f ice, laid K0c. ') ).. ). Gcorire ucorge Hill mil jr. ir was was the tne winner wnmci of a roller skating race at the A...IU rk.rlU nuunui iuiii kipi utiv. Stuart was second and Doug Ntorrings, third. PRINCE RUI'ERT TIDES Thuraulayv February 21 High - ' .UC.l in3a'.n-i21J)ift.i Iow . . . . ,.,,6:31. a.m.., 7.0ift. , ., 18:17 p.m. 2. ft. Frldnyr February 22 High 0-SUi a.m. 19.C ft,. -.12!K.'r..m.. 22.4 ft. Low iaftWA&Uti 19:02 p.m. 1.2 ft lull -tru naturtiay, l enruary sj High 1:10 a.m. 20.6 ft. 13)11 p.m. 22.7 ft. Low 7 llC n.tri. 1 6.4 ft. 10144 p.m. 1.0 ft. f'.undny, February 21 High 1:54 n.m. 21.2 ft. 13:6ti p.m. 22.G ft. Low 8:00 n.m. 4.4 ft. 20:23 p.m. 1.3 ft. CLASSIFIED THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT "N.WIHAIlLE WATERS ItOTECTION ACT" H. . C. i'liuplrr 1 40 'wSSwSSiTC o7 llurrard kUreet. Vinxiuvtr P.nfi.i, .ESTi5S SES J'r''!. i"" 'l posited with the Min.siir o? i-.iic vurl ,0,I - onicea ti u tfl'iTS3 Mr BrtJa.'SK:- uiiui, u watg uaxi.v iumru m in, . . aio 240 only. only. 6" 6" Trap, Trap, double double thick thick Vitrified Vitrified Tle. Tile. 1 1 0. l.op JMi Jote lot double Ahlck VMmM THV t . ; A . I letrijo 0(jWtiJdefi atxtthe ipecl- nxMUprui ffeaWprui Joy jmae be? bef keenest aeenist the the of offlef fief "tp City mrneeV Ctty Hall. Prince Rup? art, B.C. roe mwee or any tenaer not neeVswrrtrv ' aesatBted i MM AC! - Ty 0 pi-stf' rSiXittlre ef.tntrrition (ft Apply ' ' ' ' Una trMt of Prmce Rupert, and altuate at the .aouth end oX Kiuett .lalaad, adjacent to Hot S6M. RanM 5. ' .Take notice that BUlmor Spruce MlU LfcnltaU. vniMTi, oi of Vancouver'. vaiiroijver. mtiian Itrltl.h vom Columbia aouinweaxeriv foiiowin ww water mark to a uctn; due eaat on th: moet eaiterly oojnt of an unnamed latand: thence nottherlv folloaine the alnuoaltle of thei island to the moat nerthweeterly point of I (are: hne In a northweterIy direc- tlon to the northeaaterlv ootnt of an un-1 naBKd island; thence northweeteriy to fl.t.r mark' thnp. In a nnrttuiast- arlv direction alone hlh water mark to the O T P. Railway rlpht-of-vav: thence eaeterlv alone the southern boundary of the MO rtcht-of-waf to the nortbwer corner of Lot 88M: theme roi.owine tne alnuoaltm of the aald lot to the point of commencement. BILLMOK SPRUCF. MILLS. LIMIT70, B. E. Morean. Agent. Dated December Wnd 1928. tVATF.K NOTICE IHtertlnn and Vf Tate nottat nottoe thai thai BUlmor BUlmor Soruc Soruce Mill. LtinTte. mTteel. WKS whose addrrn It 311 Rosersi Oranville 8t., Vancouver "oM. aneiv foe a lloente to take and 1 100.080 of teer out of "art unaamoa t stream, which flow southerly and drain ! Sp-ILAU 'J,m' P1"!18- na!Ballantrrie EmdnW dated at Pnnee Rupen. B.C. thU) 8th day of rebruary. a d.. 1MB -j Solicitor for the corporation of the uuy oi mnoe nuDert. . jj c 87-ew. r MtN.n.L ACT i , (Form F) ' (Section 5 d NOTICS Of Ar-I-UCATION fOR i CERTIFICATE OP IMPROVEMENTS'. , BOB FRACTIONAL AND WANN FHACTIONAL MINERAL CLAIMS, altuate in the Atltn Mining Division of Casaiar DKtrtct. Where located : The Bob Fractional Mineral Claim cl Taxu Arm, between the Soeculitlon and Chawana Mineral Cialma, and the Wann Fractional Mineral Claim on Wnn River, adtoln ng and to the north of the Jack Fine Min- eral Claim. ... Lawful holder. ENGINEER GOLD, MINES LIMITED. INC Number of the holdera free miner a certiucite- oi. TAKE unripi tvnlvrfo nnr n ! MtNPK llmited" inc.. Free MineTa ! certificate No. 9702O. intend at the end dd1t to the Miniui Recorder for a naces, stove draus, eave Certificate ol Improvement for the our- t,,i, u.v nose of obtaining crown ornt of the troughs. leaks Or tflfy thing con-above claim. nected with Tinsmithlng or gen And rut ther take, notice, that action . under eciton 85 of the "Mineral Act" oral handy work. Phone 3. All mtat be commenced. before the: issuance wnru ,i,,.anfOAj J ..T.wi be diverted from, Uae lumu (n nf matter matter 0: Of . 'SiSi iSStS 1i?UthdnWlt,heb..Unr Induat.rlal oUTaoae upon the land de- take TO notice that icriied a. Lot 8535. Ranee S. Coa.t Da- Thl notice was nosted on 'he around '.'an4 d4V of Decenber 1928. a cooy of thla notice and an apollea- Un llWluWt thereto and to. the "Water nf auAh rertirteatit of lmnrovements. Dated tn lt ov oi January, un, ENOINEER OOLD MINES, LTD.. INC. H McN. Fraaer. sjrehtl rr in rrtotitTE Court of British Co?" the AflmlnUtra- 1 1 n. .v. . a ??S5?.- .... . - , .J Jfth day of January 1929. Edward H. Mortimer and Leonard M. D Oex were ppolnted admnltrtora f the Etate 0f Aaron W.Edie. deceased, and all par- ! ( ""'"ttir iVeTutor. TffStVdV; o7'?es5 fliS-' - - - v -- - - si FATHER ts act" will b tiled in ii omce oi ute ilea n tiuh claims aramst tne mo tivaie aeoortex at "iw !!!r!1,u.1i,l-t5,,'JIS5 UDICVMVIl w " V-T - rryiVTill ri Miru tw lit, vii wciuif urea filed with the eeJd. water Reefer or! 7U, My 0f March. AD. 1929. and all lth the comDUtiller rf . Water RJfhta. parties indebted to the Eitate are re- BuiTdTnira vietcrta. AHWmetit Bj!.. t th , , th , , SrTO.iwlS'- ntLl.Mon spruce miw. 1 . t- MOMm . . w p t t rm rai Liies i ll asv IhU notice Is January 5th. 1D33. i BRINGING UP KjOTORlOOa- ' rlidii ADVERTISEMENTS - FO LOST & FOUND IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. uargams in uas r.nRines. ) ' . AGENTS FOR ' V an Blerck, East hope, Hieka Northern B, !c, , Distributors Coolidge Propellera Phone, Day or Night, 561 P. O. B9X 1564 SHELLFISH Crabs, Shrimps; Clams or any Kina oi sneu nsn sunpneti in u,- lar2e or 8ma" QaantltieS District Orders a Specialty . HANSON & WALLACE Prince Rupert j rhone: BIk. 330 P.O. Box 832 j 65 FIXING & REPAIRING I M. We ..... are opening a Sheet Metal bnop, backed by twenty-five years exnerience. Ant- trohhta r( V V f, US ItlltVVUI f PERRY ANIi .ZUMKEIIR CJi.lL 1SAINS 3 for the East Monday. Wednesdays and Baturdayafi at 11:30 am. f! I riwi I he fci- Sundafa, Tuesd'ay and Thursdays at' 3:30 pin. THINKING AND STOPPINC Speaker tat club dinner) ' .. ,. , , Gentlemen, did you ever stop to I"'". I 8k .J" Wln. did you ever stop to think? . " uener-uw ytiu ever , think to stop? Answers. R SAIf, rllK KKN BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern method in all Hna of bcdutv jeulture and hair dressing. Miike appointment by phoning T?Pfl iirffK " eiiiROPTtA-.rnc RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY This distressing malady very prevalent at this t'mo thf- year, ::nd as a rule is ; ymptum ! a deeper ti'inii'i nueh as ; factions of the liver, kidneys, storracti, etc. mity be ils'., due to the ;iftei' fpcts of influenza. Consult the Chiropractor In 'ims.' Relief Ruarhteed., ! ' Consult i DR. W. C. ASI'INALII; ft and 7 jtcnr-xe Blottt (irtcn: 211 Phones RJae.k Open Evenings RESULTS COUNT Pain in the side, Indigestion, In t...t. kj... "" ""'"-. nn..ui, vousnesH, insomnia, Catarrh and Rheumatism are completely re- j lieved by our new form of dietetic and spinal treatment 1 Read our National "Ad's," in the Liberty Magazine every week, then consult DR. EYOLFSON i Phone Blue 85, or Red fiS9 Open Evenings j' i LKlTf-ll 1JX CU.r.CTl)N' OtkAant-A AtUm Ave. ... ... 9.0O-34- I lit Ae, ,u th St. etb ve. nitata St .9.10 a9f 4tlt Aye. it TbODfaoa St. .. 11th Ave: Shemrooke jlltn Av- Conrad . 93t (flfcs'i jsth' Ave. : Hy Jove Ave . . 9.M ipO i '8th Ave Bays Cove Clrjle 9 3S S8J I Alii Ave. A Cottrn St 8.00 TOO 'ith Avew Oreen 8. (Hntl 9 40 jfSJO j.Mh ,Ave. . McBrlde1 St 9.44 ;,f .19 , Rrov. Oyvi 4uil:ing ... . . . Ifr. . r fitt . ........ 916& in wnari , . . . io.ou :jjt 0r-j 10.06, j -.138 n A4. atari Ht. 10.10 t i'40 Srt M. i MmKn sti 10 15 V) 45 .1rr Ave. & Bin St .030 , 80 MAIL SCHEDULE 'r the at Monaaji. ejaeday. Sataraay. mill eloae .... 10UK) am ) M wmmwm a h, iu.ji mast (ouiwija, mail enie 3:30 pm Vie. trdn Wednesdays and Sitor- 4J UjSO ajn. i ueadi ya i.16 pm. Friday 8:11 ate. Friday ll pm C. P R. Feb. II and 21 t, pan. 9'tnday V... m Wednesday ..tew ao FrldAH- , ? . . . . . v, v , , 4' .. C.P.R .t-Ffar KMrSlto .,J... tnm M east i, errtMr,MifkWniiAUre Arm , Sttndaya 7 pm Wedneeday 9 18 pin I rruni Stewart and ITvmlrr ...... . a-wewiay i 130 am. FMday 8 am r Now Hur iiiuts Sunoayt 7 pm rtam Naaa Klver Pultun Tueaday 11.34 am To 0.neeii Crmrmir Feb. 9 and 23 ....9 p.m. Kreni tjueeti Charlotte Pel). 7 and 91 a.m. To Aluvktt Ittlnta Feb. 9 and 23 ; a.m. lYom Alaska piilnt Feb. 13 and 2T a.m. ........ t MPARRASSTVO flTUTZ I wArr i -vice cp r7r' M 1 - - . hot qi'.elf'likq men. , '4$mi' a'i4pap, imkcr, a Lillfpnnans, eacn rifbrestntnTg heigclKf' renntlwttprten are emniaytu. it r a f W th ru s cf eaW leeaTprMuct the ambitious familiet just like her own. Thst is why the enjoyed a seate tf pride and loyalty every time she purchased the prcaiucucf her fellow men. In every room in hex house the saw the vision of the emne wwtrnen, for the articles of bur hone from Attic to batemnt were the product! of her home land. ' , There's a moral to tins, story ' iCtetjr thai lAiytfiiift pyfchate B.C. industries are kept active replacing ,htV rturbeeitv Irtish C3cKimlsfc handt depends on their wive 6rt: "U it made in D.C.?" MOMENTS SO MANY HUSBANDS DlPEND ON ME A fable for British Columbia saw Housewives a nil It Af lk itrrlar Mt iMnHtMrnrt att is appreciated BE PROUD TO BUYjRODUCTS Early Ad. Copy By George McManus V 't aa&KVT J WEWTTOftUCH Het GOT- ft I f 1 I !4 - n