July 19190 rt, Saturday ARCOM MENT SERIE et rs EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF CANADA The Department of Labour and the Provincial Governments have organized a System of Employment Offices from Coast to Coast for Returned Soldiers and all classes of workers--Men and Women —trained and untrained. A Special Section exists for Pro- fessional and Business workers. To look after the special needs of the . RETURNED SOLDIER there is in each of these offices, a representative of the INFORMATION AND SERVICE BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF SOLDIERS’ CIVIL RE-ESTABLISHMENT NEAREST OFFICES Cranbrook, 10 Baker Street 80 Fernie, 162 Victoria Ave, 73A Kamloops, 246 Victoria St 495 Nanaimo, Windsor Block 787 Nelson, Royal Bank Bidg., Baker St 149 New Westminster, Board of Trade Bidg 189 Penticton, Shatford Biock, Main Street 251 Prince Rupert, P. O. Drawer 1674 553 Revelstoke, First St. W 7 Vancouver, 140 Cordova Street S. 2873 Vancouver, Alcazar Hotel, Dunsmuir St S. 3459 Victoria, Langley and Broughton Sts. 839 Vernon, 235 Barnard Ave. E 292 STRAWBERRY DEPOT See Us First Phone 45 Phone FULLERS, LTD. Phones 44, 45 and 534 Two Stores. Parkin & Ward Electric Co. : 5 LIMITED Electric Engineers and Contractors irvy a full line of Electric Ranges, Washing Machines Cleaners, Hot Plates. Grills s Toasters, and Fixtures. nates furnished on House wiring and Motor installation MARINE DEPARTMENT Agents for Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling Caille Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries Mosier Spark Piug he Plug that was chosen for the Transatlantic flights Uur service department will help you to plan your Lighting Equipment. A full line of Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Switch boards, Conduit, Cable Lamps, Searchlights, etc. We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat ' Batteries charged and repaired lost while ' battery is being charged, we have one at your disposal. Third Avenue (opposite Post Office) PHONE 125 Vacuum Irons, af ar no time Prince Rupert Music Store OPPOSITE POT OFFICE WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor “Exvorytuing in Music.” LATE) POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS Repaire to Phonographs, Violins, Ete, Bows rehaired WoodWind instruments repadded and adjusted in Connection Sie @ASTER © VOme tre 8) 5) KNOWN TRace Prince ® » Tee worse Rupert Academy of Music With the Store. The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs North of Vancouver The Heintzman & Co. Piano ; The Weber Piano . Thomas Organs All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments Judge Young, who outlined the rules of the contest, Mrs. Millat and Mrs. W. H. Kergin. ‘The judge took note of the fact that the women of British Columbia Dn recive nniivnniiispliiubiiiiaiag| were now admitted to the bar but / / i this was the first time to his } Spor i | fknowledge that they had ever bee@M | ge imesrmemmemermirnene ie ciciintaa’ jon the THE DAILY NEWS. STORY TELLING CONTEST PROVES INTERESTING Novel Feature at Strawberry So- cial Held Last Night in the Presbyterian Church. Yesterday evening the Presby- terian Church Hall was filled to capacity when the Ladies Aid held a strawberry and concert. The main attraction of the even- ing was the telling contest in which many of Prince Rupert's best known speakers took Phroughout the evening Dr. who was chairman, told good stories himself and entered the contest would have well up in the list Phe general trend of the stories were against the Seotch and along three particular lines, finanes, re- ligion and whiskey. The judges for the event were social story part, Graut many had he stood GUARD AGA TS RN INST FIRE. ( a ra 7) Tie . hy q U vy “ 0" One Reason Why. bench. With characteris r at eas ha’ | tic modesty the chief magistrate at g ro day in ; au ais o e outadow Spoil e mentioned that the combination - , a tI ‘ 4 , ra | siastis 0 e ¢ ecause { on the platform might well b " me a ' 7 : oo b: F j ‘ rs ime ~ str t ase. lealled the rose between two} mn ¥ eee ee | “rp ieewiik “tib.8 , iball team has come-all the way oO ~ “ : : » Vas come forted a little later by Mr. Bin. |ro™ oa a eee o : vi the loc: : ; are nion who thought that it reminded i 7 . til , — i ce ‘s er eal y eito » t : him very much of the tongue be- eee c ee ee ror tween the sandwich city will be practically theirs for | Go Jokes the day. Wallace's team has had} Mayor MeClymont told many & good record in the south and | s00d jokes on. hi (rland the has won the proud distinction of} S008 . ° S; : g first place » Vaneou-! Scotch, and did not refrain either wae re 1 ¢ i ae ad * vel ol ercis seague. e from taking a little dig at the qrensrn dg vig bot Irish His best, however which |“ » OF writing hare ts.stese Sas was not in the contest was told | ee of judging as to the pos- about the American visitor in the | mine en aan 7 oar er = e arde ope ¢ all | Highlands and was given for the va " x “. = . ; is benefit of Mr. Wakefield, the oe ha te ok aan an American Consul, as he was the|- wna stages. PRs gage ee eo what a real baseball game means next best in line, although the = ee a story really referred to the former | In the boat building shed a consul, Mr. Hanson. |Cow Bay a forty foot boat of ra Mr. Wakefield recovered very) ing type is rapidly nearing com well from the thrust from his | pletion. fhe hull is the usual worship and set forth many witty ispeed model in which the bow sayings and also gave a good in-|pices from the water when run- terpretation of darky stories. He/ ping at full speed. With the en was highly appreciated by the gine which is to be used, the boat audience and received great ap-|jc peckoned make a speed plause, labout twenty-five miles. Clever Stories. : Mrs. Kirkpatrick told a_ few Norman Ross of San Francisco clever stories and the one of the|won the swimming match in th lawyer and the standing grain re-|Seine across from Paris which ceived great applause. A few of|was held in the early part of this the jokes were well directed at| week. rhe distance is about 6,-/ the other side of the house 1500 metres and in one hour and} Fred Stork who had matched|thirty minutes. Bacigalupo, th his wits in just such a contest in/Ilalian aspirant, was only a fe minutes behind the winner. The} the Kootenays felt that this was Australian was close behind for} jreally a provincial championship as the winner of the eontest in|third.place, southeastern B. CG. was seated on e Sy the platform in a hall in north No modification has yet been lwestern B. C Mr. Stork told of made of the order-in-council pro the days before prohibition. He | hibiting race track betting, but said the Secoteh had been getting! representations have from time it all evening and as it was largely to time been made urging modifi laScotch gathering he was not g0- eation. Unless rescinded, the or ling to put over anything that|der-in-council will remain in would be too unpalatable force till peace is formally pro- Mr Binnien was the favorite claimed. This will follow ratilica | chestnut eracker,” however, and |tion of the peace treaty Che lhe gave an excellent interpreta- | Pear treaty was passed upon | ition to all his witticisims His |the House of Lords yesterday so Jew stories were received apiidst that action in this regard is soon vreat laughter and cheers. His expected throughout Canada and manner of deliverance and nature the United States. | . lof his jokes easily won him first i. f fis jose easily won im fi ec untnibiied bile eeaee rive ; “as i ik straw i prize which was a big 1 wilt compete in tha*Dalied Stales shorteake. doubles ehampionship tourna- s P i gave i ry LOO Mies Pym also gave a v« ment to be held ia Boston the = » ers were Ce : . ‘ tory when volunteer wer , 4 second week of August. Norman jfrom the audience, It was a idle sete ek giecete E Bellen jstory but the way in which it was jtald lent the humor to the piece son will form one team and Kan ; dolph Lyeett and Thomas the tt Miss Pym had entered the con-|. ug doubles itest and had prepared a few othe! 5} . 2 lit is very likely that ‘the othe It was a pleasant sight on Wed- icandidates would have had to UY !nesday afternoon to see a trim little harder, little yacht beating her way up Other Entertainers. the harbor. There are very few there Wee | sailing vessels in the harbor here, due perhaps to the fact that it is During the many weal and insteument« evening W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. * E. L. VAUGHAN "re Pigne Toning and Tepsiring Players a Specialty Prince Rupert Music Store Ormes Limited Now is The Time to Get Your NEW BATHING CAP We are selling off this season’s caps at PRACTICALLY COST Come in and see them before they are picked over Phones 82 and 200 Store 3rd Avenue and 6th Street P.O. Box 1680 % HOUSE FOR SALE Only $1400.00 Living Room, Kitchen, Two Bed Rooms, Water and Electric Light On Lot 48, Block 6, Section 7, near Saw-mill DAVID H. HAYS, 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. lections, The quartette rhe very seldom that there is suffici Kerry Danee”’ was excellently ent breeze to propel the craft. dered by Mrs. MeLeod, Miss hd-lother. times it is too boisterous mands, Mr, Clapperton and Mr./and the direction of the wind too Davey. ‘The accompanist for |e) frequently changes, evening was J. W. Pitman rhe | italia ees soloists were Mrs, McLeod Miss Use MURESCO, lhe great sani Edmands, Mr, Clapperton Mi jtary wall finish, A. W. Edge Co Davey and Mr, Higgins | — ee Everyone enjoyed the ice crean N OTICE . : th IN THE MATTER of an application for and strawberries served by the issue of a fresh Certificate of Tithe f. Lot pineteen (19), Block twenty-th ladies »%), Section five (5), City of Prince Ru At the close of the evening “| pert, (Map 923.) on NOTICE is hereby given that tt ts iy winner in the Story telling COM invention to issue after the expiretion or vs » 0 etion fon month from the first publication test put his cake up for auetl hereof, a fresh Certificate of Title to the ind then le bought it bac Trot} above mentioned land in the name of nted ikristian Skjillum, which certificate Was the buyer and it Was pres ‘' lissued 6th December, 1412, and is num bered 2658-1 Miss Pym . . F. MACLEOD, i District Registrar of Titles av . : i town | Land Registry Ofee ge. J, Conway arrived in 4 ’ Se Prince Rupert, B, C., from Anyox on the Prince George.| i0th June, 1019 425 Try this real hair tonic at home— ‘Shampoo, Sir?” There would be decidedly less baldness if more men knew the great comfort and simpli- city of the Lux shampoo. Its rich lather thoroughly cleanses and invigorates the hair and scalp. Washing the hair is oft-times something of a task but with Lux it is no troudle at all. Lux will remove only the superfluous oil— the dust and grime—it is so pure it can injure nothing that pure water itself may touch, Rinses out absolutely clean leaving the hair soft, silky and glossy with new vigor and health. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO 54 LUX ——— SSS Le SSS ee