PAGE EIGHT Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money In the city. Westho me COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Bulkley Hay and Grain. Agent fetj Robin Hood Flpur. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. Dr. Alexander I-IIONE 575 RESVEIt IILOCK DENTIST IIcanadianI VACinc; Theatre WEDNESDAY AND THUKSDAY 7 ANI) 9 1'. M, . With Eddie Quillan, QaroI( Lam bard and Big Cast. An I-. AfeprbinK7jStory of Back-Stage, 'i if S' COMEDY "QUEER DUCKS." OKCIIESTRAL SELECTION "THE FIREFLY." TOPICS OF THE DAY. 35c and 10c. COMING SOON "FOUR SONS." WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY AND TUESDAY AMATEUR NIGHT MONDAY Vccal and Instrumental. TUESDAY Monologues, Dancing and Other Entertainment Not Musical. CASH PRIZES Strong 1'icture LOTS OF Programme UNION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED Hillliijt I rum I'rlmv Kuiwrt. tot Vancouver. Victoria, s-ion iiaj nutr(ui Aim i). nt Turstl.v, 2J0 pan. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, tuittdalr. Alrrt ba). fit. FrUuij mldiUchl For Al.lCf ARM, ANVOV, TtV'ARt WALK 111 A -HI fiil- NAA.S ItlVKK. Snnd A p.m. 123 2nd Alfnu. U. M. KMiTH. Atrm. frlm-r llu.rrl. IM Ttiroisb tickets old .o VictorU and .' tie. unJ , hptet rty throucli to ilrstlnattur ... a B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Kftrhlknn. Vran;rII. Juneau and Skagwa Feb. a, 23; March 9, 20. To Vancouver, Victoria and Sealllfr February 13, J; March 13, 'il. I'KINCESH ROYAL Foi Itutrdalt. r.ast llrlla lk-lln, (ta-ran Falls Naniiv. Alrrt najr. Campbell Klvrr, Vancouver and Victoria, eirrj Frldar, to p.m. AJinti fur all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C. OKCIIAHI), fiEXFUAL AGENT C flier 41 Ii Street and 3rd Avenue. l'rln(e Hupert, ll.V. I'lione 3t. Ranadian Mational C7hc Largcft Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE v v KatllnR from PR1.STK HII'F.HT for IVANTOUt F.a, VlCl OK1A. UKATtLlU ' and Intermediate polnti, eacli Hi I II A V. 9:00' a.m. ' For hrKMWUT and ANVGX, each ivi:NF.MAY. 10.00 i.m. For NOKTII AMI SOUTH QLEEN til Altl.OTl K ISLAMiS, Fortnlthtljr. . PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE NUNCE ItLTERT Ijirh MOVUAV, WEDNESDAY and MATl'KllAV at ll:3U a.m. for fill ME GKOHGE, EllMO.STON, WI.NNII'EO, all iolul. Eastern Canada, l ulled States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 260 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 NEW SHIPxMENT JUST ARRIVED Mine Head Alberta Lump ...... $13.50 Mine Heatf Alberta Sootlcss Large Egg S12.'50 Mine Head Sootlcss-Egg., , . , .$12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg i .. m , 12.00 Also all other classes of coal. DRV BIRCH, JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load : $3.50 Double load $6.50 Large sack 50c Box wood cuttings, large load . . . $3.50 Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggage Day and Nlslit Service 139 Second Avenue Add reus by Inspector Fraser Heard -on Subject of Junior I High School I 'The chief item at the regular monthly meeting of the Parent- Teacher Association held evening at the Borden Street I POT 'School was the address by H. C (Fraser, inspector of schools, mand for particulars regarding the Junior High School movement t f TtVi a at cnrtVo An f h la trtnin The psychological reasons for such an institution, its undoubted practical advantages to meet the present clay's' needs for a diver-jsified choice of subjects in the elementary "schools, the1 opportunities it provides for the pupila Week-End Specials NABOB TEA Mb. pkg. BUTTER All brands. 2 lbs NABOB TOMATOES2s 6 tins .C0c .95c .70r SINGAPORE PINEAPPLES Sliced. 2s G tins 70c HEINZ PORK AND BEANS ! C tins - 70c I SEEDLESS RAISINS i 4-ik: pkg. .....f....... .. ..coc ILIBBY'S RIPE OLIVES 9-o. Un1'.".'.;';.: .30c iHOnSES'HOfc SOCKEYE SAL- ! MON l-2s. 2 tins 45c HEINZ PEANUT 'BUTTER 1 Jar , . 10c lALBERS BUCKWHEAT FLOUR I Pkg 45c 'MINUTE TAPIOCA 2 pkga. 25c ;B. & K. PASTRY FLOUR I 10-lb. sack 55c I BIRDS CUSTARD POWDER ; 2 pkgs 35c I SWISS CHEESE (With large holes), lb 60c FRESH JACK CHEESE lb. 60c JOHNSTON FLUID BEEF 10-oz. bottle $1.10 PURE ITALIAN VIRGIN OLIVE OL Quart tin 95c VELLOW NEWTON WRAPPED APPLES Small sizes. Box v $1.95 NAVAL ORANGES 5 doz. ..95c LUX 3 pkgs 35c Aiberta Market IV GAMULA. I ifth Street. Proprietor Phone 208 CATARRH el the . BLADDER iiM. JumuM P ic-M .i!. nl If HOY the daily news Thur,daybruary 2l, LOCAL PARENT I "ABIE S IRISH ROSE" FEATURE TEACHERS MEET! 1 GETS BRILLIANT PREMIERE i . ,. A "full house" greeted the initial shqwing of the film version of the most successful play ever written, "Abie's Irish Rose." last nicht at the Capitol. Paramount has filmed "Abie" on a big scale, building it DANCE LAST NIGHT fairs Held at Local Head quarters premiy aecoraiea lor tne occii-sion. At midnight delicious refreshments were aerved, dancing continuing until 2 a.m. Peterson was maste:- of, ceremonies and other memljerj of the committee were George Dyer and Georife Shenton. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialise in Piano ana Furniture Moving. M SPECIALS OUR PRICES ON FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS ARE THE LOWEST IN TOWN CHOICE HAMS Whole. 1 Per lb IWc CHOICE HAMS Half. Per lb 37c CHOICE BACON Whole. Per lb 39c CHOICE BACON Half. Per lb ...42c BAX BACON Whole, per lb. 3Gc BAX BACON-ilalf, per lb. 39c BEEF SAUSAGrV-2 1U 36c, HAMBURGER 2 lbs 35c! PICKLED PORK Per lb. ...20c1 CORNED BEEF Per lb. . .12Viic j BRISKET BEEFr-Fer lb. . .12V2c j Ijirge Variety of (Jrecn Vegc tables Arriving Every Boat Mussaliem Grocery Co. LimUed 617-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. O. Box 675. into a mighty cnmpdv-rlvjimn nf Wp and tolerance with f reauent touches -- V-w - - - 1 ,a8r of . clever - humor, 7 and a cast that . is ideally suited to the var- ious roles made famous on the stage lor so many years. As an added attraction Jack de Jausserand, popular con- Mrs. R. m. WJnslow, president, ductor of the Capitolians, gave a delightful rendering of was in the chair and there was Brahm's "Fifth Hungarian Dance" and "to a Wild Ho3e" a, fair turn- out of members. on ne violin thf itlrs8 ovfee1 T "Abie'S Irish RoSe " hich wiU b iven itS f inal shW" ideentPSit wasdecided toVave'The" p in tonight, is undoubtedly the most delightfully human usual sale of candy at the differ- and humomus photoplay presented in Prince Rupert for ent schools prior to the breaking many a day and should positively not be missed by anyone. up for the Easter holidays and - conveners were named for the ATZlslloll . hp. i WRIST DRIVE LAST ROTARY CLUB HEARS EVENING ENJOYABLE TWO SPEAKERS TODAY Royal Society of St . George Holds Bi'wunl Llpsett of Vancouver Monthly Function in Metro Tell, of Recent Pacific Con-, f Vl StJS'e Ha" J- I ferencc; Magistrate Mc j d k- ',,. Clymont Also Heard 'The IfoyafWiety offSt. (leorg held its monthly whist drive in the There were two speakers at the Jeii2iLIai41 kiVS . regular weekly luncheon of the enjorabTSSfelmig bmmmmmb RMnrv' f!inK in ih. r,,w 10 try oui meir own inclinations all those -wno were present ..Prize Cafe today. Edward Lipsett past regarding) the phases of education winners-were-. Ladies' first, Mrs; president and prominent member mosii likely to 'fit in with their C. J. No4 ingt6n; ladies' second,j0f the Vancouver Rotary Club, desires and leanings in business, Mrs. Joseph Howe; men's flret,;1 told of his recent tiip to Japan commercial, agricultural occupa- W. G. Oakley; men's second. F. to attend a Pacific conference and tions were all explained. Its su- J. Fuller. Magistrate McClyinont spoke on .eriorlty over the traditional el-l During the evening there were "community service." T. H. ementary school was emphasized, i vocal solos by Miss Bessie Derry, Johnson presided and was reapon-The great increase in school Uhese being much app eclated. sjh!e for th nrrmrmn Af tK population In Prince Rupert with uaimy reiresnmenis were servea the consequent shortage of school ty Mrs. U H. Sraeeton arid Mrs. accomodation, equipment . and v- M. IUyner. Joseph Howe was ' staff was a statement that ar- master of ceremonies. oused considerable comment and clearly showed the need for new I : 1 j r I . V . r.. L uuuaings in me very near luturt. I nu IT 117 1 1 nrPPnirr It was generally felt that the! . DI NAVAL KtohKYt address might, vejry ...well have bwrgin-before a-publif met-i First of a Series of Monthly Af DP9JLihlti. rjaye alf6rded Mr. such' anmsiwr " ! About 40 rrsons were present A vtolln Bolo-by-Miss Audrey; last night at tBe first of a series Parkin accompanied by Mrs. , of monthly dances which are to Black and vocal .solos by J. A. i be held by th( local' unit of the Tehg accompanied by H. - N.! Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Erdcklesby were other interesting Reserve., The event was held in .ind eniovable items on the cro-inaval headquarters, which were gram. p: ograrn, which musical numbers. also included , PARTICULAR "I thought sure Jim SE JUST A FEW would , marry one cf the twins," "No; he said if he couldn't get an exclusive model he wouldn't have any." Yorkshire Post. LLAR'S SPECIALS j Aples Extra Special ROME BEAUTIES Wrapp.d. 1 Per box J 1 . 75 1 An A-l combination apple. Only a limited number at this price. PHONES 15 OK 571 SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE 2. I 3 tins 39c LIBBrS APRICOTS Is. j l 4 Una 85c! i ENSIGN PEACHES 2 l-2a j ! 2 tine 6Sc IROSEDALE PEACHES 2s. 1 3 tins 66c ROSEDALE PEARS 2a. I 3 tin 69e KING BEACH RED PLUMS 2 l-2s. 3 tins 65c N. W. SODAS-Perpkg 20c GINGER SNAPS 2 lbs 35c CHOCOLATE BARS 25c size 20c iTEABulk, good g acle. I Per lb 60c Sellars Grocery Third Avenue PHONES 15 AND 571 Bring Your FURS to Goldbloom He pays the highest prlccn. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout t!ie City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. CLASS! COLOR! COMFORT! WARMTH i APITOL AlTNlGliT DON'T MISS IT! Abies'lrish "THE MOTION PIC TURE SUPREME" With Jean Ilcrsholt, Buddy Rogers and Nancy Carroll EXTRA Jack de Jausserand, violin virtuoso COMEDY NEWS. Two De Luxe Shows 7 and 9 p.m. 50c and 15c Fri. and Sat., Colleen Moore in "Jh Ka" You sec our used cars on the road everywhere. And they are always running, and running strong. Our used car bargains are real bargains for the reason that they arc thoroughly checked and inspected before they arc sold. THE FOLLOWING USED CAR BARGAINS NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION 1927 Dodge Sedan, leather upholscriK. . . . .WW" 1926 Essex Coach ....... .Z7. . . . 4M"-. 1928 lloMkMfteii 1927 Ford Tudor, gdodIuipiient . m 45n-"" 1927 Ford Covered Light Delivry . . . .... '" '1923 Dodge Covered DdliVory'V 3"H.W S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS yrd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone S3 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert B.C.