Lrsday, February 21, 1929 ! RicB and 'rv,tl Creamy Atatil every housewife knows it Is the best. PRODUCED IN CANADA "fi Tom TEA 'Fresh from the gardens Doubly rich in cream, Carnation Milk makes and economically delectable puddings and custards, velvety ice creams, smooth rich sauces and soups. Such tempting appetite can resist 1 Write for Nery Blake Cook Book Carnation Milk Product! Co, UmilxJ 114 Abbott Stmt, VaciTr, B.C. Contented Cows 1 rim Quick OLD COUNTRY ELECTION SOON Expected to Take Place Middle of Summer or i'osmoly Eailicr P'' LAIldlV CpLNET PLANTS , L'ONDON. Fcb 21. There is much speculation going on in re gard to the probable date of the next general election. It is ex- pected to take place about mid summe;, but nobody except tho prime minister knows, and 'he probably is not yet sure when it will be held. It may be earlier than anticipated. There has been considerable discussion in Labor quaiters regarding what Ramsay Macdonald would do if called upon to form a government. In lids connection it is suggested that he will not again try to be both premier and foreign minister and will let J. II. Thomas take oveV the foreign office. Philip Snowden would again be chancellor of the exchequer, Lord Thomson would "probably get the dominions office if he does not i want the air ministry J. R' Clynes would go to the admiralty, Arthur IIendersbnon, to the home office, while; William Graham pvould also get a cabinet rank. The :claims of Sir . Rp'swahi Mosley, Miss Susan Lawrence and Dr. Hugh Dalton will also be seriously considered should: Labor emerge victorious from the batttle of the booths. To overcome the difficulty of 'finding n lord rhnnopllnr fit fnr the task, it is suggested that Mac-j donald might go outside the party' ranks. Lord Aldane, who was chancellor in the last Labor gov-! crnment, is dead, and at present there is no one subscribing to the party eligible for such a high post. Cooks in 2V2 to 5 minutes Quaker Oats The Quaker Oats Company, Peterborough and Saskatoon s 'T ij Jli . 4.4 HIS OCCUPATION 'vM Kind Old Lady My poof pianM ii.t-A i.- rl'i ivtniu were you peiore you. lie- rnmn KHnHt .iV' i Tr, lie iiitiiiif? 1 oiiv vf,tni tMiivwiifuvuuififi Wag a legless man ma'araThef Wmdsor. A thrill in buying oatmeal pretty China Plectf in packages oi Quick Quaker Oats l-T'S amarinR tic fun you pet out oi Quick .Quaker Oats marked T "Chinaware." Concealed in each package is the daintiest bit of China with n, handsome blue and gold pattern. As soon as tho package is in your kitchen you are eager to learn what it contains. Maybe it's a plate, a cup, or other handy dish. It is China you ore proud to collect. It is good enough for any table. Hot Quick Quaker Oats for breakfast keens children and crown-ups mentally and physically alert during the four morning hours, when the day's hardest work is done. It corrects Uie dietetic error so often made at breakfast, because it is a perfect balance of nutritious elements. It is sustaining food. Its 16 protein tho necessary Rrowth element is sufficient for tissuo building and tissuo repair. Cnrlwhydrates 03, for energy and heat. Minerals for blood and bone. Vitamin II to help nssimila- i tion. .Its bulk gently aids digestive processes, taKing ino j place oLlaxatives, which may relievo but do not bencht. ! Tlicre's a distj'nflivc flavour to Quick Quaker that appeals to young and old, Careful selection from the best of the oat crop and 60 years' milling experience produce a de- j licious savor of which one never tires. j Be sure to ask your grocer for Quick Quaker Oats.. 1 marked "Chiiiawarc." Packages contain coupons with which you can secure tilvcrwaro ana puicr iisciuv articles. Get the best oats and the best China. THE DAILVWEWS PAGE FIVE PRINCE OF WALES VISITS MINERS The above photograph show.- the Prince of Wales chatting with an unemployed minur at the gate of his home at Nuttas House, Birchester Moore, one ol the hai dest hit of the mining districts . . . . .... ..... I SIJ f A I l 1 A' X I I I in me uia country, wnerc uie nu mes oi me uiiempioyeu are IlHle more than hovels. JEWS.OF NORTHERN BX. ty'sBuRNS iSftKE tributing to the frognim included -i'-t-' ' I J. W. II. Dav. kev. David Don. , The .death occusred, after ap.K.ten, K. H. Moore, Mrs. R. C:' brief Illness with tneuinonia, of I IdcCorkell,, tt. l'rite, W . C. Pear- ; CharlesTlgffum.'welJ'known trap-, son; S. Vf: Coefcer, Mrs. J. If.; per of ihe. Ootsa flake country. 1 Johnston, Stephen Holmes, Mrs.j Tljp fdnerai tooj place litre last TttesdSy with.-'ISey, ' V. It. Ash-fordfnc lnitpdythurch offic-jatthlaT-tceiSCv ,s survived by aMJp Ixjndon, Kngla Ht-C i. tnd. t. .J2,xliven ja a patient in oVEakS aibsnittL A. M. Ruddy, propriejor. Qf tha Omineca Hotel, is able to bo about again after, having been confined to his. bt for a wek with influenza. PKIKCE GKORGE ted . of f.Nrswi hUfWWP'tont. ond vlf fip reside! il.JTiiniAnd-rey S i lecrpta r (fan . .Jft-JYi i An- uctsuiii uwaurer, .ma. xtu)$ui j Dornbierer, "rt i . " . . i . "- Michael Kjenneth "Dom'qtte an'5 Miss Ada .11. Adams wore united in marriage on Tuesday by Rev, Peter Cbnnal. They Will make residence at Fort Fraser. VANDEHDOOF There was a lrgo attendance t tho nnntial binquet of the Vnn'lcrhortf and Pislrfct Uoarti of Trade 'hVb yt1. Vanderhofff Uotel I . .Jaul JaHrvT"Pda.v " evening. R. Ueorge Matthews nrosHpnt. ivunled tho $hir and speakers included Samuel Cocker George Ogston, J. W. P,aterson, R. C. M"Cor1ellrItev. )&vi4 Don Pldson. .Vt.-Tt. Mai:Millu, R. G Sutton, C Prout. The Vnn 'erhoor bikI DletrH Hoard of Trade !s continuing to Imake strenuous efforts to have '" nrnvinrUl "nvernrnent construct a properly graded road i tti Vnnerhoof to the Manson Creek section pt:, I T'bHot- thp dilution of'.Irs. A. It l.Mrd. th "Ladles' Atdt6 the local United Church held a successful St. Valentine's carnival , on Thursday night. Those con- . ja. iuywr, r. A. ii. L-i-r C. A. Mian, E, A. Mitchell ana A. ,11. Brean, , i(iss Vetma Clark ' has joined the staff of the Ncchako Drug Store wl ite ,trq. W. 15. Johnson is away on sick leave. The local Anglican Church is now holding services in the Royal I tank building, having moved frcra the Kgan BiocX. ALICE ARIM The threa vreeka' cold unail hii Mrs. George Jackland. has re- broke a fuw dnvs ao whtfn thr turned from Vancouver where was a heavy rainstorm. Th she had been for some time re-' snow haa hemn rifinnnMrlnir ran. ceiving medical attention. ThIiieyTA'tb '(Snulight inilfLuthrWnnHaJeh laalec- idly and awtoi being used. and wagon are There was a large attendance t a hard times dance which was held on Saturday evening Ih tie ' ' ' MicfeArm U6&1.' Provincial' 'Cohstable vniiam Smith o Aflybx has been a vls-to ; here recently on official uties. See "Abie's Irish Rose.' 5 ilsll i Those Languid Eyes They ouickly refleft your health and phytical condition retileu rvei Indicate the temperament of the itomach. Watch the eye . , , let that the white are clear with a healthy bluish tinge. The minute a yel low tinge appears it betray con itioation. luggth liver or iouinew, you need Try a ngular daily ' bil. laxative. Bring back your VlRour, Vim, Vitality with DmcIuri's tHIli th ,ure wif to juyuui. oounutng A count lor ahort A l..,,tf. PioJ. YoMeywwill A ;'."?" toll tha alorr. ProJud ItJ (Ami Chartcltr Iron lit Byu Ih 11 un Btitlnm AJwliunmilt. Stltt Aitnm Harold F. Ritchie K Co., I lmitrf. Tormito i t No Doubt About this Famous Cereal REDDE . WHEAT value at low cost Ideal for Winter with hot milk Proved by 34 years of growing popularity Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. asjiiakfr yetgioimng brigt There's nothing quite like ZEBRA LIQUID STOVE POLISH for keeping your kitchen range as glowingly, beautifully black as the day you bought it. Try it next time I It's new and a wonderfully clean :and' easy polish to use. rarrmr 0 STOVE POLIS IN BOTTLES For those who prefer it, Zebra Paste Stove Polish ia at LI to ho had at all dealers. ill ill 38 Where Men Are Men TR and ACTORS are Caterpillars WG LOfiS-vSTEEP GRADES IT TAKES STAMINA AND POWER TO LICK THE TYPICAL LOGGING JOB. CATERPILLARS MAKE YOU A PROFIT ON THE HARDEST KIND OF LOGGING WORK. A FINE TRIBUTE TO BOTH THE MACHINE AND DRIVER. WRITE FOR CATALOG AND PRICES Morrison lractor and Equipment Co. Ltd. Sole Distributors for 11. C. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVEJt, 11. C. Uriinehes: Kelowna, B.C.; Nelson, B.C.! Prince George. B.C.