!-r ' 4- f f -A V sV V " .tlMKA aa. lit l m ms m News and Views In The World of Sport 1 VJ llll I I III This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Ltoaar Ceatroi Board or by the Government of British Colombia Bottled at Cognac, France This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia CANADIENS BEATRANGERS Around The World With Sport Fans Bj Tbe Trstapl l The annus) amatear Team Now Only One Point Be-'skat.nr championaaips of I nina .N(w irk Asaerlcas Amateur Skatinr Ai n SV.W YORK. Jan. 29: The i Cnaii!iis drew up ""'y one opetcJ in the ftSnqnoth baae- onn iehn-.d the N.Y Am.i.-ans ball stadium in XttMaral. TW in thf international stvticn of program of event? as It has beta the National (Iorkr I. ague by arranged by tbe coramattee eoaa- d : the N.Y. !Ui:i:, r laat jirisea. the t yard440 yards. Cur atLtiiiens get le.-..itTship tc iV N.Y s 1. N.Y tne-half mtik. - ilawsi susistrt ( an e to mile, one mile and two mile -ebt .rhen enu for seaiora. with the cmv l.el inn. CARPET BOWUNX; WAS OPENED LAST EVENING ; IHnk of t'harles Taylor Won Over F Ktrtt (iase rh:ult' Taylor's rir.V defeated th. . f 0. orge Sror . tr.e ofen-n.- match laat alpht of tle St 1 Ar.dr-. w's Society carj-e: bowling ounmment. tbe Siore being 16 to !., 7 In the next g.4nu on F iday FISH CULTLTRK IN CANADA Fish cultural .n Vit s a minion Government .'iu. is miry cluasnionskia medals id rol ., il-er and broate going to th winner. In addition there wi . be a single junior event, this be : : at one-half mils, with the jui r skaters divided into 1S-vi ' 16-year and 14year chaa- . ..tions. with a race for each, have the women skaters been "ly overlooked in the prav :r. there being a one-iuartBr ne-half mile event for those o: :ne gentler sex. Entries will c . on Monday aspht. F b- ru. LI. Vancouver Island knockaat etball league has cease into v and entries are being sal- t. in both ladies' aad aea'a s one. Jack Taylor. nifrht rinks of Jack Fr n and of the City Leagoe aad a Bert l ameron will rnt of the Island executive. ces that in the men's division rx-tit'on anllbe for the Oeerge Wir.Ur's trophjr. while the ladies will ulay for the Johaay W up. old as Confederation, as in that . ... isear 1367 the Department of Marine and Fisheries assisted the Mr. Hope (at eiaema) 4Pve late Samuel Wilmot in collecting forgotten my gvasea, Henry. and hatchins errs of the salmon Hope It doesat matter, dear. which were st one time abundant W can sit behind some rood in Lake Ontario title readers. Movie Age. I The the 'and sine of i estimated I 1 production of lead. for Canada fat lttB fe! air: in Australia art upon returning at taw Anglican Cathedral Bad- Prince RBpert Hotel 16. Native ;naaton Club Sou of Canada 11. Orange Lodge 9. New Empress A. C. 18. League Table New Empmu 44 64 C. N. Operating . .. 46 S3, iQsnadiaa Ufrfeo .. . . 59 49 69, fMoee 57 51 57 j P. Rupert Hotel .... 57 51 57! C. N Mechanics .... 57 51 i1 Eagle 5S 5C 52 CoM Storage 52 5C 52; Orange Lodge ...... 51 57 51; Kaigata of Colambus 49 59 49 j Grotto 48 60 48 N. SM of Canada... 39 69 ; LEAD AND ZINC PRODUCTION j - . hi. this contin-and N w Zee- wa.i to start The photo shows the CRIB LEAGUE BADMINTON , The score was STILL CLOSE' CHAMPIONS,, New Empress Club Has Single Clo? Match in Mixed Doubles Tolnt Lead Over Cold Storage Prince Rupert C rfbbage League results last nHjht were as follow: Eaglet 14, Grotto 13. Cold Storage 10, Canadian Legion is, K. of Columbus 11. C. X. Mechanics XJK. Vnnw 10. fi. K Oneratinrl7. featured Last Cathedral Night at Club A close match between Miss Caroline Mitchell and Alf Slo- comb, who eventually emerged! winners, and Mrs. W. Long Carl Brand for the mixed doubles badminton championship of tite 'city featured laat hffrntt Jiniia ll-RV 15-14, 16-10 In favor; of Miss Mitchell and Slocomb. Miss Caroline Mitchell and Miss Frances Cross won the lad- is' doubles from Mr. H. L. SaadweJl and Miss Margaret Pal-: mar by a score of 154. 15-11 and H. T. Cross and Lyman Hinton i aad Miss Lucy Pillsbury. Indians on reserves in at 16S.1M short lama tad 46.946 acres under BLENDED MEN'S ROOTS MEN'S OXFORDS Black and brown,. Goodyear welted. Sizes'6 to 10. Temptation iSale I'rice ... $3.95 MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS MEN'S HEMSTITCHED WHITE HANDKER-CHIEFS Tempta-tion Sale Price, per doz 95c Thirtsea this si Vancouver pmyers paraded Is the penalty bwneh Canada and tea tiases the Portland play-wheat ere. t snaaa. are to be held February of lead and 91.911 short tan of luring 1928 according to th The Lioaa scored la the second 15 sad 16 over the new she-lap tine. .Dominion Bureau of Statistics, and third periods. SMOKE TOMS POINTING FOR TUXNEVS CROWN Jmee Musketeers The Acme Importers Fifth Annual "(jentlemen, be one of us!" Picture the Three MusLeteers Athos, Porthos and Aramis seated in a wine shop. A spit, burdened with partridges, turns before the fire. The swords of the three friends rasp from their scabbards as the Cardinal's Guards suddenly appear. The fight is on . . . they must cat their way to freedom.. Those brave spirits' of old France . . each with faith in his star and &e three stars pinned on high with the points of their glittering rapiers. THREE STAR KeepHt Handy atari " Enkffcencj 'pleasure la cue of uVWrt 'or ircidcnt, it It Tto Vtrp a beetle of Harnett BrinJr handy. HENNESSY BRANDY Tom llem ami ni- ent after sDendinv tluir land. The plucky lighter bride h honeym ' first ion training Or the heavyweight championship. Heeneys ty a r riven in i-w ior. TE1P TATON SALE Ends This Week OVERCOATS FOR MEN MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS Ten only in this lot All offered at Special Temptation Sale Price 10,00 SUITS FOR MEN 'TEN'S NAVY BLUE SERGE SUITS Genuine i ,1 blue, single or double-breasted. Get one of ti. . before this great sale ends. The very low selling , 5 of this lot will not permit of any alterations. Temptation Sale Price 25 00 MEN S SOCKS MEN'S SOCKS - sm. field's, heavy, pure wool. Temptation Hale Price, per pair Jgg MEN'S SOCKS - s Margaret's Brand, pure wool, ribbed Dnr't overlook these Tempta-tion Sale Price, per Pr 55C I The Acme Importers Third Avenue Terras. Striaiy Cah PENALTIES IN HOCKEY GAME men's doubles. tqoished Portland Bat karoo in a After the games, Mrs. J. B. Coast Hockey Leagae game hers 'ibsoa presented cups to the laat night two to nothing, winners of the mixed aad men's Outstanding features in the -totbles while the winners of the coolest were a number of chances iatfJes' doubles were awarded to score passed ap by both teams spoons. The trophies ware pot and a number f penalties meted up by the Cathedral Cllb. Re- oat to players by referee Ion. ftfltauMBts were served oadar Anjrtahag that looked bod was a Sport Chat Vanderhoof h(xk- will visit Smither n -for a isrias of two v.-first ganie to be Th i. r tag aad the second "i The -Sm&hers purk h .. -heidfefr ogatar work-out ft shape for the (ten - - v Vanderhoof aggregat .. i is reported to be a aai Some close games ha played in the curling wliich Is in progress at m Prank Johnson's rink lead with six victories defeata. Other rinks in arng are those of Dr K. 1 ford. J. G. Stephens. Raid and J. P. Dwne m, It tViCaVtOti CIGARETTES F O R MILDNESS E,r, . if i