- 3 + are sence tate ae Page : Tee Oail . see FS HER IIFE T AIRMEN'S STRIKE INSTANTLY KILLED OCSOOOOOOOOSOOO MOO SOOOOSOO SOO OOOO OW FOLLOWS REFUSAL WHEN PLANE FALLS . °} : EDIT ATES” | TORENSIATE MEN ms B To Prospective Builders «at dtrike a ‘ : the plane in whirl Fret Juices end Valuzbi-+ Tonics. Saat Ming Slee Biveed to ool eety trom Windipey to tyneioe We have just received at our Wharf the following lines Deg pre : : : : , Sante ae nie, oq Doe Y, See tee teen TT NM The Wond--tul Medicine, ' aE ark, N i : eut. &. P Kerr fatall - A wt Aaa eins a er malin se in building materials: fe Fe | noe eg One Scowlad of FIR LUMBER 2 we | Made up of Flooring, V Joint, Cedar Bevelled Siding and Double Dressed Finish f 100 tons CEMENT 300 barrels LIME ; ; | PRINCE RUPERT WATERFRONT LEABE lcar load PLASTER 100,000 BRICKS ee nce me ON oe ree 200,000 LATHS = —- 200,000 SHINGLES fortmi ne — : ite : 29 St. Rose St., Mo ai. , : S . i Veariée 1 - 3 { . ° - Lot “i a “T am writing you to tell you that 4 : the A Provic { British ¢ : ‘eo Mirrie r : i on rit 21uag ) ’ ee : z t ’ i > eect Pre “D ‘DT ’ rT) and < 7 e S. cde my life to ‘Preit-atives’, This | eso : s, and land covered by water We are agents for the PRINCE RUPERT SPRUCE MILLS, LTD., and can giv ae * ee ee you & © ta 4 front pf saigd waterfront Lot “EK” 2 ° : - sal far anw 001 ne q medicine relieved me when I bad |< _— « ‘ f wi ch may be more particularily descrilx you a figure covering the compiete materiai ior any Dulding given up hope of ever being well. i... « in fa ft nite - MME . ; e I was @ terrible sufferer ffom | ee be ae ' wins > ; Dyspepria—had suffered for years; | Mr. Besne he Knox Hot will . i it i and nothing I took it ar Drir ert y= SY st ' . ha way thence orth 43 | I read about ‘Pruit-a-tives’; and | eT. i sail . yy ae east & distance of 17% tried them. After tating «2 few | “ae ae a; ame a at nd: mee i cl a el x om now entirely well. You | 4 «peed si { th lay : ‘ « 47 min West 2 dis ' 7 4%, i¢@ ou I ; : [475 feet to t Eas ' have my permission to publish this | Eng ‘Ting : : < : f the sald Right of Wa Reunm "E ‘ ain an f hago 2 OM pemeelé leave « rand ‘Truk Pacine Railway, | Phone 116 and 564 = Office, Second Avenue, next Westholme Thea other sufferers from Dyspepsia to | os west on i teke Fruit-etives’ 2n-1 get welt”. « ‘ ‘ Mapauez KOSINA FOISIZ, sn to t fesired : : . le - —- ~ “Pruit-a-tives”’ is the only 1 : . - s ed chequ : as pak ie the wor! | made from fruit Alice A tte: 4 ' ss : st accompany each tender, the “NOTICE ee << mT e , mas rom f t. - sues . ws to be Die. a box, 6 for $2 DH. trial size Me. [through the Anyos ' ‘ ed tot . IN THE MATTER of an application for t r th Sat La At ali 2 Ts of sent postreid on [re =. A . r May, ; , this t : tj rived from the inters : 4 copy of this notice and an application mbid Gaz : || pe tee ~ . oe —— - » 4 ; os ast train a ws me | CUrsuant thereto and to the “Water Act,) * “#Perree ‘ tine oO ef last train, EALED TENDERS addressed Ww thelig:4” will be filed im the office of the at = Water Recorder at Atlin, B. C eputy Mivis ; sa ' bjections to the application may be; lands Departme j t reas abi tied with the satd Water Recorder or witt Vietorts, ® ‘ : ; waits 4% coal for the public buildings throughout = Rag red 4 3 — . ’ = eing drun he province of British Columbia ol =. ; 7 being drunk. p bes ; thirty days after the first appearance of | HARRY HANSON o e e mbined specification and form ‘lenis notice in a local newspaper lender can be obtained from the Pur M. R. LILLICO, Applicant Ss z The Reliable Piumber -- . . mdersigned and endorsed “Quotation . . » fini i Buildings British Colum ih tie poi t este ayic ‘ be received until 12 e ctock noon, Harry Hayes was fined $10 fo Tucsday, August 6, 1019, for the suppiy For the Garden Mrs. Thos. MecMeekin left f hasing Agent, Uepartment of Public iy ; ' +} Cir | Works, Ottawa, and from the caretakers ; Vancouver on the Grand Trunk] or te’ aitterent Dominion Buildings steamer Phursday night Tenders will not be considered unless Ottawa, Ont EF By Wm. B. Hood, Atlin, B.C. Agent! The "date of the first pouemee of this, Phone 489 P.Y {39 Second Ave notice is Jume 23, 191 . nile ; al = i made om the forms supplied by the Depart i Specially Suited for Prince ae ment and in accor ance With the conditions Ww ER NOTICE : — j Rupert soil. T. B. Coughlan arrived in the} **_& rr? Geveie a me ae ™ . _ - : i kach ten nus e sccompanic Dy ‘Ez ON Al JSE af 4: city’ from Buckley Bay by the|d@ accepted cheque‘en a chartered bank —— | NOTICE OF CANCELLATION SR ema me i - a john Thursday evenin payable to the order of the Minister of TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Olsen, whese! . ‘ " For the : : FORT uu a) venine ruolic Works, equal to 19 per cent of the address is Alice Arm, B. C., will apply! worice 18 HEREBY it 3 fi CHICKENS - -e« 4 amount of the tender. War Loan Bonds|for @ licence to jake and use 10 second) ove existing over certain Crowe tarts 0 0 Ooms ‘ ' Mes. ©. Harrison of Massett is!“ ew. we a. <5 * feet of wpeea out = ——— a aiso || in Range 5, Coast Distr n t f | = it f a onds and cheqtes if}known as Goat Creek, whic OWS WESt- | es « an atc. “eae” Wea . - { f HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER a Visitor in the e ty, having ar- red to make up an odd amount erly and dreins mio the Aitsault River, a a ence - ~ - : = . ~ 6th Ave. and I ulton St veet } ~ . . ‘ : By order, abvut 17 miles from its mouth at head of |» , aceuin Gaeta ok , iineeipeeces | { rived from the Queen Charlott« K. C. DESROCHERS the Imlet of Alice Arm. ee ied aaett : Helands. Secretary The water will be diverted from the|'*"*, '* cancelied. f 77) : : . “ Department of Public Works stream @t @ point about 20 chains easterly} De Mir 4 Ni lare F rnishe« { a. Ottawa, Ont, July 7, 1919 from $.E. corner Lot 3196, Cassiar Dis-|) oi. nonartment : Nice large urnis! : e ° e A| J. A. Sandison and J. O. Alexan-|— _ trict, and will be used for mining purpose | _— ar e G ene 5 ; F TIMBER SALE X 1719 upon the mine described as the North Star | ‘sth July 1919 Rooms for emticme! f oti PHONE 58 | der of Aliford Bay were among ” Mineral Claim, Lot 3634, Cassiar Districi./ _ ’ . { ithe arrivals in the city by the : an This notice was posted on the grouns Price cmp! f oe P. ©. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. | - 7 , » sealed tenders will be received by thelon the 20th day of June, 1919. Prince John. Minister of Lands not later than hoon on A copy of this notice and an application ” t ™ ee the t0th day of July, 1919, for the pur-| pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act ., t : : chase of Licence X 1719, tw cut 805,000/)19:4," will be fled in the office of the ry Convenienc { ee ne : The Marine I partment draws | fees f Spruce and Hemlock, on Lots 6001) Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C ‘ a ereres ere eer eer ond 6002, Kitimat HKiver, Range V., Coast “bjections to the application may be SEES EESAEEEBEREBEEEFEEEEES Jattention f mariners to the new | District fled with the said Water Keeurder or wit ; : : . fwo years will be allowed for re-moval e ¢ , P = 3 3| wharf whieh has been erected at} or timer. , . = at "Seadine. victaria, er ie poeaeere. . #| Buckiecy Bay, the new lumber port Further particulars of the Chief Forest-|thicty days after the first appearance of : » : rem er, Victoria, B.C., or District Porester,|ihis notice in a local newspaper, UNIVERSITY RETURNED : #iat Massett Inlet, Queen Charlotte | Prince _Kupert, B.C M. P. OLSEN, Applicant NOTICE OF CANCELLATION SOLDIER STUDENT: ail! $ | Islands. “2 ‘ _yenioummann The date of the first publication of this —— ¥ 2 3 ‘ r ? TIMBER SALE % 1649. notice is June 36, 1919, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GiIV} i we , a dee Screened * : oe aeeive, Culeting aver certs bes provided "me . ; : * ; ane were o v7 Tr or a puet cr st ® ! ‘ : v n . e. s k » Phe hing beat Zorra whed waled tenders will be received by the LAND ACT oie tr ~y a = land. vases (ae — thos ts ‘ oe ac ed ® and operated by the Athin Fiseries | Mimster of Lands oot later than noon on| Setice of intention to Apply to Lease Land. |)... ah 5 a a Rw no oe ; v sted ad gt i ‘ Z11 ; ; va aan 1. |the 22nd day of July, 1919, for the pur- -—— 1908, and the 3rd J o18 te juriag P Delivered * «le . returned to port Thursday Fre oe Licence X 1649, to cut 1,412,000 - quaax CHARLOTTE L AND DISTRI t ode kg Pee ane ; er leve y wi as on _ | feet Of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock, on an CORDING DistKicT OF & NA, c snare x i “ } . zi vening with 20.000 salmon. Thi erea situated om Kildalla Bay, Rivers tnlet,| situate in the vicinity of District Lot or sam puly Miisinte - tit ? ; 3/\is a record trip as she has only |Seoge 2, Coast District, on Massett Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. Vaan re ae ‘ a | Two years will be allowed for re-moval TAKE NOTICE that the Wallace Fisher- stl pe ; fe at t ; been out for four days. f timber ies, Limited, of Vancouver, British Colum . a suly, 1919 ; ; : . < ‘ : 6 3) . . : j ar ther porte ulars of jhe Chief Forest. | bia, aes eanning copes. intends NOTICE OF CANCELLATION ompleting : ia t ictoria, c., or istric > [to app or mmission to lease the fol . ae : t per ton | In view of the recent announce- | prince Rupert, B.C ; — lowing " aese lands eas sent al pm : ; F #\ment that the local te ate was —— | Commencing at @ post planted at the| NOTICE IS HEREBY IV! : without us } i - — = he local tax rate wa TIMBER SALE xX 1209 southwest corner of the northwest quar-|feserve existing over certa ra ‘ ; i! # | likely to be 14 mills on the dollar . ter of Lot 792, Queen Charlotte Islands|on the Naas Kiver, Cassiar District. notice | **ewoowrorocoes-coecereroroorrrrt i} Tithis year it is of interest t a , “ District, thence west 20 chains; thence|of which appeared in the Britis , a yea 7 inter O Tole ealed tenders will be received by the|north 27 chains; thence east 2.50 chains|Gazette on the 85th Felt a ermi 0. 2 that the Victoria rate has recently | Minster of Lands not later than noom on| more or less “to the high water mark of| cancelled SO POPAL PO OOP OOOO DD ALD ome OP ‘ | Mm 10th day of July, 1919, for the pur-|Massett Inlet, thence southeasterly end G. RK. NADEN . jbeen struck at 26.65 mills. chase of Licence X 1209, Wo cut 960,000} following the said high water mark 433 Deputy Minist } . . Office Phone, Pilac ; nt . feet of Sprice and Cedar on an area ad-| chains more or less to the point of com-| Lands Department il ic | Yard Phone, Bleck on * \ . joining T. S&S X1208, Ellerslie Channel,ijmepeement and containing ,twenty (20 Victoria, B. ¢ | e urv a i Cap . Moorehouse of the Prince Hanke }, Coast District. acres more or leas 15th July, 1919 ri i itheenhhtaneddansest John reparts to the Marine De-|q ume nt emer Tee es ee ee oe art ~ le : er Fred. Nash, B.C. L.S., Ageni 1 me |partment an uncharted rock in »” Wak’ ®t rs os bd ¢ met Forest, Dated 3rd day of June, 1919 ie TENDERS WANTED ransre 1 er, clo i ric orester, i | Buckley Bay, Massett Inlet, It is| Prince Rupert, B. Cc. LAND ACT EALED TENDERS if | fH é te th a ee aE P ction of a Hall at Smith . ; 190 feel northwestward from the BER SALE 650 behalf f the Smith ; AY i) > : “ Hal ' mipany : ] OM LEE CO. jnorthwest extreme of MeCreight TeeaR x4 ” Mh ee LAND Dipsnicy as Vians and spe cifeatt as f be of a Phene Green 548 5 J 2 4 . i NDS.) on application to the Secreta “Mi s uni? . island. Sealed tenders will be received by the) TAKE notice that E. M. Lauder, of Queen| Hoskins, Smithers, Bb. ai : 840 Second Avenue, West. EE. Minister of Lands not later than noon on|Charlotie City, occupation teacher, ahena "A moriied cheque for ( et s.. 8. Box 102 Office, Fra : é the 10th day of July, 1019, for the pur-|t apply for permission to purchase the }of tender must accompany « _ 3 — : li. FE. Collins, who has been in |chase of Licence X 1650, to cut 886,000] following described lands :— The lowest or any tender will | VEGETABLES ithe city since Tuesday nicht, was itt 0f Bruce end Hemlock on an. ares Commencing at 4 post planted on the | necessarily be accepted i C al ;en : ! fesday Right, WAS /adjoinime Lot 505, Chuck-Walla River,|south shore of Maude Island, about 700 All tenders to be in the hands of the | e e O¢ Wholesale and Retail & passenger for Vancouver on the Range 2, Coast District feet east of the 8. E. corner post P. KR. No.| Seeretary at Smithers. Bi : ne aaaaoet 7 i oe , ; two years will be allowed for re-moval| 1284, thence north 20 chains; thence easi| the 4th days of Augual, 1916. 9. - General Contractors and yoat Thursday night. While hers 4, Saas sialieaiiad 26 ile tee « . 260 cneles: tedes comin 80 chains; thence | noon ieidsdetitenesiinanent Riiieice ~ ‘ — * Reali je ef Porest- , 6 chains to nt of commencement The cheques of t fr | 2core Labor, Exchange. |Mr. Collins was the guest of Fred er, viet ria, B.C. or District Porester,|"" * EDITH MAUD LAUDER. derers will bs returned to then wi posers jitutley who served with him in| Leinee Hupert. B.C _ Date June 14, 1919. Au 30 _mithers, B. C.. June Asth, o* 4 FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Prince Rupert, B.C. ithe air farce, STIMINE DIVISION CASSIAR LAND 018-1 @KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION SKEENA LAND RECORDING PIVisic Ph 547 P. O. Box 725 ; Se ’ THICT—-DISTHICT OF CASSIAR DISTRICT OF tne CHARLOTTE DISTRICT og QUBEN CHAR rT Go to — - Al SLANDS ane | A correspondent reeently e TAKE NOTICE that I, Robert Hyland, of ——— — _iferred to Swift's hams and bacot Telegraph Creek, B C., occupation trader, TAKE NOTICE that Edgar Davis, of An TAKE NOTICE that Neil MetooM os on the um on the West coast of Graham Isiand|leum on the West Coast of ¢ 336 2nd Ave. ’ ito the big firm that goe§ a wood) 4. W. corner, about 250 yards below beep | im the vieinity of West Rivers Commencing|in the Vicinity of West River. sham | The’ use ' deal of business here it may be| (reek 4nd 2 miles yesterly from Telegraph | at q post planted at the southeast corner|at 4 post planted at the southeast 2 . “ : reek, fronting thé Stikine River; thencelef ¢.L. 40,842, thence north 80 echaims.jof © LL 10312: thence i ; : intend to apply for permission to leas you, B. C., electrician, intends to apply for|yox, B. ( Machinist. intends ¢ - | oll las being imported, In fairness | the following deseribed land rmission to prospect for coal and petro. [permission to prospect fo, . ‘ | : Commencing a1 4@ post planted ’ | #1 ee ee east & a. said that practically ali the pro-j|noerth 7% chains; thence east 20 chains;| thence east 80 chains, thence south 80] thence south 80 chains. thenee w Phones 416 Sixth Avenue Past oP I ally : ! thenee south 7% chains; thetice west 20| chains, thence west 80 chains to point of] chains; thence orth 80 onaien to me at | BLACK 367 — GREEN 394 Near Drydock i tS handled by that firm are |echains to the polnt of commencement, and| commencement. commencement ‘ : 5 . . . — , | cComtaining ifteen (15) acres, nore oF less EDGAR DAVIS. NEI. MeLRor Lamps. Beard by Month or Week. Phone Red 245 Canadian, raised and cured 11 ROBERT HYLAND Per Austin Brown, Agent Per Austin Brown Agent ; Gyre. Boney f° wee oo this country. : Date, May 29, 1919 Dated May 18, 1019. Dated May i8, 1919 : me a ’ .