TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE EIGHT Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money In the city. stholftie Pullman Theatre MONDAY AND TUESDAY 7 AND 9 P. M. MARIE PREVOST in "The Girl in The With Harrison Ford and All-Star Cast "MICKEY" COMEDY, "MICKEY'S BATTLES." FOX NEWS 35c AND 10c- Coming Friday and Saturday CHARLES FARRELL IN "FAZIL," with Greta Niasen. LHji W W W"1 HiWRPiimn- I ' ri WIT 1 1 1 i-TTTTTI FOR A REAL ENJOYABLE MOTOR DRIVE Rent One of Qur HEATED CARS AND DRIVE IT YOURSELF Walker Motor Co., Limited Phone Blue 389 2nd Ave. and 1th St. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED BaUlnii iroin Prince Kupert t'nr VANCOI VFU, VIC-MUM, Swaion IUJ. IluteMlc. Alert llaj, etc. tot VAVCOtVEH. VICTORIA. HutuIe, Aim l. fte., I-rljUj'lildHtjtht. I IZ ALII AKI. ASXOK. STfcV AIll. WALK IHlAVrl.. l2l UlAllNON. A.S niVF.lt, Kundajr 8 p.m. Its fed Arrant. O. M. SMiTII. Anetu. Prlnv Kt ert. B.I.. Tlruth liml aold -Q Victoria and J"antle. and tnuaer efl inruuali to JettinatW ICAKAOIANj B.C. Coast Steamship Services y?- 3 -' x- To 'rtrhlkan. Vtrangell and fkairtv January It, M. To .Micouter, VMotla and Swtlfi January 1, 16. W. PKIMCEH ROY.tl, Km ftatedale. Eat Bella IWIa. Oram Valla. mmK AUrt IMj. Campbell Hlvrr. Vancouver and Vlrtorln, urty ItMj, 10 p.m. ...t. f, all HlMimtlilii Llne. Full Information from ' ftlif'lllllli i:i:VIBtl. AllKNT l i rnrr 4lh Hlreet and Sr'rt Avenue. Prince IUiert. B.C. Tlione 31. Canadian National Q7ie Largcft Kailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE KlllrK 'row I UI.NC i: ItlTEMT lor V.VNCOrVCIl. VirTOKIA. hEATTI-U tad Intermediate point., rath FIIIUAY. 9:09 a.m. lor HfEWABT ind AXIOX. fuel. EIM:mW. l.HtJ.m. lor NORTH AXI SOVTII OjtKES OIlAKIOTta tLAMH. I'ftnIUtly. FASrKQER tRAIXa LBAtH PKINCK IU'rEUT UMh MONDAY. WKIINKSIllY 0d lAIUBlMY St 110 Jn. for PH1NCE OMlltOB. EDMONIO.V, MISMirtO, all polsta Biilero Canada, United SUM. AOEXCY A LI, OCEAN 8IEAMSIIIP LIM9 City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave., Trine Rupert Phone 260 ' Sold evcrywlier T Daily News' Ads. Bring Results NEWFOUNDLAND WAS SUBJECT OF TALK Mis Eva Elliott, United Church Deaconess, Addresses Baptist Young People At, the monthly missionary meeting, of the Fireside Club of First Baptist Church last night. Miss Eva Elliott, deaconess of First United Church, gave an interesting address on "Newfoundland' Its People and Customs." A large attendance listened with rapt attChtiou to the able discourse on Britain's oldest colony. ; ' Clifford Gilker presided and the evening's program also included vocal solos by J. Kelly of Vancouver, accompanied by Mrs. Rolf Walker, and violin solos by Miss Wndea Muasallem, accompanied by Prof. H. Aubrey Pryce. At the conclusion of the program delicious refreshments were served under the direction of Miss Winnie Coll'.son and James Underwood. MODERN METHOD Where once as students we would strive- - u.-, . ' In knowledge patiently to thrive, All, of a sudden we grow wise And. merely p&ychpanalyie. , . The Books of Law are cast aside, Doctors are hummed' in their pride? , One general method we devise We merely psychoanalyze. Wc call each crook when he is caught A 'victim of unconcious thought, And neither blame nor sympathize We simply psychoanalyze. Wash:ngton Star. Had 17 Boils On His Neck, Arms and Legs Mr. A. li. Wilton, Baptoo;' l(nM wTitef"I had been bothered' with bpiU -for. bout two years. I had Bevnoteen 6a' my neck! arms &nd let?. 1 tried all kinJa of medicine, but none of then aemd to help me any. I then usod two bottle of and I hays never been bothered with any boil since then ' ! It. 0. n. is manufarturcl only by I The T.Mnburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Out. 1BEST J Fishing Opens Soon BE PREPARED AND PROPERLY CLOTHED We 'have a splendid line of goods in j MASTER MECHANIC BRAND i which we caa,ell for 25 to 80 per : cent less, ! ALSO MEiVS BIB OVERALLS i The Mogul, in black only. Reg-ular $2.25. Special, $1.36. Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dresi-ed? OUR SERVICE PHONE 619 i to have your clothes pressed. Wc call for and deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit We .have fine Fall and 'Winter 'Suitings and Over-. coatings on, hand. Come in today and let us take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, all guaranteed. Best materials and reasonable prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 WEEK 'AT THEATRES ' . . Monday and Tuesday Capitol: Clara Bow iri "The Fleet In." W"tholme: Mar!e Provost in "The Girl in the Pull- man." Wlhedhy and Thurtilay "Ciipftol "The Michigan Kid" with Renee Adoree and Conrad-, tfagel. Weethoue; Leat-ice Joy in "The Blue Danube." v Friday and Saturday Capitol: "Excess Bag- gage." Serial "Tarzan Number 3." Westholroe: Charles Far- rell . and Greta Nissen in "Fnzil." - District News SMITIIERS Dr. Agnew, Vancouver dentist, is a visitor ip Burns Lake for a I few days orr professional , business. ' District visitors in town during the week have included: II. W. Smith, Fort St. James. Mrs. Brott of Danskln, who has been seriously ill, is now convalescing.! Employees of Phil Brunell'e tie ! camp have paade a contribution of S85 to the Bums Lake hos- j pital building fund. A number, I of social events are planned for . the near future to aid the ffind. J Local school girls are engaging in an interesting series of basketball games. PRINCE GEORGE Thomas ( anipbell a trustie in the local jail, who was about completing the serving of a sentence, helped himself to eighteen eoyote from the basement of the lock-up and cached them outside. He was sentenced to serve anoiher four 'months this time at Okalla. The city council is attempting to devise some new scheme for SCHOOL COMMITTEES FOR YEAR ARE NAMED Chairman McMeekin Appoints I TL...,. Wkn Will 1, lliunnn. I uirac (iiiu miii vvi- I siblo for Various Schools Thomas , McMeekin, chairman of the. board of school trustees, has appointed the following standing committees for the year: King Edward School Mrs. T. M. Spencer and W. J. E. Barrie. Booth Memorial and Seal Cove Schools William Gilchrist and r T r rri James ii. inuuipauii. Uoraen school ana westview Schools James H. Thompson :.nd W. J. E. Barrie. The first mentioned in each use will be chairman. i INTERESTING DEBATE I WAS MEETING FEATURE Young Peoples' Society of United I Church Gather at Home of 1 Mis Birdell Jack Dr. C. H. Hankinson was called last week to Francois Lake The Young Proxies' Sooiety of on account of an outbreak of ?irt .Uaitui, Charch , held its diptherla which cause the death y-eckly ffrw 'last night at the -t oim youag girl. , home of Miss Blrdell Jack, Fraser i street, the feature of the even- A Uttft; number of Babine -ng'g proceedings being a debate Indiana have- been in town dur- -.. t),e subject, "Resolved (hkt Vig the past week purchasing Heredity has a Greater Influence supplies, which they hauled1 back Tjpbn Character than Xnvlron-over the Crpnin road. .ment." By popular vote, the ' , 'negative side, consistini ef Mrs. The local Rebekah I.odge held norper arid Miss Lucy Gain, was a very euceeasful dance last declarcd the winn. r over the Af niht, a large crowd beiug In , Urinative which was taken by attendance. Irtrno. Stpvpna nH Mr Oair. An BURNS LAKE Interesting discijssion followed the debate. Games and guessing contests Dr. E. C. Holmes, formerly of completed the eveninir's enter Lillooet, will arrive here within 'uinment and deliirhtful refresh the next few days and take up were served by the hostess practice as a physician ana sur- wno waB a.8igted by her sister, geon. The Women's Missionary jjim uver!y Jack. Georgi- H. 1 society or me uniiea A,nurcn. "Stocks, president of the Youw? which operates the local hospital, -people's jkjeiety, oajiipkd the has been instrumental in bring-i.hair chair ' ,: .ng hint hejre. Toniirht the Society plans to hold a ska tint? party on the lake ouC the new roud BAD EYES Are your eyes peculiar a littte different? Harder to test than many? That is the kind we take a special interest in and usually satisfy our customers . In fact, if the eye is not diseased, and glasses are really what is needed, we are sure we can suit you. Lenses trround specially for each eye when necessary. Many pleased customers in Prince Rupert John Bulger, Ltd. the disposal of property reverted for taxes. The finance committee 1E8B3OTSWISIKW has been requested to formulate a plan to bring such lots to the attention of the public. Louis F. Coles, Prince Rupert piano tuner, has 'returned, to the coast after spending three weeks In Prince George. Lionel Richardson of Vancouver has completed the. adjustment of the loss in connection with the recent fire in the home oi Mrs. R. C. S. Randall. The full sum of $4,0(M) was allowed on the building and $4,000 was allowed to cover furniture. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. 85c. Dessert Specials For Your Convenience We Offer These Real Bargains PINEAPPLE Libby's or Ma!kin:..l 3 tins r 85c' RASPBERRIES Regular 10c. 3 tins 85c I CHERRIES Regular 35c. I 3 tins 85c LOGANBERRIES Regular :!5c . 3 tins .86c PEARS Regular 38c. 3 tins 85c APRICOTS Regular 35c . 3 tins 86c Your Order May Be Assorted PRIDE OF ONTARIO HONEY Cs, reirulnr $1.00. Tin 85c ONTARIO HONEY Glass Is. 3 bottles 85c Mussallem Grocery Co. " Limited G17-123 5th Ave. K. Phones 18&81 mi iiiu I ill 1 1 1 1 1 I ii Tuesday, Janum YOO-HOO, GIRLS! THE FLEETS HV " STARRING CLARA 35c. 05c. OW If You Want to Laugh DON'T MISS THIS ONI: Yo-Hoiand: bottle of j thousand sailors battling , 'freedomvbf the elze. ii, laughs last, last lauffli-"The Fleet's In." TONIGHT AT THE CAPITOL Comirg Friday and Saturday WAI. HAINES IN "EXCESS BAGGAGE.1 3t Oc Include It In Your Diet trout Purifies PRODUCED K 3f XLttT. IN CANADA Vfci -.aS Carnation Milk pure, whole milk evaporated to double richness supplp ; the nourishment imperative to health, and by us ir'.t formly distributed dou' cream content makes ur. Cessary the lavish use i cream and butter. Use it i r all cooking. Writ lor it sry BUle Cook Book Ctnuitm Win tWur C. tm, i 114 Abb StrMt, Vimam, B.U Contented Cows Perspiration ddowi' swcli"lad form" and now so unnecessaiHj Perspiration is natural .... even healthful , but the odour is as unnecessary as it is subtle and offensive. Winter and summer, Lifebuoy Soap used for hands, face and bath offers sure, pleasant protection from the social error of perspiration odour. Why not chanee to Lifebuoy ? Nov millions of per!: i keep the pores and skin safely sweet and clean, from 1 hath to bath, the Lifebuoy way. Lever Brothers limited, Toroato t LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP and Profccls llloi'c Bi'eads MB' Bread. Makes ur Goodteclim Heffr ri.cmii saga!