fur r ri IJ ' i Free B2" DAIltf&EWS' :'' THE PAGE FIVE adio' Broadcastin; and. R eception RADIO LICENSE : CLEANING UP 'HEARS MOSCOW IS DISCUSSED LOCAL RADIO ONLOCALSET :.-ik Uot'ot. the mechanical man, being greeted by Jane up. ,1 h;? arrival in New York. Made of aluminum. Mr. . MO pounds, in six feet tall and is animator by a ,t ; tik current. Hehas an extensive vocabulary. Sail Se Hear2 A Handsome Combination Micnslly designed !ia- Ler of the Console -I Speaker lives amajrinf to Plnlco's life-like i v of t ,nf . Shown here with ' Thlr Mudel cabinet in OLOR A i nlar combination ai.i cl a pnctl New Radio Dtacovery COMB in. Let us tune id tSe am Philao for you. A new thrill to radio performance as. a u you! Neutrodyne-Plua-Phaco'i radio discovery -gives tone, selectivity and distance which i ntw to radio. Cat! and hear. In Color ! Vivid color? Radio cabineti to match the decorations in your hornet Your choice of five colors. Yr v we ll deliver the Philco for you to try in your own homeftetl T . ,t..i, gr -no obligation. Use it Let your family and friend hear iu V- :i decide. If not delighted, we will take the Philco back. Easy Payments Trade-in Offer t isiinl- only a small down A liberal trade-in atlowanct for r f.t Jj.ilnrce in cy monthly your old set. Come in and ice what i. in- 1 1. ll never even mtssl it 11 worth in trade. JIT Br nr - ec Come in tomorrow. See and hear the Philco. Get our offer. No obligation. Barrie's Home Furnishings Third Avenue, Prince Itupcrt, I J. C. When youar appetite is poor, when yoin are COM J is fust what you need to buck you up S.iUi Agentj: Hirold F. Rid bie Co. Ltd, Toronto mi J 51 8-H HQ Edmonton Paper Objects To Individual Paying but Would Pass ft On (Edmonton Journal) Ottawa announces that 250,000 owners of radio sets have paid the one dollar demanded for the annual license fee, but feels that there are at least 100,000 more who have dodged this little tax "Dodge" may be an unnecessarily harsh word to use in describing those who have not secured federal licenses during the past year Probably nine-tenths of the defaulters have simply forgotten to go to the nearest radio dealer to get the permit. They mean to do It ; but usually think about it when home again and turning the dials in their set. It has been difficult to see why the radio branch of the federal ,'overnment hit on the annual lieenae plan in the first place. Licensing an auto is. quite a different matter. There the absence of the license plate is at once noticed, ' for the auto is out and about on the public highways where all may se it, and the forgetful own- er is promptly checked up. The radio set is in a different cate-i gory. It Is behind the closed doors of the home. Sufficient in-; jpectors to check up on all the' estimated 350,000 sets in the Do-j minion would more than eat up the $350,000 revenue the Dominion should receive from this source, j Is this not one of those cases! wfire the license or the tax should be collected from the manufae-j tnrer or the importer? And an even fairer system would put the tux on the number of tubes Id a' radio set and not on the set itself. At present, the youngster who makes a little crystal set out of a dollar's worth of material, is supposed to v pay just as big a license fee as the owner of ar $1200 eight-tupe super. That hardly seems just.;. On the other hand, if tabes wer taxed, at say , 28 rests each, the cryatal set. users would pay nothing, while the eight-tube super would be taxed two dollars. Ai tain's are not.tra- "yjiii- likely to last more than a year or land j,'.WT. two. there would be almost a year- ll :00oma Tbe little electric train shown in this picture is controlled en-; tirely by sounds bf the voice. Mr. W. W. Jones of the General! i.v tax. tra. Another feature that makes the 11:30 Late News, tax on tubes preferable to u yearly n:4fi Fiftb Ave, Theatre, Re license, is that all users of radio, citnl . except the crystal set fans, would contribute automatically to the, federal department. With manufacturers and importers paying the tax, costs of collection would ' be lower than at present. Revenue on the face of it would be increased, for If there are 350.000 radio sets in the Dominion in use today, given an average of three tubes to each set. the yearly tax would be around $205,000 if the tax per tube was set as low as 25 INCREASING SIZE OF BRITISH AUDIENCES great political parties will face the microphone. AT IHMI)(!E Husband (testily, after going down badly at bridge) You mipht have gutssed I had no henrt. partner. WifetQuite, but I thought you had a braity ' dariing: The Wefnerday, January 30 5:4ft Neva Flashes 6:00 Concert Vocal . 8:30 Hill Billy. Boys. -f,T 9:00 Correct Time. J:00-Ctmoert OrcheMft Mil course, WOUIU ue in auumyn vu bii JQjQQ t&Ulltdw MM import uuues now leyiea. "Sofnethin About Everi Polbiyme noa.Hoii.cen.,ng or l0.i totem SytJco-Hl taxation art iu w cunaiuneu uj m. the federal radio commission now n-is Late News ' ' at work. The suggestion for niso-Coricert Orchesti Male what it is worth, is passed on to nuartet t . his investigating body and to the ig;sr 'flllcnt. lepariment oi marine uu in rics, radio branch . 2ii29teB Tran"-;nitted in the broadcast band to fc cnUHil: greater extent than now author- affert orchestra ; ; M, a hearing will be held by the Sfcijlgf About Every- jffederal Rado CommlssioB here 8:00 Jack. andBrhyl. o February 14. The hearing will be for the pres entation of evidence as to . (whether such '.ranamiiiitinn will ny Orche-r . ., .., . . - .nv, fort- h reu,.(r broadcMting other . stations; whether there is any n ; general public interest in such (transmission in the broadcast band rather than in the high fre- IfillAnpv hnnri. anil anv nthr niiAa. 'tioas bearing upon the issue. At pment television and picture broadcasting are not permitted in jtke broadcast band between 550 'and ICOO kilocycles, except upon Orehest a; formal authority f-om the com-, mission and then only between 1 6:30 Palmolive Hour. and 6 a.m. - 7:30 Concert ,0katra; Viwal riiit f ! iKMW. fortiana 6:00 R. C. A. Hour. :(Hr netiDg About Everything"; -Evensong :80 Moon-Magic. ' 40 :0O Trocaoerans . Jl:?0--Nws Flushes. U:4--rilBk Ave. Theatre Frolic. Saturday, February 2 6:00 National Orchestra, rooted by W.. Dara.osch. Thurndavi Jan. a y 6:00 Concert Orchestra; I 5:45 News Flaahaa. . ...i... ,, 1 ii.h i,uriv amn lour. di- Vo- I Gi? r Sbn T!- :0o - Contort Orchestra; nental Broaucaat. M-.. if vr.xu nfi.nrf v u t 0:30 Spanish Oralsatr; B-oo--Joy Bova LONDON, Jan. 29 : When Pre- Vocal . . i,"; 0 JlC-Concert Orchoatra ; mix- mier Baldwin addressed a polit- 7 :30 , , Standard Smphony -a Qnrtt I .1 .4 XT. ..)! It . " Tyrte a few days ago his speech 8:30 iCorrect Time. was relayed to five other towns 80 Program Originating where audiences were assembled KHQ, Spokane. ) tnd who heard the address. It 930 "Something Abqjpt Every-w:s the first time this had been thing"; Vocal, atteirted. 10:00 Associated BraaaBand. The British Boardcasting Com- H'tOO Duota, Vocal; Tolem pany is to broadcast a debate in 1 Conct-t Orchestra. vhi.h the three leaders of the 11:80 L te Now . Flaibja. 11:45 Fifth Ave. Theatre Recital. . Friday, February I 5:B2 News Flashes. 0:00 Wrigley Review. 6:30 Philco Il-ur. 7:00 Hudson Motor Car Transcontinental. 7::i0 -- Progrnm Miginatini' I 10:15 "Something About Everything"; Duets. 11:30 News Flashes. 11:45 Fifth Ave. Theatre Organ. LINDSAY'5 Carlage mi Storage Phone G3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Speclallie in Piano ana Furniture Moving. Trouble in the City Reing.Abated to Some Extent Through Local Efforts During the past Wepk consider-hie efforts have been made to stop local interference with radio e.epiion and a good deal of improvement has resulted. Condensers have been placed on all the downtown furnaces that are I i:own to have been annoying and iher steps have been taken in efforts to abate the nuisance. J.J Little, superintendent of the utilities department, has done a good deal and radio fans owe a preat deal to him for his efforts in this direction. There has been pretty good re-;e,vi;on during several evenings. Last night far-away stations were heard, such as Denver, St. Louis, and a number of others. Edmonton came in st ong and Calgary also was good. It was possible to get stations almost a.nywhere on the dial, especially those across Electric Company is demonstrating the new toy. One only has - to say "Back up" and the train will start in reverse. ."Stop" brings Eaflfeaffffi he engine to a halt, and some su ?i phrase a.s "(iet along there" will start it forward,. The secret lies in a onc-two-three relay coupled to the microphone. It will understand any language if spoken clearly. KOMO PROGRAM ?!" T;iodar;;'ja)Baary 29 5:4$V-News fiaeMes. G:0O-r-veready Hour. 7;Q0 CUtquot Club Eskimos. imHr itittes. arm ARRANGING FOR i BROADCAST OF : RADIO PICTURES WASHINGTON. Jan. 29. To determine whether picture or tel- levision broadcasting may be per- 1 By means of a short wave radio receiving set which he had made, W. W. Wruthall was able to hear a broadcast from Moscow a few nights ago. While the language wals not intelligable, he says, he plainly heard the name of the WELL, IS HIS HOPE REALIZED Bridge My husband had a hope chest, roo, before we were rrwrried. Neighbor for mercy sakes! What was in it? Bridge A bushel of sovk he hoped some one; would darn 'era. Montreal Star. the mountains. The annoying thing about trying to get far-away stations is that just as they are located and the fan is anxious .to hear the an-nouncment some "squealer" tunes in and spoils it. vOLSTE The new Kolster models have created an entirely new set of standards by which radio quality and radio value are being measured today. KoIsHer performance: pure, natural tone rare distance-getting ability precision of program selection reaches new heights of radio excellence. Kolster reproduction is so iMlc that it brings a sense of actual presence. Lovely cabinets, conceived in the mode of to-morrow, make Kolster as pleasing to, the. eye,, as, to the ear. See Kolster hear KoIstcr there's . . . a . . . delightful . . . treat . . . in . . . store . . for . . . you. The new Kolster All-Electric sets are equipped with phonograph plucg-in jack which, with pick-up unit, will give electrical reproduction of records. CANADIAN BHANDES LIMITED TORONTO CANADA. S. E. PARKER, Ltd. Victof Radio $190.00 Victor products are known in every part of the globe have been for atiartpr century. Nothing in-UjkrJfield eAjt equalled VJetorrtd.uifs they head thq wdajprfjlraarTnl'. " Every nw VFcfor Radio is a farfectftfftdTo, ftr aavanced in a design-plug in, single control, lighted' dial, velvet-like tone and volume, smart tasteful cabinet. Demonstrated'1! your home. Easy monthly payments. i . .'!