Saturday July 26, 1919. THE DAILY NEWS Pave 5 BEECHAMS PILLS Constipation is the arch-enemy of health. Conquer this enemy and you rout a whole army IMPETUS TO | “Daily News Classified Advertising | MINING A [ ee ee ee ee WARTED | FOR SALE a anctamanetts § es ALICE ARM REOUIRED BY LOCAL BANK POR SALI lhree.roomed house services of competent slenog on Third Avenues Iwo minutes | } a a rapher. Apply post office box from Post Office On. sewer. Saves labor. The Coupons wee | Anetra Done and) 1714. Previous experience ne-| Ground rent reasonable. Apply| of physical foes, including indigestion, biliousness, with each pockage are a "one a ny to cessary. tf} box 283, Daily News office, tf sick headache, sleeplessness and nervous d : . rade Ore. fk eta: or ; ’ . value in themselves + yes WAITRESS WANTED — With or|MONEY AT 8 PPR CENT on build. sia. Beecham’s Pills have been a world-favorite Mice Arm mining is reeeiving| Without experience. Apply B.C.)) ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru- laxative for Over sixty years. They go straight to oooe in impetus such as it has not hag| Cate, Second Avenue. Phone) pert Housing Ltd. Geo. W. the cause of many ills and remove it. They act A Bargain in for many a day The La Rose 465. i “a bg Niekerson, Secretary. a mine, being operated by Miles |\YOUNG WOMAN WANTED for |FOR SALI Household furnit ire, | House Donald, has started active oper. general office work. Apply DOA | carpet noleums and st ves, | a ations and is now mining the promptly, pleasantly and surely, Contain no abit-forming drug. These time-tested pills strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and 282. Daily News Office ti Lnguire at Richmond Rooms. wah for building same sort of high grade that! Relleve choice from ten they shipped to Granby and Traij|' MACHINIST WANTED AT ONCE | POR SALI Phoroughbred Guban | mth, 10% down smelters last year The general Akerberg, Thomson & Co, Ld bloodhound pup Apply 821 ' ' on first ws average of the shipment to Trail . — Patiow Street. 52 ons I a ion ctr et , vs Be ene wo hea TY MALE HELP WANTED _ s. vi 50 ozs. of silve diccslsectl seeacentaannatiniesincatilnisitenbaainidali ‘) 7 ‘ vo trunks. $5 eae rth Guinea rhe Dolly Varden steel is now IF you are out of employment , 7 ~~} , , te = Wo e a Box vend ate : : eatel Dees 1\ O24 Nit Prepare homas Beecham, Helens, Fr. W. HART completed to the Dolly Varder and want to make some clean, Rat ue " “t| Se Peek eee Se \ pene ee rere eeeeeeeeeeneeee ee neeee intne and the aerial tram well un honest, quick money, write at hiliindendiadi-chtiachaletnns whcibiieediis diay Aten . , der way. There will be steady once to box 12, Station “C,” |FOR SALI Old newspapers, ten POPPE OOOIIOD “ty shipments of ore in the next tw South Vancouver, B.C. 76) vcenls a bundle QONVUOOOUDNESOORSGQUGSUGHELAAAAGEOOUUAUT AUT UAAL AREAAUUAA SG TAUPE AERTS o~ (MTH & MALLETT | sy anon DOROTHY GISHIN °°" ron meme FOR SALE full face of ore eighteen feet wide|hotme Theatre tonight, is said to Would make good club rooms. In business centre. W. J. Alder: of lead and gray copper that as.|be one of the finest photoplays Dr. Bayne ‘ = PLUMBING AND HEATING of the early shippers It ae ‘ shes REN ‘ t 4 f] = . ‘ ' TT ir t ugus , olices on! ss ENGINEERS face « high grade ind good ton BA LING JANE second floor of Alder Bloek. <-- en 1S istimates furnished. nage on the dump | Taree over Orme’s Drew Gtave = ; — The Vanguard = gt yup under _ } suitable for doctor; also photo = iress, 3rd Avenue, head bond to the Tacoma Smelter peo. Star Appears as Girl Cyclist Who graph gallery, and several of-| = DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! of Second Street. ple through Mr. Tonkin of Seattle Meets With Unusual | flees fronting Sixth Street. W |= } ; ' ‘ 7 iz — : : Phone 174 - P.O. Box 274 3/!00ks |!) u mining, and many Adventures. | J. Alder. tf) One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your od other properties under bond are | = Eft ; = s ithe making of early shippers. Dorothy Gish’s first Paramount | POR RENT August 1, fifteen un = 1c ency~ aia obe. rhe United Metals Co, up the| starring vehicle, “Battling Jane,” furnished rooms and bath on| gs [eae Illiance River has opened up a/which will be shown at the West- Third floor of Aldei Block = = = = | FOR RENT—Housekeeping rooms seven-roomed house with 3/says over a thousand ounces. The | issued anywhere in many months./pOR RENT — Room in private bh oe ae wovernment will immediately ex-| That it affords Miss Gish a role home, for lady or gentleman. OFFICE HOURS:— vly painted. 8th Ave., W. pend $5,000 on the trail and Mr.|of wondrous appeal is conceded | With or Without board, Refer: $2875 00 Haneock a like amount. There|by all who have seen the produc-| aneps required, Apply box 284, | #3 Morning, § to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.39; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only; . are fifty tons sacked ready to| tion. } Daily News Office. 173 =: Evenings Tuesda Wedn and Fi from 7 to 9 Very Easy Terms. come out and eighty tons mined! Miss Gish appears as Jane, a| = ¥, s = -= ne ready for sacking. nomad who rides into a town in|TO RENT Five-roomed house, | 3 DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND Joplin Claim. Maine out of nowhere ona bieycle| near drydock, F. W. Hart, or| gs Dental Nurse in attendance. 523 Third Ave. rhe property on the Joplin) while a Thrift Stamp drive is un-| phone Black 451. a Phone 109 for appointment Do. neacnenneae Siclaim is producing five tons each|der way and who meets with most ‘ = ——————————=Iehift, of ore that will average;unusual adventures She be- $4.00 per month. 62@ Ninth “HOVUUOUERONODOOODOONSUUU{SS0Q2000000G000000880 WORDAOUUGGUOOQUUQAGLESGSNG GAGGENAU Cibetter than 300 oz. silver Up te|friends a woman whose husband bonnie Utuie tf ° July 1 seventeen ledges had been|has deserted her and when the > OW if} e oper cutted ready to produce|woman dies, she takes charge of |HOUSE TO RENT; furniture for ltont age Iwo tunnels have been|the latter's child which is found| sale, 515 Jeffrey Street, Seal er idriven on the ore rhe ore on|by Jane in thea deserted home.| Cove i7i ' ard Li an " i » Li M > hdware psett, President Harry Lipsett, anager SY Cee | wand has been obtained ip ex. |This babe wins Arst prise af a R SALI PGBS E I » Kaward Cunningham, Vice-President DN Ee ploiting the property to ascertain | bady show and when the inhuman | , : , Piano, slightly used f the veins were fissures an4 re.| father returns to claim the money | Cheap for cash Finke view at “ . Healthy Exercise, nain with depth In every in-|Jane gives him a real battle and} Pacific Cartage oflice, " ts h m & ( 0 | Keep Y Fit stance the veins have widened|Wins out in the end. ji RNITURE FOR SALI i32 Sth Ipse uNnning a © — iwith depth and showed richer ore. | preteen i Avenue West. {73 Cigars and Tobaccos |The property should produce ¢ | NEW MACHINE SHOP ; GMT ED > ’ ae ome of bist aredel FOR REN'T—Room, with or with- si RDWATE POOPOOOTONOSOEEIOD ie y tine tonnage oF high grace SA ut hoon: -Bhéne Ree 800 ult FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT—MARINE HARD this vear under proper manage-| oul board, ; sed oS. t ae (OOO a eens Work Commenced on Big Building Lost Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories D i. IN T i Ss T R y . On Waterfront Vesterday. nee aes anne Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage * . | -s LOST—Small diamond from ring FFICE HOURS WANT FISHING GET The new machine es - Down town, Reward. Finder PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. OF} oO i|Akerberg, Thomson & Co.,, Ltd., j . retur Dai News am “ | please return to aily New inal re p ee Rupert Office: : 00'S GOVERNMENT AID |: the waterfront near the pro- Office. 167 Registered Office: er up E DR. J. 8. BROWN a [vinatet government wharf was Se 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 sanver Special via G.T. BP. Telegraphs started yesterday. It is a large MISCELLANEOUS Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 Mice ™ } j a : . : - ~ SS eR SP “ “Nene ae Avenue. Montreal, July 29. Phat stim-| building, 60 ft. by 60 ft. and wil McGOWAN CYCLE & REPAIR CO. ; ulus should be given, not only to be titted with all modern require- aE KE tas cles and ; usu rw ° . ihuiah Motor ¢ ye le and By . ————————— jagriculture but to other food pro-|ments, aiiianeinns - cycles. Get your keys cut by ' ducing industries of Canada, not-| NOTICE our new key machine; No mis- {i , ably stock raising and fishing, | ee fits. Gramaphones and Sewing ‘ lotel Prince Rupert was the decision at the session] IN THE MATTER of an. application | machines repaired. 135 Second La Casse Bake of the Army and Navy Veterans |the issue of a fresh Certineate of ith Avenue, Phone 489 tf ’ for all minerals, precious and bas« save ee. a wenn Te as os ie SEEN EUROPEAN PLAN sssociation convention. coal and petroleum) under Lots nineteen} ———— . : —___— $1.50 per day and up. Phe Halifax branch emphasized} ee i ee an FARMS FOR SALE Another 200 Ibs. of Also all kinds of Pastry — that too much stress was laid Dy | dred and eighteen Sis), ‘Northern vert lo. Pp. R, FARM LAND — Choice ear ae , ine » No .’ one dred and six v0 FIRST-CLASS CAFE the Government on the question nership N ston oe amare emt six (300 pidenk’ la teal aaliad diatitokn W ddi c k T-cunee one fine Government ne weston etch cag Medic | Tare wall actted atc Conga and | Wedding Cakes — ee jsupport to other vocations was seventy two (073), Horners Dorpeneem twenty years to pay; Welgaiec: a Specialty VPP OPO LOO POR IID DD * jdenied. 907), “The Mickey;” nine hundred and lands in Sunny Southern Al-| e —_- : ‘ sixiy-elgt 968), “The Plato,” and nin | spe ‘ of $2.00 { . hundred hg Moto) The Dats berta, with loan of $2,000 - ruit e In rounding up your morning t. ames ote Provineial Government Em- Mineral Claims,” all in Group One (1 mprovements to assist new] order, don’t forget er yjloyment Bureau and soldiers ee as aren given that it is m settlers. Act now they are} ——— em ‘ > (LATE “QUEENS” ‘ivil Re-establishment; tempor- | intention tw issue after the expires n of soing fast. For free bookiel to be disposed of this Domestic Bread nt? thy ret tt rIAST CLASS ROOMS— "y , 324 Second Avenue, | irr or s fresh. eas > te d tuli information write i, shad ry oflice 62 Secon ©, nereof, a fresh certificate of title | an i 30 Ib The 3 ith ihe Label . ij ove sntioned mineral claims . “ week at ic per Ib. read w Hot and Cold Water. ’rince Rupert. Employers having sbor oi ta ay S tenidie eoreince qa. Ey ughran, General Land s pe ooo as woes acancies for men and women iM /of title is dated 3rd July, 1918, an igent, 744 Hastings St. West, . - ee nee » ibered 778-R ; ' > ; ————————— leering): factory, domestic or |" H. F. MACLEOD Vancouver, B.C, 717 Third Avenue Phone 190 PUBLIC NOTICE her k should apply to above District Registrar of Tities. | si. — : eee, Sere: S ; g | Lend Registry OMce, Prince Rupert, B.«..| Advertise in the Daily News. ER OF THE ESTATE OF Phone 553. ! rhis 22nd day of July, (919 FERGUSON, DECREASED ——_—__—__—— _ — ee ———————_—_— Sek eee! gs A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON’T WEAKEN BY GENE BYRNES st be placed in an envelope ed addressed to me and ler Ferguson Estate and DY & marked cheque payable hers for at least 25 per cent tf the tender or @hy tender will not accepted as i iT> A GREAT LUFE \F You DON! pO YoU CARE FOR pe you ° WHY es! ie unsUucCcess ender . AAD c1ureed teehee nee READING ME READ mun MN mee . i. bon ae eptones of tender MULALLY Fict 1oON D>ENDS ¥ Oficial Administrator Lt VTE ALMOS ivi9 Ad Pr tee Tim ce, ee - HES ¢ BER SALE x 1661. ROAD > Will be received by the hot later than noon on ' i July, 4949 for the pur ’e X 1661, to cut 509,000 “edar and Hemlock and tipwe od on 4m area situated ‘lige Coast Distriet ‘ Will be allowed for re i ' ifs Of the Chief Forester telet Porester, Prince TIMBER SALE x 1169. , WUl be received by the | later than noon on ust, (919, for the pur \ 1160, to cut 2,.29590,000 “dar, Hemlock and Bal ‘ adjoining L. 947, Johnson “Obst Distriet Will be allowed for re Of the Chief Porester \ District Forester, Prince