Page 6 THE DAILY NEWS. We have for‘sale the House and Lot No. 225, 6th Ave. E., Lot 19, Block 6, Section 6. Has six rooms, two bed- rooms, bath and sewer. Lath and plaster. Best buy in town for the money. $2700.00. Terms. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Real Estate Bonds Insurance — j Buy Your Preserving Strawberries this week from the TABLE SUPPLY The Heaviest Shipments will ar- i rive this week hile we cannot if# name p ices before arrival, we will guarante to sell at the Very Lowest Crate Price in Town Rupert Table Supply Co. Co. PHONES 211, 212 Princa Aupert Dry Dock & Engineering Co. Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. boats can Fe docked together on making fees light. Large stock materisls is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine aud Boiler Work of all kinds Several one small section, of repair Business of Industria! Plants, Mines, Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished, Mills and Canneries STUDENTS SECURE UNIVERSITY ENTRY Two Pupils of Local Schools Granted Supplemental Exami- nations to Qualify. rhe es were marks of the pupils whose recentiy published in as having passed the au this paper University of B. C. matriculation exams. have now come to hand. Iwo candidates whose names are not given will be able to secure heir standing by taking a suple- mental examination at the com- mencement of the term. The fol- owing is the list as given out by the Department: Prince Rupert High School; 3ed non-professional. Maxi- marks, 900. Number- of ‘andidates, 1: 0. Junior Matriculation. marks, Class mum passed, Maximum Just arrived, a car of Beaver t Board. A. W. Edge Co., distribu- M M.Stephens j 1 ” - p A new uncharted rock has been NOTARY PUBLIC found in Queen Charlotte Sound the northeast side of Nigei _ FOR SALE Island, about 7 cables distant and two miles southeast of Greeting 6- Roosibd modern house and , Point It was reported by W lot English Hill, $2,625, Hunt, the Searlet Point light terms. ceeper. 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th ee Ave., East, built in buffet, Hon. D. Pattullo, Minist fireplace, etc., $3,500 Lands, will leave short mal terms. ded trip through the north 8-Roomed house 5th. Ave. jern section of the provines, says W., modern, $3,250 terms. ithe Victoria Colonist. He will go Double Corner Sixth Avenue 3|t? Prince Rupert and thence by and Tatlow St. $1,750. 3) ¥@: the G, T. P. to the Peace One nice lot near Drydock jitiver country, in which he will __ $200, spend some time investigating the aa ee stuation from the standpoint of M. M. Stephens lye = of 7 ene LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE . for Fisherinen. Swivels, 50c, doven: hooks 3c each. Ful ler’s, Ltd. Phone 45. tf Tents. Pack sacks. Camp outfits. Scent J. F. Maguire, Smith Block. A Complete Jewelry Store... HERE are a variety of reasons why this store Should get your patronage Goods always are the best that are ‘‘getable.”’ Prices always in your favor as much as condi- < _ L LL T What me ee ee Kye Glasses Are For. +--+ Be ee ee tions will let them. € LASSES have many uses, but : . 3 only purp the restora If you have not been cat Get ak aie aes = edad: oom coming this way, make a tition start; a 5 not be sorry : ul were intended 1 see well Y ima = eas i you do not then you should make haste to dis- John | Bulger cover he trouble and apply 8 Jeweler ae The Store of Worth and a." want of a pair of suitable Beauty. via may be all that prevents f ng visual perfection, health id mfort 2 ‘amine your eyes and FOR S LE whether not this A is 80 A four-room House, two ore ¥ lots, good view, near dry- ‘re JO ry dock ; an Practical Opt ametrist $1900.00 Third Ave. Prince, Rupert Oy ite P #t Offiee 1.000. Number of candidates; 7; passed, 3. Granted supplemental examinations, 2. Richard W. Pillsbury, 692; Archibald L, Grant 626; George E. Hudson, 622. Private Study: Junior Matricu- lation. Maximum marks, 1,000. Number of candidates, 3; passed, Granted supplemental exam- nation, 1. Completed Junior Ma- triculatjon: Kathleen L. Grant, Mary H. Teeple. Prince George. | Private Study: Intermediate 1G ade Maximum marks, 1,100. Number of candidates 1; passed ! William W. C. O'Neill, 820 High School; du Prinee George nior Matriculation. Maximum marks, 1,000, Number of candi- lates, 1; passed, 1. Completed Junior Matriculation: Judith L Wilson. TOOK FIRST MESSAGE William’ Archibald of Nanaimo, Pioneer Teiegraphist, Dies Aged 81. Nanaimo, July 26.—The death curred here of William Archi- ibald who up to six years ago was ; oc ; W¥ive-room house, fireplace and, heating plant, harbor view, 3 blocks from drydogk $2500.00 McCaffery, eg & Doyle, Ltd. Insurance » Estate Prince Rupert, B. C. Phon® Green 607 1017 Grd Avenue Dalgarno & Waits BU LDERS AND CONTRACTO® Apecialists Light and Hea geuct n Repairs and Alteration First Clase Work and ptlaircas Finishing Estimates Cheerfully Given Baick AND CONOCHETE CONTRACTORS bur © or | Watch our ACROSS ATLANTIC Once Local News Notes windows ials, Tite's August Sale. . . . H. Mobley, M. P. P., returned from Victoria on the boat today . . >. L. W. Patmore returned from a business trip to the south on the boat today. . . . Springs, mattresses, brass and iron beds with August Sale dis counts at Tite's. 178 7 . o Mr. and Mrs. Demers were among the arrivals from the sout! on this morning's boat. . . There will be a special musical servie® at the Methodist Church tomorrow evening, to which all are welcome. it . * . Dance at the rink on Monday evening, July 28. Refreshments served. Gray's orchestra. Gentle men $1.00, Ladies 50c. 74 . . . Geo. McAfee, manager of thi sawmill at Georgetown, was among those to return on the Grand Trunk steamer today. . . . Dr. Bayne arrived back in the city today from Seattle where he has been doing some post grad- uate work for the past few weeks . . * Ralph Smith returned home on the Grand Trunk boat today from Vancouver where he has bee holidaying for the past two weeks. Soa. D. G, Stewart, the local whe saler, was among those from the south on the,boat today Mrs. Stewart and the children are still visiting in the south. * . . arrivine and drawings homes at from Wil- Smith Blk. tf Returned soldiers, widows dependents can obtain and specifications for greatly reduced rates liam Bruce, Architect, Phone 127. . ee «=? Among those arriving from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning was Mrs. Collison and daughters who have been visiting in the south for the past two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Neill were passengers for ‘this city on the} Prince Rupert today. Mr. Neill is a well known mining man of northern British Columbia and is interested n the Premier Stewart. mine Special train will leave Prince Rupert for Prince George on Sun day night carrying Vancouver Board of Trade and business men and those who wish to accompany them from Prince Rupert. For particulars call at Grand Trunk City Office, Third Avenue. 173 . . > Albert Davidson of the Grand Trunk ticket office in Vancouver A SPECIAL lot just received e . in three-quarter leneth and self colors such as wh); paddy-green, saxe, etc. This coat buttons throat and good for sport occasions a: chilly evenings. It is a: cellent value at the pric« $18.50 eee ee ee ee - —_——- We have also a full line of ‘*Pull-over’’ Sweaters in various shades and $4.50 to $14.50 and Fulton “t. to the is exceptiona!), SPR se H. S. WALLACE C0., LTD, Corner Third Ave. Ladies Colored Shoes NEW ARRIVALS IN Now showing at the FANULY SHOE STOR: em reerere- LESS ER RFR POLL LOLOL DLL DLO BOE POO OREOE Come and be fitted by Expert Shoen: GEO. HILL E.R. TA | Special Values in Children’s Shoes n BRUM ” jmanager of the C. P. R. Telé-|was among the arrivals from the The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 jéraphs in this city. He had been|south today. Mr. Davidson was mere. om = q gaged in telegraph work since formerly ticket agent in Prince seiiliiel ae =m he was 4 years of age and/Rupert and his many friends here | handled oe ee mesons sent| are glad to see him again al- GEN. ODLUM WANIS aan jacross the tlantic addressed to | though it is only for a short time : , ; ER TIPICATE | Queen Vietoria from the Presi- i tle : . . MILITIA CONTINUED oo of the United States. See Tite’s August Sale prices zd ; ——— ee your home furnishings. i8 (Special via G.T.P. Telegrapiis ; oe ‘ . . . : | CHANG GING WOMAN’ Major Cowper Young of the air | - ce “ae pnat Ce i ES WIN service was among the arrivals |°°" (UB"* & ™ “ - PROY A NER. \ from the south by today’s boat | Hitt ace he pag Pama ey: | Major Young is interested in th: | ‘arge ene OF oD a Grant The Changing Woman” one of | | shipment of the aeroplane spruc: }trained in th chnig aa |. Henry's most fascinating |and has been in this city before in |'* “* @P!mion Brigadier ( , stories, was picturized last night|connection with this matter. He |“! Vistar Odtw! Ves 1 iat ove Empress oo and at is now on the way to Alice Arm, |“"° oo -TOMIreINg as “ia winner. America’s mos ee ee = fami us short story writer gave to | Carpet squares. All grades and| PILOTS DISCHARGED } Suan ie world many interesting and|sizes. Tite’s August Sale. 78 | e . jamusing literary gems, but “The | Pl a pecial via G.T.P. Telegraphs : - hanging Woman” is uniqué. It| Capt. C. H. Nicholson, super- Washington, July rh MIN! jis one of those films that cannot | jintendent of the Grand Trunk mail pilots whe . to ta lbe satisfactorily described. Jt is | Pacific Steamships, was with the | the air because of the dema | te ») be shown tonight. large party from Vancouver to-|that two discharged pilots be re | Billy West is the fun getter. 1 day and will continue his journey | instated,. have Saieen’ thal je Scholar he is unique. | 4s far as Stewart to look into the If, om the service, the Post Of i Claim See [possibilities of improving the| Department anno d | "aené leonted: | INFORMATION WANTED lservice between this por. and the! 2 mpy Bay, near A a mining town. Choose your own materials an t |ame ene oe Dee i Information as to the where- ot ae style when you have sels made | ‘oa + Pow mhouls of” Ane) ‘Mishmar: -Andadiin Dinner sets, crockery and glass \by inn Witiiiies Phone Blue 92, | Miner's Certitea alias A. Anderson and Anders ware at Tite's Midsummer Bale. | ———__—_—_—- oo ws u D ni s aswas alias ew ar 8 OFow ho oe . ee ee ee Provincial Government Employ- NOTICE , tn Cre) ‘tal flr la eat ae é aa nent Bureau and Soldiers’ Civil} iw rie warren of Mn appl » | der lion mn re ya EN te-Establishment, temporary of-|{Me [seve of 4 fresh Certiicate of Pile |! evan Mr, } ak ie te fles 621 Second Avenue, Prince |coal and. petroicum, Under to ei ee ee ated this. 3rd r, and Mrs, P, H. Foree and tupert Returned ld a " 19 Engineer N 1 ” hp os 0), i. % two daughters were among the : ; -_ Lor ow ey ered "ae Partuersip No nine hun " DE 1PER! seetenis from Venseuver ak ie n¢ women requiring employ [fre 20d clenu en (018), “Northern Part CITY OF PRINCE ' hoot today. Mr. Pores’ te inte nent of any kind should register anorthern Partnersti a” a ton E - yous ested in logging operations over — pms shove. No fees charged. | ship Xo. 4) Frac nal,” nine h ndred end your a eelv Phone 553. P. 0. drawer 1674, =| se¥enty;two (072), “Northern Partners | Cherkn ap to on the Queen Charlotte Islands. ea od hee a ane 1 and = sixt ; ; “ - i ; v4 d - sixty-cight (968) 2 a ered Hon % Misses Kathieen and Alice Alten LAURENCE ARRIVES hundred and ~ ), The Plato and a ' the | returned from up the line on Halifax, July 25.—Arrivals on |‘*y'" pisiriet, in Gray So noo Thursday evening where theyjthe liner Regina inelude Lieut intention to is ete a A number have been visiting with friends.|R. P. G. Laurence. Soreof a teehee Nret publica oahtnad furniti se ae above mention: j sie : ; os maper and they 4 > Mrs. ©. L., Monroe and Loyd] Draperies. Straight 20% dis-| or tse Oa a ? - yee cn returned on Thursday evening's |eounts at Tite's August Sale pers Ties ple want bo train from a holiday trip to the ~—- : District Menon oe ' rhes do 1 oa ane gis 0 , ' oo ms < i at for Atkins’ Sauenges. tf ‘vhs thud rs of ae set oy Showing tonight 4