'ft It, Thursday, April 11 ,,PA'JE TWO THE DAILY NEWS 1 v2WBH i ii tv. (u ,nio ? V 1 Manager Hendricks Will Have o Dispose of Some of Them Hefore Season Opens ,n ORLANDO, Fla, April 11:-t-"" Manager John G. Hendricks of . the (3dnnati Reds is. glad thtt the?fationaf Leairuejlhon will notftpeayet MdfhatttWvW have' oogajiOMnepounern assocai on. .tl: W Sib TAAHirunrniTT PLAYERS HELD RY riMPINWATI U 1 Vlll Vlillln. 1 1 - nelT 35') avers ' Tfife'Ki'A tiVryfiwiune.ifflwuo mjubi iaj,-ue resembles the old lady who lived in a shoe. He has so many pitch - 1 ers and outfielders he doe: n't XTJ ri'i J! A?.!" with few of them palpably pre- j mature in seeking major league j places. i Manager Hendricks also would ! Hke to know how good Van Picin-' h will be in 1029. The clever -catching nearly l-Vames and .batting orer- .BOO fdr the first me in bis major league exper- lence. If ritinlch, whohas been, ow1 to sign anil Mis lost , the i benefit of early training, can re- ?eat his last season's! perfor-i mance. Jack believes his club is1 as good as in the first division. 1 If 1'resiilent John A. Heydler's j nrnnnaiuf nitohal u Hdtsnlan ninti plan ' i could be applied to catchers, Cin w:cinnati would have no furthermost Norfolk Golf Club. Bran- worries over completing the staff i,.Hster. and will succeed the Duke assist Picinich. Leo Dixon. f Gloucester in that office. The ""great defensive catcher could do the receiving with Hugh McMul-vJen, able batsman, doing the hlt-V Ing. This, however, would make vP provision for Clyde Sukeforth, miu was uii iiie iiuu rii rvo change will be made in the m 'Infield. Long George Kelly will J -j- 'play first, unthreatened by his prince showed much interest in j-' coworker of last season, Wally the details of the lives of the art-" "I'ipp." Hughey Critr,-promoted to isan golfers. cantaln of the shin, at Rernml and! It is announced that the prince Horace Ford, at short, will have chance to. break lbeir record - feawhg tlMibTrtiKywlperfor- mance. Charlie Dressenr is the,takes Piaee ,n Arrow l arlf. .leading candidate for third basalfnhead- in Jul' and August. rn ine ausence or joe Biripponj vaiescmg irom an apriUcltrs operation." ' I The outfield assignmciAs arc not so easy. Three recruus have ; . Nervous and Run lows Thc Leist Noise Would Bother Her Mn. It Durton, 0hw, Oat-, writes: "Three ytan fo I u t nfrvoui snd run down I could hsrdly Ler to have the children nuks noiie it would bother me so. "A friend sdrwed tne to take -mad after taking two boxes I beitan to feel itronjer, looked Utter and tlx -eolor canie back into nv ehML n.l now 1 am feeling fine again " Prire 60c. a box at all dmgpts and Ikvsleri, or mailed direct on receipt of 3 price by The T. Milburn Co.. Ltd, Toronto, Ont. Try These Recipes! No milk equals that from our own Fraser Valley for any recipe, and that is the milk you buy in l3crdctuS St. Charles Milk "Ma In B.C." THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED VANCOUVER f mm tittd mm It Hcip Book. NANffl--- . ... APDKESSl shown ability and five of last year's outfielders' are back, Only one, Jack Hill, a California University player, seems a year or two away. Crnbtree, Swanson chance 'to push the former regu- lars completely out of the picture vniMi' the aiamy orVurtft;'' Walker to play the treacherous Cincinnati right field places him, better position to defend hisf place than His fellows. Crabtree i. "It well.in the spring gamesVf uirrttlnjr .that hi? .353 average Oklahoma City ;cah be taken! er!y. Shaner from Chattan,- I1"" 0een lar Denmn ine ouner B'ver BELANGER WON IN TEN-ROUND BOUT AGAINST HAROLD MAYS MONTREAL, April Charlie Relanger. Winnipeg light-j was awarded a 10-round decision j over Harold -Mays 01 uayonne, ;sew Jersey, in the feature bout or a uoxing cum nere iai nigm. r PRIMPR OF WAI K ... llULr ILUB lAr lAlil LONDON April a"i in 10. T), The ' . PrinCe of Wales has const1 consrmeu i 10 accept the captaincy of the Royal e39y f siianXmhin He played for the club on Whit- Monday 1928 against Brancater Artisans' team, and the royal golf- er was defeated on the last green by' 'Bob' Lake, 70-year-old gar- . Mener. Following that match, the 18 10 J01 ' ine worm jamooree t twenty - first birthday celebrations 'of thc bo' scout movement, which " ' ufltinflfj ' "If r. I. n n Sport .Chat y' r i Johnny Risko. the, Cleveland bakersbov. broke his losing i streak .a. Jbtfbattering Ottd Voq Pqrat, the: Jfjfttglan giant,., outof to ten-round decision at Boston last Friday night. Risko carried every round. Each scaled 193 pounds. Risko started his savage attack in the first round by pounding the Norwegian's body. Von Porat almost a head taller and having the longer reach, tried vainly to shake him off with his jab. Risko became even more aggressive in the second, and his lead increased with every round. Not until the sixth was Von Porat able to land a hard punch. !This was a right hook to the head which staggered Risko. The Norwegian delayed pressing his ad vantage and Risko was able to ' r.lip back inside his guard and , continue his henvy body punching. During the last four rounds Risko tried desperately to land a paralyzing punch but the lanky Norseman was able to digest the punishment by holding on. WINDSOR BULLDOGS HOCKEY CHAMPIONS OF CANADIAN LEAGUE TPRON'TO, April 11. The Windsor Ha 11 dogs last night threw off the threat of the United States to capture the Canadian Pro Hockey League championship by whipping the Detroit Olympics :t to. 1 at Fort Krie in the. fifth and deciding game of the series. . ..LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone Ca Cart'ige, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. WINNER OF THE Mrs. Cordon Sin"!. ' the owner of 'Goiuen Surprise" winner of the famous British- Dog Derby the. Waterloo Cup- tying the blue riband on the flet l-finffiriP flOCKtV Which Liors Win the Game and Series Against Les Canadiens VANCOUVER, April 11. in a fast and thrilling WnrfiflOuO' fans here last nieht. Vancouver Lions won their second game in the east . . 1 n nn Tlllfl SHriHN Illlt-K L'ddin LU r game series ana as a result upon as the champion hockey team of Canada. Not until the final period did the Canadiens break ir u nnh,mn nffoi- iho trip T.Inn T.tnns nhtninprl nhrninPfl n a thvpe-n-( lead: Thebfirst .period was scoreless I the second the Lions counted twice and early in the third period added another, ine uanauiens, Daunng naru, munageii 10 run in two counters in a row, Trip Linns nliv the New York Americans Friday and cM,1 . i n eioc nf It " 71:: here ".V The Canadians and Americans play Monday. ' tn.'nmrtii .- w.i RUNION DERI1Y CRQSSING JJTATliS '. , '' WAYiNESBURQ, I'x. April 11: Phil Cranville of Ham- ilton, Ont., was eighth to ar- f rive here yesterday in the eleventh lan of Pvle's trans- ! "cdn'tlne'l 'Bmfilryilfrrby, six hours and five minutes. Uranil Ionise venth in the '-ela'psed . . l fSne. m CONTEST PLAYED A. Macdonald Enters Final of Junior Competition by Single Point W. Mitchell Other , PinalM The city individual junior Millard ' championship t.emi-final last night between- M,. M. Mc- Lachlan and Angus Macdenald ' i..A u ..! if ,fc .1 I it .1. 111.., ""'V " ";::" urn one anu-nw in otner in the lead. MaexlQnald nosed Mc- Ichlan oul in.th end by the , , I, . . . , ZZ VLt 5?i ' f: score being 260 to 219. Mc- Lachlan's high break was 38 and Macdonald's. 20. In the second semi-final, Wil. liam Mitchell had an easy 280 to ; 129 victory over Jack May. The, winner played a strong game and' was leading all the way., MlfeTi-1 ell's high break was 21 and his avormrfl wa 4.4(5. , i tu fit c- tu .u.. j,t'Snate, mi- una, iui ine ) jumui championship twill be pljd in next Mondal and' Tuesday ! eve- nlngs Senior Section Play will get under way to- night in the senior section when C. P. Ralagno and W. H. -Long meet in a 500 point match.j Tomorrow night A. A. Unison and F. G. Pyle will play and thofflnal will be on Wednesday and Tjhurs day evenings of next week. ST. ANDREW'S BOWLING Apr. 11 C. Taylor va. B.! Dal-garno. Apr. 15 R. Cameron vs J. Watson. Apr. 18 J. Frew va, J. WATERLOO CUI' - footed whippy. lyUlieOl III versus west hockey exhibi- Tf ,1TOa aa ;i nf o three. . lb CIO V v w , i i i i me L.1UUS limy iiuw uc iwncu , into three-Poal . mmM 5n Rulifnrnin -I WINTERSPORTS OLYMPIC GAMES LAKE PLACID iAUSANNE. April, 11. Lake Placid, New York has beeh se - lected by the Olympic committee for , the winter sports of the 1032 uiympic games, ine aaironacKs resort won in a competition. with: Montreal and several winter play-! ground in United States. j DAnm DDfirn am FOR THE WEEK STATION KOMO Thursday. April 11 6:80 Concert orchestra with. temor. 7:00 Halsey, Stuart & Co., program. r .an at a. 1 . "". a .oil 4 11 o.u"wmhvi nine 8 :30-Cre.cent Old Time Rand " . . Sinirer ' n.n 7.. ., JTn 10:00 Assocl;Uel 0 1 . r Co. s "Aoclated Ilrai. Dand." ,1inn A. , . ? i'' SSt' BW' Wl X 1 '1 , , ' ' .. . ,ur,d1a'' ASP U12 , 7:0-in Challen. Be"' ..... ... 7:80-One hnlf hour with IU the ' Q.nn T n C" t i. rJatJ , 9 :00-Jnorden iDjilry ; program 9 ;30 Footlights, 10:00 "Evenaong." 10:30 Olympic Hotel Orches- tra with tenor. , 11:80 Mixed quartet. , l?f:6.drIte news, " 12:lS Piano agd teorsolos ' iaTtfrcfar. "prll ii' 5:00 Organ Vttital by Iew White. 5 :.10 Marimba orchestra with Mildred Hunt. GiOO General Klcctrlc program. 7:00 Lucky Strike Dance hour. 8:00 Spanish orchestra with Spanish tenor. 9:00 Ck)rrettime, ; 'COLD STORAGE ! SCOW IN DOCK Unwieldy Crnft of U. C. Packers Delivered Safely to pontoon Here , Another salvage feat wa,a successfully completed today by the local branch of the Pacific Salvage Co. when it delivered the IJ, C. Packers cold storage scow safely into dry dock Jiist before noon. Over two weeks ago the scow, valued at $15,000, got away from the power tug Salvage Princess In the middle of Hecate Straits when Capt. Frank Tyler decided to rescue two men from the stow which was left adrift I in the storm. A few, days later !the scow was picked up by Capt. George Place with his trolling boat Just It and taken td Stephens Island where it was beached. Yesterday afternoon on a high (ide the unwieldy Craft was refloated from Stephens Island and urrived in the harbor about 11:30 (his morning in tod' of the power tugs Salvage Priniess, Red Boy tnd Pachena. The M)ow was partially submerged, only her upper storey being above the surface of the water. The craft was Immediately placed on the pontoons 'at the dry dock. Ijnder-writers will decide, what is, to be tjone In the matter, of repairs. The "v cold V"M storage scow vwt, was ' lost .v from the Salvage Princess while oeing loweu irom oouin Day. Skldegate Inlet, to Walker Lake on the- mainland. Capt. Tyler's J hag been ,auded ln locili marine circles. Local Items It is announced that George Woodland has purchased the Le, Tl! 1 Tl 1 1 Ll. 4 1 I rine noiue on nun rtvenue apu, win move into ii soon. It is un- derstood that Mr. and Mr. Le.j.--. Pine will be leaving the City. I'. ' , j At the- meeting of thfr Rotary i dlseussroiiForil n hUmUer of Jocal toplcs, such W thfe" propbsed new post office and other matters of general Interest to the. community, Several speakers took part, with John Dore presiding. VANCOUVElt WHEAT VANCOUVER. JApril 11: Wheat was quoted' on the local exchange today a $1.22 BAND CONTEST will BE Held rair uoaru ueciues 10 uesume This Attraction at 1929 Exhibition I RAISInI MONEY AFFAIRS ? Probablv th nifiat (mnnrrnnt item of business at b meeting last ght of the Fair Hoard, was the eclsion, on recohynendation of ie sports and attractions com-Ittee. to resume native band tfcntests at the-19 Exhibition. Duringthe past, year oj- so these Rue not been held ajjhtnigh in f fiirmer years tHisV.wei'e, an out 11 ftandlng attractldW btH ior the flatives of the :fistrUr and the people or the my. ; ffeorge i Munro, a former president of the Fair rtrvnrd l.hlnif I.J.,11-,1 in take charge of arrangements Xor the band contests. A number of events designed for the purpose of raising money to aid the Fair wlt,htn the next few months were decided upon. A hayseed dance will be held crly in May and an offer of M. Dougherty to put on a play in June was accepted. It was also decided to hold the usual celebration on May 24. The program Is planned to Include the first bnseball game of the sea. son,' children's sports and other attractions, Making ( of further arrangements has been left to the finance and sports And attractions committee. Present at the meeting warei Aid. A. J. Prudhomttie, president of the Fair Hoard W. J. Kirk-Patrick, II. F. Olastey, Ralph Smith, William- Hurst and W. H. Shermnn jr., directors, and W. D. Vance, managing secretary. JOHNSON HACKS BORAH n; u'4 Hi !;. tol,;.' i, 'alifornia. Republican i h;ii in-th. tounccd his op; option tn loot World "ou it ;iro'osul imi vill j(in St-nator Borah of Id: iho. :i an .-ittt'inpl to defeat it in he I'.S. Fennte. DEATH OF SIX-YEAR-OLD CHILD OCCURS IN LOCAL HOSPITAL The death occurredat 6 oVlfck this morning in the .ur-ert General iUispHal of little Hai -liet creKg.v Haines, six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allison L. Haines, Hesner Apartments. The child was taken ill on Friday and on Tuesday night there was an operation for appendicitis from which she failed to ruliy. She was a bright little youngster and was born in MasauchUMets. The grieving parents will have the sincere sympathy of many 'friends in thwir aad bereavuaarat. Mr. Haines is a well known loeal halibut fisherman. Puneral arrangements are in ! the hands of the B. C Under- TORONTO STOCKS (Courtesy S. I). Johnston Co.) i-M Intl. Nick-el, Vhii 48.8. .MtfdJVlfM--.,. Noramla, 62.30. Sudbury Batk',&& Sherritt-C.ortron. 8.40. Teck Hughes. 'JMt. Ventures, 10.25. HOIST HY HIS OWN' PETARD Green What's Phunney so (hi-gone crabby about these d;:ys? nrown Oh, he wrote a M of jokes about the income tax and he madt so much money on ihem he has to pay an income tax himself. Detroit News. WW I'hia udverti' ciiitnt i rt'it !ab fished or displayed by the l.luuur Control Board or by tfie Government of British ..liimbls Had 17 Boils On His Neck f Arms and Legs I Mr. A. L. Wilk. Haptos. Msa. writes: "I had Ikh UiiliereJ v :i rxjila for about w vun, I tj t Mvmtoeo Hr my neck, anua and Irp, I trw-d all kinds of meili- ine, but oua ' of them Mvoied to help me any I then used twq boMUn and I h .vc nevtr ten boUiersd J any IkjiU inr Uxm " B. D. n. ia maaufart'ired nn! tf Tb T Milburn Co., VLl. Toronto, Out mmmmmm ,fr - - 1 - -j I In Cliangeable take Weather i I and increase your vigor fl