1 The Daily News 1'ItINCE KUPEUT - 11HITIS1I COLUM1HA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor " SUBSCRIPTION RATES City deliveryf by" mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all; parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion . Transient advertising on front, page, per inch Local readers, per insertion, per line . . ........ Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Or four months for , By mail to all other parts of British "Columbia, the British Empire and Ignited States, paid in advance, per year By mail to all other countries, per year1 , Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Mpraber of Audit Bureau of Circulations V DAILY EDITION POWER COMPANY'S POSITION rJ r 3.UU 1.40 2.80 .25 .02 .15 1.00 COO 7.50 Thursday April 1; 1920 is most satisfactory news. We look for general improve ment in local conditions soon. NATIVE RANDS Smooth, Creamy, Custards ''' V PRODUCED W CANADA jfrom Doubly rich In cream, Carnation Milk adds creaminess to any diih. "Homogenized" td break up the cream into finest particles, it makes the most velvety custards, soups, sauces, puddings,, candies-and ice creams. You'll agree it's wonderful. Write tor Mtty BUke Cook Book Carnation Milk Product! Co., Limited 114 Abtioti Sit!, ViKnf, B.C. Contented Lows , th label m.onj EVAPORATED MILK of l,itht quality IMPORTANT POST E. R. Peat-ock, noted financier and native of Glengarry, Ont. who has Imen appointed by the British Government to be Chairman lit the 'committee of five to consider the economic aspects of the proposed Channel tunnel between England and France. ready taking steps to institute work on the n'ew plant to be A M N I y M J S A K Y U r U1Jl,,l f CTi TnrQvf wniVViViovVmnrl ifV ill UU I MlUJlilX 1 Wl power is a goou inaicaiion mat tne present seasqn; may oe . A U V Mi I lJ 1 8 1 fv 1 a busier one than had been anticipated No time is to be ' iiiVluI i UUllliilXUi Native bands are to be invited to compete at the Prince Booth was celebrated with a suit-Rupert fair this year. This feature had been dropped in able "Founder's Day" program last order to give preference to the local boys' band. The move nIht in the I(al .c,ta,11 There to bring the native bands here again is a good one We STttTrogram was cannot have too much music. The coming .of the bands nn ,re88 t,y Adjutant William will have the effect of bringing (frilaUVtqWdtrji on "The Prophet of the at the same time and we like ada at the time of federal to to '. have them all VlSlt US. I Poor." The local commandant SURVEY OF K G. E. jh V u UkeTuJaed theliftfoflthfamotisold Thn nnlitiVal n'tJos nf xIrent Britain ar lilielv to'ha've,c"n, to amifcjliacLbeer; l'KU (Afl KIVALK1 UN lilvll AlfS employed .16 three yetffWn a N6I 'j t'nirham i!ivn8hob.. Mitre7: Hiha , ' V , .'i i e 'suffer ngs. ef.the pbOr peoaldk lie Hjiuiuiui i-uuwwu pwgmiBuuwwgiuuii 40 ''had joined A Vsl.vaa cmpel i I f " r. r Mvn IaI thn It.nlt ntirl i r in rlittiml . rhA T hnwf ... ' U . ' . ...... xjiu.yu vcuxc icu'iuotvaji auu it 10 uum-uii iui mc uuiuii) that greai Juuail to follow. Judginr -from the forecast, it would seem as if tr, bnt htsnoWerTarTomTled hi Premier Baldwin wotlld go as far as possible in duplicating the conclusion that there should the Liberal proposals. Labor has yet to be heard from. be 80me, more effective system of The contest reminds us yerv much ofAvhatis done 4mCaffi "ffi ' 12' L teLZ rall&r provInciaPelectlOnSP1 f6f tfi&t day were affordifigSfThe lization. ueflthTleadetWtlp 1 General Booth," Enirinpors are alreadv entraeed m makintr a survev of throuxh the yea' flrgan B. Eckhart gave a stretcher item i and there were also songs by the Army songsters, Ketr, ('apt. And Leek, Miss. Dolly, nietSmith, Miss Harmtn, Miss Evel ejtfMf! Ml lOlara Pierce, Miss SptHT raw Frank Pierce and Jo. SuBbeams sang a ch ng Mrs. M Edith 'Mtu.An- mtth", Ed. I Pierce, MIm' Ipm Salisky, Keuy. me and other ttm' on tho program included prayer by Mrs. Kerr, bible readings The ('-oath oc cured suddenly laat .night .in the Prince Rupert Ceneral Hospital a few minutes after she had been admitted, of Mrs'oau .'akamura. wife ,0f WERE MARRIED AT CATHOLIC CHURCH Miss Marie Mercer of Seattle Bride of C. E. Cadden of Government Telegraph Mi the route and country for the P. G. E. north of Quesnel jiation of universal activity andj with the idea of avoiding the big Collingwood bridge. They ""7;rBe,"cw,.re ltcilom by tho will make a general survey of the country and the report 8trinjf band con8i8tlngBf cpt. E. Will affect the possible sale Of the railway to the C. P. R. Anderson. Mrs. William Kerr. and Canadian National, or to one of them, if this action is , Mi Evelyn Pierce, Miu Dolly decided on. i Smith, Miss Annie Smith, Miss TVio trnvornmnnt Vina Wl n imW nf nffora fnv ih Ko'e Smith and MIm Olga Sa- P. G. E., but it is generally thought that one of the big Ca- g mon. FraS rli naaian systems nvui get it. 1 LI "ittMHrtir m W1ww by Adjutant Kerr and Mrs. Joyce,, solo by Mrs. Kerr and recitation "Dear Old Flag" by Captain An-J defson. There was a gramophone reoord of an address by the late. general, Hongs of whose composition were also sung. In the course of the evening, Frank Pierce was enrolled as a member of the Army. OF PT. ESSINGTON DIES IN HOSPITAL apaaMe)ntfclor,at-i.JI. A.L. Vtrt nialMloii. TTieT immediate 'cause Jl" deth II m-llcved to hai); lshi a heart at- The kte Mrs. Nakamura was 40 years of age and had resided twenty years in Canada. Itesides her huttband, she ix Kurvived by ten children at Port Ksxington. Funeral arrangements are In the hands of the II. C. i T 3 t Service'. . The wedding Avas solemnized quietly at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon In the Church of the Annunciation, Rev. Father Hammond officiating, of Miss Marie Mercer of Seattle and C. E. Cadden c,' the povernment Telegraph Service, ,at Second Cabin north of Ha?e,ltpn(, , The couple was attended .by i John Dore, district superintendent of Government Telegraphs, and Mrs. Dore. After the ceremony, a wedding I breakfast was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dore, with a few intimate friends' present. Mrs. R. E. Moore poured and Mrs. A. E. Bazett-Jones cut the ! ices. Miss Evelyn McGuire and Miss Hilditch poured. There ,were vocal solos by Mrs. J. J. , Muldoon and piano selections by Charles Balagno. A toast to the bride was proposed by Mr. Dore and responded to., by.. the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Cadden will reside temporarily at Prince Rupert and are at present guests at the Hotel Prince Rupert. The bride arrived yesterday morning from Seattle. At a meeting of the school board last night, Miss Mills 'stated that Observed Iist Night With Special the recent storms had done con- Program in Local Citadel siderable damage to the Horden . Street school building, causing Th nn.hnnlmth :innIvterBrv many leaks that should be fixed as of the founding of the Salvation soon as possible. !Army by the late General William nrHiim..1i.iiiiiiMWMmiitti,iiiii.mnniiiiiiiiiii.itiiiiiii h. 'J 1 ili A f,. trv,' iHimininm 'UMIiMMIIUIIiaJIIWMlyillJll'IIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll REBEL COMMANDERS MOVING NORTH MllllMtlilMininitliiiMtnitM.M,.!.,,1,1ttiMnllilniiliiltilliMini1.M.MiilMl.iiltin.niii.ln,intnlitMMl,inii.ni r-iYC; G TI1ES D MILE allcr mile, month after month year after ycar.'Out in every kind of weather, over every kind of road, taking- the rough with the smooth and making1 no fuss ahout it.. SILVERTOWNS the quality tire, famed for absolute dependability wherever tires are used QIiul yet they cost no more . Goodrich ilvertown 4 Tliursday, April,,!!,-1029 Rebel General Escobar ppor left) at Jaurez, Mexico, where General Murietta delivers report of rebel activities n Chihuahua. Khobar is due at Jiminez, where he will concentrate forces to resist an attack from War Secretary Calles. In centre in Colonel Chavex, who commands Jiminez caval y. General Gergio Faiuengo (r ight, prominent rebel chieftain, is enroutc to assume co wwihI of hia troops at Escalon, after recovering from Injuries sustained in the battle of Zaeatecaa. ' v.- J .TJWJBPPk' mix r. ";' . .1- . w . , , '. . . ;r. -1.. -, 4,-.'. " ! '"" 'mnmmn inn, ..,..lwl,,,,,,,,,ll,l,,M,um,HUtaJk