znt 'Iaama .s'nvrs pa:kth.iee 11 1 v "V , . - Local and Personal News In Brief n r. 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Riir 4 Txlm Come in for $30 00 d Prize Picture Contest Let u tell you how easily you can qualify for a major prlte in this big Eastman Contest the greatest in the birtory of photography. Entry blanks and complete contest Information are available at tin- Kodak counter now. Come to our Htoie t' fill any photographic need. We haw a complete stock of cumerus and dependable KodaV film. And our trustworthy Kodak finishing makes the most of every roll uf film. 77fic Pioneer THIRD AVE. I SIXTH ST DEMAND "Rupert Kippers TIIIC DAINTIKST HIIRAKFAST FOOD." ' ' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold I'rinre Kuprrt. ILL- SELVIG ' MEAT MARKET 3rd Avcmiq' Plioric 7().r MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSACES" Our make Fresh every clay. Superior Quality. mm CATERPILLAR 1R ACTORS Make HijiKcr Profits Sole DistrihutorH for U. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STJU'.in'. VANCOUVHR, H.C. Kranchcm: Kelowna, l'..C.; Nelson. B.C.; Prince George, H.C. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Culling, Workmanship nnd SlyU i AII flunriinlced SUITS STEAM CLEANIM) A Nil PRESSED We I)?llvcr to Any P.irt of llu City. Litifj, the Tailor Phone. G49,.. Details of tjie ii' II it Drutcists - TtlfPHONlS Y v?(sc Brand" Storage Co. Ltd. J. BROS. i II LOGGING AT HALF THE COST OF HOUSES rsn Rijoier Production Kcimomical mr7' Operation "' ; Josenh (ireer will return to the city on the ITlm-e t.eorge this evening from a week's busl- neaa trip to Stewart ajpd Premier. Dr Alexander rilONK MS lir.SN'F.K IIMM'K DENTIST - ' -.,1 fill St, Andrew's Society tftontltJ$. iitciiuj; ivraunutv infill. Boys' Rand at the rink tonight at 7:80. Skating until 10. Mooewheart . Women's Hard Time DautA i Friday, April Premier , Orchestra, I C.N.H. steamer Prince George,! Capt llarry Nedden, is due backi In poit at 8 o'clock tonight fromj Anyox and Stewart and will sail at 10 p.m. for Ocean Falls, Powell River and Vancouver. Delayed in arriving on this division, this afternoon's train, due from the east at S:30, was reported this morning to he three hoars and forty minutes late Which, will bristg her in at 7.lfj p.m. At a meeting of the bcl fcoard last night Hie following! teachers and trustees wre present: Mix McArthur, Miss Mills, MisH Viekera. J., S. Wilson, T. Peddle. V. Gilchrist, T. McMee-' kin, E. BarrM. J. Thompson, Mrs. Spencer and J. Williamson, secretary. ANNOUNCKM ROTS' Ragle WhMt Drive and Dance, Thursday, April 11. m Gyro Uoedown, Auditorium, ' April 19. Moose Mhiat Drive and DanrV April 26. . Moose Annual Picnic at l)igl June :i). 1 ' ELLARS FECIALS PICKLES Sweet mixed, 38 on. Per jar 4Sc Swet mustard, 88 on. Per jar 80c Sour mixed, 88 on. ler jar 40e Sour cow. 88 on. Per iar 86c Sweet mixed, ga4. tins, Per n :V. . r. $1 .,0 Sweet mustard, gal. glan. Per gal ......$1.76 Sour miVeit gaf. 'ilka. ierai l- to Sour chow, gal. iU. For gal. ..$1.86 White onmaa, 18 eta; Per jar.. J CATSUP Sirlder'a tomato. 8 en.' 3 bottles 40c qj lypvj TiM. n..... -ia 18 on Libby s (Ju'en, Per jar 86c LiWiy'astufiVsoia.' ler jar MAPLE SYRUP Old City, gala. Per gal. ..$1'.7R Old City, Vt gal. Per ' if gal .9&c ! CANNED I'Rtin Assorted, n. thi 86c ' pASTRV I'l.OUR Snbwflnke, WiW ltoae, 10.1. Pet sack '.. 60c SOAl Royal Crown, J 1 cakea ROc HAND SOAP Whli, aollff, 10 on. 2 Una 2Te A.MOCLOUD The ideal lifrtll ammonia. Per botUe i1;'. .Wo NEW ZKALAND BUTTER ! 8 lbs $1.86 Sellars Grocery Third Avenue PHONES 15 AND 571 rriscHmREPORis SCALE Th following is the scale ': of jStargea made for reading notilw Iiirjjh Notices 50c. . Cards' of Thanks. $2. .Funeral Notices SI,.;':-. It. Funeral Flowerfl 0c per name. Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. 4. 4 Dentist Dr. J. R. (losse. Phone 686. Tonifrht. Long vs Balagno for City Senior Billiard Champion-step in Empress Club at 8 p.m. Usirr'Vreighter dhilllwack, ?apt John Mulr, fs due in port lwiday from, theuuth, The Vessel -win go no farther north than here and will load a cargo L. Vfittra cottonwood logs -at the dy .dock for delivery to the laminated Materials veneer mill at New Westminster. Mrs. Johanson of Oona Rver charged her husband before Stipewiiary Magistrate II. F. Mc-Leo4 In provincial police tourt this afternoon with desertion. The caae is continuing this afternoon. Milton Gonzales is acting on behalf of the prosecution and I W. IVUmore for the defendant. Evjdeee for the plaintiff was taken In County Court before Judge F, iwa8 98-97 Pr cent McB. Younir vesterdnvi At Seal Cove there were a total ,,4twoooB i tha csa of William M8fy Ve' MfrK The f.'jm4ofhe plalntifPyfor..$200 .onnooliu vth, two engines t n m fishing is bpat Kelpie which was 'btu ugtit by ' the defendant. s Adtyrmitio the case was i'liiJfvji 19 to enable the defence to obtain witnesses,. E. K. Jones is acting for the plain- i iir urit'iiuaill A meeting of the Prince Rupert; Pioneers' Association was held last evening at the home of the, president. Mrs. P. W. Anderson,! Second Avenue, when the final Wrt wnn& Vfa ton, a small balance oh the right side1 of the ledger as a result of the affair. ThPioneers Association hus been presented by J. D. Al- len with a number of films of ...rly view in tho city. Pictures ' ther be 7c w WSWI XX are MIV to iil UC Ji preserved t.lCl CU II ) In the archives of the association, A roadster driven by William sem vast on a ieci express i.... Beaumont and a touring tar driv- whlch ,eft Mt after en by Alex Storrie figured in anT', , , . - colllaion at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Mcllride Street ,,1,, .rtr S o'clock 'last eve- nng. Beaumont was (ravelling north on McBride StiVet and Storrie wna turning ln Fifth Avenue East from Mcliride. The wtter's car suffered most aamage, navmg a running ooaru almost torn off. No onV'sustain- . . ... 't' , 0u!' hurt, though' Mrs. 0 S. A' Swanson. riding In fetorrie's car. received scratched and a Hnasinjr up. S. D. Johnston Co.Lld. Representative! for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. . ifil?V,in5J.,te-.rom thc,e exchanges posted on our stock board twice dally. Orders from out-ot-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Co.L(d. niO 2nd Avenue Phohe 130 Prince Rupert, RU MONTH OFMARCH1 High School Completes Basket-1 liall Series and Cadets ,: '.Shobt.. Well :I ... ;V'- -. 41' At the monthly meeting of the r.chool board last night the following reports were submitted by the different principals. In the high school there were a total number of 187 pupils enrolled, 111 girls, and 76 boy. - The average attendance for the month was 05 per cent. i During the month the High school basketball games series was completed. The Senior Min iature; Rifle Teamf entered the' D. R. B. Young, Port Simpson; C.1 R. A. competition and mode Miss Marie Mercer and O. E. Er-92 per cent, the highest ' total iksen, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. J. cached. Aimes. Mah Wing, John W. Al- Th'e results of the examinations. Ian and Mr. and Mrs. W. Cur-in grades 3 and 10. owing to the rie ,Vaneuvet E- fll .Thomson, absence of Miss Rnshforth were Vaftcfvir; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. not obtainable but all the $'i(JWdeft 'IlaMbrt; J- A- Brown, grades proved satisfactory, (port Vktington. A High School dance was given -in the I.O.D.E. Hall from which! Savoy the sum of $22 was raised to go ' jjise May L. Davis, Mr. and toward the repairing of the ten- Mrs. It. II. Demmler, P. R. Demm-nis court. I In Borden Street School there was a total of T.27 pupils enrolled 1C5 girls ad 1G2 boys. The av- erage attendance for the month was 98.7 per cent. , In Booth Memorial School there 1 were a total of 4G8 pupils enrol- led, 251 boys and 217 girls. The .average attendance forfhe month 65 PuPiU enrolled, 30 boys and Irtrt The average for the 'n atteii&ince wai 99.14 At Westview School there were total of 23 pupils enrolled, 28 nd K1"?- ine average Tttendance for the month was 96:89 cent- - LOWER PRICES rnnmiiniiT runnaLiDui s.,a, FIsh Traln Taking T.xlay's "Bering bast in.s anernoon A total of 141,500 pounds of halibut was sold at the local fish exchange this morning at rather low prices. Six American boats received 11.4c and Gc to 12c and for M.5W pounds, while 10 Ca- nadian boats were paid 10c and Gc and 10.1c and 6c for 61,000 pounds. Much of the fish so today wa. Arnvnis anu naie; ArwCan2r,l00 nounds. Booth fuwIm 11. Re nnd fie. Omaney, S5.000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, u.4C ana oc. Ojoa, 8000 pounds, and Wabash, 200 liounds. Booth Fisheries, 13e m&jc Frisco, 6000 pounds, Canadian ... , , j-t i i r.. r rt .1 run at vjoiq aiornge wi., ic auu 7e. Cedric, 6000 pounds, Atlln Fish- "1-1 ji.-1"1 7C' Emblem I.. 11.000 pounds; Brott (formerly Zero). 5000 pounds; Helen I., 2000 pounds; Toodie, 5000 pounds; Helge H., 6000 pounds; and Mayflower. 3000 pounds, Canadian Fish &. Cold Storage Co., 10c and Gc. Covenant, 11,000 pounds; Melville, 9000 pounds; and Johanna. 8000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 10c nnd fie. Dolphin II.. 2000 pounds. Royal Fish Co., 10.1c and 6c. Bingo, 6000 pounds, holding over. Thomas R. Brown, who has arrived from Vancouver to join the local law firm of Williams, Man-son & Gonzales, made his first apH'arance'in County Court here yesterday afternoon. The young barrister was congratulated by Judge F. McB. Young on successfully passing his examinations for admission to the bar and was welcomed to the local court. And your own sense o5 taste will convince yoas. "SALAM" TEA Frcsh Srem the gardens HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Springs: R. G. Cunnin'eham. Port Essington; F. Patterson, Porcher inland; Mrs. Johanson and Mrs. ifcnson, Oona Rirer. lty"1 itfhn Shannon. Pter Brosat Charles ttorke. tity. SENSE OF COLOR nonDs ine moo em gin wun her powdering and rouging makes me furious. Dobbs--Me too. Every time I look at a flappers daubed mouth I see red. The Young Woman. j-u-: jfftlWi&flflBS n if ncnic nams Averaffe 62 lbs. Each ... .$1.27 OATMEAL SOAr Royal Crown, to 20c WITCIIHAZEL SOAP Royal Crown. 4 bara ...2oc pRINCESS S0AP flakES p. 0c BROOMS-Each 40c SAUnTiW).8. u. v SLICED FEACHBS Libbs, Is. 3 OtM .one CORK ON COB Royal City. 2'a. Per tin 30c TOMATO SOUP Campbell's. 2 tins 26c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES i'Xg iuc n.,nvI1 nivr:pn svapj uiwiwiiwu w gjbg .45c BEST JAP RICE 5 lbs 35c SUPREME COFFEE Pkgs lerlb 'c UP-RIVER TURNIPS 8 lbs. 25c Watts' Grocery duality Rlght-i'HONE Prices Right 55 PHONE 56 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone (557. in Flashing Eyes Laughing Eyes DowncastEyes Eyes tell Your Character Brown eyet for mtngth Blue for generotity Gray tftt for jcalouiy Sparkling ejrei indicate beauty, yet, and good health, too ! Do your eyes parkle? Are the whitei clear or are they tinged with yellow indicating an out-of-orti condition due to cotutipa- tionr it to. you need a . pHd. YvureyMwiU 'A Vttf'ht I.U Um Mry. rro4ci hi Rcti tbout Citnekr trim lie tftt it JutMrt Betfhtm AdvTttsrmrnti. Stln Attnln Harold F. Kiuhw X C.. Limmd. Toront Our Special $50 Engagement ,Ring We'd like to show you how good value this is. Fine white diamond set in 18 K. gold in the newext patterns. We buy the diamonds by weight and we set them ourselves. We save you money this way. John Bulger, Ltd. " TllS JEWELLERS Public Notice Public notice is hereby given that I have been appointed a commissioner by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries of Canada to investigate and report upon whether or not it is in the public interest that trap nets for the capture of salmon should be authorized in the area 1n British Columbia that is adjacent to the northern boundary line between Canada and the United States. A meeting of the commission will be held at Prince Rupert on Thursday, the 18th day of April next, at the Moose Hall, commencing at 10-o'clock in the morning. All persons interested and who wish to give evidence relating to the matter so referred to me are hereby notified of the above sitting. Dated this 4th day of April. 1929. (Signed) J. N. ELLIS, (88) Commissioner Try a Daily News want-ad. It will bring results. X '4 If