la: April 11, 1929- fi22?SI9TEjVH THE DAILT NEWS PAGE SEVER Man in the Moon CLASS1I ID ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOS T & FOUND ;, Kre'it day for electricity. ,,,,1, I'd. loom to want everything THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ HECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. tooth is talking ll,n) io the dcnii 1 will walk. Hie tooth is talking Jinny ifway it seen to Now, today. In- tooth is talking uut it comes No room there for Talking burns. . v. ti rduy the Si-nate did not -it 'lo(l,,.v the Senate is not sit-Tomorrow in' the Senate will it. Thua Ottawa from day records the feverish acJ ti it ., s of the elder statesmen. natc is sitting i think of it . men are active w u Id n't that 'fact just about make any reasonable-' man throw a fit ', 1 . of , t. the ,ut. things t'n to look ll, for . - ol A..ri tu here is the sun-back lev - It nhows the spine of the! ii rr from one end to the other. , , lot jusea in- .... ..w. ilruu U nil IU mirn the T t.. k- us nncs io an eany age n Ad; u..jn m it and nu Eve iv, all an unaware unuvriire ' t unadorned, took sun and air. i I would never do for some of on nini.' men to wear a dreiw ! hack variety. In order -" it is neeessary to have of . iic. Ten Years Ago pa In Pr'ncti Rupert April 11, 1919 uk' Muyur 1). C. lclke j4. a MutjMtojt; Mth hi regiment via i tit tu Vancouver. A similar invitatt ' Val- t lub. i prnw-ments to be made at 1(t Lake this year by the o Rupert Swimming Club in. lude the putting jp qf a ' with a gate. r - 1 . si-hool board Isst night tle- t (rive a general increase ! i v to local teachers. The h. -i-.s' Association has reeom- i. il that salaries for grade 'i.-iN be from $1200 to $1800 vear. PRINCE ItUPElrfTIBii'J '' i 0. J til UiikiIhv Anfll tl .. U.h 2:11 u.fiu 2lfl! h 14:46 rm. 20.8 ft, L- :v 8:41 a.m. 1.0 ft. 20:50 p.m. 4.7 ft. UNRESERVED Auction SALE on Thursday nnd Friday, April 11 nnd 12 at 2:30 p.m. each day In truded by owners, I have ih :J to be moved from Section ' V '1, nnd will sell by Auction In " i remisps of Emad niock, ''turd Avenue, the followlntr ar ' "I -s: MONARCH RANGE, Oak Oinmjt Room,4 .TV .5-mnal BookcaJe Arm Kaiqi, Mdioj?any Dresser and" Chlf-f or.oi'rs. Corner Cabinet, Sewlnir " hine, Larue Brussels Carpet I" by 10' .. feet, Dakl'Vedestals, TVO LARGE OIL PAINTINGS, Heater. Beds. Two Desks, Lib-Table and Books. Chest of I'lawcrs. Moose Horns, Electric 'I'ut-r, Office Chair, Pictures, r -ult Preserves, Curtains, En 'Inpodia, .JJUhes, Pots and ' and rhW?ihiieous' articles GEO. J. DAWES Aut'tloneer . . Phone Black 120 1 .' " go, WAlSb AND ROOMMJ. FOR RENT BOAM) And room. , Phone Green 21G. ' 95 ROW ihd Board. .Central lo- itii. n i i a i ' vuwun. jHwim neau riionei Blue 153. tf, SITUATIONS WANTED MAN And Wife, first cla eooki require position, hotel, camp! or summer resort, uo any place. Apply P.O. Box 1, Stewart, H.C. 8C WATfch NOTICE Dltrrslon nd le TAKE NOTICE tht Alfred II. Bmnt. whose add to 609 Dank ot Hon Scotia Bunding. Vancouver, B.C.. will abnly tar a (leapce to Uk and use M thouasnd miners inches or as e. . s. , tr or Bock Oulch Orertt. hlil IU)W, northerly and drains Into Paste mU tnM 'Dttm) ' ' w.. wlH . dl.rUd tram tBi istresm tt a point about three-quarters 1 a mile IiwnDeaae Crwk and, will bs., lor nyarsaiic mininn purmi upon mine described a u gteriu t.u M IIM nrf aaun Daiiy and May moom. Watar to be diverted from Buck Quleta t ljwer en J Qf ckaym ot ererk and carried hv dltrh jnd lluaaa over benabea to point e( ue. Tht netke tu mxWd on the around the 21t darot December. 1BS8. A coot of tbl B4lce and an applies Uon purauant utereto ana w w "Water Aet will be rued in in onice tbe Water Recorder at Telegraph : Creek. B.C. i ObleeWMia to tbe aonllcataon may be I , filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Censtrplln ' Water Rlahja, ' Parllaroet BttlMlnsi. Vletorta. B O. within tniny day arter trie iini ap- pearanc t this notice In a local news- per. Tbe date of the first nubllcatlon of that notice I March 11. IMS. ALFRED II. BRYAMT. LpriKHUnv l..i i. a u. PL , Orkham si Atiin Avs Boa 7ac' Itb Ave. Ac "Hiompson St. . . B.15 7.W' Uta Avs. Ss "herbroiike .... 7. W lth Ar- Ooorsd sst 1M tb Ave. Hsys Jove Ave . IW son 9th Ave Si Haya Cote Circle 38 8. M Stb Avs. Si Oottro St 800 7.00 0th Ave. u Qreon St. lllsaelt. S.4S Sit. kth'kve.'ai MtBrldv ) A 111 prov. 't'vv" luimmi so Prov, Urr Wharf S6 Q.TT Wharf 1U0U HM O.T.P Station IS 06 .1.3 2ad Av. ti 2nd Hi 10.10 84C Ird Am. Si rultfn st ICS Ird Av. it Sth St 1020 Daily News "Classified" adver-thing brings results. BRipiClNG UP HOUSES For rent. F. YCJlarL 'y 94 8U1TBS For rent. Summit An- 1 1 artments. ii ' 101 rionf FOIt HUNT I1 Five Fjve Mnf furnish ed flat. Mussalleljrqfoce'ry, tf. FOIl RENT Four room flat with bath, Furnished. Phone 547. tf. FOIt KENT Automobile, pianos phonographs and sewing machines. Walkeit Music Store. FOR RENT I-urnJf.hed house keeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone lUd C07. tf FOIt RENT Modern four roomed flat with bath. .iBank Block. Apply WestenJiaveiBros. tf. FQIJ, RENT Furnished modern house. Harbor WewV Momirch range, $25.00. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East, WANTED F- Girl general'! housework. Applyi 8. Frfz- tell a Store. tf.l PETS We are importers ef canaries, pgrrota, foreign birds, goldfUh, monkeys, dons, cats and rabbits. . . . i..i " Ji wani a i biij write ug an,j we ,lji on ap- , ,, . . . . pruvui. jiojr rouuKiVu u iwv saiisTied. ' h PET SIIOC.. ' ' -V Largest Store of ! Tdnd In Canadaj, gllroaWy QVfjft Vdnrnuver FURNITURE 8 I'lcres f!OI.N(J CHEAT (Subject to prior an MACKEN'Zir.S FUKNITUkE PRINCE HUPBBT AUCTION XtAMT tt I..... ll ... a v :r."; . "M" ;..:;:" or houwhold Koods.musIcnl in - ....m-nt- i,inrv n.. " eral relrs. cratlnir. paeking'then cinM,lt- and shippinir. Workmanship nit. EYOLFSON Kuai-anteed. Just phone Black I 120 and we will call. GEORGE 0"e n,le 85. or Kcd .189 J. DAWES, Federal Block. Open EvrninRS FATHER FOR SAL& FOR SALE Bedroom furniture, Phone lied C90. 84 FOH SALE Cabinet phono-1 irraph, almost new. I,hnnp;metRfts none tlot- oc.o Uvy f7 T4t"H k - Imt tablo, cjhaira, binder machine. Phono lied 400. 84 FOR SALE DaltQii Cash Regis ter and addfng machine; In use , five months. $160 cash. Federal News Company. tf NOW la the time to order garden manure. First orders will be first delivered. While it lasts, $8 a load. Phone 303. Cartage 4 Fuel Co. FOR SALE One line shaft 18 feet long and li inches thick. One 20 Inch Hanger; Four 11 inoh hangers. Two Itrge Iron Pulleys, speed IB to 12 Inch, 3Vi Inch belt. Two line shafts 8 fet long. IMs Inch thick. Three Iron Pulleys, three speeds 12 Inch' to 8 inch. Two Wooden Pulleys. Apply Dally News. tf CHIROPRACTIC RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY This distressing malady Is very prevalent & this time of the year, and as a rule is a symptom of a deeper trouble, ueh a affections of the eyes, lUor lrl.lnva atnmuth. ftc. It rnay be also due to the aflr ef - fects of Influenza. iR;. ui.t. .-vi. i i JlVi viirnutb bill; viuivi'imvui i4 t asea. Belisf gu'arsr)tJ. Cinnsult DIt. W, Ci'AKPINALL ' (i and 7 Exchnpjre jilock Green: 241 Phones- Itbirk: 281 Open Kveninjrs RESULTS COUN'T Pain In the Side. Indigestion, BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MAKY MACFIE jwiencen operator, modern . in aH H'a of beauty: , r i aim nair ureaain;;. Makis appointment by phoning SALVAGE AND TOWING 'If It's on or under the waler wc do It." I PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Eoiiippeil for Diving and General Salvage Work. Rnats and Scows of all doscrpl I I Uons for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hiri f Bargains in Gas Engines. ti'i l. .' AGENTS FOTt Van Blerck. Easthope, Hicks & Rallastyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Phone, Day or Night, 5G4 P. O. Box 1561 Canadian Government Merchant Marine, Limited FOIt SALE BY TENDER Sealed teodera will ba received by the Undersigned as Agenta for the Ownera at M4 St. Jamea Street, Montreal, until noon AprU 22nd. 1029. for tie purchase of the following steamers; tender to ba M aarepUAoe of the respective as tfcetr preseet condition losaied at Vancouver. B.C. Any stores cr blinker coal that mar be on tai j'ud,: S. S. "Canadian Coaster," ascertained deadwsfsht capacity SOM totva. but 1921 B. S. " Canadian Rover." ascertatneel deadweight capacity S20 too, built 120 S. 8. "Canadian Observer." ascertain ed deadweight capacity $82 built 1M. CONDITIONS: - Tenders may be submitted for one or mare af the thrre vemels. Tenders must be aesompanled by cheque lor five -per 4t (AV ) of the amount of the teader, I cheque ta be made payable to .the order! ;of the Canadian OoMtiUBent Mershaat Tiiarlpc. Limited, and accepted by a Ca- (1S on' Stomach, Heditaehds. Ner.,P peelflcatten of .toamew can vousness Insomnia, CaUrrh ard Itheumatism are completely re lieved by our new form of dietet- Me and spinal treatment 1 J'd r National Ads. In I the Liberty-Msjrasme every we, nadlan chartered bank. The blfhest or any trader not iMcessarUy accepted. " - " ZZl signed, or Mr. B. C. Reeley. Pacific Ooaat Maaaaer. at Vancouver. Name of vessels must be changed before the transfer la eomrietl. D. O. WOOD, Acting Oetieral Maaacer. Canadian Government Merchant Marine Limited ! A Dally News want-ad will bring results. STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For V4nrMter Sunday as. Prince Rupert ...10 p.m. Tuesday ss. Catata 330 p.m. 'Thursday m. Prince 0orge lO.p.m. Friday s. Princess Royal 10 p.m. Friday m. ' oatdena .... 12 mldnlstfil April 14 as. Prlncesk Alice P.W, April 24 as. PrlrrccBS Alice p.m. Iruiit Vanrouver Sundty -w. Catala 4 p.m. Vtdnesday aa. Pr. Oeorse 10:30 ajn. V ay I-'.him It jyai ... t p it. Friday a. Cardena a.m. 1 Saturday--. Princa RupeH 1030 pjn. I AerM lf- -w Prlneew a 'ice a.m. April 20 aa. Prince Alice . or Naan Itlvi-r Sunday a. Catala 8 p.m t'rm Naa River Toeaday a. Oatala 1130 a.m. For Mtrwurt. Prrmlrr. Anjo.x and Alice A mi SjundayM. Catala 8 p.m. Wdnefsday . Pr. Oeors ...4 p.m. paUirday -a. Prlae Rupert. . . 4 p.m irnUn MteMarl, premier, Aiijm and ,tn-e Sunday-pa. Prince Rupert 730 p.m. Tudi7 a. Catala 1130 a. m Thvaday Prtnc Cleorge 730 p.m. r iiiix.ii t imrKitii lmnil April 20 as. Prince John 8 p.m. Prom (ueen Charlotte Inland Apru 18 a. Prince John a.m. For Alaska April 10 ss. Princess Alice .ajn. April 20 as. Princess Alice . a.m. ifimi Alukkii AprU 14 u. Prlncesa Alice .p.m. April 24 ss. Prttcess Allcs . .p.m. nr IVirt slmpi and Wales Island Fridays as. cardena a.m. rntni 1'iirt slmiwon and Wain IMunri Fridays ss. Cardena pm. CN.K. 1KAINS r tbe Eat Mondaya, Wednesdaya and 8aturdaya at ll:30 a m. , rimi the :a-l Sandaya, Tuasdaya and Thursdays at' S JO pm. j EMBAUHASSING moments . lKr By MAIL SCHEDULE l r the East Iondaya. Wcdnendaya, Saturdays, malt ekwre 10;30 an. tn tlin TxA-r shipday. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mall due .330 p.m. T-i Vanttouvw Vta train Wedneadaya and Saturday. Sunday 9pjn. TUtaday ..230 p.m. Thursday 0 p.m. rrioaya it p.m. C.P.R. AprU 14 and 24 p.m. ". Vanroui ounnaya . .4 p.m. Wedneadaya ....10:30 a.m. Fridays ,a.m. Saturdays 1030 a.m. C.P.R. April 10 and 20 a.m. For Ntewart, lremirr, Anyox and AUca Arnt I -tModava ? pjn , Wedaeadar 3 p. m. aturatays 3 p.m. Proaa, SHwstt. Premier, Anyox and Alios Arm t Sundays 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays 1130 am Thursdays 7:30 p.m. To Naas lllver Points l.nuuuayi 7 pm ttom Naa River Points laeadays If JO am, l'i tjufrn L'liarmtir April 20 7 p.m. I'rtMii (ueen Charlote AprU 18 t.a.m. To Alaska Point April 10 and 20 : Noon From Alaaka pilnt April 14 and 24 p.m. To IVrt Simpson and Wales Inland- rrmays a.m f rom port SlinpMn and Wales Island rnoays p.m. CATARRH of the BLADDER USttMiJ IcP! ,'i I S IKuf Kiarh t atfjl fuirc svcsiTa ssstyisi v rl - 0--A1II1I. NriiiuacJsTy CROS5N0-. . George McMahus ' 'ce'?' il DeK(N ?V6 QOT Vol O.MTV Vl MTKR -mS OlMARGeO VPMS JMBO OOMT WWS VX - A UOMC TIME IN A tJO" a tiSnH VT TKS TROOBLC f WMO ARCVoO' AUUTV40,OTtliVOI.CAr SttHV AM' J HCTS.O sKlV M f V4tt KliBPi OrJ CTIIsi' UKB ' ' MisSaSBs,,, ". '