CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill jverjon rd the O ied Ad. If you 1m, ftdTertlr if rou find. locate winterer rou n C Vol. XX., No. 83. GET THE CLa. a V,. NEW I NEW YORK. Apjil ll:-Col. Lindbergh arrived yesterday at Crownville, Texas, after being re-( oiled lost. Newspapers throughout the country were filled with Tories of his plane having gone o'tray . i Jo.?; The new sawmill of the National Airplane Lumber Co., INCOME FROM RAILWAY LARGE OTTAWA. April 11. The rail-, way operating revenue ot the Ca-j radian National Railway for the( M ar 1928 reached a record figure of $270,310,921. j After the payment of operating expenses amounting to $218,248,-4.1. taxes amounting to approximately $3,000,000 and other ( (urges, the total operating inline was $58,213,720. compared, ftlth $40,789,721 in 1027. according to a report of Sir Henry Thornton, tabled in the house, by t' o minister of railways, today. LINDBERGH ARRIVES AFTER REPORTED LOST SWEARS IF . WAS AIMEE Newspaperman Takes Stand In Impeachment Case Against SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 11. Wallace Moore, newspaperman, declared on the witness stand before Judge Carlos S. Hardy at the impeachment trial today that he is convinced a woman he saw with Kenneth Ormiston in Santa Barbara during the disappearance of Aimee Semple Mc-Pherson was none other than the evangelist herself . A NEW GUNBOAT FOR CHINESE GOVERNMENT SHANGHAI, April 11. A gunboat was launched here yesterday 0r the Nationalist government nnvy. making the 47th war ship under control of Nanking. Captain Kingsford Smith and Party Still Lost and Rescue Plane Also Missing in Australia SYDNEY, Australia, April 11. The air liner Canberra returned to Wyndham this morninp via Drysdale after making an unsuccessful search in the Regent river district for the airplane Southern Cross and its missing pilot, Captain Kingsford Smith, and three companions. t The Australian seaplane carrier Albatross with five planes aboard, was ordered today to participate in the search for the Southern Cross. The Albatross is expected to leave for Wyndham almost im- mediately, but so great is the dls- Slinftv in a monoplunc and have 'nce around the eastern and t hwn hearJ from smce they northern coasts of Australia that it could hardly arrive Inside of a week. Grave fears are now expressed for the safety of the rescue plane manned by Lieutenant Keith Anderson and Robert Hitchcock. The two filers started from here on left the Newcastle waters, In the northern territory, about 400 miles from Wyndham. Directors of the search far the Southern Cross have decided to send airplanes in palm to eo-operato with the land parties. JAPANESE MINE Inc., which is being built at Porpoise Harbor along the, railway track about six miles south of Prince Rupert par- tokio, April n Seven naval ticularly for the purpose of producing airplane lumber for students were killed and 30 in-export to the United States is expected to be completed and J,ured ,n an explosion aboard the 1 . at the 1 i l nf ir 11 Vi. 'l ' Japanese mine layer nava ready for operation by May 15 or soon thereafter, it is JM Yokosuka today while staieu Dy j. nanuoipn DiacK 01 rvewanee, 111., vice-president and general manager of the company. Clearing of land has been completed and erection of main mill buildings has just started. Machinery has all been delivered to the ground and a small portable mill plant is being used to cut lumber for the buildings. It is expected that the National Airplane. Lumber Co. will resume logging operations on its limits up the Ecstall river soon after the new mill starts cutting. practicing. Under the Teachers' Pension Act which was passed at the recent ... - session of the legislature, City . .Treasurer-D. J. Matheaott an-?tTlU lnced this rooming that fbur per pent will be deducted from the next pay checks of local school teachers, the statute havinv be-' LOS ANGELES. April 11. I Aimee McPherspn-and.her mother, i .Mrs. Kennedy, arip again likely to j be in the limelight, a missing wit-Iness in connection with the al- T A VCD l?YDI ATEnile?ed kidnaPPnJ caw having LillUlV LAl LUULii!" ,0.cated.aa wveUtloas are PENSION DEDUCTION FROM SALARIES OF LOCAL PEDAGOGUES ua 10 nave oeeamaue wmcn win e used in the bribery ease against Judge Hardy. VICE-PRESIDENT OF C. N. R. IS MARRIED MONTREAL, April 11. The marriage took place here last night of Albert T. Weldon, vice-president in charge of traffic of the Canadian National Railways, and Mrs. Leota Rom Matthews, widow of II . Ros Matthews of Providence, Rhode Island, and Montreal . coolidgeacebts '' NEW YORK LIFE JOB come effective from Anril 1.1 WASHINGTON, April 11 The money deducted will be re-. Former President Coolidge. it Is mitted by the city treasure to the 'announced nas accepted a peai-civil service commission every ftion on tre directorate of the month und placed in the central; New York Life Assurance Corn-teachers' pension fund. , pany. Town Completely Blown Away by Tornado Which Swept Central Arkansas LITTLE ROCK, Ark., April 11. Forty-six persons are known to be dead, several missing and believed dead and almost n hundred injured, in a tornado which swept sections of north central Arkansas last night. There arc 21 dead at Swifton and five at fiuion. . The latter town was reported completely blown awny. All the victims were white. Six negroes were reported killed In the vicinity of Parkin and four negroes nt Princcdale. Six persons were killed at Lorado. BODY THAT OF JAP IS KILLED i NORTHERN MAN BY AUTOMOBILE Remains Found on Tuesday in Vancouver Identified as Those of Steve Jcllch of Stewart VANCOUVER, April 11. The body of the man which was found on Tuesday in Stanley Park containing three bullet was identified by his landlady yesterday as that !of Steve B. Jelich, aged 45, u for-jmer miner. Dr. A. W. Hunter, coroner's physician, expressed the opinion that he had committed Buiddc. His papers revealed that he had $12,000 in the bank. He had come to Vancouver from jstownrt, where he worked In the Premier mine. SEEK COMMONS SEAT LIVERPOOL, England, April ll.Mis8 Margaret Beaven, former lord mayor of Liverpool, today itceepted an invitation to become Conservative candidate in Ever-ton district for the house of VANCOUVER, April 11 Shuri Yamaura, aged 20, a Japanese, was almost instantly killed yesterday afternoon when he was struck by a motor truck while riding a bicycle. L. Smith, driver xof the truck, is held on a charge of manslaughter. i VOLSTEAD VOTE PALO ALTO, Cal., April 11: Stanford University students are to take a poll on the campus on the advisability of repealing the Volstead Act, 'ScottishSHiimor Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Factory "THE SMELL STILL THERE" One Aberdonian to another: "Hoo dae ye no' return your empty bottles to the grocer, TamT" Tamt "Nae likely, the smell's still there I" PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British- Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1929 LAROE CABARET Speolil Dinner Thursday and Saturdays Dancing- ertrj Saturday nljht from 0 to 12. Dance Hall tor Hire Accommodation lor ITlrate Parties Phone 437 First Picture of General Aguirre Trial PRICE FIVE CENTS STRONG PROTEST IS MADE AGAINST USE OF FISH TRAPS New National Airplane Sawmill To be Ready for Operation by May, Says Gen. Manager Black Actual Construction of Plant Just Started Following Clearing of Site at Porpoise Harbor, Near City WITNESS HAS BEEN LOCATED Revelations in , Connection With Aimee Mcl'herwm Kidnapping Are Promised This unusual picture shows the actual court-martial of the rebel General Jesus M. Aguirre (arrow), who was captured by the Federals near Monteroy. The following day he was executed. General Aguirre was one of the leading generals in the revolution. STOCK QUOTATIONS " B. C. Silver, 1.00, 1.15. By view, 5, 6. Big Missouri, i.10, 1.16. Cork Province, 15, 18. Cotton Belt, NIL 70. Duthie Mines, 49, SI. George Copper, 8.70, 8.75, Georgia River, 40, NR.. Golconda, 1.36, 1.J3. Granview, 47, 48. Independence, 8, 9. ; Indian, 5i, 7. . Inter. Coal & Coke, 34, $6. Kootenay Florence, 16f 17. Kootenay King, 4&Vi, 47. L. & L., S, 4. Lucky Jim, 15, Nil. Mohawk, 5, Bit. Morton Woolsey, 3V4, 4. Marmot River Gold, 7, 7Vi. Marmot Metals, 5, BVi Nat. Sll. C. S., 16, 17.' Noble Five, 00, 70. Oregon Copper, 66, 67. Pend Oreille, 8.30, 8.75. Premier, 1.61, 1.66. . Porter-Idaho,- 46, 48. Reeves Maedonald, 2.06, 2.70. Rufus-Argenta, 25, 27. Ruth-Hope, ,40, 41. Silver .Crest, is, Silver Cop. 38. 40. Silverado, 07, 75. Silversmith, 11, Nil. Slocan Rambler, 18, 13. Snowflake, l, 25. Sunloch, 2.80, 3.50. -Terminus, Nil, 6. Topley Richfield, 31, St. Toric, U0, 1.76. Whitewater, 1.00, L05. Wellington, 1BV4, 16. Woodbine, Nil, 5. Oils Advance, 8.70, 0.00. A. P. Consolidated, 3g, Calmont, 2.70, 2.80. , Dalhousle, 5.35, 5.40. Devenlsh, 1.S5. 1.86. Fabyon Pete, 15, 15)4. Home, 20.00, 20.15. Illinois-Alberta, Nil, 1.80. Maylad, 8.90, 9.00. McDoug-Segur Kx, Nil, t.00. McLeod, 5.25, 8.50. New McDoug Seg., Nil, G.50. Royalite, Nil, 155.00. Vulcan. Nil. .2.25. Hargal, 1.50, 1.55. United, 12.75", 13.00. Freehold, 1.60, 1.55. Mill City. Nil. 5.80. Sherrltt-Gordon, 8.45, Nil. Nornnda, R2.00, Nil. Public-Meeting Passes Resolution of .Protest Fish Trap Proposal At a largely attended public meeting, most of those present being fishermen, a resolution was passed unani mously asking that fish traps be not allowed in northern British Columbia waters. Mike Anderson presided and J. Roberts was secretary. The meeting also appointed Charles Lord to present its views to the commissioner here on April 18, when a sitting is held to inquire into the question of placing fish traps in Pierce Canal on the Alaskan boundary. Olof Hanson was present and stated how the Liberal Association had passed a' resolution condemning fish traps operate a salmon fish trap gran-and he had forwarded the resolu- . nnv mi nr iv. . anM- will tion to Ottawa. There was a good crwtft a ,.onaition of injustice in deal of diteuwion, after vfbieh , ie the. of other cannera and can- rewjuuon was pu( anu csmtu as that nery manners eventually ...v .coast with salmon fish traps, with "Whereas another attcniDt is effect that large sections of being rasvde to obtain permitution population will be thrown o operate salmon fish traps in out of employment with the loss the waters adjacent to U.S.A. in Northern British Columbia, with a new feature of a commission in (Continued un Pae 8li) DEBATE ON BUDGET endeavors to eliminate the poasih-1 ility of the psychological effect of OTTAWA. April 11: The a public meeting like the one of House of Commonj fulled once; June 1926, that was instrumental more on WednestU) to reach n In putting an end to operation of decision on the budtret and urn-salmon fish traps. jendmenta. The debate is still in "And. Whereas permission to progress. WHAT WOULD BE THE BEST MEANS TO ADVANCE INTERESTS OF NORTHERN AND CENTRAL B.C.? PRIZES ARE OFFERED The Daily News invites suggestions as to the best means of advancing the interests of northern and central British Columbia. As a recognition of our interest in the subject, we offer three prises for the best suggestions put forward in a brief newspaper article not to exceed 500 words. First prise, $5; second prise, a year's subscription to The Dally News; and. third, six months' subscription to the paper. A school boy or school girl Is just as likely to win the prise for this as is a grownup. Write on one ide of the paper only and mall addressed: Contest Editor, The Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C.