El. Oil Wm PAOE EIGHT THE DAILY NEW3 Healthful Cereal for Hot Breakfast Crisp in oven: serve with piping hot milk. Delirious-and brimful of energy Hade by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd Mote Biead6 BalM Bread. i Canadian anwavr ficticious wheat flaCor is retained mm Oar nv BaaMrf oa Cmlt Harmomy caftfetfaa mmmy (ftl(or butirlmt ( naaa. Soar a ey ram soar 4aahr ar artlaa. raaf (a jmAji al MvUrttL "That's a perfect ' Combination, John. I'm so glad you got that B-H book." ' It was your idea, dear, I was the doubting one, but I'm certainly convinced now and I'm a bit proud of my painting ability, too." "Don't take too much credit, John, remember what the paint man said about B-H " English " being easy to use and covering so well." u English la-si Guaranteed to contain Braniiram'i Genuine B.B.Whit Lead and Pon White Zinc, coirMiwd In the ideal proportion, el 70 to 10, (ermine tht atrongret covcrtac pigment known to acieace. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED KAlllnm Irom IHihv Ilanert lr VAM'Ot t ill, VICIOKIA, Xwanrnn llay. llutrdale. Alert Ifcav. etc.. Tur. clay, S :S0 p.m. Eur VANtOI VEIL H IOKI . Ilutedala. Alert llu. etc., rrMay midnight lur ALICE ARM. AMOX. WTEtVAIlT. NAAH Kit KB. Sunday. S:08 p.m. tur l-OKT MMI"MI AMI tt.tl.EH IM.AMi. Thursday, p.m. 1(3 2nd Aenue It M SMITH Agent ITInrr Itupert. II. C. Ttrwuth tlkrt cold to Ylrtorlu and Scuttle .a ltd kauaco (linked through to ilM.tiiitlH. B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Kelrhlkan, ttrantrll, Jaiieni mid Nk4iuv March HO. SO. April I": to tnni'outrr, tlitorla and Health-. Mar. IS. SI. I'ltlNC'ESS ItOYtL Otnun lulls, t-u.. Vancouver and Vlr-torlu every t'rlday In i m tgrnta for all hlcim-hlii LJnea. tv. r. oitcii.tHi). .i:st:uti. .tcitvr Srd Ave.. Prlnt-r Kuiiert. II C. rhoiie St r. an ad i an National Qjc Largcft Railway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Mllliiga from PIllM'E HI Pi: II T for VANCOl t Ml. VH I Ultl t. KKtTTI.K, and iHtrrmrdlutf H,lnt. wh lliunwtuy and Hunrtat, l:lto i.m. l ur ANVOX and SlXtt .tllT. each ttednewla) and Saturday. 4:M) p.m. lur VOItlll AM) SOt Til QltEX tilt HUH IK ISUtMiS. rVrUliutO. r.tssE.voKit Tit.tiNS leave pniNTE iturr.itT Uith MO.VUAV, tlEDNESUAY and SATURDAY at 11:S0 a.m. for MllNCE OtOltr.E. EU.MONTON, tVINMIEU, all polnta Uaitrrn Canada. United State. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 2C0 MOOSE LODGE 'SCHOOL BOARD 'SPRING STYLES ANNIVERSARY' REVERSES LAST I SEEN IN FILM Supper and Social Followed Regular Weekly Meeting Last Night After the regular weekly meeting of the Moose Lodge last night, presided over by the dictator, D. C. Schubert, members and friends took part in a supper provided by social committee chairman, W. Lamb, and his aides, which was followed by a very enjoyable so cial hour. Thrcre were much ap preciated vocal solos by J. A. Teng, accompanied by II. N. Brocklesby; comic sketches by Bob James who was in his usual good form; selections of martial music by Jimmy Sturgeon on his bagpipes, and tenor solos by Harry Astoria in English and Italian. April 9, being the ninth anniversary of the foundation of the Loyal Order of Moose in Prince Rupert. B. M. Simpson, Past Dictator, . gave a highly interesting and informative resume of the history of the Moose Lodge in this city. The Moose-Lodge1 Vis instituted here during' April,: 1920 by a neuclus formed of - members of the Dawson Moose Lodge, and had progressed until the present 'rogresslve and selfd . basis : has '.een reache.d this year. FOLK MUSIC WAS LADIES' SUBJECT Interesting Program Enjoyed by Music Club Meeting at Mrs. J. C. McLennan's The Lviies' Music Club held its regular fortnightly gathering yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. C. McLennan, 945 Borden Jtreet, The program on "Folk Sengs of All Nations" proved an interesting one. Mrs. Robert Blanee -was in charge of the ar rangement of the program and read a suitable paper. Other number were as follows: Vocal solo, "Norwegian Folk Songs," Mrs. Karl pybhavn, accompanied by Miss Aletta Me-Kinley. Vocal solo, "German Folk Songs," Mrs. Jame Farquhar, ae companled by Mrs. M. II. Blott. Vocal solo, "Irish Folk Songs," Mrs. C. E. Cullin, accompanied by Mrs. M. II. Blott I Violin solo, "Gaelic Folk! Songs." Mrs. William Millar, ac-! companied by Mrs. C. E. Cullin. I Vocal solo, "Icelandic Folk. Songs," Miss Thora Thorsstein- son, aceompanied by Mrs. C. E. i Cullin. I Freighter Salvor. Cant Rush. arrived in port yesterday from the south with a cargo of coal for Albert & McCaffery. " ' r m iv's Colds dosing Just rub on lyiTTni.ky.iJfjaTTTigymTva YEAR'S ACTION1 Resolution Passed Asking For Passing of Pupil-s on He-commendation At a meeting of the school board last night the following was moved by Trustee Gilchrist and seconded by Trustee Barrie: "That our secretary be instructed to advise the Department of Education that this board, having reconsidered the representation mads to them last year with reference to the matter of having all Public School children in Grade 8 sit for the Government High School Entrance examination, are of the opinion, that this course is not in the best interests of the children and that our principals should be allowed to carry out the system of recommendation followed heretofore." ' This motion was carried unanimously. Considerable discussion took 'place. Miss Mills and J. S. Wilson, speaking for the schools, favored the recommendation plan saying, that examinations even in school were always a source - of terror to the children and when they had to go away and have strange super-j vision it mad it ten times worse ! and for taw reason many pupils who should have passed into High School at their first sitting had to wait, another year. I Mr. Peddle said that he was in , favor of the recommendation I system but that there should be a definite line drawn as to which pupils were really ready for High School. He stated that the first year he was at the High School he entered all the pupils recommended by the principals, and he found that this was the cause of great many of the failures in that year. He said that "doubts futo" shonM not be allowed to enter but only these who really could pass gov era me at APPROVE COI1HAM RIVER . The Geographic Board of Canada has approved the naming' of the north branch of Severn River in Manitoba and Ontario, Cob-ham after Sir Allan Cobham, the famous British aviator. Week-End Specials GRANULATED SUGAR i 20 lbs. $1.26 2-lb. tint 90c; STAR OF ITALY OLIVE OIL ! Quart tin k .. 96c Per half gillofl tin . . . . . .$1.80 ROYAL CTY TEAS Sise 6, tin 16c Slse 1.2 tins 86c 8ise 8, tin ,. .20c Site 2, 2 tins 45c 12 LARGE BARS ROYAL CROWN SOAP AMD 1 PKG. R. C. Norma Shearer Wears Latest Vogues in Her New Film, "The Latest from Paris' Tips on spring styles will be seen , with the coming of Norma Shearer's new motion picture, 1 "The Latest from Paris," her lat- j est starring vehicle for Metro- Goldwyn-Mayer, which shows at the Capitol tonight. In her newest screen production Miss Shearer portrays the role of a traveling saleswoman for a firm of New York wholesalers of suits, coats and gowns. In order to have correct spring styles, advance models of which have not yet been released to the public, the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio made arrangements with mekers of women's wear to furnish the studio with a large variety of designs included in their list of spring modes. The result was that Miss Shearer had them in her picture long before they had been made up in New York and turned over to the wholesalers to be released for the spring trade. .The models cover practically all types gowns, aa well as new styles in tailored ickle Special These pickles an- good and quite a saving in this size Jur. Quart jars, sour mixed Quurt jars, chow -60c Quart jars, tweet mixed ....60r Quart jars, sweet chow 80c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 3 tins ....40c SEEDLESS RAISINS 2-rb. pkg i 5c SUNLIGHT SOAPPkt 20c PELS NAPTHA SOAP Pkt. 76c YAKIMA NETTED GEM POTA-TOES Sack 12.66 TERRACE TURNIPS- lbs. 26c SWEET JUICY ORANGES ... . . . 4 dos 76c B. C. GRANULATED SUGAR ismaES9rnewia,ii'rn M&g'fa ie lbg ac B. C. FRESH PULLET EXTRA EGGS 3 del 86c B. C. FRESH FIRST BOGS 3 dos $1.00 Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER BLUE RIBBON TEA- I geSSSGS3i! J 1-lb. pkg 60c CRISCO 3-U ttn 86c - ' . m EGGS Fresh extras, 8 doc. $1.10, " WWy 86c: Harrier. FJplrl iDo You Know?! ! Meats in the best possible condition. Phone up our butcher and you will receive prompt and careful attention to your orders. You will also note that our prices are the lowest in town: BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 2 lbs 35c HAMBURGER 2 lbs 86c POT ROASTS BEEF Lb 18c TO 26c BOILING nEEF-rPeT lb.-..12Vic PICKLED PORK Per lb. ...20c I CORNED BEEF Per lb. 12c Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited FRY'S COCOA Via, 2 tins . . .66c LUMP SUGAR 2-lb. pkg. 26c SWEET PICKLES PEACHES, PEARS OR APRICOTS 2Vi. I Tin 5Qc That we have installed thi .,. ,.. .... niir-iM 11GIDAIRL ml i:.. und ...j.niiit biiAUAAU iiuiian iwai cooling system, . . va,u, 3 l' brick ?l,4 now our customers can be assured i of getting Fresh and Cooked MAGIC BAKWU ruWUEK C17-423 6th Ave. E. Phones 18&84I UAMULA, pIOprletor P. O. Box 675. I Fifth Street. Phone 208 Seeds FERTILIZER 11ULKLKY VALLEY Ladies HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE 58 Silk Hosiery WASHING 'POWDER- Dollar! We have purchased n big clear value for 75c ing line of Ladle' 811k Stockings WE HAVE ' GOOD SIZE at,30 on hc do,,?r- !irc nniKniaJi.w nr.. 'valued at ,5c n pair. These are VIHlalU dKf 1 VJWaj aayww, a now on saie ai Alberta Market 3 prs. for $1.00 Montreal Importers ' THIRD AVENUE l"Ji 1 ' l.'JSt? JR.' aWJUCMI Thursday. Am u Can you ini u Norma Shearer i, commercial tia,, ler? If you , you'll jtlst have ' her In The Latest from Pari Maybe she didn't know her cloaks and .suits, but si tainly knew her onions. ' Mack Serrictt Comedy CALLING HUBBY'S BLUFF Paramount News . . tS Two I)e Luxe Show 7 and 9 p m SOc and 15c Canadian National Sle imsh ps Prince Rupert DRYDOCK JTI AND SHIPYARD Orntmn I..T.I' 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Knlneern, V.Rchlnldts. BoilermakT-a. Hlrl"iitis I ;ii't inskers. Founders, Woodworkers, F'c EI.KtmtlC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. i iur (Hunt is equipped to handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. .'MONKS 43 and 386 Some. Outstanding Values BO-PEEP PRINTS in neat and dainty designs; fast o I inches wide. Per yard POTTER'S PRINTS in light VnjjtUi U(gnft fast coi inches wide. Per yard 3,. .' SILK RAYONS in fancy checks and stripes; tab-fast ; J wide. Per yard . . . BREAKFAST CLOTHS Irisheen iJalnaVK, inty color, i borders. Sise 64x64 . Each ....-...... IIKKAKI AST CLOTHS Iriafeeea DmeM Inty colmv : stitched borders. Ready for use. Each HED8PREAI8 Lovely new shades of Yellow, Blue M Green and Rose, in Silk Rayon Bedspreads, scalloped Large site, each THE HOME OF CORTICELLI HOSIERY PHONE 580 NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Mine Head Alberta Lump $1.1 ' Mine Head Alberta Sootlcss Large Egg $12. ' Mine Hcad.Sootless Egg S12.0 Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Also all other classes of coal. DRY MUCH, JACKP1NE AND CEDAR Single load $3.5" Double load $(i.5 Large sack k t , . ,. rv)r Box wood cuttings, large load'v. . .J . . , Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggage Day and Night Service ', , 13 Second Avcnur fJfe &fi i nc most economical saws to use Slmonia Canada Daw Co. Limited, St. Rem! St. and Acorn Ave Vancouver, B.C MONTnCAL m, j a., n n. awaBaa-aaaiaBHBBaBBBMBBBaMMa avaaaa ---