1 THE DAILY NEWS , Thursday, Apri, PAGE SIX t Quaker Quick Oats A pretty China dish in each package The best oats as well COMMONWEALTH DIVERSION IN IS KNOWN HERE PROCEEDINGS Capt. Conrad Peterson, Master of Wrecked Fishing Boat, Has Had Bad Luck Recently Corro'iHn'dng secretary M Iss WIIATS THE USE PUBLIC MEETING PASSES RESOLUTION OP PROTEST AT YISU TRAP PROPOSAL. (continued from page 1) I Ler of events which he considered had led up to the present proposal. Mr rtrndv wn hprp tha nthpr rlnv ! , 1 1 A A 1. , . -1 ..L anu ne uiu not say anyining auoui this question when he was In the city. Five thousand licenses wore now issued to the fishermen and, he-wanted to know what would j happen to thim. The merchants benefited by their existence, i The resolution of motion of, vt,Mtsrs. StreethoYst and Hoffman was then put and carried without opposition. Hob ILinna said any fisherman lit ! t Vt nnu I 4 nl 1 1 ia ti a luniiM Via rr. ,,uuy, w .HHWM un I posed to traps. On a previous and refused to say his lesson to L, had 500 mmcn been sign- 1 ?,tefC. u ... .. 1 Petition of protest. Traps she urged. "Ye." admitted Robby. "Then why ifm't you say it to me?" '"Cause If I say it now you'll only make me learn, something elne tomorrow. Schoolmaster. had proved riestructlve in any area where Installed. Captain Kohrt said the fisher men of the Fraser river had been put out of business by the traps vl now they were trying to fig-1 urc out somo way of bringing the! fish back. Cnnnerymen could sell out, but fishermen could hot. "Put In traps and where are we?" he Inquired. C. Rasmuswn expressed the opinion that the .same men who were cleaning up Alaska with traps were planning to do the "iime th'ng here. J. Mathexon prophesied that If the traps went In, alLte fishermen would hnyfi to movtJEa, Siberia within five years'. WW. Olof Hanson explained his posi tion and the action he hadtaken Hp had been Instructed by the Liberal Association' to oppose traps when he had been nominated and he had done so. Charles Lord, who was appointed to present the case before the rommlssion, tasked for liny Information those, present might have which would help him In placing their views before the commis- (doner. - . " I Mr. Reid thenspoVe of the injustice of the district fishing system. A. 0. Morse thought a protest should be made against the ap- of -all the saving of long labor as nnintmeht of the commission. He -Tem-wenttKl- trr ralmbrr'htng,1fl0TEtfjn boats and equipment, whiq?Lin..jts..Jish .fiah traps,.-.Theammission turn will reflect disastrously up-;was entirely uncalled for. t on all the manufacturing plants j In the course df the meet-ng serving needs of "the salmon fish-George Kane tried to say that the ing industry and all the auxil-, commission applied only to the inries in Trince Rupert, B.C. ' Fraser river and after being told , "Be it resolved that we, the to sit down and rerusing was lea 'citizens of Prince Rupert assem- out by the police. bled, in public meeting represen- . T , iting aV occupation and .walks of CHILDREN MAY MARRY life are strongly opposing permis- ... rxjnt t T(lV (sion being granted to operate any IN LltuLAnU 1UUAI I salmon fish trap anywhere in the 1 Northern British Columbia Sal- Committee to Investigate and 'mon Fishing District No. 2., on Make Recommendations for the ground that salmon traps if1 parliament to Act emitted to operate will endanger the livelihood of a large nor- LONDON. April 11. Following lion Ol nriuaii vuiuiuui.i a jjuju- uruaic in mc nuuac ui luiua eolation." cently on a bill introduced by' The rharman explained the ob- Lord Ruckmaster to raise the age ject of the meeting. He aid he at whieh young people are per-could not conceive of anyone here mitted to marry to 1C in the case i,i .v. fnvr nf fuk (mm pfpnt of both sexes, the ouestitfn of the AT MPlTTIWr Perhaps a few canners. All the age of marriage is to be Investi-t 1 lllLiLi 1 Hill mmiiorx nf n.irliament. Liberal by a select committee. At and Conservative, had promised present girls may marry at 12 J that traps would not be allowed, years and boys nt 14. A diversion in the onlinarv tiro- Hp tnld nf pffnrts In thp nast to Lord Davidson, former Arch ceedinirs was caused at the public prevent traps being used. At bisliop of Canterbury, pointed outi The big IioMh Fisheries hali- meeting last night called to pro- present there was a proposal to that atj present England stood on but schooner Commonwealth, tegt a?alnst fish traps, fieorge operate them in Pierce Canal, the lowest grade among the clv-which was reported in telegra- Kane was at the meeting and in argument advanced being that Ca- ilize'd nations of the world in re-phic despatches1 yesterday to be the course of the evening rose to nadlans should have the iame op- tfard to the age of legal marriage, wrecked on the Sfenmajfln Islands, gpeak. Retold the fishermen portunity as Americans. The sinking with Greece, Sinm, Vene-is a well known vessel in the iort they were all wrong in their views, tendency would be. If the traps zuala, Cuba and Poland, of Print ftupert, having made The proposal for fish traps had to were started, to gradually extend many Ua here. She has oper- do with the Fraser river area. He until the whole of the district was LOYALISTS MAY ated In the Pacific Coast halibut knew all about it and thought it covered with them. j " fisheries for a number of years, a good move. Directly anyone ir. Anderson then read a tel- iKtooll. O. LLAIMj The vel is of 60 net .tonnage started to do anything for the good egram he had received from the and mrtef -reW of 17 men. of the country somebody always .commissioner asking if the dates Meetlnir at Deseronlo In June Will Bad luck .fteetfls' to hae been opposed It. ;set were convenient. J. M. El- doggrni? Capt. Oonrad Peterson, Just about that time there were jjgi the county judge, planned to the master of the CoWtnonweslth, murmurs of dissent. The chair- arrive here April 17 and hear evi-during the past. year. About a man, Mike Anderson, pointed out dence April 18 and 19. He urged year ago he lost the, . schooner the speaker that he was all that any evidence any of them Alaakn on hVnnedv IslAfcd off wrong, but he only waxed more miirht have be iriven to himself or Consider Whether Action Should Be Taken to Recover I.and BELLEVILLE. Ont.. April 11. United Empire Loyalist Kodiak. Coming up the coast eloquent, making at the same time other members of the association throughout Canada are becoming from Seattl at tlw owning of certain remarks of a rather offen- and not made public just yet. It somewhat deeply Interested in the present (hhing season, the 8lve nature auout xne men laKing waa Hfe or death for the fisher- , v.. eaimn against the. United ien. aiat.es, . saiu Magistrate. W . U. Mr. Anderson told of having Nichol, K.C.. vice-president' of the "'.- . ...... n ran n m in air' nna'n niir i r wn .j.ii.j v j . t t. tt i t- . u i AniJvpfatfeeu to Ketchikan r" f. y vi.micu uuht arcu..a 01 me uia- unueu empire Loyaugta' Asocta- wtierejr1r were- made. ThL..? ,on?..?""r? n? , up trict and they were all against Hon, InJAi statement published here meeting leetfrig w6old w6old also also -ecently. i-ecently. This This questiop questiop of of the the re- re- " oemanaina; w oe nearu. fish traps. A vassal, was on" her first trip to aif1aI kitm irrtMinda- this. ' T " i, -neiu i iu uhuhuuct iurn-orme ianus 10 xne Loyalists 1 1 IH IflllU WW . bl in J year t .,. , , mitt , .. &ilt3, -I 1 1 :mShet .wfeck occured. ?0r l"?0"'! anla rn led-,,., ?.r WiW compensation by 'SiltJ. desmtchas have been .u", ... ,. u"nt.rr "e n.tea states government wu. by ! j!.... .Li., il. rt ' t - - "- uul iiutL 11 111c iinuciiiicii nc c mi up cnnaiuerpn tm inp iiniipi r.m-i 'inaicaie null ioe vom- i,ii,ii .11 1 utul s .... .. . . " .. . . .. nd' tfl4bera-'total hit. VALMOST FRANTIC WITH HEADACHE Kidney Trouble and Weakness Relieved "Fruit-a-tives" nHi. TE.SMF.lt "I m my btokW of kU- ' nry Trouble and atifrrred yHJt t-r-tlblc IfrsduchM," my Ura. Ilomuliu Tewlrr. St Jn de Mtba. P.Q. "I u treated for long time and wh juxt about dlcoirrn4 when I learned of Prult-a-tlreaM Improvement came with the flrat tew doaea, and in nix inontha the kidney trouble, weakneaa and headache were gone." "Prult-a-tlvta" tcgulataa the bowvia, kMtira sad akin purities the bked M Urtftgi aotmd. vtgoroua health . Try MM wonderful medicine made of fruit rrtce wmiblrted with the flnertt medtclnal lniiredlenU. 26c. and JOc. a box at dealer building, atfll weothing improca- 0t 0f business, it was the busi 4llht tioim against - the ' "chechacos,1 talking about : i OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE FOR YEAR Officers elected for the Catholic Women's League for the 19Z9-S0 are as follows: President Mrs. J. J, (Hills First vice-president Mrs. P. McCaffery. Second vice-president Mrs M L Lawlor. Third vice-president- Miss M. Bussanich. Treasurer Mlts M. Astoria. -Recording setetary-Ira. C. Balagno ness men of the citv who suffered. who did not know what they were je did not see how any of them could support traps. H. Streethorst said the Tish were decimated as it was and he thought fish traps should be kept out. The neonle here did not want them. pire Loyalists' .celebration at Jeseronto nect June. TRAFFIC ON "SOO" CANAL Although the $ault Ste Marie Is (Canadian and United P. Hoffman said the canners States locks) opened almost three had already ruined the Indepen-. weeks later than in 1927 and dent seiners and why take the! Wrl two days earlier, the total li-elihood of the other fishermen traffic In 1928 was 8fi.99n.124 away and give It to the machine, tons, an increase over the pre- year Several others spoke and then the vlous year of 3,640,084 tons. chairman again outlined a num- AN OC ah unbendi f EVERYONE Dinner . . . evefyonerOj catches tlie HchthearteJ ( pirit of camaraderie. . Coloured light, and laugh(CT) (trtameri and terpentine!, ballooni favour, and the mag of muilc; anj dance. Plenty of recreation on a Cunarder. SailCunarJ a 1 U 7 Book ihroutkThe Cmard Steam Si. RVJ!E?wvr Ml Seymour 364-fih Or itiwihip otenU WfctkTy Baillia From Montreal (and Quebec) U Ireland, Bcotland I and infland In con-JL""" Junction with Cunard M commencing May 3rd ANCHOR-DONALDSON vr-w tINt sM A.soa Ctbln. Teurait Third Ceblit and T' 1 ' r t. inar -ii-aTTiTi arrmi m-g The true purpose of; a Budget EVERY year you spend, ajifrge proportion or the1nunevyou get. So much for clotVing. So much for shoes. So mach for things to eat -frtr house furtitshlngs, books and what not. -, ... i Here Is the way to get-the most furybur money , Keep a budget. Decide what 'you can afford to spend fur each item, and hold yourself within tWi amount. Thn to get the most for your budget money read advertisements carefully. The advertisements you read tell you what is newest and best. They give you tfie, latest Id and Improvements. They help you. Jo get m6re from each dollar yon have apportioned In your budget arid sojlv'e better and dres better with the same Income. The true'purpose of budget is.to jjnablcyav to pend .vts1y-and only by careful rradihg qfjfdwrtlslng ran you Trft to accomplish this result. v . Read advertising; regularly. It poinlshe way to better living. 7 ' m 1 "r . ,r-..l If you di not want to buy a new car, 'buy ft used car that has been reconditioned, and thiit I guaranteed t be as represented. Following are some we now have for Halet 1927 I)0IH:E Sedan, good condition, good Urrs, leather upholstery " .......... $fi.''t).00 I92C ESSEX CoacK fair condition, good tires $400.1)0 192.1 DOIKIK levered delivery, god condition 1923 FORI) Covered Delivery, just overhauled $2S0.00 l2fi FORI) Covtred delivery, Jut overhauled $27.t)0 1925 FORI) SEDAN, good condition ,.,...,. .T27B.W) 1921 FORI) Delivery, good condl ..,.- .....$125.00 FORD"lVn truck -chassis, good motor, as Is ............. $ Rp.00 S. E, PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Av& East DOMINION TIRES Phone 83 If your News does not arrive before 6 o'clock Phone J 1