fihurday, April H. '1929 WANTAGES OF WESTERN ROUTE 'P'-ibly in Aueria we are lat hing more closely even 1 4 I, . i. man H A 1 1 rtrrki- f.vo Canadian poitatff' pool wheat going out that way each year hoping that eventually every bushel of pool wheat grown In Albertu will be loaded at Pa-1 cific ports. I "Of course we are only interest ed in costs of placing our wheat in 'ii. . t t . ... i &hpt I'ut n the World Market moai advantageous position for i ,'(.jipcr lnrdUL'ii 1'iiiciiic ., v" m m:iik ui ev Torts, Sriyffl'ool .' pcnse west are dh' a parity or Official "'' cheaper than the old route over -'.T ' the lakes to Atlantic wa&oard,' MFNTIONS I'JtlKCli KUI'EKT :there d?es not 8eem to be any a-j u ' son why each year increasing Va,: nuvcr is anwiu'remaln the iouU not g We8tWardj J t 0 YdS? 1 chSlitlon is being paid to' ror1,: poU Mlef'dfit d-lrent of the consumption of nan or "'i.TV Canadian, wheat in the orient. A fc.Aair mil iinn. 41 ..... 1 .u t-n,.n, ..i.. ti, ;i,i v j j5u uicje who oiuy a .Mas ...-u .i ,iu...u.'by tne Orient. This what no-"'-:7;v:' u"x -went forward in regular liny vessels In sacks. Each year VttMir I M AHA ft a ( r r . n mi f 4 f A. I. il iiiwi cruoiiij nuaiiiiiiu5 are w inun t i . . , .... lt , iiik uuugiu in uanaua uniu inis . A. A flit it 'it jt'ar uver iweniy million DUSneiB i , o r.g asKume d by the porU H be J tek" lP ,h- Pacific-; ancouver and lh nHpntflI mnr. f Uupcrt as outlets to the ' 1'iain markets for Alberta . " In 1921 only about 2,000,- HSIIING INDUSTKY FIRST (,) ' j r ; i i s jeii ,anaaa via mai riRning may well be regarded ...u:i.. i..o ono or. . tv !.... i .i .. i .000 bushels wtre Ifljfeled at at&fclly proMAtecl by Europoans ivhat in to4T tf Ckti1l.ri Ha- a- Is Bj-Cu -JT. m . i r . . i u icw i-r n .mj"piin. ii nap naver since ceasad d iiH ult toi get eMp ton-jta yield ji Defnaia4 harvest both ,'ir th I.. r SI . !. & -"- T Hituaii)aaradu.,t-Etrronc AM AmarietJ ipfgTfwheat iif u un'.ii apprcM l"acled on-boats there : ry d iy of the year. It ... n our ry(perieqce that we whnat wnraT n n the me world worm mar- mar- CANADIAN ROADS In 1927 federal, provincial and . i i i .I... municipal expenditures on me apnr via the western route improvement and maintenance of i 3 we tire doing everything pos- Canadian roads amounted to $46,- iin-rease the volume of 750,000. Ford! Car Features Ckcit eoLmrt II to II mQf Ur U-Xmu rmr tngim4 rwj htlloen tin ' rD tnelofi lim-hrmJtt ttttcm 4 llmUm, kvdntJw )Wt tO la to M pT gtlUm gUotnt Sltttrmof flat, feimisMitU Tktlt proo laUion lock Btliabaiti and few upkitp nit (llaitnfl tknt alixlt Ik rJn .k pit t4 ford car. Mil 1 1 JJ Uh 1 1 I I 1.1 .rtlPHi.k CL HM 1 1 1 J BALDWIN TELLS PRINCE ABOUT I the blasts f tmetltfoiiand, ;a una liiuniflj. jjij fllipiHUni afyl, trvin'ff 'tn inmlc niv- ' nnlnnr from me. i-'' ; v Addressing the. Prit Prima M In MnirniiSn 1V . 4t . V. A llllO LL 1 a VI 11VS 1IUU . . a 38UWI1 urn mm will hear yours'elfatia -Wrk27i.O00.O0Q;4 THE DAILEWa PAGE FIVE . t 1 1 I. ...1 L io ue uamnea anu nu uuuy w ue, kicked. If that latter be ' the case it does iiot follow that'what is left is spirit nor does it follow j that the possession of1 great intel- -,.., nniMiiin ,cct prevents you from enjoying fl VII nKkVIiF yourself at the festive board. VI 1 1L ULIV f 1jU '!Xqi will! find, sir, thatigreat " oPf. thd English language Wittv Address (iivert riv rfrHnin'SThtPfflyo" ikVe'Wrned and spoJ Trime Minister Who, Uses Simnle Lancunire ' Iwhi I.nVnOM Anrll 11 Ti-ln'.o vou OfwnriPA fi a Q 1 ian it a n nsu nia1 (a Wrilll Jill bevbP1ltt1e service to this tfeiv walk1 of life upon you have5 ' entered. When ve ueen ' accusiomea to to your friends and 'say ,'Vaii 'fahUtf 'Tiro' tilUnfr service wjtft the, itoya) rtfkvy, anfcn your haVyou will really is taking a;PlaLbn4he staffJyt have w KM Lord4 the Fpreigtf OffPce. s M "nc?7.h CV a pef n.. P-i'm. MinuV.?,,.,,;,II'.fectIy'Mifferent thing. I am sup- present with the Prince at the an- Pos,ed to be a Pealter 01 . 80r?e nual dinner of the Civil Service reticence no orator, a speaker in monosyllable Wy Ideas are of In London, offered some witty re- Whew Sir War-nanv marks to the Prince and the com- pellucid clarity. Jn rn0rai ,nnin ih ren Fisher or his satellites try to Put e ideas a4,bi'1 r con" position of civil servants. "The Civil Service is what is called in vev .'n,I1? alonce the jargon of the day a sheltered industry and a strong trade un ion." declared the Prime Minister. 7S. ','We pojitjeians, though, are un- 8heKered,Ve ar eapsp, to all become nlmost impossible of Frffei a comparatively obscure' in 1'JUU witn a Droauc less'than.StO)0.000. Can steadily advancing . to the intc ni ma rnuierai-Druuuc- untries'pt tfieorM with a roductloh in 1928 valued at friends described as bureaucrats . long words are the fashion to- MONTE BLEU ILL day. The word bureaucrat' pur-' HOLLYWOOD, Arjl ' 11: Monte tied Queen Victoria; it was new Bleu, ths mov!e &ftor Is seriously in those days. I believe a bur- ill but no alarm,' for1, his life is eaucrat is one who has no soul felt. ' I - . I Drix-eit YoutscII-There is no Better Test Alert and Powerful SUPERB action both in traffic and on the open road has won world wide demand for the Ford car. This great performance together with remarkable beauty of line and colour makes every owner of a Ford Car its enthusiastic champion. A short turn behind the wheel will explain such staunch pride of ownership. CJAsk your Ford dealer to let you drive a Ford Car. He will be glad to take you ont. Select the steepest hills, the heaviest going you will be amazed at the power at your command. Make for the thickest traffic. Drive alongside other cars. Try the quick getaway,, the swift pickup in, second, the easy gearshift. Feci the smooth, sure action of the six bra' e system. A demonstration will convince you of the outstanding merit of the Ford Car. Drive it yourself, there is no better tcst Enduring Qualit rower? ability to endure sustained high speeds; smooth operation of the remarkable Ford engine; quietness of the transmission and rcr axle; ease and certainty of control; braking efficiency; acceleration and riding comfort these are the result of quality inbuilt throughout " the Ford Car. - ., J Riding Eascr-The unique Fordffir feature of transverse, scmWiliptic sptinfp has much todo. with'lts road tenacity, reducing the effect of body sway on rounding turns. Torque tube drive, an original Ford feature now adopted by a number of the more expensive motor cars, relieves the springs of all driving strain. Four Houdaillc hydraulic shock absorbers cushion road shocks and pre. idc smcxSth riding even on rough stretches. Time Payment Ifou picfer to buyout of income, you will find the authoriicd time payment plan offered by all Ford dealers most attractive. ... -l:fjb- imr:--imry FORD MOJQR COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, FORD, ONTARIO MAGNETIC POLE VERY ILLUSIYE Canadian Officials Engaged , in Tracing Its Vagaries From::1' , Boothia Peninsula OTTAWA, April 11: A determined effort to solve the vagar-fes of the magnetic pole Is pelhg made by Canadian scientists. Major L. T. Burwash of the Northwest Territories Branch is spending1 the winter In the neigh-b6rhood of tjie pole 6n 'Boothia Peninsula and will conduct a series of tests lasting into the summer. Details of the meas urements aro being transmitted thirds of a mile. For several to Ottawa by wireless from the years it marches to the west, steamer Fort James which is then turns back and marches east wintering in that locality. (again. Thus at Fort Churchill The magnetic compass has long the needle pointed 24 degrees been recognized as inaccurate on I west of north in the year 1700, account of the wandering propen-j one degree west in 1800 and 10 ities of the magnetic pole. Dur ng, the last few years mariners end aviators have turned to gyroscopic, sun and radio com-i passes but the magnetic compass, is still in wide use. ' J Besides the recognized varia-' tion from the true north of nearly 50 degrees from coast to coast in Canada which the magnetic compass shows, there is a ' further range of error from the1 fact that the magnetic pole moves each year approximately two- d,egreees west In 1900. more modern devices such as the PRICES YESTERDAY OF TORONTO STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Falcon Bridge, 10.65. Intl. Nickel, 4G.75. Mandy, 1J56. Mining Corpn., 4.50. Noranda, 51.00. Sudbury Basin, 8.90. Sherritt-Gordon, 8.40. Teck Hughes, 9.50. ' service industcy Norton Gisadilaig Wheels For quickly removing metal, for cutting off, for producing a high finish on any material, for any service where grinding wheels can be used, you will find a Norton Wheel that will cut quicker, or produce a higher finish, or turn out more pieces at a lower cost. Norton Wheels are carried in stock at all branches and at your service are men who have ma"de a study of removing metal by grinding. They will tell you the right wheel to produce the most work at the lowest cost. To ensure the steady and economical flow o! power from drive to machine, proper shafting, hangers, bearings, pulleys and belts are essential, and here you will find Graton & Knight Leather and Dick's Balata Belting, 1 Fairbanks Wood Pulleys, Barry Steel Split Pulleys, Hyatt Roller Bearings, as well as all the numerous . appliances necessary for the transmission of power. pnms motors "A pump for every purpose" for water, sand, air, sewage or fock, we can supply the special type of pump best suited for the service required. Fairbanks-Morse Pumps, either separate drive, or direct-connected to Fairbanks-Morse Dall Bearing Motors, have made unusual records for efficiency and dependability. AMomoftive j In our Automotive Dipartments we carry Urge and varied stocks of supplies, replacement parts and garaga equipment. Garages, Repair Shops and owners of Bus and Truck fleets are assured of an excellent service in parts and supplies, such as Spark Plugs, Chains. Firs Extinguishes, Wrenth Sets, Brake Linings, Piston Rings, Pins and Bearings, Ignition and Battery Cable, Gaskets, Carburetors. Alemite Fittings, etc., as well as complete equipment for repairs and maintenance, including Cranes, Tire Changers, Presses, Spraying Outfits, Hoists, Test Stands, Air Compressors etc FM Stationary es For isolated power plants where electric power is not rvailable. and for standby service, Fairbanks-Morse Diesel Engines have proven thoroughly dependable and remarkably low in power, operation and maintenance costs. In mine, mill, grain elevator, railway yard, town and city light, power and pumping plants, in countless instances thv ari civintr entire satisfaction usin? chean low erade fuel oils. They are made on the 2 cycle principle in a wide range of .sizes fiom 25 to 840 H.P. In our twelve Hranches you will find stocks of mechanical equipment and shop ii supplies that tor vsriety ana qunuiy ire uncquaica in wniiu. nwc ireni wis many lines made by ut. we Iwive been selected to represent many of the world's outstandine makers ol machine tools, machinery, equipment and supplies. Our general catalocue shows clearly how wide a service we provide for Canadian industry. A copy will be mailed without charge. Q?ie CANADIAN IkiirMiiks 'Morse CO lMPANY-imited ST. JOHN QUEBEC MONTREAL OTTAWA TORONTO WINDSOR VTNNIPEq REC1NA CALGARY EDMONTON (VANCOUVER VICTORIA 17 1 r V ii