.JL, mm 7 .: -av . Hhis . charming suit of brown kashmir and beige jersey in large checked design running dif agonally, Is very smart. The jumper has a crew neck with a smart set-on V-shaped. The sklrV has a circular front panel that hangs a tiny bit lower than the hem. Since checked bags may now be seen in almost any fabric from gingham to jersey, the lady In the sketch had no, difficulty matching her bag to her blouse. Her hat Is one of the new, off-the-face, globe-like models. 'hjiei shown an early spring frock' ' pattern' n individualistic style. Note the side jabot with flower brooch. Skirt Is n ' tiers and accordian pleated, with girdle drape. Both jabot and girdle drape are lace trimmed. Skirt is uneven hemmed while the modish handkerchief collar is used. In prints, satin, georgette, crepe Hc-main or knitted fabric this pattern is most effective. Match Your Accessories to the Ensemble R.. (.''4i'i'i '' MARCH WEATHER Informal evening clothes are displaying touches Ifrmrwed from the sports mes and to advantage. Here is a charming little costume that features the semi-tailored bow. The frock Is sleeveless, of yellow chiffon, with two flare tiers. The card if, jacket is also of chiffon, in canary yellow, with giant brown dote. Worn with a .brown lwt and brown An Important arrival in. Ihe. spring mods is he tailored twted coat vyith scarf ana lining" match in a contrasting silk crepe. Here is one of fine imported mixture in gray and blue, worn with a scarf and lining of slate blue silk crepe. The collar is flat, to show the scarf to good advantage. Under this type of coat is worn a simple sports dress, "mi ' !.' 'A 'l4IM'! iln-t'l n I' x .:i ,i .H , ; v ,)Vhite galyak, that soft, fiat Ifft 6HI X? mWt I IB fur so pretty in light shades, is Iwlift V " iUVfil II being used on almost every smart wfflnl II & spring coat. One of its chief RslS RfiMwa II Virtues Is Its pliability, which , <ttU?ffl$f Ct &f ?& II enables you to drape it as easily II c Here it is ns n n-irf collar of an attractive black 'cloth coat with a bow flare at the hem. The collar can be arranged . in any way you wish either close to the throat, in stock fashion, or hanging 1 ( - tip WK W fir! - . perg,, preferably preftrobly in Id some some vivid vld shade. shade, Ing loostlf. looselj. ; ;. , V' U 'I J M i if? 'j- -' Iff! j ' 'vvft:!.;r;.: ,,"f...... . j 1 II i - NEW f5TYI.ES SEEN IN THE CHUKCli IIARADE YESTERDAY , . Eastciunday ha for, long jlw-en the signal for the appearance of the new spring outfits and yesterday was no exception' to the rule. All the new styles an seen above were noted yesterday. V WAS INCLEMENT Still Less Rainfall is Recorded This Year Than Last With. Sunshine More Scarce Though the month of March, just ended was an exceptionably unfavorable one from the weather standpoint with a total of 12.31 Inches of. precipitation, which is more than has been recorded in the city for any single month in more than a year, and only 71.7 hours of sunshine which is rath-er low, a summary for the year 1929 to date shows that the total rainfall, amounting to 23.2C inches, is slightly lower than the 81.95 inches for the corresponding period in 1928 while sunshine so for this year has aggregated 210.9 hours as compared with 228.9 hours for the first three months of 1928. Following is the weather summary for the month of March this year as Issued by H. U. Tee, Digby Island, Dominion meteorologist: Total wind mileage, 7503. Average wind velocity, 10.08 miles per hour. Greatest, wind velocity, CO miles per hour from the southeast on March 27. Total precipitation, 12.31 inches including 18.G inches of snow. Greatest daily rainfall, 1.27 inches on March 3. Maximum temperature, 52 on March 17. Minimum temperature, 27 on March 31. Mean temperature, 39.2. Hiuhesi barometer reading at seilfTOl, 30.85 on March 31. Iiwest barometer reading at sea level. 29.14 on March 25. The oldest newspaper In the world is the official "Pekin Gazette." It has been published continuously for over one thousand years. More than 1,500 of the paper's editors have been WILL FIGHT DIVORCE Mrs. Garnet Helene Patton In-man, wlfs pf the millionaire heir to the Duke fortune, who will plight her husband's divorce suit. PRONUNCIATION OF 1 SOME MEXICAN NAMES WASHINGTON, D.C., March 28 : The National Geographic So- i ciety has come to the aid of those "who have been avidly reading Mexican,, rebellion news, but do not know whether Durango is u coastal or a middle western statr," and cannot pronounce any )1 the names. Following is the self-pronoun-, ing list of states Involved: Chihuahua, Che-wah' wah. Coahuita, Ko-a-wee'Ia. Zacatecas, Sa-katay'-kas. Jalisco, Ha-less-ko. Mlchaocan, Mo-cho-a-kan. Guerrero, Gayr-ray-ro. Oaxado, Wa-hal-kah. Querelaro, Kay-raZ-tah-ro. Tlaxtala, Tlas-kahMah. Steel rails on n north and south track last longer than those laid east and west. The magnetism generated by the train friction is undisturbed in the former case; in the latter it is resisted. IF YOU COULD SEE HIM TO-DAY v' A PIHNTBD UNSKMHLE iiere Is n ensemble, gay vivid a orful. In faet, the pr inted i-nwintio the raire this season. And for : r Bilioatnett indConttipationfone and vivacieusneas, there is nothing n coming. These are developed in the ' r Ilk nrinbi in both rnnaervativc iit t ernlstic lines. Each piece may ' separately At. Ie4reiil and both sh-r' and t eOHs are seen. u ' v ' it.'; V The rrfncctw Line Tnkcs b " , v' ' . Spring Coats Thanks to "FRUIT-A-TIVES" I I ' Ilealth, rigour, energy perfect re-l gulation of the Udneri and Imwrb i nound tlccp and food appetite how they ell re-ftpper to make" life worth ' liring, M toon m you UVe the marvel lous medicine "f ruit-a-llveii," rauuo from fruit juices combined with the finest medlelosl infredienU. Mr. Emery Lemay knows this. Writing from tfc St. Fsmille St., Montreal, be lUtei, "I tu always constipated and bilious, which made me fed tired and out-of-eorU. One day a travelling man recommended 'Fruit-a-tivci.' You elniuM ane me to-day in perfect health, full Of ermrgy, and the eoiuti potion all gone." This U one of the great virtual of "Fruit-ft-llvia" ite wonderful cleansing xiweri. It acta on the three treat eliniinttin organs, the bowcli, kidneys and nldn, keeping, the body free of Wuate, purifying the blood, IjuiUling up strengtii and wrgy. Try them. 2ic, and fiOo. S box at dealori everywhere. Try a bally Kewa WANT-AD. n Th'o first .day's news cutM back by delighted buyers ft" I Paris, at the time of the open! !was to the effect that prince j lines were being adapted coats. -This Is welcome new.; ff the tall, slender woman who cl afford the molded princess vltf its flaring hem. The model shown here is '1 green kasha with geometric tlnjrs. Note the longer line 1 back and the way in which tk coat clings to the figure. The' Is n small collar of gray squirf"