, .., Thrilling ' Mystery :Story. In 30 .chapters SHADOW cw is mar m'sapr- -'saaaaaa'' -w w f - M 4HEHMAN LAN DON " " " 11 I 1 1 svxorsis While Captain .Sumnitrs la mdlte.tlnz' on the eseapadts of The Picaroon. i-wnom ne is convinced is reany bis irlena. mall we'll dispose of it now." "Very good, sir." The- versatile Bilkins vrought a small stack of jed;-a taunting reply. It was .al ways .good stragy to meet threats with derision. But how had the mysterious "Doctor loffett, if irw I deed he were :the author of the 'note, -discovered that 3Iartin Dale was The iPicaroorf? " "The deuce!" Dale softly exclaimed. . ... ... , 0ntll now he had supposed "Send them a hundred. NaT.ru '4JT mak it twn hnnn- he I,brary- the bedroom, the din- sir. V " blllJJK CISC I thinir that Bilkins was utterly destitute .of imagination. "Let me see the silly thing." . Bilkins handed him the Jetter. took another sip. spread out his " ""T ."l .V TV legs and sank a little deeper into E?sted P WW d.e"v?nr. at the Immense ea chair. ! wjuare at 6 o clock. That ntuum mart Siimrnnrs " Was 8hortlv after the termination even the kitchen. reach. His disquieting impres- ffa-a -. i. . I X . 1 . a Bilkins .opened a plain, Z T 1,1 WnelD,e v square ,1 c shape. u He .heard a Bilkins , return closure. His brow wrinkled. "This tr,bdgin?. gait aV is a queer one, sir. 'Throwing '"u ' '11 r.r a nm rocks Is not a healthful occu- .1:e1.he1ftood aMhe ',rP pation ior -people who live In I u ""!, " , T, T vnnQavr-glass a"nlooki" houses. A word ioi -warning J 'inv at the should .be efficient for The ""Jg.Jj"!'""1 a"d Up at the j'-icaroon.' 1 here's no j enatiire.! , 8jr ' u.ouweDs on tne Drain," he "No, there wouldn't be." Dale t0ll 7h?L Jeaned back, an odd mile play, "e ontlnuetl tomorrow) ing jiDout his ;Ijps, ;and .contem-, plated the puzzled face of his CT A'TFAM t TC A M servant. Jt was indeed a lucky Ulfll illl liiiilfl WHITE-WASHED AT SOFTBALL The largest crowd of fans of the '.. o- .i. tto nf riaia'a tno,-i-u... ...! fi. season was out last nicht tn spp UbBiltall out of proportions. Castle. The circumstances mlitiAJdi ;ho?t man ' nthine, r ever'th1- 8 . The office boVroutclaVsd the Dale nodded. "It's a bit tanta;'of fSffSST " SS'JSr'ffi IWtoTat? !!olnyenthrghfaPhdCo -certainly have, si," g. fon team culd not get go- size might oonUjn, But Summers . "By the ay .Bilkins I see you g, tlmt cameo Th m ThS I. a good scout T.11 yu what to have neglected to lower the ig, nd f time tty W do, Bilkins. In the morning you shade. People who live in glass lost in the second half The will send him a box of cigars with houses should always pull down Soups' boys batted Holtby into mar comrrflments." .,,. the blinds." every corner of the lot. , ,t the eronas, sir? Bilkins "Sorry. ir," and Bilkins pro- Supt's Office Holroyd, W. II . 'l9.?d h.oc??d- ceeded to romoHv int ffi.ef Tobey, Harold. Morrison. W. 'B. t "les "the veronas.miKins.aum- Tobej-, Laulen, Taylor. Summers, mers will apprecinte them. They ini 18 flPl K'f9 nouse. R E Tobey will appeal to Ms mwe of hu-' No. thank flewa! A sheet f station-Styles, Mair. Downey, nior." paper and an envelope, Bilkins:" Horton, Skattebol, Mcintosh I Holtbey, Stalker, II . SkattebdlJ nor a sense or numor. Ky me flection Dale wrote painstakingly Said he wanted to see you on a " 7. T 7 ' personal matter. He waited a lit-1 Doctor Moffett: Thanks for tie while and then he went the advice respecting rocks and away." I glass houses. My reply will be Dale's eyes traveled over the 1 delivered Jn .person. charmlBgly furnished little He inclosed a dollar bill, ad-snuggery. His nostrils expanded a dressed the envelope to the per- .4.triA 1 annnl rnlnmn nf iha Vaw Vav.1 WRIGLEY SWIM TORONTO AGAIN Water Must Be Warm Enough or Event Postponed for Day TORONTO. Ont., Aug. 5. !Sure he went awa. Bilkins?" Sentinel.' and chuckled as he K; a9f VSSSSSl Hf7 li. ..pnuse -of Canada s national life, ..itr it i j i sealed u it. . 'Well, I left him in the drawing 'has been accorded a prominent room. When I looked In half an! A little walk will do you good, piace on the program of activities hour later he was gone." jBilkins. Take this and mail it not of the Canadian National Exhibi- Dale's nostrils vibrated again, less than ten blocks from here." tion to be held here this month. . r 1 - . ? n 1 .11TUV, 'Ul- ......1 i I t TIia iimvM'fl irMnfaat nnm.nl r lis Beemeu to pcrcvivc a iijui iiib usuui uuiiucbiiuiiihi; t.iui v- in the air that did not come dbedienoe Wllklns took the letter position has arranged a list of from the glass at his elbow. 'and withdrew. Dale finished his Ports events ashoe and afloat "Can you describe him?" I drink, lighted a cigarette and , TfiimL Pr WC Tall, straight, good-looking, (again picked up the warning note.) p0r the third year in succession well dressed, about 30." pile studied the typewritten char- the C.N.E. In conjunction with "Splendid, Bllkinsl Concise and meters carefully. They showed the Wrigley Interests, will hold the comnreheneive. You have de '(.evidence' of a battered machine famous $50,000 world champion- .-(pihod n coodlv nortion of the! and a laded ribbon. The allfrn- ship swimming marathons. The v. t... o nn.i 4.n'mn .. trr,,iA nnrt 'ft,. ..lcoure will again he laid out im- Jew. I suppose?'- , were slightly nicked al; th ffi His -Srcasm was wasted. "No. The ribbon had once been ;green. j ZJify beiniT held t?ii Fridav SuJ: slr," said -Bilkins. "Come to think I "Green again," he TOurribled. I Ust 23, opening day. and the men'p of it. he had only one arm. One sleeve I don't know whether It was the left or the right was empty." . Dale grew thoughtful. Once again he consulted ihe tall glass. Again his eyes roved over the- .room. Finally he shrugged. "I shall have a busy day to Then he fell to studying thswim on Wednesday, August 28, phrasing of the note. It was not at n distance of 15 miles. difficult .to read a threat be-. It has been stipulated that the .twNn fh lines. "Yon nr the water shall be.at a temperature of Picaroon, nnd I know . It," the degrees or warmer at tne noun writer .nust have said. "Keep meTthe ot being out. of my way or 1 11 expose you.' , )1b sp,ash wJHlbe jsortponed to theS ine tnreai qiq not worry uaie following day. Natatorial star greatly. To .show how lightly he from all over ihe world have al morrow, Bilkins. If there Is any regarded dt, .lie had Just djapotch- ready forwarded their entries. i 151NNINGSIN BASEBALL GAME Six 'Pitchers (Took ,1'art and Final Score Was'Brooklyn 8, ... Chicago 9 -- that -Captain Summers was the! NEW 'YORK,. Aug. G. Brook-only person who entertained de- lyn'urid Chicago fought for fifteen finite suspicions in that .direc-' inninga -before they ended one otfl tion. Then there was Miss -Castle th (bitterest games played thiaJ of course, whom he had taken l-ason. There were six pitchersJ into his confidence only that af-'S' "k"n U8'"g two lernoon, relying on the fact :that .flltUliiirtrh made a five-run rallv there were no witnesses to ihhr n-.fh ninth hut falM hv on run' confession, but even more upon her loyalty and sense' "of Jab Lpiay. Summers was not given to blabber, and it was unthinkable, that Miss Castle should have1 betrayed him. No, the secret must have leaked out some other (Martin ,tai. mt. Atexander Perrjmatrf letters, lie sat down """" and opened w ay calls and requsts Uat strange !bappen-1 cl""a; "e"f" ire nondered tho riddlp fnr Ponuerea tne riaaie ior one of them. "Mrs. Pett 11 dnjw at 282 Bank street, the houaeneittos li ng ,,, ithe one In which he lives, be Investigated tAxelson. a watchman employed by Ferry- .'tnan to guard the house in which .he illved before he moved next door after. iM wt'e had deserted hbn, ha heard: : footsteps and seen an eerie areen lliht. Juat aa Ferryman Ls sbowmt the cap' ruin a picture of hi wle. the teiephona ringi and a voice tens -of rinding wcman'i body at 382 Bank Street. Sum-li mv- anrt F?rrvmn hiirrv ttMre t "The Pcaroon," who prey upon the rtthjl and then off era the return ills ;losrt -on'; ithc payment of 10 per oent-of tts varue to xbarltjr, ha wrttten mxe to Adele rOartle, requesting a meeting in Central IPark. Adele has had a terrifying experience. She was taken to a strange house whore, through a queer green light, she could g.lmpe only the outline of a man calling himself Dr. Moffett, who tem her "he TMSWa evmence which would convict her father of being connected with rf crooked financial deal and send him to prison. Mr. Castle tells Adele Dr- Mof fett demands blackmail of 4100.000 .Eummeri continues hi Investlgatlona ana find a band from a Verona, the ape-rial ort of clfur Martin Dale smoke. Tbe cantata and Dale meet In a restaurant and save that Dale knowa aomethlnc about a green light and admit that here are few Verona in the country. Summers lm nothtnar. Adele and Dale meet . He tells her he was present during her strange Interview wtth Dr. Mnffett. which took Dlaoe t Bank Street, and promises to help-) her. Dale calls st 293 Bank Street and tsll Axetaon he knows that the ded wnman la alias Okmwav. Axelaon denies know-her or Ir Moffett as itoe Ferryman. rktie'B aWenti'w la held by .the wataa-eotlnc of the library. .INSTALMENT TQURTEEN ' An Adventure in the Night Bilkins was a ' servant par excellence deaptte hia sluggish villainous features, his sluggish movements and his predilection for his master's cigars and prewar stock of Scotch. He switched on the light in the den, fetched slippers and dressing gown, poured an amber liquid into a tall .glass, added seltcer and ice, and placed the concoction at Dale's elbow. i' rM .. Dale sipped. "Any callers, Bllkinar "Captain Summers phoned, sir, 'but he left no message." j Dale's gray eye twinkled. :He ter. "The Club Nocturne sends, md" , , two tickets, with their cnmnli-l Now and tben he sniffed sus-! ments, for their opening next Picol,ly: 88 if sensing a strange Tuesday night." "Generous! Anything else?" The League "for the Suppres button "Send them the .two Club Nocturne tickets." "Very good, sir. Here's a Jetter from the Friends of Poor Chil dren. They are In need of funds." and elusive quality in theitmos phere. Time after time he gazed intently, with brow knitting, -al sion of Frivolous Conduct would some Pllshed surface. It was be pleased ,to receive a conlri-iuncom.fortab,e to have the highly sensuizea mma tnat is ever lastingly groping ior hidden impalpabilities, that searches' ior things lying just beyond the reach of the hand. In a mood of growing irritation to, reach the Giants, the final score -being 11 to 10. Jones of Boston held fit. Louis to three scattered hits, .while the tea party team made five runs to win. ' Washington snowed Detroit under with 21 runs and St. Louis' and Philadelphia split their double-header. Theirs was the only scheduled meet in the Amer- o- - l while, but in the end he was lean League " " r: " SltVt" forced to eive it un. Slnwlv h Following were the scores for juui Mvuntany ui -n uniiici i V "Awful bore," Dale Interrupt inMvea aD0Ut tne room,-his minfl ted. "Give the lady my compli-iin a curious state of restlessness, ments and tell her to go to the devH." .Gravely 'Bilkins made an an- now jind thenpicking up a book or a piece of bric-a-brac, his thoughts circling round the. notation and opened .another Jet-1 war?'nff nofe and the one-armeQ the day American League Si. Louis fi-7, Philadelphia tl-8. Detroit 5, Washington :21. National League New York 11, Pittsburgh 10.. Philadelpliia 7, Cincinnati 6. Boston 5, St. Louis 0. Brooklyn 8. Chicago 9. j Sport Chat j To borrow .the language of the Hig Leagues, tonight's .ball game between the Sons and -the Elks is a crucial one .The wuy that the league has tightened up means that every game won or lost 'by any of the teams at this time gives the winner a place in the Here is one marked 'personal' ll", "V l ' T f that seem-1 8Un and the unfortunate loser ed to be just just beyond beyond his his mental mental, u.. has ui. j i .ii n. "Jlead it. to amble down to the cellar. until they can dig themselves out by 'topping -over one of the leaders. The last game played between the Son's and Gyros has been protested by the I Sons, and if their -protest is allowed this game tvill 'have to be replayed at some later ,da)e, if .it has any bearing on the 'final standing of the teams. "With the weather Ideal again today, another capacity crowd at Ihe local lot Is looked ior tonight And with.tyoth the Sons and Elks at full strength a .good brand of ball is sure to tbe supplied for the fans. STOCK QUOTATIONS B. C. Silver, 1.35, 1.45. Bayview, 2, Nil. Big Missouri, 1.57 1.60. Cork Province, 10. 10l2. Cotton Belt, Nil, 50. Dunwell, Nil, 18. Duthie, 57, Nil. George Copper, 7.40, 7.55. Georgia River. 34, 35. Golconda, 1:03, 1.04. Grandview, 43, 43'a. Independence, 9, Nil. Indian, 4, Nil. Inter. -Coal & Coke, 35V4, 36. ootenay Florence, 15Vx, 15. Kooten,y JKing, 40, 41. L,& L., 2, 4. Xucky Jim, 0, 10. lMohawk,3, 4. lortonVoolspy, 44,. Marmot River Gold, 34, 4. National Silver, 13, 14. Noble Five, 61. 63. Oregon Copper, 24, 25. Tend Oreille, 6.20, 6.25. Premier. 1.80, 1:90. Porter Idaho, 45, 'Nil. Reeves Macdonald, 1.B0, 1:85. Rufus Argenta, "Nil, 30. Ruth Hope, 86, Nil. Silver Crest. 5Vi, G. Silverado. 85, 90. . Silversmith, .8, Nil. Slocan JCing, 4, 5. Snowflako. 46, 4CV4. Sunloch, 2.05, 2.15. Terminus, Nil. 10. Topley' Richfield, 25, 27. Torie. 70, Nil. Wellington, 6, Nil. ' Whitewater. 55, 63. Woodbine, 4, 5. Oils Adwnce; 14:00, Nil. Am-litanxitied, 'il, 40. At A. fJiGopsolidated, 4.1516. 'Dever3sh."Gl. Go". Foothltls. Oil & Gas, 7.00, 8.00, Home. 23-75. 24.00. Mayland, '9.80, 10.00. -Mcleod. . 4.16, 4:75. Royallte, J50.0Q. Nil. Dallas, :2;80, :2.-87. United. 1.14. aj5. freehold, 1X3. 1.65. Sterling Pacific. 2.0IJ, 2.08. Mercurjr. a.U5, 139. Tumor Walley, liOB, 1-10. ALL MUST GO Madame Annette has just returned from the south and to make room Tor new fall goods arriving soon not one garment must remain on our racks after this drastic reduction event is over with! The startling low prices speak for 1hem-selves! . Savings range from one-third lo one-half ,aid In many 'instances Ihe prices are at actual wholesale cost and even less. The savings will surprise sssi. Vvp.iA' I Vtum ttrlirrtt. . 41 r I v hl a : Jill i DRESSES, REDUCED to $3.95 Such values wil! receive your immediate attention!. Every .dress is a style winner! The savings are more than halM The matorials alone are worth the prices that we're asking forthe entire dress. Regular values to $19.50. Coats at Cost Price $12.75 Out they go regardless of cost or loss. Not one must remain Some are luxuriously furred. Others are exquisitely tailored. High grade fabrics! Many copies of Paris imports. 1 Regular values to $47.50. Ensembles Reduced Evening Dresses $8.95 Dress and Sports Ensembles -with long and short jackets. Complete with Frock to matdi .ots, Prints, and- other high type'materia'B. New skirt effects and fascinating trimmings. Regular values to $45.00. $6.75 Choosing .from this greatly under-priced group you'll effect savings of a lifetime! Sleeveless styles for .e-ning, dance and theatre wear A Y ssj of high type materials . Choicest of colors and trimmings. Annette Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Limited Third Avenue and Fifth Street