T-ihT. August c, mo THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Here's Stomach-joy For You. Local Items Light, Flavory, Easily Digested 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. J. It. Gosse. Phone 686. B. Moore is visiting in the city from Terrace and is registered at the Prince Rupert Hotel. aaBSSH With all the bran of the whole wheat When fusty appetites are hard to please, these crisp, oven baked, flavory shreds of whole wheat give zest to the meal ind energy for work or play. Delicious with whole milk and, fruits. No, 1 A Folding Kodaks From $12.25 No 2 C Folding Kodaks From 518.50 KODAK TIME Brownies from . . .' $2.25 Vest Pocket Kodaks $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks 'rora $11.25 No. S A Folding Kodaks Fr6m t, $84.00 ' Cine KodJftc (Movie), f . 3.5. lens ? $100.00 Kodak Films, all sizes in stock. ' Developing and printing foramuteurs. Daily service. Quality finish. Grines 7fic Pioneer Druejeists THIRD AVE. 6 SIXTH ST. 'TELEPHONES 8? ,200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllnci f rom I'rlnre Knprrt for VASCOl VKK. VICTOUI.l. Swanton Ifcijr. Itutrtlale. Alert Hay. ftc. Tur- dajr. 3:30 p.m. fcir VANCOUTKK, tlCTOKIA. Ilutnlalr. Alert llaj. ete.. rrMay mlduUlit I'ur ALICK ARM. ANVOX, SIMYAKT. NaJt Klter, Iurt thiiiMin, bun-da), 8:00 p.m. tl ltKT MMI'SON AM) WALLS ISLWIl. TnurtOar. Vn IB tad Airnuc KM SMITH AtetH ITInrr Uuiwrt. II.C. Tt rough (Irkrtt sold to Victoria and teatll .and baggage checked llimych to ileMlnatlon. .A CANADIAN WBirinr Auuwr B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES mil 101 iiiom I'RiNre ltii'tUT To Krtrhlkan. Wrangrll. Jnnrau and Skafway AU(iikt t. 9. 12. 18. 10. IX M To Vancouver, VI ra and 5-atlle- August S. 7. IB, II. 17. 21. 21, U. l'ltlN( i:sx MA l(Y Onn ln. nr., VacwMMir and Victoria eierjr Friday 10 p.m. Agents (or all SteamUilp Llnra W. P OKCIIARI). OKM RAL AOEXr Ird Ai, . ITInce Rupert. IC rhone 31 Canadian National QTjc Largcft TKnilway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE i!!l:H frnrn ruiVCK RITr.KT for VANrOI'tnt, VJtTOKIV WKATTI.K. nd Intrrmnllate point. Monday, ThunMlaya, 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 7 p.m. tot ANVOX and STKWAUT. Mondays. S p.m.; Ithlays, 4 p.m. lur MASSKTT INLET POUTS. Mondays. S p.m. tit MHTji tjl i;r.X CHARLOTTE lLAMS, fortnightly orsKAUUAv. Wednesdays. 4 p.m. " - f I'am;mii.m tkaih i.i:ave rniNt f. i rr.KT "ui.v except simiay at it go a m fr riti.vri: geoiuu:, kiimov-ION', VHNMIttl. all Klts ta-trrn Canada, Inltrd Mate. AflENl'Y A 1.1. OCEAN STEAMSHIP L1XES Uty Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave- Prince Rupert Phone 2G0 CAUSE AN EFFECT Kvorylwdy decries the fretiueiicy of the Forest Fire even the people who cause' them. Too much time is spent in, bewailing the effect, not enough in analysing the cause. I'MIN CARELESSNESS was the cause of Eighty Per Cent of our Fire Losses last year. PREVENT FOREST FIRES -YOU CAN HELP IHCITISII COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE 1)0 you read the classified advertisements? j Mrs. C. L. M. Giggey In another Terrace visitor in the city, registered at the Prince Itupcrt Hotel. Mrs. L. E. Bacon was a nas- senger aboard the Prince Charles last evening making the round ' ' trip. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Silver- sides and family left last night on the Prince Charles .to make the round trip to the Islands. Miss R. Plunkett who has been making a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stork, Atlin Avenue, sailed last night on the Prince Charles to make the round trip to the Islands. Misses Evelvn and Dnrnthv Macdonald sailed last evening on the Prince Charles for the Island to spend a holiday v&iyng at Mrs. Rajout's summer farm home at Tien. At the meeting of the citv council last night the reauest of Miss Arabella Stewart to take over the property held by; t the LceK estate under the soldiers housing scheme was granted. The city council meeting last night lasted only a very brief period. There were present Mayor McMordie, Aldermen CoIIart, Prudhomme, Macdonald, Dlbb, Rudderham, Brown and Orme. At the city council meeting last night a request from the Exhibition Board asking that the Iroad to the exhibition building be put In good shape before the fair, was referred to the board of works for action. Mr.' Hoffman. Canadian N'a tlonal moving picture man. sailed last night on the Prince Charlea to make the round trip to Stew art. Anyox and the Islands. He Intends taking pictures of the northern country while on the trip. ANNOUNCEMENTS Leif Erikson picnic August 11 Catholic Ba?.aar, October 2 and 3. 158 Mussallem M EAT MARKET PHONES 81 AND 18 WEEK-END SPECIALS ROUND STEAK ROAST Per Ib .28i GOOD SHOULDER ROAST Per lb 18c, 25t LEKF MINCED While you wait. Per Ib 20c BEEF CUTTINGS Per lb. . .20c- Cooked Meals and Fowl for Picnics Order Early nnd Cutch First Delivery , FRESH FRUIT AND , '"'VEGET A'llLES PIUS 8 lb, for 25c TOMATOES Per lb 25e HEANS-Per lb. 15c f RASPBERRIES 15c PLUMS Basket ..90c BANANAS Oibsrfor ...... 50r Also Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Grapes at Low Prices Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited i 117-123 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&81 P. O. Box 575 "" Stonewall Jackson Cigars contains a "Poker Hand." Buy the packet pack and save the "Poker Hands." ST0N P JACKSON E W4 1 1 m CIGARS V Pocket Pack of Five for 25c. There were 11 cars of fish on this morning's train going east. Morley Shier arrived in the city on the Catala from Stewart this morning. Inspector Spiller left on this morning's tram for the Peace' River district on official duties. I Mrs. J. Gurvich was a passen-! ger aboard the -Prince Charles last night making the round trip to the Islands. , The board of works of the city' eouncil last night reported in favor of a cinder path on Borden Street and a bylaw was ordered to be drawn Providian for Us construction. Robert Thompao charged with having liquor in the abode of an Indian, will come up in the police court again tomorrow' morning wbe Magistrate McClymont will give hia decision. Mrs. Fred Cameron returned to the city this morning from a brief holiday trip at Anyox, where she has been Wait Ing with her son, Clifford Cameron, who is in the employ of the butcher shop there. ATTENTION ELKS! Regular meeting B.P.O.E. in Elks' Home on Tuesday night August G at 8:30. 178 9Ji4TE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Modern five roomed flat in Wallace Block. Apply ftorW.rt' 183 "I wag all run .1. ami out o pities before tn th .1 buby aa bom, so Idt-ciJnit. try Lydia t. rtnkham's Vegetable .impound at I haj heard so muUi about it. It helped me with all in . troubles anil me an appetite m Uere before I Save id n't eat at ail and had to stop wotk and reit every onoe in a while. 1 did all nf mv Knu.u.,,1r im tn ociorca leei 4uKlandMtHrnd-- will answer any lettes! and I will tell every one how gxd ! dia E. Pink-li.im'i Vegcrabk- ( nlound it." Mrj. Ird Arnold, Box tJ, Rocklalce, hlunh Dakota. R .M .Hampton was a passen-. ger aboard the Catala this after-' noon for Vancouver. T. E. Kennedy was an arrival in the city this morning on board , the Catala from Stewart. II. Comer, Stewart taxi man, arrived in the city on the Catala from Stewart this morning. v lit at ft i it i E. C. Giilingham and C. B. Brennan were among the passengers arriving here this morning from Alice Arm, on the The case in which Nick Gur-vlch was charged with having liquor for sale was this morning dismissed by Magistrate irs...j. wens sauea mis auer-i Ancrn. st.rt anrl Jnhn llnrrf. noon on the Union Steamship , ing were bolh convicted of vag-Catala for ajtrip to Vancouver, j rancy ,n the court thu morning and fined $10 each or Miss B. Horstman of Stewart 8even daTS- was a passenger aboard the Ca-j tala today going south to Van-, Mrs Redd,Ci Fourth Ave- ,cft cpuyer. I E. J. Smith of G. W. NIckerson Company, returned to the city on the CatalK-frorrr'ttuslri&s trip to Anyox. Winnifred Teabo was among the passengers arriving in the thla afternoon for West Vancouver, where she will visit with her niece, Mrs. B. R. Harrison of Dunderave. Miss Hilda Johnson, who for Hie past couple of months has been working at Stewart, retur " ned to the " city on the Catala icTty on the Catala this morning I , . ., ,tnls morning. 11 vim niyuA. I Mr. and Mrs. W E. Colllson Mrs. L W. Waugh and daugh-and daughter left on the Catala ter, Genevieve, accompanied by this afternoon for a holiday trip her mother, Mrs. J. R. MacDon-to Vancouver. .aid, left this morning on the train to spend a few weeks holidaying Mrs. J. II. Pillsbury sailed last at Terrace, evening on the Prince Charles to, make the round trip to Stewart, Retail merchants' picnic to Anyox and the Islands. Digby Island, Thursday, Aug. 8. j t Boats leave Salvage Dock at 2 Mrs. R. E. Benson sailed last P-m. Coffee, tea and ice cream night aboard the Prince Charles nrovided. AH merchants and fam-to make the round trip to Stew- IHes and clerks invited. 182 art Anyox and the Islands. j I Lewis Astoria of the local Ex- Mra. 8tv- King and children press office returned to the city sailed this afternoon on the Ca- from Kelowna on board the tala for Vancouver en route to prince Charles yesterday, where the Old Country. Mrs. King ex- jpect to be gone for over a year. i 1 Tho United States speed boat "Brant" arrived in port yesterday afternoon, on board which was Dr. C. A. Crampton who left on this morning's train for St. John-burv. Vf-rmont. HALIBUT SALES ; American Eagle, 30,000, Booth Fisheries, 12.5c and 8c. F.xcell, 24,000, Cold Storage, 1 1 1- and 8c. Gloria, 8,000, Booth Fisheries, Kl.tic and 8c. i Bettyi 9,000, Pacific Fisheries, i:?.6c and 8c. Star. 9,500, 13.6c and 8c. Augusta; 13,000, ies, 13.8c and 8c. j Sherman, 10,000, Atlin Fisher-; ies, 13.Cc and 8c' ! Condor, 5.500, Royal Fish Co., 13.c- and 8c. Rli'nieri 5,900, Cold Storakei, 13.W and 8c. BASEBALL Tonluht at Gl 13. Elks. S.O.C. vs. he has been spending the past month and a half relieving the express agent there. How To Make A Diamond . Grow We have a proposition by which you can start Avith a email stone and through time you will have a Pacific Fisheries,, 0lu"c s,ie 'uur H.w,re- Simply get one of the size you Atlin Fishea- can afford now, say $25, and wear . , ....... , 1 Tamilian Also, 21,000, Cold Storage, 12.7c itnd 8c. Balsuc I, 15.000. Atlin Fisheries, 12.Gc and 8c. it till you have say another $25. Then the first stone can be returned at the original price on a $50 stone; continuing the operation as desired. "Y-v in t T") r rn y7 (inj rjEWELLErS THC STORE WITH THE CLOCN SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Surplus Wallpaper .i 33 1-3 DISCOUNT ' 'REMNANT ROOM LOTS ' ! Jl'.GOto J2.00 A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale and Retail Paint Distributors SPECIAL to clear Cheese Cloth ' In packages of 5 yards at,porpkg. 25C 10 yards at, per pkg.. .tfflc J. A. Kirkpatrick SIXTH STREET S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Colli 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert, B.C