Ten Years Ago n Pr ncei Rupert '! i' r f, ! I'"'1 In: ' t:.k."' t!v I-' I. ' Jl. A ' nit" v. l;r' ' Ot:r. )!.. r. i; f t,.tir , nf :! 1. 1'. llt'l'l r. i i . , 1 , iifriist C, 1929 August 6. 1919 ,;, oi i?oto)vp Spruce and i Limited, with head j Vancouver, has been u,,h a capital of ?25,000 purpose of acquiring and ,,.,! as a oinj? concern ri i , xhinide and sawmill ruined on by George t lieorge town under the i ho Georgetown Spruce wis 'a linen shower given it ;it the home of Mrs. lagno, Borden Street, for ,1 , Ryan, whose marriage , T Malony df Seattle, is , i l ice tomorrow. A large , ,,i triends of the bride iV. i . present and some very i valuable articles were hut. .I by the guests. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert ,,M.Tt Shelling and daugh i. ,,it ; Mrs. L. G. Skinner, '.,iy; F. C. Wasson, VIc-i M. Atlian Kent, Provi-olut A. Lundberg, II. A. ;. V. A. Gordon, Vancou- i;. Lind, Smjthers; Mr. A. 11. Brown, Marjorie i'l'i.iKlyn ; J. K. Thomp-i: ( . Villey, Vancouver; J. ;,: -ii. 1.. Msrr,. Port Es-I: B. Lucas, Lowe Inlet; nular, Inverness; N. R. A I. C. Parnell, MIm Joe Vancouver; A. Mack- .(land; T. Radley, Ed-A. G. Thoran, J. H. n G. M. like, J. Cum-Vancouver; W. A. Math-n w.irt. I ViNaughton, B. Mar M Johnson, Vancouver; G. ii. Kimpton, Ont; M. WI1-.ouvcr; D. Moore, Ter-- A Winton, E. A. Culbut v I'orter Lyon, Pasadena, Mrs. Finklernen, Rrandoh; 1 illie, Vancouver; Mrs. t. '.", Terrace; G. It. .rid family, Smithers; C. ,i.-ton M. I)., Johnsburr; ikI Mrs. W, Johnson. Mr. r-. Ii. Kspesttt, TedesburjiH Central Annil. Eolerfe M Kurke. , Ste1 MM; 8. Watson. Anyox; . i : t r . c i ty ; -8. gmJ th j v Va n-' Mr. and Mrel Johh,.;lule, ill.; J. Sewle, C,-NR.; Jm. !. Tidkwa. "ni.in. Victoria; Frank hirajro; A. Anderson, .r. Vancouver; A. McRae, r. Curl Raratad, city. Savoy 'i Patterson, Poreher; Mrs. Arthur Refg, Werraef V .lohnson, Cawlar; T. A Tl Hiti-hie; Andrew Knudscn, ':ns. Stewart; D. Moreau, ' 1 iinninKham, Port Es- 'J S. Steffonl. Smithers; Hinrne. C.N.U.; W. Law- ly; Carl Ledon, Vancou Roynl M. Bin; Falls; I It. ' I H. Peets. d. R Pantly, C.N.R.; a Wat-: '. L, Fruttt, Ketch!- ""'be. Edmonton; Goo. Winnipeg; R. II. Argue, "'. G. E. Petora. C.N.IU 'in son. Ketchikan; M. K'lmonton; M. SJork, Quality a&d nothing but Quality CLASSIF Su Resorti IEDADV T Where to spend an enjoy, able holiday boating, batlf-Ing, fishing, mountain climbing, etc. K ITSUM G A LLU.M LAKE LODGE Terrace, B.C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum Lake Good fishing, boating and bath ing; beautiful scenery; twenty miles from Terrace. Stage leaves Terrace 9 a.m., Monday, Wednes day and Saturday, $2-return . Rates, $3 . 25 per day . Write for special weekly rates. K. E. DIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace, B.C. hKKKNA UMI KCrORIHNn DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that the nrttfeh Co lumbia ''FUhlni Ii Packing Oompan-'. fishing and patkng Intends to aiply for a lease of the following described roreahbre, situate fronting; on Lot 2, Range 5. Coast District: Commencing at a post planted at a point on the southerly boundary of Lot 2. notice 6. distant about 15 chains from the southeast corner; thence N 65'K to the pro- of Lot 2; thence northerly to mean high water mara; tnence erly following mean high water mark, to the point of commencement, and con- talnlnn len :7!?,w B BRITISH UI-HjUMIIIA rioiitrJ PACKINO CO.. LTD. J. H. Bushnell, Agent. Dated 34th June 1929. FOR SALE FOR SALE Studebaker coach, mechanically guaranteed. Burns anc Co. Ltd. tf FOR SALE Iron and wooden pul-leya, also two pieces shafting. Apply pally Newa, Box xx. (tf) FO,R SALE 3 .se,ts adlustable iron hangers for shafting. Large size- $10 per set. Apply Box 00 Daily News Office. (tf) FOR SALE Six II. P. 2-cylinder 2-cycle Wilson'marine engine In good condition. A bargain. Apply Box 212 Daily News Office. (tf) FOR SALE New house, five rooms, furnished. Lots 8 and 9, Block 44, Section 5. Apply Box 214 DaHy.News. 182 WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Chas. Edwards, at Wallace's. 17 WAITRESS Wanted, apply Prine Rupert Hotel. 182 WANTED Experienced Diesel engineer. Apply Royal Fish Co. Government Wharf. . 181 HOARD AND ROOM BOARD. And Room per month. Phone Green 216. tf June 14th. 1036. LOST LOST Open envelope, containing oil stock certificate. Finder i l i r.i ? pieane rriuru iu iauj i jto Office. 184 flOVEKNMKNT I'KOI'KKTV 1011 SAIJI TBNDCBB wUl be received by the undersigned up to M ixlar, July 15th. 1B2B. for the purchase of the Provincial Police Launch No. 2, now located at Prince Rupert, B.C. i Particular of Launch are as loUews: Length !' " Breadth 8 Draft ,.4'7" OroM Tonnage &....18 BogaMered Tonnaje 13 Powered with (0-34 II. P. Type PPP. Buffalo Engine. Boat ma be Inanected at Prince "Time fr m-elrlng tender for above launrli h;H been extended IhiirMlay, .Mienit Utli." BRINGING UP FATHER IVE STARVED A.UU M"f UFE TO I bsVE ENOUGH MOMEY TO EAT rceGULAlM'- AM' MOW THAT l'E GOT IT, MACOE M& 30 THIS DAILY NEWS PAGE F1YH ERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOR RENT FOR RENT--Furnl8hed flat. Ap! ply Mussallem Grocery. (tf) FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. . tf. FOR RENT Furnished Summit Apartments. Blue 315. : suite, Phone (tf)J PROGRESS The practice of chiropractic Is recognized in forty states of the union. This recognition has been ought and gained by the people who have benefitted through chiropractic. It was not until 1916 that legal recognition was first accorded. For your health's'sake consult DR. W..C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Phone Black 283 " Open Evenings .'.r CIUROPRCTIC EDUCATIONAL FORM BY HOUSE SCHOOL FOR BOYS Ganges Harbor, B.C. Sound Modern jhtducatlon ALL GRADES TO JUNIOR MATKIC Boys taken for holidays Moderate Fees Prospectus on Application UMI ACT Notice of IntrntMi to Apply to Lciue Land . Adjustments given according to obr'new Sp4rUrt InOIetttsr; produce better results. '" Consult 1L lL EYottON CjIIROPRACTbR , 623 Third Avenue i Offk'e 'Telephone Blue 85 Residence Telephone Red 589 Established 1924 In Uie Queen Charrotte Land District. Rupert. B.C., on application to in-jund Recording District of Prince Rap-speotor W. ajplUtr, B.C. Pollot, Prlnceiert, and situate near the mouth of Uas RuBert. B.C. tl Oraham Wnd. The aajhsat or any tender not neos- PacklnR rjompany, limited, of Mascett, sarUy accepted. ib.C , occupation, unimon canners, ln- V. A. ROLLINS. tends to apply for a lease of the follow-PurakiMitur Apwnt. Imr described lands: Foreshore. pmri hiMHi rans,.. vietAria n o. I Commencing at a post planted near ' the southern end of Hidden Island: thence northerly 10 etiains; thence east-erly 5 chains: thence southerly 10 to chains, following low waten thence I westerly to point of commencement, and I containing 5 aeres more or less. LANOARA FISHINO PACKINO CO.. LTD. Advertise in the Dally News rj,ted My nth. i29 Henry White. Agent. I VJOOUD MOO 1 f iFfOLTWOZ "1 HEUt OUT A 1-ACE- t'O 1 POOR COT ? TOO jOVJ AUCTIONEER T Coolidge Propellers Phone, Day or Night, 564 P. O. Box 151 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc.-SILVERSIDES. BROS. P. O. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies CHEVROLET Sedan, ,....$500 CHEVROLET Sedan .....$150 FORD Sedan $275 'Good Terms and Sixty Days Ser vice on All Used Cars ROSS & MOORE, LTD; Chevrolet Dealers LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lrae Land -' In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate ners. Intends to apply lor a lease of the following described lands: foreshore: Commencing at a post planted one mile South Bast of Spit Point on the Feat shore of Portland Canal: hence East 40 chains following High water mark; thence South 5 chains to low water mark: thence West 40 chains following low water mark; thence North fi chains to locating post; and containing 20 acres, more or less. ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED. "W. E. Walker." Agent. Ditted May 32nd. 1929. ' LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leate Ijind in the Queen Charlotte Land pitlrlct. Land ReoerllBg District of Prinee Rup ert, and situM Durtdas Island Take notice that Langara Flablng V Packing Company, Limited, of Masitett, B. C. occupation. (4iamen. - mi-uos to apply for a lea of tte following described lands: Foreshore. Commencing at a post planted at the erly 5 chains to low water; thence east erly 20 chains: thence southerly to point of commencement, and containing 30 acres, mors or leas. LANOARA FISHINO PACKINO CO.. LTD. By Its Agent. John William 'Moo rehouse. Dated June 7th, 1929. NlOW UlbTt.M' PAL. HAVEN'T EATEU INJ THREE OA7rs- TAKE NOTICE that the BritWh Columbia Fishing & Packing Company. Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C., occupation, fishlnf. and packing. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore, situate fronting on Loti 10, Range S, CoMt District: Commencing! at a post planted at the southwest cor- , ner of Lot 10. Range S. Coaat District; thence -outh 5 chains; thence In a southeasterly direction 15 chains; thence In a le-is. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO Ac PACKINO CO., LTD. J. H. Bushnell, Agent. Dated 20th June, 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Prince Ruperv Land Recording . District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the South Weat coat of Wales Is I land half mile South East of Bartlett i Point. 1 Take notice that Anglo British Colum- 1 bla Packing Company Limited of Van- couver, B.C., occupation, 8almon Cahners. Intends to apply for a lease of tbl J following aencrioru uuias: luieauun; LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rup of commencement, and containing acres, more or lees. Dated May 11th, 1029. EUGENE HUMPHRY SIMPSON. Henry White. Agent. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease l-and In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate one mile South East of, Bartlett Point on, the South West coast ot Wales Island. Take notice that Anglo British Columbia Packing Company Limited ot Vancouver, B.C., occupation, Salmon Canners. Intends to apply for a lease of the Following oewnoea uuias: loresnore; W. E. Walker. bated May 32nd, 1929. Agent. FOUND " " THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OP HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. WONDERFUL TLELLr Queen Charlotte Inlands THE FARM HOME Fine beach and meadows for children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing. . River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cusine. Parties can be met at Skidegate or Port Clements. Wireless few reservations. MRS. RAJOUT Tlell, Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAGE AT BEAUTIFUL FRANCOIS LAKE For Rent By the Week or Month Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. Henkel Francois Lake Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and trucKs from YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate. B.C. LAKELSE LODGE AND HOT SPRING'S Is opened to guests. The lodge Is situated on the shore at Lakelse Lake. Good fly fishing for rainbow trout. The hot springs contain LIthIa' wbjch is fine for rheumatism. Cottage for rent. J.'BruceMohnston, Manager. FOR SALE Kisrrfng boat W. T., 52 feet. hrBgi'beam, ISVi feet. 30 h.p. irisco Standard engine j'eighiyears old, in No. 1 condlft rbone.BIue 15Q. tf CHEAP;- LOTS-ny or all of FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. Apply 330 Third Ave., after six o'clock 187 FOR RENT Modern house near business section. $25.00. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue E. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT furnished house- faeping-rooms by the day, week, PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind or furniture or household goods, musim! instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing andt shipping. Workmanship gua'ranteed. Just phone Black fcl 20 and .we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on nr under the water we do If PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for DJvtpg and General Salvage Work. six SAkOBlng lots Second Av-lFfm HENT Sunerior lurofi flat llo11onT,n PWlnoa eniftv MM APliJL on 2, $125,- each! .piflptrf,. mMnr. He at nil. .... - and 5.00 -a month. lWallace Co. J83 FOR ' SALE Heintiman piano, bedreom suite, library tabl, table lamp, kitchen set, bed. small rug, smoking cabinet, cooking utensils, ete. Phone Blue 606 or apply 330 Fifth Ave. W. (tf) WANTED Scows of all descrip- l?oata .nl or month. Phone Red 607- If . jtiona lor i,narier. FOR RENT Clean, well furnish-j Row Boats and Canoes for hire, ed modern two and three room-ijariians In Gas Engine. PhlneRed 4$?" j AGENTS FOR urooKBuanK uioca. CHIROPRACTIC 181 I van DierrK, r.asipope, mens cc FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME 4 Dining Room Suites; Chester field Suites, Simmons Beds and LAND ACT Notlr of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and tltuat on the South West coast of Wales Is lnd facing Boston Islands. Take notice that Antrlo British Colum Bedding, iLinoleumand Linoleum l.Sio?K cSSl Rugs, Ranges and Kitchen n. Intends to apply for a least of the Hardwa'ra)., ;-,..: We Invite you to call. MacKENZlE FURNITURE PHONE 775 Commencing at a oost olanted on the South West Coast of Wales Island facing the Western extremity of Boston Islands; East forty chains following high water mark; thence South one chain to Low water mark; thence West forty chains following low water mark; thence North to locating post; and containing Ten acres, ruore or less. HKKKN'A LAM) KLCOKDIMJ DISTRICT NOIi BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY, LIMITED "W. E. Walker," Dated May 22nd. 1929. LAND "ACT LAM) ACT Agent. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land nistrlst. south-easterly direction 2S chains, more land Recording District of Prroee Rup-or lew-, to felgh water mark at a point en. and situate at an unnamed point on distant 1C chains, more cr less, westerly the northeast of Zares Island, north of from the southeast oorner of Lot 10: the eastern eatremity oi ihe unnamed thence northwesterly, following high take on Zayes Islaod water mark, to the point of commence- Tike notlce that Euuene H. Simpson ment. and containing 15 acres, more ot and Author Robertson of Uaasett, B.C.. occunstlon. unurrmui. Intend ti snnl 1 for a lease of the fallowing described lands: Foreshore. Commencing at a post planted 200 feet south of high water at the extremity of the"above-meationed unnamed point: thence east 20 chains; thence north 5 chains to low water: thence westerly 20 chains: thence south to point of commencement, and containing 20 acres, I more or less. I -EUOENE HUMPURM SIMPSON, AUTHOR ROBERTON. I By the Arent. John William Moo rehouse. ! Dated Jane 7th. 1929. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Run- jtrw 1 on iiirnvr oo ' iixuiiviicmK a& wi puwu uii w ert, uiu iuave umr uie mourn ui r 1JUA UU I IIUIXI. ii. South West coast oi Wales Island half den Harbor, on Mazorredo Island. i mile South East of Bartlett Point; Take notice that I. Author Robertson, . I thence South East forty chains follow- of Massett, B.C., occupation, mill I In. 1ll.n B.(M V A rV - td.fl tlAllttl nn.MAW In.unrf. . n M ,ua. w. S03IE BARGAINS IN CERTI FIED USED CARS West five chains to low water mark; following described lands: thence North West forty chains follow-, Commencing at a pout planted near tng low water mark; thence North East ' the south east corner of Lot 2719. Maaor to locating post; and containing twenty rtdo liland; thence northly 10 chains; acres, more or less. " , thence easWly 5 chains to low water: , I thenoe frfUowlnK low water southerly 10 ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO chains; Ahf nee westerly to point of com COMPANY, LIMITED. . trrtncnent, ifn4 conuihlng four acres. Dated May 22nd. 1929. more-or less, ARTHUR ROBERTSON. By Henry White. Agent. Dated May 13tb. 1939. LAM) ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Letue Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, ert, and attuate near Klashwun Point. iLand Recording District of Prince Hup Graham Island. i ert. nd situate near the mouth of Maa- Take notice that Eugene H. Simpson hot.t inlet at Seven Mile Point.-of Massett, B.C.. occupation, cannery- Take notice that Langara Fishing A man. Intends to apply for a lease of the packing Compaay, Limited, of Massett, following described lands: Foreshore. b O' occupation, salnwn canners, In-Commencing at a post planted about ! ,wi to ,ni, tar u. of th follow one mue jsouin cat. oi opu rouu ia : snuiu juuuicmwiij imu, .iro ... . i inj, (lesenbed lanes : Uie Baet shore of Portland Canal. corner of Lot No. 2741. Orartun Island; j commencing at a post planted near Take notice that Anglo British Colum thence west 10 chains; thence north 5 the northeast corner of Lot 2299. bla Packing Company Limited ot Van chains to low water; thence east 10 oraham Island; thence westerly 10 couver. B.C., occupation. Salmon Can- , chains: thence south 9 chains to point ehalos: thence northerly 5 chains; thane 8 ; easterly .10 chains following low water: thence soutneriy 9 cnams 10 point 01 commencement, and containing 5 acres, more or less. LANOARA FISHINO & PACKINO CO.. LTD. Henry White. Agent. Dated May 14th 1929. ' LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lee l-and In The Stlkfcfte Laud according District ot British Ooluntfjla, and altuate bout one half toUe Bastetly from the month of the Tuleqvih River, which Into the Taku River about six miles Oommenclnff at a txnt Dlanted one nn.itrMm frnm th Aluka Roundarr mile South East of Bartlett Pc'nit on the. tin Sr.n S.Vt rh.in, toiiowmT hh Tke JuM- B- Stapler water mark; thence South West five of Los Angeles, occupation, mining enchains to low water mark; thence West glneer. Intend to apply for permission forty chains following tow. water mark; purchase the following described thence North East five chains to loca- ting pout; and containing 20 acres, more , , . , . , or leluL Commeaelng at post planted one half mile Easterly from We mouth 01 extremity of land on Arnlston Point. ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO ! Tulseouah River thence East 20 SA. .5 ?ce north- COMPANY. LIMITED. . ohaltu: ?. JT'TaSI? thence North JV'vTSLZ. 30 chains; thence Zl I Wast 30 chains; thence South 20 ' ehauM and eontalnlne 40 aeres, more ?. . or less. ' For quick results try a "want-. jambs b. stapler. ad" in the Dally News. Dated June lot. 149. 220 By George McManus 1 1 r fJ I HAVEN'T E-ATEkl IM SWELX-WKXTS . THAT? fjr I Cr T6M DATfO AM 1 HAVC fit II EJfiHT MORE O&i BsMT''" "" LXWLjx -tvs y."N " : I "" -i' Gim.lrtf II 8"C CKt8rilusC-UrMrM4. , I K.- u-S-J , .1 ... in 1 1 1 1 Si 1 1