.j-., November 26, 1929 TOE DAILY NEWS PAOE THREE IIC JW ' e XMAS CA TAGS LADIES' Coal? Coal? Trt advnnla0rVtlif,,( Put . yourfrinMyl " ami CASSIHY-WELI.IXO. J0N In any quantities. Alw l'our, Hay, cirln and rwd. Prince Rupert Feed Co I'HONES 58 AND 558 'SEALS Etc., huge assortment rates Lut 7; Pioneer Druocists THIRD AVE. f SIXTH S.T. TELEPHONES 8'f,200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED gulling! riiwi Prince Kupm ror VANCOUVEB. VICTOHIA, MttaDWh Uujr. llutrdJlr, Alert liar, tU, Turt-Uur. I -30 p.ni. rr VANCOUVER. VICTOIUl. Ilultdale. Alert llajr. nr., 1'rldar midnight lot ALICE AHM. ANYOX, STLWAUT. NiUw thrr, I'urt hlotpaon, Sun-day. 8:00 p.m. ,j Ind Avenue U M. SMITH Atent Prime Kupert. B.C. ' 11 rough tickets told to Victoria and brattle jnil bauaKe checked through to antiunion. VAcinci B. C. Coast Steamship Services SAILINGS FKOM PKINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Nov. 9 and 23. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Nov. 3. 13, 27. Princess Maoulnna Ocean Falls, etc. Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. Agents For All Steamship Lines , C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave., I'rlnre Kupert, Phone 31 Canadian National Qjd Largefl Railway Splem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Saillnzs from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVBIJ V1Q-TUKIA, SE,TTLE, and intermediate points, each frbjadV, and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. For ANYOX and STEWAKT, each Wednesday and 4 p.m. For NORTH, and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISL,NDS, fortnightly. rir.(st:it tkains j.eave. fkice urmtT , . MOMtW WKDVESfTv iiid Ktll Klf IV "at fr PRINCE (iroKI.K. I.D.MONTON. HlNNH'EO, all mIiiU IMn CKiuula, InllrU Main. AGENCY ALL OCEAW BTEAMMIir LlNEH City Ticket Office 528 Third Ave Prince Ilupert I'ho 20 mm SHOES at 33 per cent. Saving We have just received a big shipment; of Ladies' Shoes in the very latest and up-to-the-miiiute styles. We bought these right and can sell cheaper than the mail order houses. :--L f RUR1JER HOOTS Rubber Boots for men, Rubber Boots for girls-Standard quality in a wide range of sizes. for Christmastide In Men's Wear we have everything that a man needs Shirts, Ties, Hats and Suits in snappy styles. FOR QUALITY AND PRICE SHE MONTREAL IMPORTERS MEEKER BLOCK, THIRD AVENUE TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN nAIKY FOR SKEEC V BltJV Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FKFSII rASTEl'UIZLO MILK AND CKEAM DAILY torly IelJwJhrouhout If VOllr nntwtp ,,nt nrrii-n fpllMlhonC the OffiCl" Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone, 4, Rig 4 Taxi, tf Keep , the date clear. Catholic Women's League Social on Wed nesday night at 8:30. Admission SOc. vi. a.iic iiutvi nuift ccuu juui films to Wrathall's Photo Finish-i Ings, 322 Third Ave. Quick returns!: and careful finishing. We frame! pictures. (tf i Effective Tuesday, November 26 and thereafter, U.S.S. Catala will! sail f rora Prince Rupert for Van-1 fouver and wayports at 1:30 p.m.! instead of 3:30 p,m. i278; I The city council last night for many transferred tne propern taken over at Cow Bay by thr Power Corporation in its deal wal) nc city and also sold the ma fra- -ion of a lot at the same place for 11,000. Complaint was made last nigr.! at the meeting of the city council of the slow action of the Power Corporation in placing a new street light asked for. It was ex olalned that to many of their rv;n had beeri sent out of town on new work arid that they were unable to spare a man to do the work. J ANNOUNCEMENTS ' Catholic Womeos League Soria! November 27. St. Andrew's annual dance No vember 20, United ber 5. Church Bazaar. Decem- Royal Purple bridge, whist and dance, Friday, December 6. Pythian Sister's te& at Mrs. .Shenton's, 530 Eighth Avenue West, Thursday, December 12. Moose whist drive Friday. December 13. Praise Raisqd Jo a Peak uuiLD n. c." and dance gruA. 1 rrnum.-""1 No one could ask for more. These flavored words are taken from Mrs. Harrison's letter: "I have been a constant- user 01 racmc MiiK ior ten years and am never without it. I use 8 to 10 cans X week in winter and as many in summer. It can be used with the greatest success in all recipes calling for milk." PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, B.C. Mussallem'i MEAT MARKET Phone 84 MINCED BEEP -C Qr Per lb AOl BSBP CUTTINaS 4 Qn Per lb ISC POT KOAST QArt Per lb. 18c and5w PRIMS RIBS QA Per lb Ul LOIN PORK OQ Per lb OOi LOIN PORK CHOPS 19n Per lb fial VEAL LOIN CHOPS tZn Per lb Tltlv SHOULDER VBAL Qftf ROAST Per lb , ciUl VIVAre (ow Ready to Book Your AS ElillKRy S ALL FRESH BIRDS Mussallem Grocery Co. Llm'ted 417423 5th Avenue East PHONE 18 AND 81 V. 0. Box 575. Wliiii1 11 1 1 1 1 i 1 Wmm 1 This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. The city council held a brief session last evening, only a few minor matters being attended to. John McCormack is to be heard next Thursday evening between '7 and 7::30 on KOMQ, KQO, KHQ, KEW AND KFI In a rational The city council last evening .received letters of thanks for condolences from Mrs. Olive Daw-son and Mrs. James A. Robb. These weje fHed(;;;; A! ' BfeU-trvina.wkb 4s spehdiriz few days in the city cjni.bu- ess.,,wui salb,bv.t,,tiie,. Pimcrss iJSarah ,tpmorfirw atttmwn OQjW Iturjft, o.yari,aoynf,, ,)., ,i ,in In Seattle in honor of Major L. Bul lock-Webster, formerly pf this city, and his British Columbia players. f who spent last week in- the Sound city, one 01 tnese aiiairs was a luncheon by the Sunset Club. MoiowWn. tJJellingham,. Capt. Hooper, arrimiotfri pnitnat :i73Q ca PRrgq, iovW.thle r Mini.' Many social; functions were given 6t, :Bffln faVloads ,0 fro-. Cna,laS . NaSr'lUlt Provincial Constable , Lance Pot-terton of Stewart ar.ved in the !y on the Catala this mornlns from the north having in ms custody Reggie Rudland, . who has "ieen sentenced to two months' imprisonment on a wilful damage charge. Union freighter Chilliwack. Capt. J. Mulr. arrived In port at midnight last night from the south and. after discharging local cargo which includes coal forMhe dry dock, sailed this afternoon for Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow night to load lumber. Going south, the vessel will take on a cargo of canned salmon n the Skeena River. wenKUsumH Now Enjoys Perfect Health Mr. Francw Kelly of Toronto writ: CUm on s year ago I waa lak. cn aick Mv arMem waa polaoncd a nj m y I il c i n jcrpar. riy. 1 conimcncrd taking Dr. Vataona Tonic Saout. rar con- didon improved anJ now I am in pcrtact health." Thia n an'a etpeirn is not unique. Thuuunda bt-ar witiiraa t thealmoat niirinnikim, rrnulta obtainnl from uaing-thiaccaturyld Englub Ix ratso-tonio. Dr. Wataon's Tonlo Stout and Ale hate brrn oiade in Kngland ain i-1837. A 7Se packace BiaJua 3 caliuaa. I Sold kr M. Allen Co.. Limited 1SW Itlchunl- s... n(iuri, I, lit.. ,... Ormrs Ltd. I'rlnre Inrr ltuprrt, Jt HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel 120 Rooms Room 50c and up SWANSON and BESNEU Proprietors Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's lending family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PKUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy Mr. and Mrs; J. E Moraes. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Dudoward and son land Mrs. N. C. Dudoward,. Port Simpson. . Dentist, Dr. J. II. Gosse, Phone 686. II. Worsfold ofSeal Cove sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. -A. Stone returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a business trip to Anyox "and Stewart. Rev;5wrBv Jenrilngsjteturned to the city ott the, Catala this morn ine from Alice Arm where .he con ducted Anglican Church services on Sunday. The appointment of Dr. Carl Ewart as medical health officer and inspector for the schools of Fort aeorge aisinci nas Deen re scinded, the B. C. Gazette an nounces. Union steamer datala, Capt. A. E Dickson, returned to port at 10:30 this morning from Anyox, 3iwart and other northern points of call and sailed at 1:30 pm. for Vancouver and wayports. At the city council meeting last nleht, the letter previously pub- At an executive meeting held yesterday of the Caledonian Dio TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE McClary Belle-Oak heater in splendid condition. Ap-d'v Durren, 909 Seventh Avenue East. (277) Billiards tonight. Orotto vs. Canadian Legion. Three basketball games tonight at Exhibition Hall. First game at 7:30, Mrs. Harry Llpsett, formerly of j this city, was among guests at a bridge Dartv Riven last week In' Vancouver -by Mrs.. Charles . Walsh and her daughter, Mrs. John E. Gordon. -..( . ,, . E. F. Cribb. general manager of J the Pacific Salvage Co., who has been at cape Decision, Aiasxa, m connection with the salvaging' there of the American steamer! Depere, arrived in the city last evening from Ketchikan aboard! the coastguard cutter Cygan and! will be here until tomorrow aftor- ( noon when he will proceed to Van- couver on the Princess Norah. ! 1930 MUNICIPAL VOTERS' LIST TAKE NOTICE, trtft' the. Oourt pf Revfrtrn to correct nd revise the above Voters' Llrt will sit cn December 10. '028. ft 10 .m. In the Council Crwm- fcer. City Hall. The sMd Oourt wUl hear lished thanking the City for the and determine any application to strike splendid reception given Premier i rut th prm of ny jreon who ha Mackenzie Klnz on the occasion :en improperly piseed on aid nt. or of his visit was read, and filed. to place fln ald list the name of an) person improperly onrotea inernrom. , E. F. JOJfES. (379) City Clerk. cesan Board of the Women's Aux- - imary. Mrs. Robert Bartlett was 'CORPORATION OF T"F. CITY OF elected secretary and Mrs. J. Johns PRINCE RUPERT was clcr ted editor of "The Living r Message." , TAKE NOTICE THAT: i 1. The Council of th Coroora- Mr and Mrs. R. E. Haack were,tlon of the City oj Prince Runert passengers arriving last night at(fnnd"i to construct a concrete Stewart on the Catala. Mr. Haack sldaiv twelve feet wld on the to be the new manager of theixouth side of Third Avenue fron 3ank of Montreal at Stewart, sue-1. Tot M. Block 34. Section 1 to Mc-cecding R. T. Crosby, who has been Bride Street, as a local' Improve- - rannerred to Vancouver and who ment. and Intends to. specially ai- vlll be going south within the next few days with his wife and lamiiy, sprs the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work, except such nortlon of the cost as is Incurred at street Intersections. 2. The estimated cost of the work is $15645.00. of which $38453 is to be paid by the Corporation, and the estimated annual sneclal rato ner foot frontage, Is $1.93. The sneclal assessment Is to be paid in zo annual instalments. 3. Persons desiring to petition against undertaking the work must WAITED Interior decorating. Ex-' do so on or before the 28th day of pert workmanshlD. Painting, kal- somlnlng. panel hanging. Prices very reasonable. Call Suite 11. White Apartments, Fourth Avenue East. (280) saw Decern oer, 1923. E. F. JONES, City Clerk. Dated this 23rd day of November, 1929. f Ml "Eat . t I "I think Lydia E PirJchara'a Vegetable Compound Is wonderful! I have had six children of which four are living and my youngest 1 a bo rime baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds. I have taken your medicine before each of them was bora anil have certainly received great benefit from it, I urge my friends to take it as I am sure they will receive the same help I did." Mrs. Milton McMuIIen, Vanasa, Ontario. EXTENSION OF TIME Notice is hereby given that the time for the reception of tenders for "Houseboat. West Coast Hy-drcuraphlc Service" Is extended to Saturday, December 7, 1929. A. JOHNSTON. Deputy Minister, Department of Marine and Fisheries. Ottawa. November 26, 1920. (277) CANADA'S NATIONAL November 22 to November 29 Support Home Industry Best Food M Fish" ore (V your Best Food i