TOMORROW'S TIDES Wmm UStfaffc Boston Grill mm LABQE CABARET .: Wednesday, November 27 Bpc!U Dinner Tbundtyt ud Bturdj 10:58 90.8 .ft.... 1 High b . 23:14 p; a.; '. Oapcla Every Saturday Night, to It Dinoe UaU lor Hlr Low 17:12 Atoommodatioiu (or. Private Parties f re NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER rilONE 457 VL C.KICCT-L- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, NOV. 26, 1929 PRICE' FIVK'-CENTS Canada to Be Given Deal With Her Own Shipping and With Foreigners in Canadian Ports MONTREAL, Nov. 26. The Gazette today published the following from Ottawa: "Remarkable success resulted from the work of the Canadian delegation headed by Wnn. Ernest Lapointe which attended in London a confer- pnce on the operation of Dominion legislation and meiv chant, marine siummig leyisutuuji. mi main points ior which they contended were granted, including the power of Canada to set up her own admiralty courts and complete SEVEN-YEAR I LIMIT NOW I I I A D AT ICOrn 1 A lL?VJuiaUlXl-lX Kl 1 1 .lilti r.l J 1 . .. n.,1lnr Mail h Rrlfich Government vnn ivrajiotv iu Imperial Pension Privileges RrCilNA, Nov. 20 At the Domln-oi rinvention of the Canadian Le-l n : f the British Empire Service SAit-un yesterday, Lieut-CoL La-r." the president, read a tele-crani from the British minister of men year limit for pension applt - !, i '-3 Viii in effect, be abolished hv it British government and that , i f " ins no applications for pen- C jiv Imperial ex-service men : w . 1 be rejected on the ground "a .'seven-year limit from date j cfr charge had expired. Th" new ruling affects thous-, E!"t3 Imperial ex-service men in Cornea, Prince George Man Is Killed By Automobile A Hegram was received this irr-.r-'nir at divisional headquar- tcj ijt he provincial police heret mi; that Joseph Smith had i , : dv an auiomooiie on Gr Street in Prince Oeorge last r. ht and killed. The car was held in custody on a technical c:.arjs of manslaughter. Revision Court Is Appointed' On ration of Aldermen Rudder- - t:;u Macdonald. it was deciaea '':. city council last night that 's-zirv CollarL Dlbb and Prud-1 r.-.:s iini the mayor should be a :;f r f vlslon for the city voters" ttL- December 10 at 10 a.m.. in ' 7 hall to hear any complaints i r :r..:n"Uon with the lists. Chinese United Repel Invaders "TOON. Nov. 26. Word re-1 hrre indicates that the C worrlnir faction are a-t.;;ng to the danger of the r invasion and are uniting to rvi the invaders. Allowance For Depletion In Mines Raised OTTAWA. Nov. 26. Base metal J " will hereafter be allowed a arr.:c.jn of 33 1-3 when calcu-f' "3 profits for Income tax. Mln-'1' cf National Revenue W. D. n announces. Formerly the Arabs Attack The British . 1 -J . . r':- ' ;r participation in the riots h, 'ttmer, something like three Araos attacked the Brit I'iT'crdav at Jnnnn rr "t B, C. Beftls wrnto nsklnir for r "faa Bt. ftnrt Flvnth Av jnung that the corner was "C Idler Wf. unl in .,(llltl. Authority to -uuuiuruy over an snips registered I In Canada and all ships of foreign registry using Canadian ports or engaging in Canadian coastal trade. An Important result of the confer- ence is the decision to recommend to the next Imperial conference next ..i fall 1 the -I. removal of 1. all . con- . lautuMuuu aiaaoiuues, particularly " V?ey affect Mdk. e British RMUnt wlU tatrodwse legisUt-s hon repealing the statutes in the colonial laws to give validity to the aci. Duty of Canada To Veterans Is Clearly Stated REOINA. Nov. 26-'The duty of the people of Canada to the war veteran of this Dominion is not complete. Their task is not done there is five per cent or two Per cent or even one per cent to 'hom Justice has not been done," said the minister of national de- fence in a stirring address to the third annual convention of the uauautau ixum ncre yesterday afternoon. "The attltud e oi me government as exp: rested by the Prime Minister is to sec abase all -UBttce and fair met" ta"4e'-' corded to returned mert. he sald'.f . i - V I TORONTO STOCKS' MeOMfery Otbbmw and collart Falconbrkle, ,6.05. 6.10. Abana. IDS. 1.07. Amutet I TS. IM. Hollhiier 5.00. 5,25 Iildlr.fuiu) .. .. I Hudson Bay International Lakexhore, Mandy. 46, 50. .. Nlpisslng, l.M, 1.95. Noranda. 34.30, 34.50. Sherrltt Gordon. 3 65. 3.70. Sudbury Basin 4.35 4 40. Teck HuKhes. 5.05 5.10. Tread well Yukon Nil, 7.50. Ventures. 3.00. 3.20. Mining Corporation 3.25, 3.30. Home Oils. 11.00. 11.50. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtew S. D. Jetomton Co.) Beaver Silver. 8. 9. Bi Mtori. NP. 67. Cork Province 5 54-Cotton Bet. 30, 40. Duthie. 42. Nil. Omkc Cooper. 275 235. Owria River lt. Nil, Oolconda. 16, TB. .., n, Orandview. JSVlr 34, t, . Inter. Coal is Ook. 24 M. Kootenay Florence 84. 0. f Kootenav Klnc. 9V4, Id.-. Lucky Jim. NIL 9.. , Mohawk. 2 3. Morton Woolsey. 2, Nil. Mrmot River'OoW. . 27. Marmot Meta's. NO. 2. Noble Five. 42. 43. Oregon Cooper. 14U 16Vi-Pend Orei'le 3.10. 3 JO. Pioneer OoM 75. L00. Premier 167 1.6 Porter-Idaho. 26. 30. Reeves MacdonaW 1 06. 1.10. Ruf"-AreenU. OH. NO. Ruth-Hooe 22, 23. Silver Crtst. 6. 6. Silverado. 30. NO. Slocan Rambler. 6. 7. Snowflake. 16. 17. Tooley RlchfieWi 5. 6. Wellington. 4 4.. Whitewater. NO. 27. Oeorge Enternrie, 15, 1?. - Oil " Astwcialserti L30; .1.3fc Reent Nil. 34. Foothills, Nil. 2.W. Advance, 5.00. NH; A. P. Con.. 1.85, 1-88. Calmont. 106 l.OT. Dalhounie, 1.75. 1.80. DevenLsh. Nil. 28 Fabyan Pete. 8. Jftt. Tlnrn 1130. Illinois-Alberta, 3fi. 40, Mayland, 2.78., UooV tn 'Mr.DouB.-Seur. 1 McLeod. 2.10. 2.20 Royalite. 6S.00. 70.00. Freehold. 63. W. Hanral. 95. 100. Sterlhig Pacific, 1.21. 1.23 United. 72. 76. C. & E. Corp.. 3JW, Mill City, 5.50, 6.00. PRICE OK WHEAT VANCOUVER. Nov. 26: The price of wheat here today was $1.35. i LABORITES WIN , VOTE IN HOUSE LONDON, Nov. 26: The Laborite government won a victory in the House of Com- mons yesterday when an op- positlbn amendment for re- Section of the unemployment insurance bill was defeated 269 to 213 and the bill given its second reading. Liberals supported the government on the measure. Ripple Rock Is ! Again Question VANCOUVER Nov. 26 - The Vancouver Merchants' Exchange proposes to urge upon the government or".e again the need for action In regard to the removal of Ripple Rock in the centre of Seymour Narrows. Although Ottawa informed shipping interests of British Columbia early iu the summer that tenders ' would' rc called, nothing has been : done and considerable dissatlsfac 1 tion is being expressed here j The focgy season is here, and the danger to navlpt.ion offered by' the pinnacle in the narrow gate-' way of the main inland passage of this coast is magnified by the weather conditions. Grain Elevators For France Are Being Planned COULOMMIERS, France, Nov. 26. France Is to have a modem sys tem oi grain elevators, strange as it may seem there are but few ele vo trr. ttt TiVan atiri mntt rtf tVtnca that are modern are at the ports France's wheat crop Is stored rather haphazardly. Jean Hennes-sy, minister- of agriculture, told a congress of farmers here that the government, would help to build enouch up-to-date elevators to iJinandle 30.000.000 bushels, a tenth of cars iiaticsi. Ikl. l L. . . It is the lack of storace facilities to which Hennessv thinks is duiL.rtt mucii oi me wiue iiucvuauuu jji rain prices. Small farmers sell 8 lelr wheat immediately after har vest and the market Is glutted. The government has an "agricultural credit fund to loan on warenouse receipts but as there aren't many warehouses the fund is of slight use. Wheat is sacked as soon as threshed. Part of the crop is threshed as soon as it has dried after harvesting, but much of it Is stored In the stalk in barns and sometimes In the open, protected with a roof of straw. The loss is heavy through dampness and deterioration. Shortage of threshing machines has much to do with this condition. To remedy this Minister Henneaay Is encouraging co-operative owning of modern threshing machines. Old-fashioned threshing, with a horse turning a machine genera tions old still is used In many parts of France. Now and then one sees hand threshing, the beating with fulls of the grain scattered on a spot of smooth ground. Much of the hand threshed grain is damaged by the flails. New Apartment Near Victoria VICTORIA, Nov. 26. Erection of a $40,000 apartment block in the Oak Bay district, to be .ready by March i. win oe commenced snort ly, it was announced this morning by J. Moxam. Tenders are being called for the structure, which will be located at the southwest corner of Beach Drive and Satellite Road, near the Beach Hotel, and one of the highest points in me oak Bay district. Tne prop erty has a frontage of 115 feet on Beach Drive. BUCKAR00S BEAT LIONS - I'ortlanif Took Pacific Coast Hockey League Lead as a Result Of Last Night's Win VANCOUVER, Nov. 26.-After playing three scoreless periods, Portland Buckaroos in less than Lbn minute in overtime r . . . . i . an i . i x , period i , . jucceeucu in iwisung vnc inns oi the Vancouver Lions to the extent ef one coal to win last nieht's Pa - 1 ciflc Coast Hockey League fixture I here one to nil. The victory boosts ) Portland Into the league leaders hip. j Dominican President Hon. Horaclo Vasratz Vimf. . pa-i-aiit: of Santa Domingo, is helper1 from his automobile on his ai-'val ;n BaHl.r.are The distinguished offitial was bro ght m an airpiane from Santa Domingo to un-iergo a surgical op ration. Only One Man Was Taken to Hos-.pital as Result. of Blast Which Rocked Grangemouth, Near Glasgow i.i. Nov. 26.-4-The xail( tanker JJriUsh'ChemlsU iwUlch; Arrived i at GranRfrmoutlt oniiMonday with a cargo of ten thousand tens of erude oil exploded last night Three terrific blasts shook the whole town but only one man was taken to hospital. Another shin in the harbor caught fire, the flames spreading to the tanker. Labor Likely To Hold Office In England Long VICTORIA. Nov. 26 The Ram- sav Macdonald government has made a good start by capturing the imagination oi tne enure woria with its fearless policies and there is every reason to believe that it: will remain In office for a lona time. ' says K. A. Steele, solicitor, of Hall- the proper place for the new ter-fax. Eng., who has Just completed minus. It is posslb'e that none of a six months' tour of Canada and!hn bov mentioned towns will is staying here for a short holiday before returning home. The new government of Great Britain, as Mr. Steele terms it. is iraDDlInK with he.-culean problems in a businesslike manner and. with resolute determination, has already demonstrated that it is entitled to:cring peace by creatine a new a fair break in the eniorcement or its policies. The leaders of the Liberal and Conservative parties are too astute to join forces to defeat the new government, Mr. Steele believes, as such a move would undoubtedly react against them and In all probability result in the Labor party being returned to power with an overwhelming majority. EDMONTON CANNOT TAX TRUCKS COMING bliUM UUTMUK HI l EDMONTON. Nov 26: Maris tratc Primrose declared a section of a city licensing bylaw ultra vires, when he upheld the conten tion of C. H. Grant K.C., that the city has no rieht to tax trucks fepming into the cltv from outside Me city limits. Mr. Grant was ap pearing for Ed. Mason, wetasuwin, charged under a section of bylaw 54 of 1926. with not having a city license for his truck. Mason's truck was used for bringing produce 1 1 the city and hauling back merchandise to his customers In and a round Westas- kiwln, and it was argued by Mr. Grant that the council naa- no authority under the city charter to pass a bylaw compelling Mason to take out a license from the city for his truck. Sick in Baltimore WEAL ISSUED .. . Chinese Government Asks ' League of Nations to Intervene Arainst Soviet Invasion . NANKING, Nov. 2GThe -council ,of the Chinese govern-i menti today addressed an ap-' peal to both the League of Nations-and the individual signatories of the Kelloc Peact Pact to take steis to halt and punish the Russian Soviet for its Invasion of Chinese teerritory. The invasion wa termed a deliberate violation of the anti-war pact." ALICE ARM WATCHES PEACE OUTLET FIGHT; SEES NEW TERMINUS Alice Arm Herald Vancouver. Prince Rupert and Stewart are again indulging in that nonu'ar winter pastime of nl"in before he r.nbM; their ad- vantaee as the terminus of the reace reiver rauroaa. ruouc ooaies wen recently formed in the two former towns for the purpose of giving publicity to their right as become the shipping port for Peace ; River products, but that a new I port wMl be loated. Peace among these three towns as to who shall hand'e the nroducts of this north- em land of peace and plenty seems remote. The railroads may port on the coast and appro- prlately name it Peace. Leave To Appeal Low Sentences VICTORIA. Nov. 56 Leave to the crown to appeal for revision of sen tences imposed on Lee Kim, Henry Chan and Mah Poy, on the ground that terms imposed by a Vancouver auate. was granted by Mr. Justice Martin in appeal court chambers, in a decision given at tne ciose oi argument here. Victoria Towboat A Operator Is Dead Capt. II. V. Wilbur Died In Capital Yesterday: Was Seventy-five Years Old VANCOUVER. Nov. 26.T-Caot. H. V. WObur. proprietor of the Wilbur Towing Co., died at his home here yesterday. He was seventyWlve years of age. Mrs T J Marsh is in the city visiting with her daughter. Mrs. James Farquhar, Agnew Place. 'President of Prohibition Association Sees Government I In League With Rum Runners I VANCOUVER, Nov. 26. Charging-that the Domin-, ion government is operating in collusion with American outlaws to violate the laws of a friendly state, Rev. R. J. Mclntyre, organizer of the British 'Columbia Prohibition Association, at their annual meeting urged delegates to take some action on the rum running question, j "How long will the federal authorities permit boats armed with poison booze and flying the Union Jack to ; sally forth under cover of night to invade the United ; States?" the speaker asked. After trial of the licence svstem, he declared he is more than ever convinced that total prohibitic n is the only legislative solution of the Jiquor problem. , Great Future For Coal Fields Alaska Territory ' WASHINGTON, D.C.. Nov. 26: A new coal age following the tremen dous strides cf science and the i tionally. making ud the general utUizatlon of mineral my sound scheme of decorations here in the i development at Alaska's rich; honor of the visitation 0f His underground elds of fossil ferns .Honor the Lieutenant Oovemor and trees. "For in Alaska lies ajDr. Egbert and party was a fiery great proving ground. Last year cross mUtd to the flair Dole of the mines In the Territory niUfllllAM produced more man lzo.uuu tons oi coai. The statement was made by Ernest Walker Sawyer, executive assistant ' to Secretary Wilbur. Mr. Sawyer continued: "Yet geololgists estimate resources exceed' 53,000,00a tons. Several com- anies are contemplating the UU possl . ... cmi i.. .a i v.i. i. .fields' f0r'ip6plrin il&iS1 'method methods of AT&lenM -science "for "for transform- transform flu:rict are beginning, to see red lng into number of valuable industrial-products." It was pointed out that only one-fifth of Alaska was surveyed and that the geologically total known mai fuw 4nri,,rfo np i9non mii, And that of thiiarp lsnn'miiA nr believed to be underlaid by workable coal. Little Is known of the remainder of the Territory and its coal mineral nnxih1IitlpK Tt 1 k-nmiTi however, that coal Indications have been found from the Panhandle In southeastern Alaska tp the Arctic Ocean. Sawyer is convinced that the immense coal beds will become a most important factor in modern progress. SOVIET PLAN CALENDAR MOSCOW. Nov. 26 A new calen dar with 72 weeks In the year, six weeks in the month and only five days in the week, has been drawn up nere. it is designed to nt tne non-stop, round-the-clock, five-day work week recently instituted in Russian Industry. The Academy of Science has gone over the project ed calendar and approved it. it has now, been referred for further study to the Council of People's Cmmlssaries, which corresponds to the ministerial councils In other nuntrifts of Europe. Saturdays and Sundays are .irnoiy aone away witn in tne new :alendar. There wiU be thirty days n each month and each day of the week wiU always fall upon the same days in each month. A bit of cal- culation reveals that this fixed cal- endar calls for only 360 days tn the year. This does not agree with the sun on its course, for Old Sol Insists upon taking 385 V days for his annual round, the fraction being enough to make an extra day every fourth year, calling for February 29 In western ca'pnrtnrsnnrt mVlno Leap Year, the delight of spinsters, It is decreed that these extra five days each year and the added 24 hours of lean years should be celebrated as holidays. '. TIATTI-.'Rn 1T1 RO ATS FOR THE SEASON j SES STuBS? ' Th'eiK t 1 lute, which was also said to be mlss- SKIDEGATE, Nov. 26. Captain lng. reached Seattle safely yestcr-Edenshaw is making his last trip dav. it is learned. fish buying this week as only a very , ev cohoes are beine caueht bv the trailers on account of the stormy weather and most of the trailers n; ave hauled up their boats for the THIS IS SERVICE A haughty lady had Just purchased a postage stamp. "Must I stick it on myself?" she asked. "No. no. madam." replied the clerk; "it will accomplish more lfj you suck it on your letter." ov tawa Citizen. Pacific Salvage Co.'s power ves- sel Salvage Princess. Capt. Frank Tyler, will live tomorrow for a trip to Jedway, Queen Charlotte Islands, with Ponsnllrfated Mlninc J& Smelting. Co. engineers. K.K.K.UsedIn i Greeting Lieut. Governor Alta. VERMIUON, Nov. 26: One of the features, wrhim nnlto intn. . . band-stand a. in the public park. The cross carried . the letters K.KJC in white on its three upper extremities It stood about three feet high and was painted red. The placing of the cross at this point of vantage was in line with he covering of the roadways in Ik. .1. Z i u jiuiui cuuutrj wun similar am are destroying the crosses without any qualms of conscience. They are nailed to tres. pqsts and driven In the ground and no ine knows 'hw they came to make oeir mysteiioivi animrance. Whether U-KJCK. If ,StV"h exists, had anything to do with -utting u? of those red markings ' is not known, but manv retard the whole thing as a clever advertising stunt on the part of the Klandonlad Kommunlty Klub. Kpinrr Atinnf 1 U DllIlK xiDUul Better Condition States' Finances WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. In rlew of the financial condition, it was decided yesterdr.- to tako steps v try to restore them to normal. The banks will lower the Interest rate In order to increase the purchasing powj of the people. The agricultural Interests are strongly behind the movement. Saw Bear With Deer In Mouth SKIDEQATE, Nov. 26. R. T. Wnrrl flnvirnTint Tplprnh Itnp- man reports thf wh' from Port Clements to TleU he saw a large black bear with a full grown deer in Its mouth. The bears also take many salmon, Two Halibuters Still Missing i Resolute Safe In Seattle; Anxiety i Expressed for Kanatak and 1 5ca Blro- , . rr . . I No word has yet been received of the American halibut boats Kana tak and Sea Bird, which were re ported missing yesterday, it was Considerable anxiety is express- ed for the safety or the Kan&tAk and Sea Bird. The United States coastguard service is now engaged in searching for the vessels. Scottish Hiinxot' Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Factory A DEAR FRIEND Tammas: "What do they mean by 'A Dear Friend' Sandyf" ' 8andy: "I dinna !cn. but the dearest friend I ever had was a man that was married three times. He cost me twa wreathes and thrpe Weddln' nrpspnts in xn-r (ears."