Tuesday. November 26, 1929 LAND ACT ol lor of Intention to Apply to mrrhaite Land in Th BtUtlno tand Recording Dl. .uion Land Recording District of Tiaph Creek, and eituate tn Mapla StouK i one halt roll north ol the ZZ. u channel ol the Taku River and .hriut ona roll In a North-eaeterly I rc. uon from the Junction of the t. laeauab nnd Taku Rlrere. Tit JioUc--thAV-MU. Jort. of Alice Arm BC. occupation Miner, Intend f.pnl for permlHm to purchase the f, i! "will described UDdij-.. , t.inmfencing at port planted one i t mile north of the Taku River .,:' nbout one mile in North-east ,r:v direction from the Junction of the vim i H"d Tulapquah Rivera; thence c, ,i) 20 chains: thence eaat 20 ',.,;uV thence North JO chalna; thence Y,',.m 20 cbalna and containing 40 !., more or lesa. NEIL, FORBES, Miner o! Alice Arm, D.C PaVd 6pteraber 23rd. H29. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leane Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dh'iict of Brltlah Columbia, and altu-ite between Low Water Mark on the K 'Mi Mde and Low Water Mark on south aide of Bkeena Rlrer oppoalte M'.e 2S 76 of Canadian National Rail v'iv E"t of Prince Rupert. lake notice that Northern Brltlah r : nubia Power Company. Limited ot I'.-nee Rupert, B.C., occupation Power t i inaion lntep'it to apply for a le , ,e ot the following dtaerlbed ..If t mmenelng at a poei planted 160 f. (iiitant. and In a aoutherly dl-r. ' n from centre line of Canadian , rial Ratlwaya, Mile 28.78 Eaat ot 1'- .. Rupert thenct South 9 deg. 4 Eaat 114 chalna more or leaa , . t W M . on South bank Skeena n v,r. thence Easterly along L.W.M. i , I'aina: thence North 9 deg. 40 mln. Wo-' 114 chalna, more or leaa to L.W. M on North bank of Bkeena River, .tie i ice Westerly along L.W.M. i .'i::m. more or leaa to point of com meiicemtnt and containing 35 acres, c. ro or leaa. NORTHERN BRTTIBH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED Per: Thorn aa D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 31at, 1929. NAVIOAIILE WATERS ACT" rilOTECTIOS R. B. C. Chapter 140. The Northern Jsrltuti Columbia p wer Company. Limited, of Prince li pert, hereby gltee notice that It . .- under Section 7 of the aald Act. , .-.teil with the Mlniatcr of Public W -i.' at Ottawa, and In the office ot - 9 District Reglatrar ot the. Land I'.. ..-rrv DUtrlct of Prince Rupert, at r- : ce Rupert, a deiertptton ot the t,-.e and the plana of a power trana-... . . n line proponed to be conatruc tc j r,n towera over the 8keena Rivet t M.le 28.78 Eaat ot Prince Rupert on :e Canadian National Railway. In ' : t of Lot No. WW. and Lot It, IL k 1 Rang 5, Coaat DUtrlct. Brl- ) Columbia. A d take notice that after the e. lira , on of one month from the date : n Northern British Columbia Fowet Q.:.anT. Limited, will, under Section t i I,, aald Act. apply to the Minuter t Public Works at hla office In City of Ottawa, for approval of the a f t and plana, and for leave to !;ju the aald power transmission . e DATED this 30th day of October. KXl. 1(129. THE NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWHR COMPANY LIMITED. By PATMORE & FULTON Solicitors for the Applicant. TENDfUS SEALED Tenders addressed to the idrraitnnt at Ottawa and endorsed .us envelope. "Tender for West Coast HydrogTaphlc Service i be received up to noon. November IBM, tor the Construction of a Mboat of principal duneualons as 's - v.n overall 100 feet 0 Inches, :.! on Main Deck 100 " 0 " .i:h over planklnt 10, " 0 ' ru extreme SI " 0 "i overalanklmr 4 " 0 i ' iiia. specifications, forma of oon-and schedule of wagea naf be tot:, nd forma of tender procured, on C'' -.iwa. or to the Agent of the De-i-.-incnt at Victoria and Prince RU-: BC. or the Chief Inspector cf; T -i.crie. Vancouver. B.C. Li'-n tender must be baaed atrlctiy f the Departmental Specifications a: ,: must be accompanied by an ac-' i :cd cheque on a chartered Canadian B eaual to ten per cent 110) of e wiKiie amount ot the tender, which iue wUI be forfcltsd should the cssful tenderer decline to enter Into mtract prepared by the Depart-Ktul or fall to complete the work c ' jifactorlly. Cheque aubmltted by V successful tenderers will be returned. Tenders without cheques 'wUl not be iilered. "tie Department dosa not bind It-K;r to accept th lowest or any tender. A. JOHNSTON. Deputy Minister. Department 0f uartn & FUberlea, Ottawa, October 23. 1829. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. LAM ACT Notice of Intention to Apply In Lease Land TAKK NOTIcsThat I, iajne Martin l3se of the following deacvibedMands nimenclng at a post planted at ' "i water mark and about two hundred and titty feet BZ. of ahore end f New Maaaett, B.C. wharf; thence In Westerly direction and parallel to j wharf to low water mark; thence N rth Weaterly to the wharf; thence Northerly along the wharf to high a'cr mark: thence along the ahore at 'i water mark to th point of commencement, and contiining two acre. Kre or leu. Dated at Maaaett, B.C.. thla 21st c1 ot October. 1829. at 12:05 AM. JAMES MARTIN. Try a Dally News want-ad. ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs, Sutherland Expert marcelling, finger and water waving. Face massage and scalp treatments. Phone 499 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 rilONE 22 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Chesterfield Suites, $170 to $250. with solid walnut mouldings and pillow arms. Dining Room Suites from $125 to $225. Solid oak and walnut. 15 Book Stands and Tables, solid walnut. Splendid gifts. Simmons Beds with felt mattress and coll spring. $27.00 complete. Blankets, pillows, all lines of bedding. Barrymore Carpets, all sizes. Linoleum and linoleum rugs, all sizes. Floor lamps and bridge lamps from Slim Congoleum special, 6x9 rug, $6.40; 74x9 rug, $750. ' Terms arranged. Phone 775 I .AND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to rurrhane Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dlitrlct of British Columbia, and altu ate on the South Bank of the Skrena Rlrer opposite Mile 28.76 of Canadian National Rallwaya. Eaat of Prince isae nonce inai norcue.ru nriuau Columbia Power Company, Limited, ot Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Power Corporation Intenda to apply for per-m la Ion to purchase the following de-Bertbed landa: s Commencing at a pent planted 130 ehatna diatant. and In a Southerly direction from centre llne-of Canadian National Rallwaya. Mile 28f78." Eaat ot Prince Rupert, on the 8otith bank ol Bkeena River; thence Soma' 10 chalna: thence Weat 10 chalna; thence North 10 cbalna: more or leu to High Water Mark: thence Eaaterly along H.W.M. 10 cbalna more or leaa to point ot commencement, and containing 10 tint publication of this notice Tor "leaa NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean. Agent. Dated Sepwmber Slat, 1929. , ; LAND ACT, Notice ef Intention to Apply to Purchase Land In the AUIn Land Recording Dlatrlct. and rituate at West Taku Arm of Twttsh Lake. , Tate notice tnat i, uo n. rr- x.. -r Iuii.mi.r9irM Atlln B.C.. occupation, mine "owner, intends to ap ply lor a purcnase oi me iwwui dracrlbed lands: . . OommenclDf at a post pianwa w mAm Allfh M HT1 JTlT.Chr BIT. Landlnt", thence west 0 chains: thence south 40 chains; tnence eaat m uhim, thence north 40 chalna and containing log acrea, more or iw. OTTO H. PARTRIDGE. Dated: September th. 1B3. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Laud Recording District of British Columbia, and altu-... nn th. south Bank of Skeena River, opposite Mile 38.79 on Canadian Nauonai Kauwsy. - '"Takf notice that Northern Brltlah rUiomsu Paver Oomnany. Limited of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Power .tin Inttrvla to aDClT tor a uT- of the following describee: ucation to the Department of f ' lUnda: . , ., and Fltneries. Marine wu, i commencing ai jv, ..".T" 120 chalna distant ano m wwuoij dlfectlon from centre line of Canadian NaUonal RaUway. oppoalte mUe 28.71 East of rrlnee Rupert, on the aouth tank of the Bkeena River, thence rr".. .h.itt mora or lest to Low Water Mark; thence Westerly along . , a rhtins: thence South S r,-?' n or leas to H.W.M. : rt, ..on, irW.M. to 4 ' commencement and containing two ''n WTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA " kiweh company. Limited Per- Thoma D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 3lst. 1929. WANTED WOMAN wants work by the hour or bythe day. Phone 239. (278) WANTED Hemstitching Mrs. .hH;?dJ??.aI8' at Wallace's. WANTED Job driving truck or other work. Phone Red 278. (275) $100 REWARD For The First Autobody, Fender and Ducolng graduate we have not already placed in a position. This highly paid modern trade offers unlimited opportunity; shops and men needed everywhere. Special low rates now on. Earn while you learn. Mail this ad and your name and address for further particulars. HEMPHILL AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, 1043 Pender Street West, Vancouver, B.C. JOUND FOUND Rosary. Apply Dally News offlce. FOUND Silver Maltese cross brooch with letters W. A. Apply uaiiy news umce. QUEEN CHARLOTTE- PORT CLEMENTS STAGE Meets all boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City to convey passengers to Port Clements, and meets southbound boats at Port Clements to receive passengers lor Queen Charlotte City. Fare $5.00, and in proportion to intermediate points. R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, B.C. THE ELECTRIC BAKERX . -The Store That Quality Built!" EAT ELECTRIC BREAD The Best There Is! P. O. BOX 416 PHONE 667 RADIO BICYCLES FURNITURE REPAIRS, PACKING AND CRATING TOM BALLINGER Sth Street, Phone Blue 625 II.J.ZUMKEIIR CHIMNEY SWEEP General Handy Man New Address at Red's Transfer PHONE 204 CLEARING & GRADING Concrete Foundations Tunnels and shaft in difficult ground a specialty. ' NELS ROKKJAR, CENTRAL HOTEL PHOTO FINISHING For Fine Photo Work Quick Returns Careful Flnishtnt WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHINGS 322 Third Avenue WE FRAME PICTURES THE MORROW'S "DEW" "How kind of you." said the girl, "to bring me those lovely flowers, they are so beautiful and fresh. I believe there Is some dew on them yet." "Yes," stammered the young man In great embarrassment, "but I am going to pay it off tomorrow." Humane Pleader. BRINGING UP FATHER cTRACIOOS. LOOK ATTMKTl rOMIrOG TO OOf? HOUSE THAT POG RILEY- OOC Of THO?tt "Tour ftp- oot with , S.tliw Ca. lull Ftslaw tmnM TUB DAILY KEW3 PAGE F1TB CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. FOR RENT KOIt RKNTFour room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone T.47. tf. FOR RENT Five-room suite, Summit Apts. Phone Blue 345. (W FOR RENT Double or single housekeeping rooms. Phone 427. (tf) FOR RENT Modern 5 roomed house on Bigger Place. Phone Green 378. (tf) FOR RENT Nicely furnished flat in Clapp Block, Apply Westen-haver Bros. (tf) FOR RENT Room, would suit two. Board If desired. Phone Oreen 727. (276) FOR RENT Furnished apartments ?, 4, and 5 rooms. Apply Mussallen Orocery. (tf FOR RENT Rrx.ii in comfortable home, for gentleman. Good location. Phone Oreen 344. (280) FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing mach- ines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern two and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. (tf) UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms. Suites for light housekeeping. Phone Black C9. (279) FOR SALE PIANO For sale. Phone Oreen 405. FOR SALE Nicely furnished five room house. Snap for $700. ply Messenger, Phone 131. (2771 FOR SALE Fishing; boat "Emblem No. 1." Engine 'Just overhauled; : with 1 ctimpieife fishing :g,ar. For particulars ' apply ypsett's Store. 1 ;', 1 . . (tf FOR SALE Chesterfield, china cabinet piano, dining room suite, bed complete, dressing table, small tables, etc Phone Oreen 403. FOR SALE Seine boat "Canadian Olrl." 45 feet by 12 foot beam. 20, h p. Frisco Standard engine. Equipped.' for halibut fishing. Vessel jised, for, ,mly ' two seasons iirid In.- Ai k omdition. Price $4500. Apph Wara, Elfetrlc and Marine Supply Company, Cow Bay. (tf A DOUBLE CORNER ON FIRST AVENUE Best apartment house or site In the city $1250. M. M. STEPHENS Si CO, LTD. Rental Loans Real Estate FOR SALE Launch, cabin cruiser. 38x9 ft 78 knots. Sleeps 4. Fully equipped gauer, lockers, modern convenience.!, electric lights. 15 HP. semlOieeel engine. First class con dition. Suitable lor patrol, hunting or pleasure. A real home on the water. Sound, seaworthy and reliable in every way. Will sell for $2,100 or trade for Improved city property. Terms If required. Ask us for demonstration. IE. G. HELGERSON, LTLX Phone 96 216 Sixth St. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or house hold goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. O. J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block BOATBUILDERS KlY BOATBUILDERS, COW BAY P. O. Box 719 Phone Red 415 Y. Suehlro, Cow Bay Boatbullder, P. O, Box 314 SALVAGE ANH TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains In Gas Engines. 'agents FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Phone, Day or NlgTit 564 P. O. Box 1561 ii CHIROPRACTIC SUNSHINE AND ULTRA VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS R. E. EVOLFSON, D.C. ANALYTE ADJUSTMENT INDICATOR SERVICE 623 Third Avenue West Blue 85 Phones Red 589 . W. C. ASPLNALL D.C. Chiropractor and" Violet Ray 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 241 Phones Black 283 SPRINGS Made and repaired for any kind of Auto or Truck. Prompt Service. Satisfaction guaranteed. Star Welding and Repair Works P.O. Box 764 Prince Rupert. B.C. LAND ACT Aotlce of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land RecorilnR Dlatrlct of British Columbia, and altu- j tte 'on the North bank ot Skeena Rlrer, near Mile 28.78 on Canadian National Railways, east of Prince Rupert. B.C. Take notice that Northern British Power Company, Limited of Prince Rupert, n.C, occupation Power Cor-poartlon Intend to apply for a lease of the following described landa: Commencing at a post planted about 50 ft. distant, and In a aoutherly direction from centre line of Canadian National RaUwaya. MUe 28.79 Eaat of Prince Rupert, on the north bank of Skeena River thence South 2 chalna, more or less, to Low Water Mark: thence Easterly along L.W.M. S chalna; thence North 2 chalna more or lesa to High Water Mark: thence Wea terly along H.W.M. 9 chains, more or ieaa to point oi commencement ana containing one acre, more or leas. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LIMITED. Per: Thomas D.' McLean, Agent. Dated September 21st. 1929. MINERAL ACT Heel Ion ZH Notice to Co-Partner Mineral - claim 6tar. nand, Bella, Aurora, situated at Lockeport, Queen Charlotte Islands. Owners Ross Morrison PMC P7189J C, R. Dunlop and H. It. McOoll. To all concerned, take notice that L Ross Morrison F.M.C. 871093 C. hat-Ing done all the work and paid all dues on th above Mineral Claim for the year ending Oct. 37th. 1939, without any work done or moneys paid by co-owners, R. Dunlop and II. H. McCell, Intend to apply within a period of 120 daya after first appearance ot thla notice, to the Mining Recorder, to ha? the Interest ot aald co-owners vested olety In myaelf. ROSS MORRISON, 361 Per J. L. Barge, Agent. .41'Xft '" Al CTIOV 8.1LE T'mber Sale X118C3 Advertisement There will be offered for aale at Public Auction, at noon oh the 18th day of January. 1930, in the office) of the District Forester at Prince Ru pert. B.C., the Licence XI 1863 to cut 2,437,000 T.BM. of Bpruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area attuated, on, tbe North Arm of Taaoo Ilarbar, 'Weat' Coast of Queen Charlotte Islands, Queen Charlstte lalanda Land District. Two (2) yeara will be allowed for removal ot timber. "Provided any one unable to attend tlM auction In person may may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated aa one bid." Further particular of the Chler Forester. VflttorJa, ISC. or Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. AlCTION SALE Timber Sale X11KC7 Advert ixetnent rvlM Prr.ru.Tn.re ' offered for sale at 0 . puMte Auotloq. at noon on the 18th Sand and Gravel, In any quantity. ! day of January, mo. in the office or delivered anywhere by water. ' tb District Forester at Prmse ru- ! pwi. . ine uoence ai imi, to cut 3,664.000 F.B.M. of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area attuated oh th North,, Arm. Taaoo ' Harbor, Coaat of Queen Charlotte. Queen Charlotte Islands Land DUtrlct. Two (2) years wtu be allowed for removal ot timber. "Prottded any one unable to . attend the auction m person may may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated sa one bid." Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B.C or District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C. AVCTIOX SALE Timber Hale X11KCI Advert luemrnt There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 18th day of January, 1930. In the office ot the District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C the .Licence XI 1804 to cut 3,830,000 PD M of Spruce, Hemlock and, .Cedar on an area situated on the North Arm. Tasoo Harbor. Weat Coaat of Queen Charlotte Inlands, Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Two (3) years will be allowed for removal ot timber. "Provided any one unable to attefid the auction in person may may submit tender to be bpened st the hour of auction, and treat-ad as one bid." x Further particulars of the . Chief Fcrecter. Victoria. B CU or District District ' Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lond In The Queen Charlotte Land District Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, nnd situate near Block 20, Hassett Towaaite. Take notice that Arthur Robertson and Eugene 21 Simpson of Maaaett. B.C., occupation Lumbermen .Intend to apolr for a lease of the followlne West ; described lands: commencing at a post planted at the S.E. Cor. Blk. 20 MasMtt Town- site; ttsenoa Westerly 10 chalna to Oof. Wharf; thence Southerly 4 Chalri running parallel to Oor. Wharf to Low Witter Mark; thence Easterly 10 chains; thence Northerly 4 chains, and containing 7 acres, more or leas ARTHUR ROBERTSON EUGENE HUMPHREY SIMPSON Dated Not. 13th. 1928. LUMBER lxG No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap 25.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 'Vxl&W.k Spruce Shiplap , $22.00 2x4 and 2xG, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 1 Common $25.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 2 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring-,- Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath. Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. 'BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head; Office, Sell Cove, Telephone, 361 Retail Yard, Cow Bay, Telephone 423 Gardner Diesel Engines PROVED The most satisfactory engine on the market and built in sizes to suit any size of boat. Semi-Diesel Type V T sizes 7 h.p. to 300 h.p. Full Diesel Type 1 sizes 54 h.p. to 300 h.p. FULL LINE OF SPARE ENGINE PARTS CARRIED IN STOCK At Vancouver and Prince Rupert We will be pleased to quote you prices and terms. Ward Electric and Marine Supply Co. COW RAY, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Fnrniturc for sale. Watch the classified columns. By George McManus HORTEW6E- TEuZ SIW fTTi j I I MUT UO'UTErJ Hti GOMt HE 6A1O S f ''.Z THACT MKJ AT THE rW -.III I. 1L TO MR- IF "TOD EVER me WANTED TO, GEE fife f j r ROslT DOOR . P , Kp VE-. ,MAVC THAT ROWCTV- tOoq WOThW r ffaW If ME ISNTOOMCiM Y Tr?irs. " ..ft. PUG" RlLET CALL. I J rfx I WROPERT J TfTTTl f O.OKJ-r WIUU BE ?,owJ . ' 1 '