lurda.n May 18,' Tiii; umh my& Local and ersonal News In Brief iMa& Time is Here , We have them In stock from the tiny Brownie to the Cine Kodak for movies. Come In and. gee them. We develop and print pictures. Daily gervlce; fma Ltd "77,, - . . . THIRD AVE. f, SIXTH ST TELEPHONE o, onrr - - -" - w w Fe Mannered Service to Motorists Hnr -"l '11 1 -'v-" Wo want to make friends and hold them. By courteous service we can win this. Let'ua take care of your gas, oil ana greasing needs. Guaranteed work. . We make afe&rtepmltv of punwn tiros .for . w ladirSt! -utfi 'help r? They Arc Good Tires 'S.E.RARKER . Limited iii ii h im n irmjA)p'iHii ini hi mi i FORI) DEALERS Typical ROUND TRIP FARES WINN'iran " MOSTKEAL. .tial. ntii Mio .. 9.i imihT'in . VlltONTO . . 1 HUW NMV VK M KIMOMI. CAI.OUlV 'a-' .'''. Irlanxje Tour tin ViiutM oiiirr mints frrriinllisi I-"' Full I'aNlcuiart. latr Nsl'i IJmlU. tic. CITY TICKET OFFICE m Tiintn avk viMr. - Canadian NfflQM in The listed Looking for a house? There arc some Daily News classified columns. 4 a Taxi Phoned, Bitf 4 Ta$d. tf I Dentist Dr. .T.iR'tiosse. 68C. ""!' Ihone j (J, A. McMillan, superintendent ojf the local dry dock, returned to the eity on the Prince -Rupert this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver on official business. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cameron, who have been enjoying a honeymoon trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, returned- .home on the Pr incest Royal yes terday afternoon. Leslie J. Martin, provincial manager of the Home Oil Distri- lilltnra T.tH arrivorl in I Via H.. An M of the fftc- Just Received! I A shipment of TRAVELLERS' SAMPLES from Master Me-jchanicM. Consoling of MEN'S. YOUTH'S AND HOYS' LONG TROUSERS . At my reduced prices, j Call and nee them. i Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE The Firm That Brought Eastern i'rlces to the West Try n Daily Newa want-ad. It will bring results. Suffered From Endigestlon Was Afraid To Eat Mrs. C. C. SmftV'wfll lonvn ihb Mm. E.1 Proul lAIULMil. fit- city on the Triiitfj Rupert this from Edmonton, mcJiirOBtioi Alt., writoi:-"I suffered afternoon for Stewart St. Andrews' Society Social I evening. Monday. May 20. Mem- ucio uuu wives, Auxiliary I husbands. Admission 25. and and wiiafrakl tn ut I suffered so after. A friend told urn now she usea to suffer with th ttyng.aTd;how. ha4 relieved her I took two bottles and I will never regret the day I did a I am hanny t sav I can now eat anything arvi not be bothered ,with indigestion after." t Manufacture! only by The T, Mil burn Co., Ltd., Toronto. Ont. Mrs. M. MftLean and daughter. . ,.,. ....... .. arrived in the- eltr on the Prin-'.'l' .1' in ljU,ndle ee Royal yterday frontf yancouve Mrs. McLea afternoon and sister, Mr. and Mrs. ! William ' Inglis. i I ' ' :. li. .l l. ' -i- I- , f Meeting wf..Auto Owners iij City Hall, Monday at 8 p.m. lj6 Ii. E. Allen, district forester Is expected 'to' return t,b the city next Wednesday from a trip' to the Ocean Falls district on of-j ticiai auties. InHlipf-iAl- nf 'R'ViAni'd It Fraser wil(. 'sad i' tonight on fj rrjnce jonn ior a trip to uueen Charlotte City and other Island points on official duties. Frank Waterhouse motoc ireignier waico, iormeriy Arran Firth, arrived In port last night and, after discharging cargo lo cally, proceeded north.' A new shipment of Nanaimof Wellington Coal And Beacon Harty v,pai, pas .148; arrive ior Aiom1 and McCaffefy" Ltd:' Phone yofif order now to 116 and 117, jvirs. t,, jiahn of smlthers, s, wn who has been on a trip to Vancouver,' were 'fidmehters' sailinir from arrived in the city from the south reTfor'a vUu Zih. here for Vancouver on the Prin-;n the Prince Rupert' this morn, n& Ce IaI ,a,t n4 proceede4 to the lnterior other inaw H. A, McLean, city engineer, -.I'.lViuiuii Dann, well known Stewart raining man, s a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert to Mrs. E Q. Osborne and daughter Miss Mlllicent Osborne R. N., of the Prince Rupert General by train. Mrs, D. Orchard of Smithers, who has been on a trip, south, ar. rrtuVnrfto ttoeVwtipSS boun4 north from Vancouver., rived in the. city on the Prince Itupert this morning from Van couver where he attended a recent Itatary Club convention. Mrs. McLean is remaining in the south for a while longer. i Rupert this morning from Van couver and proceeded to the in terior by train. Hospital nursing staff, left this j Inspector J. H. Johnson of the week for a' month's vacation trip'Quor Control Board, after spen-to Portland. I ding a couple of weeks in the city and district on official dut- Capt. S.;K. Otdy,' who has been ilea, sailed last night by the Car- on 0He ofthe utnern dur-'dena on his return tb Vancouver. the Prince Rupert this morning r v.i lug the raosit'of the"n4st winter. I opening ."the ponpany's new! J :Jfc. - - .J- the lfbl .ne vessel V station on waterfhrnt. , uhw V l1VS" Commbia arriwir I tl ;outhaVid procv?eeded by trairrto o e 1 ' ,1 j 1 Tn.MA i ...V. tMu tuiA v .:n will sail' tftnrtr'row night on the inspect some mining, properties. . i ... j;o ... . i'. rt.iL- n..i rrrnce iwiperrjor-victoria wnere IT.J'r'V they l:Hmm 'r'cBuDle of, Mr. and Mrs. ledrge -Ciccone, uiq tiuiwna u" Mnvuuvir ina :,. -, ...:i,u ... n n, , .. . . ,x vill nr.l 0 week-eiyl hee be- mM,D1-. ' : ''ayner w'' ! Jj'eraenis win sail lonigm .. ,r.. ....i ccomnahy Mrs. Walton south by the Prince John on their re- i'ic iBvrewuinij ii it ici lurr mi r: a-, it., . . i. .1.1 1 it. 1 i .. th trict PassecKers arfhing here: from 1 iiiicnuvor on ine rnnci'ss noyai yesterday afternoon included Mrs. Bdingcr, for Peace Ri ' - Air. and .vtrs. Madison and iwo sons, for Stewart, and C. K. Smal-lory, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cameron, C. K. Kendall and Mrs. M. McLean and daughter. Mrs. D. Yltn oi QallforriK and Richmond Mortimer, who is now in t'-( pervicc of the Canadian Bnnk of Commerce at Vancouver, arrived in the city on the I' c Uiit.-ert this mining from j the south for a visit : with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. 11. Mortimer. Their fnthc h bepn ill for some time with htrt trouble. R. F . McNaughtoti,' C.N.R. dl trict psenj!r-4gent, Jeft on this morning's train for Jisper.Park Whore he will attend rt' conference of pnssenger traffic officials of the western region. The meetings will le presided over by R. Creel-man of Winnipeg, passenger traf- I f ic manager, western region, and G. A. McNicholl of Vancouver, general passenger agent, will also be among those in attendance. Mr. McNanghton expects to return to the city toward the end of next week. ueen having ii1-'- made a trin to Anvox to attend "KMWfe'NTSrylan capl-j the wedding of Mrs. Ciccone's taiist, 'who s lnter?te In, log'tsister. - - . ( iring and mlnlrii' on the Queen1 J 'harltte Islands, arrived irj the- - Mils' PatriavGwr SJ. A., ' ! city on the' lrJnce Rupert this liugnter of'O: K.Gwer. district wnroinjf from Vancouver and will i engineer for the provincial de- procd to the Islands on thejpartment of public works, and Prince John tonight. Mrs. Gwyer, will sail this eve-j ning on the Prince John for. Horace A, Porter of St. John, Massett where she will take over N.B., supreme grand master of the duties of teacher in the pub-the atovefr Iffh great priory . of lie school. Canada, Knights, Templar, who Is i making a tour of the west, ar-l A. L. Gray, radio inspector for rived In the city on .the Prince the federal government, arrived Rupert this morning from Van-Mn the city yesterday from Vio-couvuv.jaad, w4l,pay an official -torta and will proceed this af-viait to Ki'ncolith Preceptory ternoon to Anj-ox . arid Stewart, here tonight. Mr. Porter will pro- He will be back here next Tues- eo' east on Monday morning's day and will spend wms time in rtinin., SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Beatty Electric 'Washers. In- the city checking up 'on local radio disturbances. - Rev. Father A. Vallleros O.-L ' I., lately of Smlthers, will sail , tonight on the Prince John for ; creased volume of business and port Clements and other Island more! efficient production enables points on ecclesiastical duties. In us to supply you with the B.T. nbout two weeks' time, he will re- VV'aaher at a startling reduced turn here and proceed to Tele-j price, on terms. Listen to our graph Creek where he will be ld- salesman's proposition when he entified with the staff of a new calU on you within the next few native industrial school which is v days. PARKIN AND WARD Local AgcnU ANNOUNCEMENTS 118: ; Moosehesrt , Ladies' bridge, whist and dance May 28, at 8:30 prompt- Birthday .T&a, Untcd Church Hall, May 30.. . ; Fast' Avor&Ji1 June 17 and li,' ' Fair Board", j Moose Annual Picnic at Digbyl June 30. i Gipgham Pane? to be held at; Pqpt Clemcnggrne, time in June. So bo prepared-buy a bowl K. of C. picnic, Sunday, July 14, Digby Island; , being established there by the , Roman Catholic Church.. IMPORTANT NOTICK Radio Inspector Gray arrives ; May 21. Persons having any radio i interference please notify Prince Rupert Radio Association at once. 1 C. (J. HAM, SECHpTARY. Business Phone 6, Res. Phone 587. 115 ' . i W.II I. LU li.J.1 -I 'Jl.l-J. 1 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY PELIViJRY Throughout the City. VALEIfflN DAIRY Telephone 657. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ;; -vJ .;; ' u rreacher,Rfiy,T,Uori4pneaJ3l,'A. s: Mornirjj? worship at U o'clock. Sermon subject, "TIIR GOOP FniUNP PARK IIQVRS." Sunday school at 10 oVck. . Evening service a.t 7;30. utiject, "DELIVERANCE FROM SELF-CONTEMPT." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science,. Society, ?15 Second Avenue This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, imujt "r T ; ( - . . -------- ... vV..uu, . tXitrm- ' UIQU-BALS, ANnjJ MORTALS." Testimony meetlrrg jft: ffiiiAtill! o'clock. The public Is cordially invjted. . CfVTAluV IS LATE' " , wiy prpably not arrive here be- fore early Monday morning in- R. ,M. Smith, local agent for stead of tomorrow afternoon as the Union Steamship Co., was ad-1 scheduled. The delay is under- vised today that the steamer stood to have been on account of Catala was twelve hours late in the vessel being taken nut of the leaving Vancouver on her pre- water at Vancouver for minor sent voyage north and. therefore, dock work. Vary your dinners with fish and. eggs ThAAy TXJ.lfi. Women often tU i If you want to know what a; great tne that thrir great- new field of cooking success awaiti you cu, uuciuiy w meal in, me oi c-unauon iviua, ceaa ior Dlannlns ti to ret Yarletrlnto the niin dlih, Itlteaiy nouah to build dinner, onca ww ha elected the meat, but It taktt thpucht to nt twsy from tne obvious round fif itaaka and chema and maita. Way not now and then lubetitut EanarejHW uy comMninceitfxrone wiin mux, you nave a cnih rlcn in food .Vllues-Hprotelna, mineral! and tIU-Eani, Tbere are any number of delectable ways In which these combinations may be made omelets of all sorts, creamed egg soufflea. creamed tuna, shrimp or lobster, scalloped oys-tars, salmon souffle, Too most hew a r diptndable milk mpply In any cooking that calli for milk. I never take chances, I use nothing but Carnation Milk. I know that it 11 the purest of high grade milk (rem selected berds. I know that it li rich In cream doubly so for it Is ersporsted to double thickness. I know that I will always find it sweet and good, no matter how large the quantity I have on hand, for It is sterilized for safe-keep-uu. I can count on Carnation always for delldous results ext crram-veWety E'Aj smoothneu ot texture, cdelicscy of flavor. The best informed domestic scientists agree that It is not only better In results than ordinary bottled milk, but tlat it is partlc-vkriy ecnnnmlcal free Cook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Ca Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C. Carnation Tuna Fish a la King . 3 tbsp. butter. H green pepper shred ded, 1 hard-cooked egg, H cup chopped mushrooms, 8 tbsp. flour. 1 cup Carnation Milk, 1 cup water, salt and pep per, IH cups tuna nsh, H cup peas. Saute green pepper and mushrooms in butter until tender (about 10 minutes). keeping covered. Kemove mushrooms ana pepper and blend flour with butter add Carnation diluted with water ana cook until mixture is thickened, stirring constantly. Place flaked tuna fish, peas, egg, mushrooms and pepper in double boiler; add sauce; cook over hot water 10 minutes. Serve in patty shells or on toast points. Serves 4 Lobster or shrimp may be used in place of tuna. Baktd EggM a la Carnafian IK tbsp. butter. M tbm flour. U tsp, salt, tsp. pepper, H cup Carnation Milk. K cup water, 4 to 6 eggs, buttered bread crumbs. Make whits sauce of butter, flour, seasonings and Carnation diluted with water. Pour into aliaUow baking dish, Cover sauce with eggs, tr-inc careful not to break yolks. Sprinkle buttered bread crumbs over top and bake in moderately alow (3Z5r.) oven untu eggs are nrm. uar-nish with paraley. The Best of Milk ' "j- 1 Predut! U Cam Carnation Milk is simp- ly pure, sweet whole milk, evaporated to double creaminess. Nothing is added; nothing removed but about half the water. Try this dependable, convenient,, economical milk. (See recipes above) Up jrom Contented Cows