PACE TVYO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited,! Tihird -Avenue DAILY EDITION II. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor," SUBSCRIPTION RATES 'oi Saturday, July 13 1929. . There s a difference between unison and harmony. We do hot have to do the same as other people in order that our work may fit in with 'the general scheme of things.' PUBLIC HEALTH "Just as fertility was the essential feature of the Egyptian culture; beauty the ideal of the Greek: and - C? --.w. . wjjwiiiuw ClllU LU be free from definite diagnosable diseases. Thev are be-crinniner to realize that health is n suits nroved disnnnointinc. One- ting in supplies and equipment. Pending the resumption of opera tions at Stewart, approximately $25,000, representing the funds the company has on hand, have been invested in a selected list of securities. Seat- A H Soil Spntilot T,nnl nip. 4her, Vancouver; C. W. Tourtel- Iotte, Vancouver; Reginald Beaumont, nn wpll nlpaxpd with thp rpsulta of present operations that visions of a a large, largn mill mm or ora i mill mill on on the ine rail- raii- " . - ----- ........ . (iiirtiiiB iJuo- i CPCCintl TVinv nfa Hmmlnninn. 1 ...Jtl. it- i 1 ....... . .v,,. xiivjf mc wtvciunug, a.uug vviwii uieir uroaaen- way conneciea wun xne mine Dyjing at at mg humanitarianism. an ideal of robust and vigorous an aerial tram suggested them-1 and : - health for every .member of their clan or race or nation." Ne,ves to them, a steady flow of which "T tlii'nWliaf u'f limit r 'I' high grade zinc and lead concen- lone rat time when an organized soW'tXZXZ which prides itself on being civilized will by reason of its mill, which may before long be humanitananism frankly adopt universal health as it's increased to a greater capacity, ideal. It wi'l come to understand that a government freeiTne unneIa at the mine are to be from tyranny is not enough, that education is not enoutrh conUnued and the mlne superin-that a high standard of living is not enough, that nothing ment is Mti;ufle,lVhl the ore in fact is enough unless there is xreA f n a J!:Li : ;lw 11 ru" r.!ght. th.r0UKh the moun- ... , " wv. w w.ip u tain ana tnat in due course opera- citizens who compose it every opportunity and everv en- tions will be from the south side couragement to maintain himself and herself in a trulv!0 the M"- There is also reason hlnlf kt. 1 XI i. 11 1 . . I . I . 1 ; At4 J.L . 1 l jn-cumy tuiniiuuii, aim mat tnOSC wnO iail tO (IO SO are in- 1 "eve l,liu a epm oi ai least frinirers of the Pnde nnrl tn tv loccnrl urUli 2000 feet will be secured on the malefactors veins and because of this decision . . People who think themselves better than others usuallv have a false conception of values. MORE CANADIANISM WANTED nas Deen macie xo si an aeveiop-mcnt on another level some distance down the hill the work to be started at. an early date. In the pYesent workings all the four tunnels are now in ore of good width and grade and all are connect d with raises. The stopes m iiwv ill nu un: uiv if nu; v vviii v I tATAVin T" r I .1. i f t . a Mtiuiw nines; iaown, ine mine Diinir in nerieci An anonvmoilS Writer in nn Pncatpm nnircnnnav Potfo!shtft to Veen the mill irolmr for he thinks Canadians who so forget their birthplace as to ,wo XMr At iu Pre8ent caPdty sell it for a few extra dolVs should be treated as immi- JK',! iTT'i ?enMniVthrnnthteiV COmG t0.-thei.r He W3S -S flSt a replying to another communication in which a native son manhole, skipway and -e shoot or this Dominion had said that the reason the Canadian- Meantime, the management is de-born 0 to the United States is themselves British subjects. He then proceeds with his reply: Well, I take it ypon myself to correct him. reason they went to the United States is because there were a few more cents an hour in the job. Nationality ui i K nau noming to ao witn it. it was the call of the dollar. Now times are slack over there thev beat it back here to God's country, and for all their big monev. they usually come back next to being broke and think thev should horn in on a job right away. It is vory little use wrantrling over the reasons why pome people always will think the eras is much greener i? e f'd a f(:w milcs awav than il is in one near to them. There is a stubbornness in human nature upon which even the mellowing influence of time appears to have little effect. But it does no harm to emphasize the outstanding fact that in this great country there is ample opportunity for many more millions than our present population to make a good livino-. It may be ttiaffor a time burger watres may be earned in. some of -thc-.higbly- industrialized areas of the neiehhorine republic than in pioneering work which eventualy will pay well in this country. Canadian vouth should learn to think more in terms of Canada and Canadianism. And in this regard the duty, m large measure, of directing the thoughts of vouth devolves upon our public men. It is onlv natural for boys and girls in their impressionable vears to absorb with all seriousness what their elders'tel! them. I Herman Landon ' Author of the GREEN SHADOW The most astonishing climax ever conceived by a writer of fiction 1 I How odd it is that tho.neonle who knpw nothinir wish I , f othRrs to recognize the fact, Had they " onlvthe wisdom 'US(Im ' Vlf ftoJ winbe published rl i the owl they'd learn to listen. co- THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, JU)V i News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Bay view to Operate at Stewart; Big Visions for SiN ver Cup; Geological Survey Active in District TT il. 1 fl 1j i .. . , i navmg recenuy aecmeu to aoanaon all operations on ' '"-v""' t,it; piueii,, near iNeisun, me i. aayview Mining , - j j , j .. For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 rQ wji novv cr)ncentrfltp onprntinn5 nn ltS ito rrtland Pnrtloml Pnml By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia. 1 , V ! f , 7u 4, paid in advance for yearly period , 3.00 ! P1 Perty Where, it IS Stated, the COnipany has every in-Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion L40 tention of proceeding with further development work, Transient advertising on front page, per Inch 2.80 operations' probably being resumed within the next few Local readers, per insertion, per line . . . 25 weeks. Considerable development has already been car- SKTSMTTS; ::::::::::::::::: i!'" pw. wfhidl lies "i,24 "g ur four Tnoninfl for. w w ? ujiuuv uu j.4 v C4i uutc lu ouui ... - - ------- - - . , s-seS'.ae p 1 , oo i By mail to all other countries, per year 7 . ... . .. . ... . 1 1. ,1. u n i n i n ni man wan oiner pans oi uriusn uoiumoia. tne British i5m-pire and United States, paid in advance, per ytar ..:....1.. 6.00 Contract rates un application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 5q uui laujr &uuu yiauc uic. mc wnuie, jiuwevei, me re- of the difficulties in connection its voting efforts to producing con- nrli h (Ini'iilnnmAnl a ihn foit4 that v.c,c.ujJ....t w.. centrates at the lowest possible of 5000 feet and that the present trail is rather dangerous. Efforts are being made to secure assistance from the government in the matter of trail improvements. It is proposed to spend only sufficient of the company's funds to Justify installation of a tramway. until such a tramway is m operation ' it will he-exnenslvp to oner- ate owing to the difficulty of get uruer inai OI tne yeoman, SO tne yellare Of the mass of i Shareholders and directors, in mankind is becoming the goal to which we are moving to-i eluding w. b. Dornberg, presi day, declared Dr. J. L. Bicrirar. nation.-!1 rnmrnissinriAr-ldent. dent. Vancouver: Vancouver: A. A. Lobe. Lobe. Seat of the Canadian Red Cross Society, to the nurses' convention at Montreal. Hi's wnrrls v -- ..w-v - ui. ciiiuiiaois, OlOWlV. VerV SIOWIV. hilt, still siirplv niiVil ,Win; i7 T J' S nvii mont capta Captain n P. P.' G. G. Groves Groves and and are ni.o instilling into the general mind of the people the J Fred McGregor. Vancouver, and Know.edge that many of their sufferings spring fromVanB. Smith, Vancouver, as well neglect of the simple laws of health," he said. "And very a M. A. Burbank of Prince Rujv slowly civilized people are beginning to realize that it islert' who recently visited the Sil- not not enouorh enoucrh to to OTiard frrmrn thpmsp1vp thpmsplvps no-ninct noroinct inf0ofr,0 infoofirtno nnA ori , ;yer Cup, near New Ha2elton, were cogt consistent with efficiency. With 21 now employed, the total staff connected with the Silver Cup mine and mill, where everything is now running to perfection, will be 40 men until such time as the new and larger development is undertaken. Road improvements are being' completed and concentrates are moving in gradually greater volumes to the railway for shipment to Trail smelter. Roy Guss fs now chief mechanic for the mine. The Geological Survey of Canada wil give particular attention in its operations this season to the eastern arid western margins of the Coast Ranee batholith. a great core of gcanitic rocks that extends the length of British Columbia and the Yukon and along the edges of which gold, silver copper, lead, line and other metals occur. Dr. F. A 'Kerr will conclude a tonoeraohical and geological exploration of a practi cally unknown and difficult region drained bv the Stikinp anH Iskut Rlvrtra, whfch appears to be a promising prospecting ground for deposits of lead. ilnc. slK-pr and other metals. R. Bartlett will continue topographical map-Ing Alice Arm in the Kitsault Illiance River districts Ir prospecting and mininir operations are active. Dr. Gpoi jrf Hanson will comolete detallp geological mapping at Alice An and an Investigation of the silver lead, zinc and copper bearing min eral occurrences. He has estab lished a camn on McGrath Moun tain for his party which consist largely of Unlv-sity of Britist Columbia students. Dr. Hanson with A. H. Lang, aho recentlr investigated a promising group of copper and gold bearing minern deposits near Owen Lake. II. W. M. Rolston has arranged for a renewal -of deve omnent m the Melvin Mining Co.'s prond ty at Stewart, where a situation of great promise was showed up lasi fall. The workings ami pamn n ' present are. only 1000 feet from those Installed by Premier on thr Prosperity and a continuation of the Prosperity and Porter-Idaho veins into the Melvin has been practically nroren. Snrnn wnrb will also be done on the Glacier Girl ground on the opposite side of Marmot valley. TRINCE GEORGE Mr. and Mrs. F. A. McCallnm left toward the end of last weok by motor for a month's holiday trip to Victoria and other coast cities. ' , The Prince George Hospital benefitted to the gxtent of $75 as a result of the raffle of 1 boudoir cushion which was work .ed by Mrs. A. J. Hurtubise of Central Fort George. The hospital ! nl I. ! . - J .1 1 . I . biou uciiciueu iiiruugn me rame of a bear rug donated by P Pavich. Tony Bellos. jockey at the eel jbration here last week, sustained painful thoiiirh not serious tn. jury when kicked Iri Jhe back by - Miss -Nan 'Cralg and Misa E! Milligan left last week for a vacation trin to the count VfUa I Milligan intends to visit in New ior ana elsewhere Jn the Eastern States and Canada. Col. Ooodwln lit Vancouver mm Visit to the local Salvation Anny Corps J over the week-end and conducted a j number -of special services. Mf. and Mrs. si. fl. .nrf family left yeiterdsy for Pouce Coupe ttftAM 1 ,. ...... ... ir, Morreii wm tssc over the duties of government agent for the Peace River section o the province. NURSES HEAR OF TRAINING OF CHILDREN MONTREAL, July 12: - From the day a child is born he begin to !earn to live Independently U he la to jrorw Into a 'being who It eourd menially and phyalcally, declared Winifred Rand, ot the Merrill Palmer School, Detroit, Mich., In addrwMin tie public, health ceetlon of the atxtli '.rlennlai eongreu ot the .International Council cX Nuriea today ' Taking as her subject "the study of th normal chUd as a preparation for public health nursing," the speaker said the woman who has been tratrwd In a hospital to oare for the atek la not equipped to be a public health uurse. Her training ahould be re jrdered that the nunc "may know what the mint Oare of children reaJly la and thereby be prepared to meec her great opportunity." ie said. "A mother, eonrlnosd that obedience la the criterion by which a child ;ocdneas Is judged and also probably convinced that her will (whether It be god or bad) should b he guld-og force In tfce ctUld's life, testa htm ut oontlnuoualy by Innumerable ommands," ahe said; "she does not ace the fact that tea child to a eaaonable being who must begin to earn to make scone derisions for ImieW If he l to be a satisfactory dult. She dees sot face the fact tbat he child is an Intelligent sod lnde-:endent being wbo la beginning to develop his own thinking powers and his own Initiative. Because ahe does tot fac theae facta arte- looks upon the hlld who does not come promptly to er bidding, who questions what la times an unreasonable demand, or wbo finally rebela at tfee coun clean rdeta be recelres in the course of the ay, as a child whose benartoua la un-atlafswtcry. The ebUd who slways leca aa he la told, who cerer ques-icna the direction no matter how un-eaaonsble, mt . never exprenea bis vHI la the child wbo Is called 'good.' r.d ye; is that ohlM really dewlaping raits wnien wii make him a actcry adult? Weak willed. luate. easily led. the prey for a: tie xno temptc nun, we find btei satl to nndemn him. District New fa 5 VANDERHOOF .. ,.. r . "The Women's Auxiliary ia the anadian legion held its month y meeting yesterday afternoon t the home of Mra. Eva. Mra. E. A. Tatchell of Victoria visiting here with Mr. and Irs. II. V. Taylor. John Edstrom sr. has been iUite ill of late, being under the are of Dr. W. Rom Stone. Dr. W. F. Schulte of Mapes las been shipping dairy atoek to 'artloa at Aleza Lake and Shel ey. Mrs. C. W. MeKelvoy and so.i, .illy, are spending a holiday at tuart iake. Mrs. Cecil Steele of Sraithers was here last week to attend the wedding of her slater, Miss Char otte Finnic Mr. and n. D a terns n of Prtnco 3eorge were vial tors In te)wn last week vrtn wrs. t. p. Calnoun and Mra. "Juy AverHI. Mrs. J. M. Johnston hM returned fWf . viaaung r. ir.rm ana ventres th Manitoba ino Amen. I. B. Sharp has t&ufrt'an acmae ind filed on land about e4ffil mM up xidge where he Intend to settle. The provincial mvernroent u midm or tendera for the alasaW avi rr,v. lng of Uie first twenty mllM at a. jnuea new read to tA Uuu, Treck mining area. NFW liAZiELTON The fikeena District Oentral Conaer. atlve Aasaelatkm wu nri4 . neetlng Uat Batirrday night In Haert-on when. In addition to mint iltai ,aUc from rarioua mrta-nf ti.r.i - c u sr( sag v, J. C. Bradv M P mh v " s m , UMHL rill, defeated csndldate In the recent provincial election, ware present. Mr Brady was the Drlneimtl tr.v i hlg convention U to be held In H.i. ton on October lo. PUum are being made for an enthusiastic reception to Hon. It. B. Bennett nnmlnlu. n.. amstlve leader, who wUl visit the dla. u h. v soon. Br. H. C. Wrlneh a4tenrii mectlnga at Prlno nrc. . branch of the British nninmhu i ca ASkoclatlen was fnrmi k... Doctors, all tb - - " i "Wt ss- UU vV fticunoe were In attendance. J. O. loacatt. rlllnv .n n. the Canadian National rtallways, left here on Tuesdav nleht tar num. t .w where he win be stationed for a tim. The Uasetton Hortleul again supplying nowem-1 IV the dfivtri can on naaalne train, nt v. r..i. National RaUwsyi. 'SHaMt. ' 4 r ANXIOUS ONE: "Now, in order to end l! this m, want you to give me a definite answer to this question marry me?" TELEPHONE OPERATOR: "N for Norman, K for l.u for Victor, E far Edwaf d. R. for I$obrt." --London ; BISHOPMAKES PROTEST AT A NEWS REPORT, creates deep Impression here. Radical vieun." themselves together a? ! of whatever government r power at Ottawa that V must be kpt Uritixh more British still." What He Said And then followed ' ranh which contained h. only reference to b- "The French in C anada, Declare ii i . it He HasGreot it n , Admiration u i 4I Mendiy to British for l rench-Canadian Uon have gained ..., 1 eople ' country by putting the i : ;the French people first u VERNON, B.C., July 13. interests second. If w. Cacernd because he was report- wise fr Britixh in1 ed by an eastern newspaper as eonW yet save the siV.iu having criticized the French Ca- uadian race, the Diahop of Koote- , T" 'y ' a very nay, Rt. Rev. Dr. A. J. Doull, ' i,onibb1' There m has issued the following statement afeeut Paeh influcn. e to the Canadian Press: ijurious to Canada. I n . I have been greatly surprised ' f."!!? an ! o; that a short paragraph " of my .fone ' f" ore 1 ordinated .JL :. to racial int. has been ' ht 1" magnified and distorted f" hv ,. nm'.n,n.n Ir. ...t.rn to "t,''n tM tide f f I Canada as an attack upon French influence in Canada. Thu in a leading Montreal journal I read: "Bishop Dooll Sees Quebec Control in Canada Inlurinna " "Ho. gratinn if only Knirli -h CanailanK united on 'n luextion. I do not sure the French for v.-friendfv to Hritwh inmir oindniT that n,tii :..i. honor rionor th them for putt i ng ; hr vr fn rnn,i. nr,.i th.t Ai r-U- " ir race Nrst and u Ulans shduld unite to counter-act ,BtrMU t any nol.tical her Infhience. Rt. Rev. A. J. ' u,81. mo,re nx'"u Dooll, Bishop of Kootenay,.HTm ,n Canada sh-, atartled the twentieth session of tf,e a"" example the diocesan aynod." ,elua1lly ke!n to ma,,1,; In another prominent publlca- !"lals' Paing a simjl . Hon I find the following: "Verbal ;Vhe" m wLorl" are r' 1 LomUhell thrown hv Potion with the cntrx rtrltlelsm nf Pranh i ('j. having reference onlv tn VIiiiii wa a vmvii aaa VIIU4 . mm . !Jt ' ject of foreign immiK shall surely have the sym All the above, similar heading fair minded persons and paragraph, is purely the " u""'y misrepresented worK oi me representatives or the The mischief whi- b m press. It cornea ai a greater bonrb-: papers hav done canno: shell to mvself tMn It can tn nv. idnnc. for nnl lurmn one else. I nevet wrote or utter-; this exnlanatlon for e.t cd one word to justify such state- sand person who read t h.: ments. These are th farta: I was iIm). itlC with thp anhlert nf Immlnr.. tion and inlnrinir the fart hni the tide of fnrtlirn Immlirratlnn U increasing even in British Columbia, wWcfi will soon be British only In name unless something li uone iiuicKiy to increase me num-, ber of British settlers. I sug- eaatud aa a runvoilv that VnirlliK- speaKing uanaaians should make the maintenance of the British f :i tlon of my words as given tain newspapers, but all v - . me will reallte that I am ? incapable of aying o:a v against French people, t r u I have the greatest a!m. -and amongat whom I r many friends. VICTORIA MAN IUKS VICTOHIA. July IB: -6tn V charactpr nf CnnxAn null.. nf hwt atuck, Mark Orshani .,,r., .... .7 Identified with public affair problem that I can see is that all English speaking neonle throuirh-' out the Dominion should band MELLO.' MIKE! . a a I r".-- s a a a If tiiiu- v;uwKiN o L i (' Trv n Dailv Nerva WAN"1" An ATTTR TELLING 1HL . GIRL NOU MET AT. " .M X MILLIONAIRE'S SC VOU MT A FRIENO 'mm "