tf ( RAILWAY OPENS IN THE SPRING LiVfly Freight and Passengers Will (Vet Through In Fall but Golden Spike Later ' o :ifM in noithrn Manitoba -ummer seriously delayed : ion of the line. Just 3 j'tno men are employed on '.:01a 'ting, which has been Img steadily. Steamers arc -At. mg in supplies for the de- icij'mrotitf.lhe.pest VJUnuru4 BRITISH MUSIC Arrangements Made to He-broad cast Concerts From Old r,.l Country FDMONTON PLANS In other preliminary century, races, Claude Hracey of Texas, Eddie Tolan. the midnight express of the University of Michigan, American champion, and Milton . Maurer of Los Angeles qualified. These six meet today in the final. Ten thousand spectators cheer-' d Williams' victory and his remarkable feat in equalling the record on a track an inch deep in ; T! AW A. July 13. -While the, dut i , i,l opening of the Hudson: Williams withdrew from the 220-Ilailway will not take place yard event to save himself for to-m tt npring when the golden May s He ran as anchor will be drive, it Is expected man in the relay against the all- American tewn, the tetter wm- i freight and panger may arn. d over the line this n'"K- nccris stageu u, 8Chool building and wouiu operate day .adi-astinir Comnany. it was . th the n resent ! here by John Hurkholder, buirdnOT) . in addition, Superin- Iliplane Angeleno Heath Former Record for Endurance by Several Days CULVER CITY, Cal., July in. After 210 hours 48 minutes in the air the biplane Angeleno piloted liy L. W. Men Jell and K. I'. Itcinchart landed at 2:15 yesterday afternoon. The former rrrnrd was under 175 hours. DISESTABLISHMENT OF CHURCH IN ENGLAND IS HINTED BY ARCHBISHOP liONDON. July 13 The Archbishop of York, who c-nca neat In autVjrlty in the Church of England to the Arah-bluhcp o( Canterbury, hinted thai the chu"ch m'ght ha Ui ask f' r rilaeatab llhiieiit fri the aiai In ordr to aecure change whlrh It dealred In Ha 1 oontltutlon . An Inquiry will be held and If that la Ineffectual other action will fi.Uiw T RAILWAY ENGINEER r n n rniirATmw FOR EDUCATION died at port hsney i i t id iion to the material taken Two Million Must He Spent Soon, WlUtem n he frozen muskeg early in is : -,g before ballasting com r. 3 Says Superinlendent McKee EDMONTON. July 13. Ex- yeara of age. pioneer rail way official, died yeaterday at Port Hanef, B C He aerved 40 yeara with the Canadian Pacific Utterly aa real benditure by the wople of Edmon- oeut enslneer at Vanoouver ginecr tor vue tendent McKea urges use w mfi N VNa . I IIVV ,( Telegraphs. j ast will be over a : r lok-up on October 1 EMLWlKMENT NOTICE GREEN SHADOW rights for this 1 HO IIIP- 4 laakn aa IlllllOinK W.S - CASUALIH LIST FROM FIRE REACHES FIFTEEN UU.INGHAM. England, July '" The number of dead in the r l ire disaster Thursday night -i' hi d 15 this morning with the di 'ti of Ronald Mitchell, a Mi and Mra A. J. Landaater in- i tm enaacement of their daugh- M'lorle laobel Arch to Mr. Fxiward TJin. smith, eldeat son of Mr. D. e 5m ,h and the late Mra. Bmlth for- to of runca Rupert, now realdlng MYSTERYSOON Fiction Story to Hegln In The Dally Newa on or About July 22 'Tl.e Oreen Srinilnvv n mvatprv housing the school board offices and officials. MISS LANCASTER'S Th. ninUa of Mlaa Marlorle Inca ir aaklna- iha Toronto ConaerratrryJ examlnatlea tor phrno. hat reoaavtal reauiu a follow": rata? D)M, full grade elementary honors. Bthei MooMtaotlM. full grade elementary honors. Norma Archie, full trade tomeuUry pa. Katnenrw :i take place In Bt Andrews Oath-; ductory Jwno m Auguat 10. PUPILS SUCCESSFUL - live Piano Wudenla Tuke lliir Toronto fonervatry of Mulc Eaamlnatlona Baker, full graale Intro- and Ne! ton of between $1,800,000 and aoo $2,000,000 on high school building NO ACTION TAKEN a1 rtort nresented to a meet-: OTTAWA. Julv IS. In the 1 VlV vilrtllfinu ing 0f the school management absence of Finance Minister Robb Irommittee of the Edmonton pub- i west it is improbable that lie school board. Canada will take any action in re- i Other high lights in the report Spct to the pronouncement of ! nrU-rwato construction of a central rtrfHah ehancellor of the ex- ' school plant located east of the chequer, Hon. Philip Snowden, 1 nMni VlrtArin hiifh school, and noalnat Fmnli nrpfprpntlal VANr oUVPIl. July 13. The , aoproximately $1,000,000 Urlff,. It is possible, however, adun National Hallways nas ... , woujd consiat of an the matter be discussed - , inin pivtliv t nwutw -w .hat lllUk KUV matin may v " " ai rangemenU to re-broaa- acaderac building and technical when the cabinet meets on Tues- WANT SUNDAYS OFF Ormplalnta have been made to the Dally Kewa that the men on the anag-mow are all compelled to work on Sundays and do not have a day off during the week to make up tor It. la underatood It is ciaimea, inai dci- tar work can be done Bundaya when In the naning ocaia are oil vne nra nut tf the Sunday are teaen tne men think they etaauld hare another day oft to make up for It. DR. H. R. GRANT WILL VISIT CITY SOON Dr. H. 11. Grant of Fort Wil liam, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian Church In this city, is expected here soon to visit with friends. He has been staying with Itoele Cox, achool grade Introductory .. d.ut,hle, Mrs. It. A. Harlow, honora jnnr- . . ' .-at PVtrfre George, and is due at The reaulU Owllym HughO later. ox wniea "niw -.m - . , lnjm, .aii - i I frrnri1 lu vinu nun imi a an LADY CELEBRATES HER 102ND BIRTHDAY BY A RIDE IN AN AIRPLANE DO Ml WON f la. Mrs 'f ' ' III, it, UIIULTV liu liuui uitiv ITY, Mn., July Thnmns HalliirgHl cel- come on to Prince uupert OPIUM HAUL AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVEIt. July 13: -Plfty Una ol ebrated her 102nd b rthtiay yes- opium wa louun -oy w """"" , . i i. lv,. .1 Victoria In a aultnaae which ll. O. Dulaniont, a member o; the nrew of the Emnreaa of Ruaala has been ori.rH f- ft, iiaiw i planned another inter. i carrying aahore. it waa reported Ktws and 7f ,:.T ".I .r"u.,7.; Yi Mrs. Ilall ngH came irom ocwv- thli mornlng. 'omnleierl ' land to Quebec In 1811 on n sun-, 0lser aearched the barber a room 'and fouivd tlx additional lliw of nar- il. shin. Thia Ihis i. Is theflrst i t .t . inir ,nK time the paper cot) the total aenwre eing valuod aucmniaid to publish a con- n.m ihu ust is tkiixia . m.roo. inuea story. Mystery stories are The man disclaimed knowledge of Jhe Voguo just now, so the paper toiifjian rerala, July 13: At leaat the opium which waa hidden under old '" fight Ine line With the fashion',,, pcraona were killed and aeveral clothes In the aultcaae which he waa 01 the dnv i ,i- ..... m fin,!, foiinwins camini aahore for somebody, whoee Watch for the opening chapter, a cloudburst .at Tndri. Thumdny. , nam,, wa not revealed. POLE DRIVE PROCEEDING About 45,000 Coming fown River from llanaon t'anipa to (lading Point j The main drive of polea from the Hanson Timber it Lumber Co- along the Bkeena Rlrer got 'tinder way early thla week and although the water waa a little higher thai waa required for idea; conditions, the operation opened 'flth auoora, this drt being the larg-; eat of the fleeson. The company eetl-mated that about 41 00 polea will oome down the river, M which 30.000 will be caught at thet new boom at Nah when th eb-woi, there ,wUl be drawn and h rrm fig U.000 allowed to go on down to the aaaembly yarj at Cedarvale. The drVe require a larg-; number 'of men ffer the ahort time :t la under way. V - WHEAT-PRICES ARE AVIATING WINNIPEG July 13 the prov'nre to the number of 2500 Smithers gathero-l "en. In Qie afterrtoon members of the order paraded, after which the afternoon spent in sports. p,000 BAIL Ml m RA mi 07J0NES Hie Sur'tv lrnandpd for Anneir ance of Smither Youth at'As-1 sizes Here on'ManslaUghter- ' Charge Bail In th sum of $10,000 fs being raised at Smithers for David Lewis Jones, youth of that town, who was committed for trial there trial at the fall session of the su preme court assizes here. RACE ACROSS N. ATLANTIC French and lollh I'lanra Left Thla Morning For Nrw Vork LE ItOt'KdF.T. frame, July 13: The flrnt grrat rare by air uto the North Atlantlr I under way today with two Polish aviator and two French flyrra roniprtlng for flrat honors The Voir. Ludnlk Idzlknwkkl and Oa.inlr Kubala took off at 4.17 a.m. In a email Am lot eul plane In an attempt to rrarh New Vork. The Frriirnmrn. lllnidonn- Ctate with Mrrhanlr Janiura llrllonte lik elf 43 minium lalrr In a plan. rhrUlrnrd the qurntlon mark "1" . MEDICAL MEN OF PRINCE GEORGE DISTRICT HOLD MEETING AND ORGANIZE PRINCE GEORGE. July 18. Medical men of the district this PiirtVr renorti urtr non,lo.l tv,a u. lr nt the wheat market no. . n'5 J !nn" L tJle C!OSat the ward aealr. fxlae. Julr hni moiurf home Of II 3 13 er mday'a close BATTLE OF BOYNE IS CELEBRATED NANAIMO b. Trcfry decided to organite, the following officers being chosen: Provident Dr. E. L. Lyon. Vice-president Dr. G. Baker. Secretary - treasurer Dr. C. Ewart. Executive Dr. J. Steele and 'Dr If. S. Teljry. NANAIMO. July lfy -The anni- Others prrsenf. at the gathering verssry of the Datlfe of the Boyne weie Dr. W. ft. S onn of Vnder-was celebrated here yescrdav hoof. Dr. H. C. Wrinch of Hazel- whn nningemen from all pHs of ton, and Dr. C. H. JIankin of STRIKE UKF.IY Pilot Gilbert and Airplane Now at Stewart to Survey Route to t Terrace Commencing Next Week VANCOUVER, July 13. The contract for the aerial survey of the proposed Prince Rupert-Terrace highway has been let bv the provincial government to tne western Canada Airways, Limited. The start on the photography work will probably be made next week by Pilot Walter Gilbert, now engaged in carrying freight from Stewart to Bowser Lake. Gilbert went north about a week ago under contract with the Northern Prospectors' Syndicate, which has a large group of claims at Bowser Lake which are to be de-veloncd this summer. The explorer went on to deal with the attitude taken by other centres and sections In Canada toward the north, stating that it was I TOMORROW'S TIDES IFF Boston Grill SUNDAY, JI,Y 14 r LARGE CAHABET mxm I X'VaaaaV I IBi taaaal 1 I aaa 1 X' nth Hi .m, IS. 6 ft. Special Dinners Thuradays and Saturday 0:03 p.m. IR.t ft. Dancing Erery Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Low 1t29 a.m. 1.3 ft. 13:23 p.m. 7.8 ft. Acoommodationa for Private Parties 11IONE 457 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XX . No. 161. Vol 1'KINCE RUPERT, H.C., SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1929. PRICE FIVE CENTS Percy Williams Equalled the World Record For 100 Yards on Soft Track at Vancouver Br? Final This Afternoon in Athletic Carnival at Vancou- 4 ! 4 r l l r n. i! i YiT iKuiusi. urcai nunnurs 01 oniineni j VANCOUVER, July 13. Running on a soft dirt track' at Hastings Park, Percy Wiliams, Olympic champion and idol of Canada, equa!led the world's accepted 100-yard dash record of 9 3-5 seconds yesterday in the British Columbia mid-summer athletic carnival to prove he is one of the greatest sprinters on earth. Running in the preliminary heat, Williams breasted the tape a full yard ahead of Frank Wyckoff, the California flash, and Johnny FltzDatrick of Hamilton came .'third. WAS IN AIR FOR TEN DAYS- Counsel Asks Dismissal of Four United States' Fishing Vessels Seized Goose Harbor Anchorage i .,, VICTORIA, July 13. Claiming that four United States fishing boats, the Tacora, Jeannette, the We and t the -May, were lawfully within Canadian waters by the rights under international law and under the convention between Great Britain and the United States, William Savage, counsel for the owners, sought dismissal of condemnation proceedings in the admiralty court yesterday. The four ships were seized by the cruiser Malaspina on May 6 in Goose Harbor anchorage. I "I regard the four American ships as being of a friendly nation seeking our shores under NORTH IS NOT SO VERY COLD Famou Eiplorer Tells of His Investigating and Sees Future Development statements made by Vilhjnlmur tef mason, Canadian explorer of he arctic, who spoke at the H!Jtutuqua gathering here on The Friendly Arctic." In op-ning his address, Mr. Sref-nnsson stated that many persons had misconceptions concerning the far north which he would endea-j vor to dispel . At one time he had believed much of the story told, but on investigation for him- aelf had discovered the trutn. I AT TATPI A ATTi At the north pole the. extreme necessitous circumstances, believing Canada would tender them an international courtesy," coun-jsel declared. He claimed that evidence had failed to connect the seized ships with any overt act which contravened the laws of Canada or the treaties. "These L. I 4 I I Aracr can seuiircn vugm nui.u in: here at the present time anq would not be if trey had been tendered proper Canadian courtesy ana Iheen warned of their nosition. I i i i. I .i EDMONTON. July 13.-That I w" '"J""' ."tu. Z. ! 'he north pole wo. not nearly as ' i,,08n "lo uoose yarned a ; to i..jrT eave or SivJ aiked S Ttn to oM was universally believed and that the northern portions of ;P r'"! in " n"l Cana Canada would some dy be of great value to the world, were icaue of their presence dian waters," Mr. Savage de clared. Argument by counsel for the crown will be submitted Monday morning. GYPSY VAMP IS Oot IURIN COURT I irpttin w va v ai, i . v-o a v r i in this was met with throughout the, sdmOnton, July U: Rose Demur. Cotton Workers Resist Attempt Dominion and even on the Inter- gypay gin wit a tooth -nrh ad smile i.. I ....... iv,u fw.i. nntinnnl Knrrlpr llo enntraaieiea and laselnatinff waya wnien are ai Twelve Per Cent that they were not stunted and JTlt ine Hm f- -4 - .1 1 1 4 U MAll,AJa A any compromise unless tne min ister of labor intervenes. Away. With Part of Boll of Bills I'rom Edmonton lunk, lalng . JSmHe aa Weapon stories about the Eskimos, stating l'tml to have nearly apelied dlaaattr MANCHESTER, July 13. A w,e, T! .' .tT " big lockout in the cotton manu- clv',,iaol ? "llV. "'Za ' fscturing industry, possibly af- "- ol.ei ,rilM half million U " TM S"1." fS,itahI fectlng a workers. 1 for expected to result from a decision mo"V J'ilv '.t.- -fMt .t, feed for caribou, reindeer, musk- the ianz or aionireai rtctnui. in remanded lor trial 1 b to B. McLaod In the, a charge of rtealU tilt Vffl let rate oeorga lice court on from the bank. ; t Rce. tfte erawh alleged, went Into the bank and exhibited her now fa- i ,.v.... ...,.v .nj in thn iret r. and mou amlle. and then kcd for onanse this week on a charge of man- spinners to enforce a reduction rr ' thl' rctJc Drairie9 ln surrurier for a t dollar mil. while chinge slaughter following a recent auto- 12.82 per cent in wages on July ,VMeL earta 8 of 1 brilliantly t)r,lllanuy md , ttovn mobile fatality. Jones will take 29. There seems little hope of , we,rej rn'nrd f lowers. "I1 wandered around to the which la Bo-man a-land, or ladlea either, aa far aa the general public ta concerned. Whllt being ahooed out Rose went uer to the vault and playfully twla- ted the dlala unUl the tetter came to jealousy and fear of loss that was , the reeue. And then Reee beat the lesnonslble for the antagonism to- 'bak to hie ca aad waa ithumWng through a roll of bills oon- its development. w-rds The addresi ?wm concluded by a! taWtt, .MOO before th. teUer anahed . 1 - r "n. large numoer ui i""UJ" ","";'l''5 Rc cu various aspects ui mc nrrtlc. toirether with many scenes 'of splendor and grandeur. NAVAL CADETS GO INTO CAMP .... . ... . , , n t l. weather weaaner Wda om fair to w e "- Thf wnrk to bo done bv ut bert between rnnce nupen, m.w camnin. pieaaant. They wui be o,l Torrnon io fnr tVio niirnnsn nf rlpeiflint? onCO for all if .m charge of Petty Officer Instructor there is another possible route to the interior besides Ihe j Youa' Rf : . Skeena gorge and if so whether it is a better one than thatoirif t rrt TAim along the river. The survey will be a valuable one in MLlEU rUUU view of possible future developments m the district. FOREIGN MINISTER REMANDED A WEEK IS BEING GUARDED j ON FORGERY CHARGE LONDON. July 13. Heavy Stephen Kelt'os has been rearmed guards were placed around rr.andcd for eight -dam 'by Stlpen- The Nwval cadets are glng out their annual camp at ShawaUana In charge of Lieutenant Rlanoe. The lada arc gol"S on I". W. Allen1 boat Coll ier. D. O. Stuarfa Taeekwa ana jac DiddVe'a On Time. I Thla la an event to which many of tbeleda look forward eagerly and the the kind that "iui WHEN JEALOUS. of the bank and that waa the end of that for the time being. Borne nours later the teller discovered halo of the MIU mlastug. and Rose waa picked up In Edmonton charged with the theft. Two of the Oyyay hand of which Rote la one c tbe tr members, were discharged I rem ohargea ef having pov ason of atottn goods, to wit: aorne it the 1419. when the crown offered no ev.dence. Bo now Rote and her amlle tnuat go up to the big court ! all alone. ' BaU of 1400 waa aupt4M after abe to was remanded. BUCHANAN BOYS TO VISIT cin SOON of 53 Will He Making Alaska Trip Late This Month With Aid or Detroit Coal Magnate the residence of Arthur Hender-. diary Magistrate E. T. Kenney at in he whw lh, WM rtavint. Joe tho trip to Alaska. son, foreign minister In tho Labor Terrace on a charge of uttering AjutUey. 3 yeara f age. a ertppied GovernmcTit, after what thd police i forged ilocument. Keltos, who ts quarter breed Indian killed the girt as nrobablo attempts a fnrplirner. is charred with having with an ana yaatarxlay. He. gave him u do him harm. EDMONTON POPULATION ESTIMATED AT 73,000 EDMONTON. July IJ: Edmonton'a preaent population la about 73.000. according to unofficial ratlmatea which emanated frtun the rlty hall. passed on L. G. Skinner, Copper City merchant, a check for $50.50. of which, it is alleged, he camo illegally Into possession. Kcltos was arrested by Provincial Constable H. L. McKenney of Terrace after the check had been presented at the Hank of Montreal branch at Terrace. The check had been ordered stopped as it had been intercepted In delivery to the rightful payee. Fifty-three boys from all parts of the United States making a trip to Alaska with the assistance of George E. IluchanarL Detroit coal magnate, will be in the city aboard aUa aaM.n.w.Aea 1 aa 2 M tt naa T t JA n Ijuly 26 bound for Alaska. They Qiiartrr Hrerd Indian Nlalirl Every- will go into the Atlln district and ImmIj in sight inriuding (iiri pass through here again south-iir ird I bound on the Princess Charlotte . . on August 7. Dr. and Mrs. G. mount VTOKW wart... . Manchester of New Westmin- Amrered when Virginia Ray. a white ... ,i, nn loved, refused to leave the farm f"r ..., eelf up to the police at Btanwood aay- ing "They robbed me. The dead are Mee Henry. 80. pioneer Skagit county aettler In whoae home the tragedy occurred; Oeorge Stump. 4 of Everett. Waah., and Vlr. glnta Ray. 34. of RelUngham. May Hoffman. 36, to In the hoapltal with I head and arm alaahed. Scottish Humor Imported direct Aberdeen Joke from he Factory AN OPTIMIST "I nay, Dataatd, wo an aptlmMT" Donald: "An eoUanltt Saa4y, is a Thla afternoon 'a train, due from the man who buys an artiel fae a Jew In eaat at 3:80. waa reported thla morn- the hope o' aetlin "at to an Abeeatonlaa ir to be on time. at a profit." '.i V: